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February 21, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-21

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'National L 'eague Baseball YMagnates
To Erect Monument To Willie :.eeler;


6550 Students Participate
In Athletics At University


Puile"(Great attors Completely
Overwihefhi Wolvce1 li By
4.1: Sore
"North wesbt1I i vcr$ k( , errplCent-
', Wv, yoii of the strongest tank :teams
that has' ever caried the olo ; of
aiity institution to victory comfpl(el y
outela sed MMh'ia' tiI, nt. 17arsi t;
tealm 011 Monday night t vanston.
lakifig 4lgJht irsts and rolling up a
total of 06, patints to : e.nzare 12 for
-"the Wotrlvernes. .
A crowd of 8001 crowded the spln-
~di NorihestEtii tool to 'atch the
Punrple, already victorious over Iowa,
°(hicag, .and Indiana,' continue its
tri %i phla ft rizh toward the; 11g Ten
title. It is but rarely that one sees
such.':an excellent exhil.tilon of tank
work .on the,part of an entire aggre-
gtn Ionas as islayed hby North-
HlubbardiRetires 1Purle
In but two events did sthe Maize and
Blue offer real competition to the
Purpile's aggregation. In the 200 yard
bre-,as smke Melzincr and Hanson,
swimming for Michigan, stepped out
to tan early leat whih they held un-
til within three laps of the fnsh. Then
Dechert of Northwestern gave evi-
d ic, tf ~ro Arful re erve power
-nd s4rinted, winning the vent .with
Mtiielzine; sxend a d fitnmothird.
4vIIbtba, lcli1iin biack si rokestar,
brolight.Ctho big crowd to i,, feet in
that ,ey-nt.! Apparntly badly beaten
,by okey, Nrthwvestein, as. the7
SWiflinmrs w ung Ainto dtht final ,to
anid a he Iflafw; the -Wolverin flash,
t1i ire s lhe Cpsifin Ithey220 yard
ii'ee styte 'wich bad already taken
,'Ph iet thait. 'i:it ws in print that
ddii efoat (11i1 not dt ract from
its spctacuilar value. As the two,
Own cf rossedi the tape ITubard was a
Yore inch behindhfis Purple oppon-1
etnt. the, wintn& -Anshing i te re-]
In the frree style apr~its~nitlth andu
3cearle tried hard, ,but 'were siply
()uttclassedl by the stellar wrk-of'the
North west rners. r'Fl1)aIrdwas de-1
ilpatod in- the ,220 by lbth >1ftik,"r a~ndid.
I D~icks rn; thefoiomr go g the '(11-
t tice in 2:24.,
Kearn s and Papei) it uh, WVlVzj *rie
tairs ;in the lnge rtnd fny- dli n
j~spectively, Nere dstinetly oif fifrm,.
4iearns pluniged . . fc t for thhydl
daIce; wh'ile 1Ildnecr, Michigan, ut ;
caisell l'rfat;ngth'suflicienty't6 take
i dy }tors '. in fany fivin. 1.,
Coa'chi Nt- 1' R [
14ittllu N Wd, .,of ,Ct~ira, urfilO
nl lshd 1xaliihp wig C0thIIe
str",ng0ns s "f the: poole;1 hispar-
t dul y Vffech~il the fnny 'der,.
l*'ht °unfa~nirlax ity. With the'Nofth .-
o(tt~rh rl4tri -boaM'd.p b bly a-
( a~rtadicrrtfhem aire to do btteir.1-
a9I X~Ih lisPiit cC o Cachf rown, w'o
as 'kept in Ai rtiTr 1'g to t1le
st1ekres 0iof is tife. he hiiilcaps,
lioweyerT, can, in no way, detract from
the redt'thiat must e given Coach
Tlomin Tonon of Northwestern fo_!
tfie team which he bas developed. Inl
aill1 the Pt;1'sln uitiyo i-
'6trft s i a1&fsgblong ktory of ie-e
haive been 'noi't tie equal 'of te prs-.
Hit season's remarkable tea.
Breyer, orthwesttenis gret free
Cyle ;tan, wa the outstanding star
df the meet, wi nning the 100 1an1d 220j
yard free styles anid demontratig'a
itowrfl stroke that cpn;lie xpected
to carts '"it o many v i6ores K1r
th'e Purple. Dickey, rhs tehn-te,
scored an 9 equal nber oX points .
(finng the 40 .yardl"free stye ian
the .150 yard back sfroke. Th r
100 yard relay, won by Northwest-
e0n, (Ortleppt, Captai paver, i ns-

low, D~reyer), time, 1:20:3; fancy div-
lug, won by Well, (N), Sleight (^y}.
second, Mildtlier (M), third; 40 yardl
free style, Awon by Dickey (N), VOrt-
lepp (N), second, Smith (:1), thir{1,
time, 19:2; 200 yaw~ll Inasi stroke,
won by Deechart- N),Micziner (11T)
second, llarm-on {(Al ), third, time,i
2:57:3; 220 Yard f*ree style, wont by
Breyer (N), J. )ickSon (N), seconl,'
1-falhbard *(M), third, time, 2: 21;
plunge, won! y11 1I Iihsan (N), Siif
or (N), second, Keirns ( l,, third, dlis-
tlance, 60 feet, (imhe, 4'; 151) yard isick
stroke, wvon by IDick(-y (N), flu iblmrd
(Al), second, Agnew (N), third, timer
1 :57;'109) yard free style, won by lirey-E
or (N), Pa ver ( N), socond, Sniji ( NOI
third, tie, k7 Final scoie re, North-
western r5g, aMichina 11"2. iRoferee, I1W.,
11. Ti. I ayes.


. ,.


" Y\
An exhib~ition was given Friday cv-
ening in the Birminrgham 1Tlig~h school
gymnasium by 1memlwrs ratlDr.' Alays ,1roprosed "Wee Willie"' lwe1iI iroeorhl
advanced fgynasium l 'ltantid Coac h Nal joit league c a b owners, oil t11 :;r suggeIst o I !lI itanLp ger Job am Ne-1
Sulivan's boxerrs and tresi lens f ior Cn(,nrw o the tChants, 'althiorized IPresirdent iii ielr (4 11 le league to f"Ive t.a
thebenfi ofI h Ui v t o' ~~ -fmemoialto "Weoo\Vili'' Koeeler. ''lTli pr° pos 11 'nuoriial i i] -I Cht'1)l
allot brloft: r I~toUaivO andy ofl1,611-of pinkic.Mu il'o id g r Juitt
-gaiI League.,
- aT he afi r (Ii in ' with a w restlin g-
I c etenlialberg and I efo. !ILLINI N(~Sbasketball tournament which (ip -cis
preseant--d a fast f'xiliiil4 . Voloxi- FOR RECOR 1, TIME!troy igi.Vrosvfiitte
will fle appoin1rt nd llplans madte for
'in 'thle wre,,tling match waq ,1.tioy- future act ivt ies.
ing bout betw 6ou liQusl and Yoi I.;; Captainr Taylor of the [ilinri mswi-
Schutltz, Bartlett and Grneenbury imint; te.iii is Said to have urnoffcially
then gave 1111exhilli 1011 t oU lejMariVO 1 j61clthe world's record ol r thre (u
'li bars, fot'tiotlunge when '11he ii gotiiterd the;
The Vars>ity ' 1,vi A met.lOlteI fl'istianePinl :1t5. The former world's
speedy Acacia. fraternity basketball _record tits 14 anrd 2-> ;seconds
11teaml. Paul Cloebel, c'apt aim of last L,-aa h a enatwro
year s varsity football ttanl refereed strengthto h ieas e :u teramr
the game. Anot her boxing match w~ s 1tr egth to heiwaef baskel till,
held between the halves of theisa~ - has culeneslut he lswl of sehmoa i(lit-s
lcetball game with Kchcknmiad Wol iutes -tte.wlmngta a
llntz heeflslightly criplred by the ineligi-
-it participating. SlianwsPr-hlt
ticlilarly -pleased with the .showing -oft ________
his mren in thlis ]bout.(
Every avaiilable seat watak ~le iin I l'r i~tiuinT t'n League)Cces'loday
the gyamnasium, some of the :,qecta- Gro6up numiber onie, "Detroit TiMg-'
tors being forced to' rcsort. to standig. o rs", of fthe Union Tpp#e rcl ss advtisory
he ath le were, tendered a bane:t b-ickfreshman ale-ague, will me a :l
by hos inch~'g, atertheexibiclok tisafternoon in yetoat 4:0 of
tion. the Union to discuss plans for the


Maia id s Cndie as
'Boi'l on 7 5~e lb. litter Sweet s
Tae Mac Diariiiid Candy Co. - 715 No'. Unive~rsity -Ave.

I- - I Nearly every mn'on the campuis ing,.1and hockey represent the schools
Do yoit1C knowth( at Coach Yost has Ilast year pa. ticip)atedl in some forum of and usllly tone1.man pa.rticip7aties in
I rinel oreal-Amrian oobal ahletics through Ithe varsity teanias only one sport.
ThIis iiicreasdc initerest ;inahltc
mn than any other manl110W coach- and ithe mnltralnil ;sp lor'tS, 6,550l ITCi to kes p la:;e('at sucha I ilie vhenit
Iimig? Also more Miichigan 1Il1c;1r.have (c)l'llieting 111 50101' s"port. d u, .ng lie tooe n.iiitcrfere w ith t 1he s 1nt s'
adtisiietai0Ca 'sha (L.studies . q li eighlt school (,laYs, from
anyOt~l('of~ene o Wstrn Themtranurl leartmet an led*jan. 19 to 27, inclusively, Michigan
tarooh. cyarge. t unho11lw.ie 5it pro- rsity c~teams pa1titated iill lnine 111J
-- ,idedoI C 1 on 6,011) ) sI ldet s to Isar-,f I neollegiir c vId st 5 11 1141 thre \VC
W4~tiththe added victory .aanst Clti-ti (! it '01chI pl titive gaines, ca it Itlr 0 i#ennia ~ol t
(A o' t rack t#N2ri Iat lt atrday ' Ill rtrteaiti i cis or. ii~) i an lcntss
-.When iith new field house oon <Fer-
L!,rnoon t Michiiganllhal 1n0w a tot-al of ft ' vco111 I(1.cd 0;, iid iodmthit ; vy Field is completed it is e-,q)o(At('d
16y mnect again4 Ithe jMaroon School. 'gr:oillPM (ilthe cvimlis. Thie Un ivor-;110that tis -1112bl.rwillincrese 11(
Sin1ce 1901 CChicago- has (defeated the ,pity N 1'eiiexen iatc<dby nill, vars'it11 1 i i ev(cyc1;fl lsti cillt' tO i 0rt
\cs l.tec-lle traick sqLuad oly :1 times. [ealwhzr inlillt ercol logia I () compl jdi 1(11 101 eit a al t iilet ics,.
Wllich d cro coun iuhi 01 of1)0111 : It) me.
3Nichig;,n h.-s woni tiinet out or the ' luc li l 'i hl b'int ~ioils I Olich '10)ip10'0 1il ii('
Iliv fly an ill ch422~am£ihips. Last iarlehf~l ev ery day. \A score oi' years l il '~
yetar2's3 al'stY t+ l:Iad was runner-up g nobihba'al ad r wilts tfor'aIlorli"1al (lace to hCejgiven!
__ team worttl, oii \e (' l "l 4din compl it ionli y at the Union, 1\larcl 2, wreIc l: Ide 01
S-,school anddihere weuc 0m 1lly Illeni wm110the meellotinig of INlI oluin-(up 1)clubhl
rj11 . ~aad'I,6o~,e ef Note I110 i Wipaled il111 'cl1iiort. i'hc, wve'ster day evenlitin Illthe Unionl.
1oo. 1ll 'es atI. CWahlr'I j1iX'vorit y Iei11 nto al ahe al aeal - - - - -
Tlokt~re---A~V.-t1iv, t hilii.;i, sW ~iiS 11u1, ,galf, W I ';l - Try A.C;1(' lassil dAd---It pli as. --Ad iv,



Clothecs foloYour Mzn



-co-snd Wiches"


WN~wStlesfor Sp ring
Spring and its opportuniity, for greater outdoor
activity. brings a natural and effedive change in
In fabrics you will see decided preference for the
light colorings and more pronouncedpatterns.
In models you will find the plainer styles disc'*
caredfor the season's novelties. The sport types
created by us in wide plaits, belts and. patch.
poktwill be a popular departure from, the
sombreness of winter clothes.
!For comnplete satisfadtion you will want fit, -cor-i
red balance, drape and design., high-grade work-
manship and durable lightuweight all-wool fabrics.
In Campus Togs you will find all these and
have the added, assurance of our guarantee,






It would be hard to find in
any eatinigestablishmnent, even
in the larger cities, a varietyY
of food tQ strpass what is
offered you egvery day at the


backed by thirty-five years service.


Campus Togs distributced by retail merchants -everywhere




A 4




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