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February 21, 1923 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-21

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ni in arntime. The Washington. teamn is mak-; Lutherans. Episcopals drew a bye ink iseun. The freshmen played Superior' R1T35nfl n I pom
-- ing a tour through the east and will this round. Ihockey thrroughout the gamie and were L~ Kelly, a
Vi U lI~ V I~ f~ [ Smeet i ad tinto Mchgan, Yale, !--- never in danger of being' overtaken.:AKS eain
FoeaosInwnolleadNIU m u ing:i
Tto t FOmDAkeIN Eat bid for the national olleg-t16. i3.0No murpi l partientO vil be able tc that are not participating, fraternity
atdimntiethssinad kdcear its ookls. Time is pressing the hockey has not proved to be as pop- Wrslns aigis lc n i 'and "T
it to.he-coat>chamionshi which iocials because of thle rapid a)- 3lar n proportion as intercass hock- ! is r~nkn
Ctui1 'F~eed VIfi itlih'mfi Bie1ntii.1fr especially now andI any man wvho wen last year. The team is c.omposed lpr~oacing o spring and its abundant ley. campus as an organized Varsity sprt.I
51trdnI Srese~for esOns 'ha .arny tablni a'all will 1he a XVlfm^ lO iost entrely o veterans. rogram.,lin o e to complete the I eta Theta Pi, Delta Gui, Theta Del-Sofrtiymehaeeptdto______
ui~~~~~~~~~~~~Sofrtit men have reophorud.Tetediysceulsl~irei gt towamthI
in_____ ;ddiio totChial. and Phity c Gamma Delta t etsto hamvee o hiaacPh inimP eltchve Cafor instructnsrucio.ii'n..
~~tutor is wur~ing nowy with one rman ' ~Independent league will get under- iwon their games in the first round and vobi ee ithabfr u h fa rr t'9S'mTea~a et vr a xet
# t( n 1IIL 1 VNVERiPStY 'wohakee itde efr . ho f5 5L~ ~ I way at $6 o'clock, riday night. Sche- are looking eagerly forward to the Tesudmeseeydyec
WIv LMl =1T41 volt; 6 E1_6 has the idteal Iwirer's physique anid is ! tile for the flist rundelis as follows: net round which will be played the Saturay, for Instruction and Ira'ctT-r
- __. at. ']dirt1 Lnei. The coach is working ; uciah interest is being shwn !cort , Adams Team ivs Gaauter; first of net week. Delta. Chi gave Coach Potchen 'is kith t, esqutad on:
oul t ofs c aitstat aslnatnrd ially uthiminthope thsarewil frsaese-inaasebalcourt 2 . .I. Stachowia vs P. Liv- strong evidence of being champion-
out oaidatprobrat hasmansestred-pecealynbstonns teamo;court 3,ewilaey's Ship contenders when theay took the crido uigteohrdy
the opiening baseball call in years re-,dvlpt uh netn ht ewlege hc ilOenissao ttetm vs. J. L. aymans team. (Acacia ice company into camp in a r der the diretio of Capan Gllard.TIni
poredto pah Ry i~herbe of real value forthe team. 7 O'clock tonright: in Waterman gymi-I At 6:15 o'clock the same night thelto 0 tilt. AlCi~u ore er
S",;Mp_ Ta ihr&onday ",g rks 1knprove nur~eyyeso
afternoon'inWaterman gymnlasim for PrsTtloe nasiumn when three games will be{ Consolat ion series in the class league ere are two first round games re- Additional tryouts are asked for the, schoel
Pi rnii~ orklt of the 92,base -'Liveranice as :the "only veteran played amtong six Of the teams that p omneacrigy or .Imi~n ntefaent ceueadlurpoeof main~g an afe-aspu
balsao.saih ngineeris vs. fresh lis, court Z. tey will be run off as follows: At tunmn osbei h ei u' fr
.,l ea;p litcher' who)tas working out yester- [ comprise th organization, frurnhmetnpossibvs.n thehnlit'f.-'30 C
kt 'Intoe :than 15 nw then, in addi-Every= teemhinntheers vs.eopwillt1). .30 o'clock tonight, Alpha Delta Phi ,tuce. An inter-frtniyctetwlFrm
tion to the 25 pitchers who repor ted da n espn lottnac§cet etv. Delta Theta Phi; at a:30 o'clock be held commnecing Monday, 'Feb. 261 anent
lust :wel; .ere fin evidlehee forirtetec~.Fsers ogn oig No schedne willthemade outomoro nght rgonvs. Delta Tau ,to (late eleven fraterniities have sg-i thet
arer memnlirs before the close of the NOchdle'll)0iieoufr
jcic, an o, hee, .. wm p iic t_,ewcrktb.~(oeucty sason and some interesting lay ~il' next Thursday nighlt' du" to the ice.Dela.pified their intention of nteriag{(e
of hoh~ bn%~i h the qt u iPasrekrmfg'erwas. Lenhe r eldcarnival that will e held at Woeu- tams. It 1sexpectedl that more teams; s
beore., New nlraterial"s what Q <fiLr~,bote o heVrsIy atan Littleis i nown fte opraieIberg's coliseum onl the evenuingof the ATHLETES IONO1f ED will e entered ; before the schedule is stiu
utt~er fs anxious to get; 're is;To6k- o Oid'2,SikrPakwsotstrength cfthe outfits for none of the !(ate. The finals lin the hterfratern Ity iane out on F'riday. iti
ha}b a imc i r ip n'cashres wi y ill be rioff on PDei 23'li e oo ~enis to e the leaer of te ; "1
i <g as wel"to easos ih he ner ; yvantrgedyhand heds ante f .r;.:.:,r'.',;layi.g: oniWill oba,- PauliGoee,' 115pound lass.aStheelese;t.imei__
trewheat there oe suchkeiiamll!s kUt iaiti opreserstwil ,av!Monday ni turing thie ':, 0) o'clock 11 punaroldatthepStetelee 1
'h ~ ; Are 'Wl ,.< °!wnwill notyor beo I hs ' swiluch. 5,mebrso't2s5,a'sVrmemberst utl hefoftron this year'esod VarDty ts sow n tpitydIl tle B$
freshman - 1)dYan~d atootba'as squad,;and Andrew aer, 125 pound class. Walker, raield
ent, as to thle enSifl g campaig n. f hm year as 2a memnber ofthe efore a 'line ran he gItn nfhesotary s tquAtaeidan
7F jilet 1iPtre ymfln em ak a osdrdmen and their possibilities. Enthulsi- All raternities that desire to entr ere ther uesof honorhl tiassociation adShepard are the leaders in the
Mnr a ewmenieort. estrdY a- Hwvr, amwsinue si o h league has crystallized a team in the coning nterfraternitv ooIfotalhin
fr'i frttmanmoeaeepc ,1.crthe cudl'6f that year and has lport high shoo fotbllbaqutMon- :T
for ~~~ftlt tte.firsttimemin ore arelethen.- a aresult Of thleactivities of the iwrestling tournament Should nmaih.( obladSteegv
ed~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P tr"e a-w fte ee.Cahildt errtlleiN IIC peca Advisory onmmittee, who Itheir answer blanks to the Intraimuralreiwoth patfobl
Fisher and 'aptain ltertzcall at- ,If this Man coic] rd rud into shape a fostered teIe eoei a ok l atnta nei re tth evad e o tinedtheforkll'sasn ~ ~
m, tptt _i r g an Bakr Otlied te Wrkof the
teito toheluttati Wl b ~e soPat0 ly m ptcig' ir.irjdou.sBcedulecan e ade within the net Athletic association at te nverst. I V L I I
y dayp6I o bid. VL~ )Cs]vd.Sio dy.Teprelimnaymatches
th> )Ilaai okigoteer l-tbl ea o h Iii ill start next Monday night at Wa-
thrnlrdiitevery na inthenivii&git (11 sownga, lesig tye. nounced later. Following is thre. teruian gymnasium, the ]our to ate atrnz a
wlio . i' p 1i ,l 'fiasebiall tt axnyvox- tStr bug 41 e t(I'frivrs schedule for the first "round : at 7~ o'-: announced later. Entries will close
iftdthit a g'reat iflcreis' in 1,01't)1:, sc1eduling 0of theie rsto Indians; court 2, 'Wups vs. Yankees;ORS L
.et 1t~oe ytemni hre Wt h ~nucm ra coktnght, corth Wersus. Aon hat mexpect to play on the e- ellng is an art which has been ivt np
ircd betiro tb e qd tO 'tho week. l)VFO the 1'12; list s comrplef 0 with a Bear ats drew a bye il the first Loa rsmntasi tefeh utvtdbtWe Isit zourIn
- Wkv 1t 'ill tii)'I -total 61' 27 ° atnes,; tho mos prtentious drawings, but will be taken care of ;man leaguie should get in touch with foietreI~L Y&
Pikthi' is are e'haI. Vkli*h r 'fEiok'ii ga Micig ante t hae tac'kledin seine ;as soon as the season advances. their managers before, thegames area I sm t. lFalto besucc tesflee.av ~~I t ~etY
"iceVr" played. The maagers 'an be reach- ndtlrvdeawdrmke
Contenders for the championship ir Pd through the t~lleioflC numbiers stf o r orsdte aieyharketan
Sthe Society league have improvfld that are here listed: Tgers, Snyder. $1 othr5,0htoDi$ 5as0a
Oi i I THIS their team work since the first rounds number not available; Inidans Olds. I esalhd For Sale section in
i fth am av ee n i-fi9^13 hus Loun(o, 2606-M; Van- the classified columns. If you
V U I LCLOLSNEe sed pporters are looking for-~ ke Club Kohler, number not avail- have smtigfrsl n
-C<.:_ES ward with eager ntifiipallfon ,toward able; Big Five. Propper, 292-h1;j want a satisfactory customner i
AOVER TIS N AT 3 PAM the opening of the third round which North Westers, Price!, 1192-W BarI and price.
will take place. at -9:30 o'clock tonight "Cats, Neville, 16S3. Mlanage sshld1.
in .. ..s , _ . : Waterman gymnasiumi when the et in touch with the Inramural de- 'L PFAT
. 4 : -"-- tfllowing "will fight it out for some' partinent every dlay in rder'that theyiJIM IVA E' 1
. E +mT ore pints In their coumns: court 1 may be kept informed of the latest do-
' Wrd y my, P11 3k jjf~ fis Mn- Michigan Untioni vs. Scalp and Blade; velopments of the league which will I THE ADJmA KER.
' t i t.1#start. 20c. Throt court 2, Detroiters vs. Architectural ttber available for printingi te 96
Wh~t ~pue ehrgo foret. ate Society. ' Detroit akin or college has !)ily at titLin t er ohpi\m.A-
; I td st'eb aaly oi "tb atfha.ving pboti. been awar ded a forfeit over Ithe n- so mianaers shold tlphone their''''2-
'v"Mtye£I: 1alat esi3I ([vta~5 rr-:>ate society. t'rlephna rnumlbei'§ iulo) I he Int ramutr-
+ A i 1 041urt will open for i5a'at al dlartment Immediately.
9:i:'0 'clock :as,:a result of the small . -- f

A 'division. Captain Gill
~d Moffit, at 145 pounds
lie welters. , Rose ahnd Co
lass those 'in their classes
65 pound respectively. Si
tkel look good as light he
Powell, weighing 245 you
ag in tltet heavyweight d
am For
en who are eager to shorten the
9between the time they leave
of and the time when they are
[to fill a Position, of responsibil-
nd trust, the Tabsou Instiute of-
an intensive training course of
r two years.
n actual experience'h funda-
tal Principles of business are
eclear. By positive examnples.
tudent is shown hops to apply
prnilsin th~econduct of
,o Inis titute, an, educational in-
tin endowued for the purpose of
ig men for executive responsibil-
nvites you to send for their book,
iininR for Business Leadership."
:e ty~day. No obligation.
. t-
ur Requireme nts

? r:





Ile; .'~ l

Wash;;t'"1i4 I( .t uw ad liuh'va id or. j
l 6iO 29..1o

a <. ..., v i aa t h as 1)00a . a rr . anged11.1 - .
I :, S tcirIt';1I#: ?zl'ime'"T '.)Illnegodnf-
J~l~i}'(l b 11a' iu :1hs, 'o lue ~~''al-


li X1 A''o:u ' ia. l:
('(iI(ijl0,U , 'i' roaiamale i

l~le'(i1-:' l~~ e Qd£' :11 ,O , 1 C o


\~Ili(i co ;(nlx' l .i'SCatholjais vs. ill a ;iwe s 111 ie t \\'e'.nrw(' ,111c Yk

( ntcls Lucky Strikes .Chesterfields
all for
15 (iCents


)'S .0 11 , 1)1o i 4 1n - le a hcrpoc-ket-'i
bmook colaiming abot$8Mand :a
Black lteir ' niowlcoi 1 l a S01ii +
:-;treet (C'at'. l'int!er return t- Jo l93 5
("roeeiwood and obta+in-rew armd.
1_OSTr--Canadlian ma 1)10,l-leaI brochin r
gold, bo1etwee Y. W. C. A. Cafietevra
and 1005 A. University, or on In-



writer with h eat hler case .and1 t*Wo (ox- r
# ra sets ofr type. 11s4od less 111ba1
llree monthis. Tel. 2 1--k. I00-2;
son lle4. ( "<al em'rin e, 2-!192-W I


lafey toll
'tuxvc o

P. A. Edgeworth

a 2?iO4~SOUTH


;t ) R'S. I Fl i 1 t . f. t1 I I t, tI lilY. 9d7 z
13, -101-2 1 xFt11.S AL I--i I ousehld riand stuldenlt
LOST--iio tf six-biicklegaoh a furnitur'e, loaternew last spteli-
A n oiy Friday night. Namle-K 'i1, bi. ~.821 . .'urol. 101-2
Sterji~ild Iiwhtein. imdeh FOR SALE--t uxedo, .sire , $5. .r .Catll
11E2-14. 101-2

- 11


." .
,, t ..
. . . w
I ,

42- 5

1.05T- 3ar 'el; of largo Shefa fer pen.;
:beitivee 'East Jefferson and Cain- i
Tilts. Reward. Call '911-., f01-2I
LOST-PIhi Delta Clii fraternity pill,
initials' D.1, '19, on back. Phone.
2165-W. 100-2
LOST-Brown, vanity case in "Blgh-
tiy" Friday night., Reward. Poe1
1014-W. '1Phon
LOST-Long,,'gold earring, between
1008 11111 and 708 Haven. Finder
call 1508-.I. 100-21
,LOST-Tuesday nighlt, square gold
'pin with dianmond.: Phone 1041-..
IREWNARD to finder of tortoise-shll-
ed pair of glasses. Call 2824-AZ. 0 .
LOST-Du~to-Fold fountain Pen.. E.I
P. Gregory, 3094. Reward. 100-2
LOST--Sigmna Phi Epsilon fraternity
pin. Rleward. Call 2911. 101-2
FLINT STUDENTS,, Buick sedan
leaves; every Friday night returning
Sunday 'night. Round trip $5.
Phone 1344-.T early for 'reserva-
tions. 100 2
FRTATS, SORORITIES,_ league 'houses,j-
etc., share a carload order and save
money, on your coal. Phone 3032-
3. 100-2
'LEA 'US do your laundry work. FirstIN
class hand work guaranteed. Phone
^569. 97-7
J4,U N-A girl's pair -..of long; silky
glov'e inl Library. Sanie can be
)iad by ritin~ I t ox A. J. (I..
Daily. .101..

FtOR RENT--Three 'blocks frobh am
1)115, boys' rooms, sing le anid
!doubile. Modern, warms, prIice rea-
sonable. 522 Packard, phone 274-J.
FOR RENT-- Stearn heated suite or
room two blocks from campus.'
Cheap. 502 East Liberty, Call '870-
M. 94-21
FOR RENT-=Clean, light 1oom1, one
block from camp~us, for a man. 114
S. Ingalls St. Phone 971-W. 101-3
FORl RENT-Farmi single room, third
floor, $3. 2397-M. 433 Ilamiltow'
Place. 101-2
DOUBLE AND SINGLE rooms in pri-
vate home, three blocks froni cam-
pus., 508 Elm, 710-R. 101-3
IWANTED-'young and healthy men I
weighing about 150 pounds at the,
University :Hospital: for blood dIon-j
ors. See Dir.)Morrill. 100-11
WANTE l'D--A job. liav e afternoons
and Saturdays off,. Box D. M., Daily.
S'1'(YDf1tS WANT 'wallpaper tU,
clean. Reasonrable rates. Box 1).
At., Paily. l01-_3
1WANf~ TED7--Studeint to shzarxo.#'on
suiite, at s-I P(r week. 425 S. Dlvri-I



T1RUSSELL Loose Leaf Ring $my BD(get$, is a conmpact little
Binders have one-piece covers account. book, made fob the
of genuine cowhide that will not special 'use of the college stud-
wear out or become shabby- emt, to ald him in keeping a
looking. Mtade in sizes and record'6if his 'exp~enditures. Pi n-
styles' to fit every need., dorsedl by leading educators.
Daiiries ' ilore adlvanced account
$14y Finanes$ -book that makes -a f the
$:1[y Budg'et$ Ift for thiefamily £1-
1Sdress Books nanteer.
For Sale by 0. D. MORRILL



- . .
i aar Irv-.riti.+, .










Evening Clothes
Galf Suits.



NickelsAr cade

schoolol, thle Cuttinig Cafe haqs a few
des ira-ble pl't'('-, for personls (desir.
ing. good board. 100-21

Y- k 1

V f __. ,.__ .


MAr. Hayes of the We'Lstin -16t'Iouse Electric and Manufacturing. Company will give a non-technical, talk on


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