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February 17, 1922 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-02-17

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pt Mon" y dudrlwt the Ysltiev.
if Student blict1oss.

mornd i
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mAsociated Press a xcivelj titd to the a for"
as i all news dp.iatch Aere to'i t :iss.t otk*?vaa
ithin papas and tbe local news pablisb'pi therelA.,
d at the post~ce at Ann Arbor, Miian. as saccad

ng, Maynard Scraet.
, 2414,
) words, if signed, the .ig.
rint but as an evidence of
ablis~ed in The Daily at the
mai d to The Dail office.
no consideration. No man-
iter Iicloses jpostage.
endorse the sentimients ex-



Telephone 1414

ewa Editor.................................Joseph A. Bernstein
ssistant City Editor...... .....................J. B. Young
ight Editors-
R. E. Adams G. P. O artes
John P. Dawson M. 1B. Stahl
dward Lambrecht Paul Watzel
itorial Beard Chairman............L. Armstrong Kern
Cee. Hershdorfer Z.R. Mes..
inday Magazine Editor.............Thornton W. Sargent. Jr.'
change iEditor ........... ......i..~.. . ...George E., Sloan
uicl Editor................ ,,, .. .. ...Sld ey B. Coates
orting Editor .............George Reindel
omen's Editor ............................. Elizabeth Vickery
nmor Editor ....x......... R. MAims

er.son Dorothy G.Gelta
z H. B. Grundy
n. Sadyebeth Heath
a Winona A Hibbard
Harry D. Hoeg
Agnes Holmiuist
H. 1±. Howlett
k Marion Kerr
)Pr L. S. Kerr
Min . A. Kliaver
e Victor W. Klein
Marion Koch

George E. Lardner
1is. it.I e
Robert M. Loeb
Ksthrine Montgomery
R. C. Moriarty
- P. Pouting
illian Scher.
R. $. Tar
Virginia TWon
Dorothy Whipple

A. D. Clark
Harry C. Clar
Robert W. Coo
EvelynJ. Coug
H. A. Donahue
14. L.Fenwick

Tiephone 960
Ivertising ........ .............F. ,. Heaths A. J. Parker
blication ...... ........... Nathan W.Robertsn
Mounats 9............ 9......... .....John J. Hamelsjr.
rculatioaa ........g ..... ..,......*. 9 *9Herold C. Hunt

finished before mornig. Then, through the waning
hours of the night, plods the weary collegian, count-
ing the lectures which offer sweet repose for the
morn. -_
Hence might the passing transient wonder at the
midnight lights in campus windows. "The stude
doth murder sleep", and as long as friendships and
formative minds are found in universities, as long
as human nature remains the same, he will con,
tinue to do so.
With the blue book lash a sordid memory of the
dimish past, a word of retrospect.
Those professors who have given to their classes
all they have, in time, energy, faith and effort, de-
serve the sincere thanks of the students whom they
have helped. It is only the decent and proper act to
administer thanks, where thanks are honestly due.
Salary, monetary pay, does not compeisate for
everything, particularly when that pay is inade-
quate or out of proportion to the work done.
Of course, unsolicited and gratuitous comment is
apt to be out of place. Granted all that, however,
every intelligent student, real or imitation, ought to
make it a point, in his rounds of campus calls, to
drop in occasionally, and, either orally or in writing,
inform his instructors just what he thinks of their
courses, the methods of presentation, and frankly
grant his appreciation or its lack.
Naturally, the professors themselves have a dis-
tinct duty which may well be borne in mind through
the coming semester. They owe the expenditure of
a certain degree of effort to the student just as the
student does to them. Professors and instructors
who dole out pages of date and figures are shooting
at the wrong target; those who make no prepara-
tion before confronting their classes sin even more
than the unprepared student. The professor, put-
ting it in mathematics, is to his students as one is to
abput one hundred and fifty: the responsibilities are
Be that as it may, if the faculty man is at all con-
scientious, he ought to be considerably benefited in
the management of his class work by an honest ex-
pression of opinion from his students. Certainly,
anything that can aid' the instructor in making the
most of his course, for the ultimate benefit of him-
self and those under him, should be utilized to the
Time was when woman was sweetly dignified
and aloof. No man was worth recognition in the
feminine field of vision 'unless his hat was off and
his head bowed in token of his deference. Maybe
she deserved it; at least she thought she did, which
amounts to the same thing. That time passed.
Time was when'her inquiring gaze became less
veiled and subtle, and she was perfectly willing to
recognize a gentlemanly salutation in a respectfully
doffed hat and a courteous word. As the poet say,
time passed.
We are now in an age in which the sweet lady is
question has reached the evolutionary point of hail-
ing all comers, whether well-known or not. She is
perfectly willing to respond to a negligent greeting
in the form of a mumbled "Huh !" or a surly nod -
she glows 'and gurgles a reply with the same gusto
with which the medieval lady replied. She appar-
ently expects no higher tribute in the way of greet-
ing. Naturally few people get more than they ex-
pect or think they deserve, and the time may come
'when the man stalks elegantly by and the lady,
doffs her new spring hat in honor of the occasion.
9e Telescope
There was a young fisher named Fisher
Who went fishing one day in a fissure.
A fish with a grin
Came and pulled Fisher in,
Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher.
Mary Anchor.

Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Pastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars - 6oo
a. m., 7:eo a. m., 8:oo a. m., 9:oo a. m. and
houry o a lc. stop of
Arbr), ,:47 a. m. and avery two hours to
9:7 a. m .
Local Cars Est Bound-s : ba.u. 7 Ie a.
on., and every two hou rs to- :oo p. -Lmi. oo
p. m. To Ypsilanti only-: i40 p. ., a.1:23
a. m.,1:15 a. ML
To Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars Weost Bound--7 :5e a. ms',a840
pTo Jackson and Kalsniaoo-Iimlted carss:
8:47 10:47. a. in., 12:47, 2.47,4:47.
To Jackson and Lansin--iiasited: 5:47
p. M.


w Text Books and Suppliesfor Ai(
Both Ends of the Diagonal W
i ', tMH i HH H~ nlllM~MH~iiiiiiiiiiii


A Place to bring your frien
Nowhere is the foodbetter
Nowhere is the service more prompt

Maynard Street


1 2



5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 29 24 25
26 27 28
Reblocked at greatly reduced prices.
Turned inside out, with all new trim:
mings they are as good as new. High
class work only.
Telephone 1791


Here are some {of the

best new records


)nt Parks

.L - l

* Assistants
Richard Cutting
James Prentiss
Maurice Moule
'ua-tin Goldring
Tyler Stevens
David Park

H. Willis Heidbreder
W. Kenneth Galbraith
JA. Dryer
T. H. Wolfe
Paul Blum


1 11


Night Editor-EDW. F. LAMBRECHT
Assistant-H. E. Howlett
Proofreadrs-H. H. McMullln
J. W. McFarlane
The presence of Robert Frost in Ann Arbor as
a guest of the University has brought to this city in
he past few months a number of prominent liter-
ary people, and this is one of the things which his
residence here was intended to encourage. It was
to visit Mr. Frost that J. C. Squire, editor of the
London Mercury, came here in - December. The
poet Witter Bynner and the critic Jesie B. Ritten-
house have been recent guests at the Frost resi-
lence. Carl Sandburg is coming soon, and it is just
>ossible that Louis Untermeyer, Vachel Lindsey,
and other artists, will be in Ann Arbor before the
close of the schol year.
These people are on lecture tours and only stop
here to fill the gap between Winesburg and Po-
dunk; the city of Ann Arbor does not appear on any
>f their itineraries. Their coming here is as a lit-
erary pilgrimage of which the ttudent community
:akes very little notice. The chief literary figures in
A.merica are coming to our very door, and are be-
ng permitted to go away without being heard.
Any one of a number of campus organizations
eould arrange to detain these artists so that the en-
:ire University could hear them. It should even be
>ossible to arrange for othersto come, and so make
p a lecture series which would be invaluable to all
wvho are in any way interested in Airmerica's literary
>utlook. This certainly ought to beddone at once.,
W e cannot realize the full measure of benefit from
Robert Frost's presence here this year, unless we
ake advantage of the opportunity so afforded, of '
hearing the more outstanding of his contemporaries.
A transient, traversing Ann Arbor at midnight,
might believe that the vast majority of students had
orgotten their lights in going to bed. But a call to
eport the negligence would uncover robed and
lippered youths deep in text books, or composing
etters, or reclining and conversing in comfortable
moke-laden rooms. The college student retire's
ate, extremely late.
Nor is this phenomenon another deplorable re-
ult of the war. We might suppose the war to be
esponsible, as it is responsible for much that is
tartling. But do we not know that even before the
nvention of the modern electric light "the student
urnt the midnight oil"?
To the student the day is a time.of classes and,
outine work, a number of hours in which the sun
hines now and then, and often a pleasant time to
e out. The night, however, is something more. It
s the throbbing heart of college education. In its
hadows the university student learns to know his
riends, airs his views with a puff of smoke, while
omrades take them with a grain of salt, tears down
nd rebuilds the world at leisure, argues, defends,
rd accuses, shifting his subject as often as his po-
tionis of experimental comfort.
Time flies quickly under such conditions, and
ach night firm resolutions "to get some sleep this
me or bust" are broken, as the student remembers
y4 enly an assignment or letter which must be

It Is Rumored
That thousands of-dollars are being lost in
wipers because intellectual women have begun
ing their ink to match their stockings.

(Chicago Tribune)
If the girls of a girls' school had slid,
down the water pipe at midnight and
had been discovered trying to climb
back up it in the morning after a night
of jazz they could not have upset their'
world more than the University of 11-
linois and Notre Dame boys have done
by making a Roman holiday for Tay-
lorville and Carlinville.
The football coaches have broken
hearts.. Two football teams are all
shot to pieces for next year. Faculties
are looking askance at the. young ment
under their care. The collegiate world
in these parts is a physical debacle
and a moral collapse.
Universities are blighted, young men
are blighted, athletle directors . are
blighted, future seasons are blighted,
and a considerable portion of this sec-
tion of the country sits in sackcloth
and ashes because of what these young
men Absaloms have done in their pre-
The corn fed moral sense of these
parts probably ought to be more shock-
ed by the conduct of the college boys,
who, by playing football at Taylor-
ville, seem to have broken the heart
of the world, but we cannot get them
out of the picture as a group of Penrod
Schofields. The football coaches sug-
gest Penrod's dancing teacher and his
agitation when Penrod itched.
We do not favor the young gentle.
men of the universities sneaking inte
games under assumed names. We do
not favor them absenting themselves
from scohol to play professional games
or going to school merely to play
We believe that in vacation time it
is just as reasonable for them to make
money playing baseball for a summer
hotel as it is for them to make money
acting as swimming instructors, life
guards, waiters, or desk clerks. We be-
lieve that college rules can permit a
boy to make money out of his athletic
skill without making him less an hon-
orable college athlete or less a desir-
able student.
It is an English notion that there are
gentlemen players and players, and
that although the two classes occasion-
ally may play together they must never
meet. No such destinction belongs to
'Enslan to Sell for $6 in Drive
Contrary to previous statements, the
price of the Michiganensian during the
second campaign on March 7-9 will be
$6, no matter whether the book is pur-
chased with cash or on time pay-
ments. This will raise the cash price.
50 cents over what it was last semes-
'Enslans Exhibited
Copies of the Michiganensian of for-
mer years have been placed on exhib-
it in the lower corridor of the Gen-
eral Library. The oldest copy is dat-
ed 1897. The case includes a copy of
the Annapolis year book, The Lucky
Dance at C. of C. Inn. Wed., Fri.,
and Sat. nights. General admission.-


_.. ~ : ,
- w rr irwi wrJri i ai rwww r iiiaih iin.. ':

U '



for you'w
"TT " "When Buddha "Smiles
"She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not"
"I Want You Morning,
Non and Night"
These are all the very newest records
. and the ones that you will hear tOt-4te
next-two months. Of course -we have
all- of the older pieces. such -as £6rhe
Sheik" "Yoo Hoo" April Showers" and
"Kalu A."
We make it a point in our adver-
tising to keep you informed at all
times as to the latest and most;pop-
ular pieces.
* *,
305 Maynard Street
We have 4l the J-Hop fLusic


An Ignorant Admirer
Willie was
A first year man
Who rated a Valentine
Very slushy and with
A meaningless poem
On it.
Willie said
Somebody who adores me
Is awful ignorant
And we more than agreed
Anyone who adores you

"Consider tiwLadies
O MAN dresses for
himself aloneI He
satisfies himself and pleases
the ladies. That's where
our new topcoats come in.
They look as well on you
as you 'think they do and
elicit quick approval from
the, ladies.
Another shipment of
Coats has arrived
$45 - $50.
For MenSince 1848

Parlor Talk
"What's the difference between a haunted house
and a handsome man about to kiss you?" asked she
"I give up," murmured the Adonis, growing in-
"Why, you can't let a haunted house."
- G. Kewpie
Famous Closing Lines
"Here's something to roll under your tongue,"
said the gossip's doctor as he handed her a ther-
mometer, ERM.

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