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February 11, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-02-11

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SATURDAY, F{ BRIT.1RY 11, 1922


Booth 15-Alpha Chi Sigma and Lucile Hagener, Toledo, 0.; Margaret Phelps, Newark, N. J.; Olive Cole-,
Theta Xi Neff, Ann Arbor; Louise Frank, Ober- man, Marshall; Frieda Diekhoff, Ann
SEChaperons-Dr. and Mrs. Floyd E. lin, 0. - Arbor; Thelma Goodrich, Grand Rap-
Bartell, Ann Arbor. Guests - The Booth 16-Kappa Beta Psi ids; Josephine Brooks, Detroit; Ger-a
(n teCon ; Dorothy Tuttle, Chica- Misse Elizabeth Jamreson, Cadillac; Chaperons-PrqCessor Hterschel C. aldine Sackett, Youngstown, o.; Adele I
DesierCo~.; orohy utte, hic- elen Bishop, Winona; Katharine Suith sort Mrs. Smith. Ansn Arbor. Ksnlte, Dletroit; Elizabeth Young, I
go, Ill.; Margaret Fairbanks, Saline; Baker, Lansing; Elizabeth Rider, Guests-The Misses Elizabeth M. Cleveland, 0.; Mrs. Lawrence Schott
Hl~sen Jacob, Detroit; Hleleu Mitchell, Freeport, N. Y.; Beatrice Plimpton, Rigby, Cambria, Va.; Charlotte .MI. Cleusers.
Flint. Medina, N. Y.; Dorothy Ulbright, Ben-
ton Harbor; Loreen Wright, Oshkosh,
Booth 7-Delta Sigma Phi Wis.; Phyllis Delft, Laurium; Florence
Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Probst, Ann Arbor; Mabel Bullen, De-
Dieterle, Detroit. Guests-The Misses troit; Katheryn Dold, Detroit; Opal
Lenore D. Carpenter, Grand Rapids; Otto, Detroit; Lee Parent, Detroit;
Roma U. Hooper, Detroit; Winfred G. Elizabeth Van Deman, Toledo, 0.;EC
Donaldson, Saginaw; Dora M. Van-__
Loo, Zeeland; Margaret J. Todd, La
Mesa, Calif.; Helen L. Howard, High-
land Park; Virginia M. Spaulding, STARTS SUNDAY
Cleveland, 0.; Nella Meyer, Holland;
Lorreine O'Brien, Montpelier, 0.; Es-
ter J. Price, Grand Rapids; Katherine "The h n
E. Styer, Detroit.
Booth 8-Alpha Tau Omega
Chaperons-Dr. and Mrs. H. W.
Emerson, Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. S\
Derrill Pratt, Ann Arbor. Guests-The( for
Misses Joyce Cameron, Grand Rap- f
ids; Katherine Rottier, Grand Rap- -
ids; Charlotte Auger, Detroit; Cath- Im ported AND
erine Luce, Spring Lake; Florence
Herrick, Houghton; Rebecca Condon, Toilet
Hancock; Grace Baxter, Windsor,
Out.; Katherine Kirwin, Grand Rap- Ari l sRo t w r
ids; Kathleen Hatton, Grand Haven; A rticles
Florence Heinzelman, Grand Rapids; In a drama of
Edith Gun, Grand Rapids; Kather- asA woman ivo 'ed not
ine Franke, Detroit; Lucille White-
field, Pontiac; Jessie McGregor, De- Wvell iisely -ut too well
troit; Janet Menges, York, Pa. A shop-girl one day-the
wife of a society man the
Booth 9-Beta Theta Pias next. Tha's her story.
Chaperos-Mrs. W. Yost, St. LOuis. And after it comes another
Guests-The Misses Irene Reed, Jack- Expert story, one that shows how
son; Charlotte Ross, Chicago, Ill.; this girl met the question:
Mary Hendrickson, Ann Arbor; Irene A ttention Which Shall Be Broken-
Carter, Hamond, Ind.; Dorothy Lin-
ton, Flint; Elsa Harris, Saginaw; A .MIan's Life or a
Katherine Mansfield, Flint; Genevieve Woman's Hear.?
Menlensburg, Kalamazoo; Georgia
Kerr, Detroit; Suzannme Reed, Ekhart, Prescriptions

Booth 17-Sigma Chi
Chaperons - Coach Fielding Ir.
Yost and Mrs. Ynst, Ann Arbor; Mr.
and Mrs. John It. Nicholson, Evans-
on, Ili. Guests-The Misses Ruth
.ormer, Detroit; Ruth Clippert, De-
roit; Dorothy Goodrich, Detroit;
(Continuettd on Page Five)

................... ..



Booth 11-Trogean
Chaperons-Mrs. J. B. Nicholson,
Ann Arbor; Mrs. L. D. DeCameaveri, -
Ann Arbor. Guests--The Misses Ed-
na Packer, Caro; Mildred Hurrell,
Ypsilanti; Loranna Mays, Grand
Rapids; Carmen N. Miner, Grand Rap-
ids; Esther Anderson, Grand Rapids;
Evelyn J. Coughlin, Detroit; Fay Dou-
glas, Detroit; Lilias J. Kendall, De-
troit; Helen Wilson, Detroit; Wilma
Godshalk, Three Rivers; Dorothy
Hartshorn, Owosso; Katharine Daugh-
erty, Crown Point, Ind.; Irma Drap-
er, Jackson; Leah McElhenie, Con-
cord; Beatrice Mason, Saginaw;
Eleanior Brown, Wayne; Edna Jar- "The Quarry"
chow, Concord. I
Drug & Prescription Store ADDED
Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. State and N. Univ. Ave. BEN T U R P I N
Thorpe, Chicago, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. IN
F. Carew Martindale, Lansing; Mr. G. CLAUDE DRAKE (( SUNDAY SCHEDULE
and Mrs. Lodowich Jacobs, Pontiac. Love s vutcast MATINEE-1:30, 3:00, 4:30
Guests-The Misses Esther Barbara PROPRIETOR The Boy Who Sees Twice EVENING- 7:00 and 8:30
Thomson, Battle Creek; Jeannette _-Last feature starts 9:00
Palmer, Coldwater; Grace Bechtel, Mt.
Vernon, Ill.; Eunice Branche, Chica-
go, Ill.; Katherin Blackburn, Han-NOTICEJ-HOP GUESTS: The management of this theatre congratulates
cock; Elsie Stevens, Springfield, Ill.; you and wishes you many more such happy events
Mildred Gaukler, Pontiac; Gertrude
MaCauley, Calumet; Naoma New-
Morrilton, Ark.; Lillian Studners,__
Grand Rapids.
Booth 13-Phi Gamma Delta
Chaperons-Mrs. Albert D. Knis. Perfection in Personality and Performance
kern, Chicago, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. John=j
S. Perrin, Ann Arbor. Guests-The
Misses Margaret Black, East McKees-
port, Pa.; Doris Sprague, Cheboy-
gan; Dorothy Weimer, St. Albans, W.
Va.; Edna Thompson, Detroit; Janet
Spiess, Ann Arbor; Grace S. Bowman,
Pittsburgh, Pa.; Margaret Barnum,
Wauwatosa, Wis.; Janet Seven, Grand r
Rapids; Gretchen Walser, Ann Arbor.
"Orchestra Incomparable"
Booth 14-Alpha Sigma Phi
Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Ben-
jamin, Detroit; Mrs. F. NI0. O'Hara,
Ann Arboin. Guests-The Misses -
Mary H. Shoemaker, New York=
City; Elizabeth O'Hara, Ann Arbor;
S. Jane Butman, Fremont, O.; Cath-
arine McDade, Hartford, Conn.; Mer-
ry Wagner, Ionia; Jeannie Briggs, De-
troit; Marion McLean, Detroit; Lil-
lian Bardem, Northhampton, Mass.;
Helen Chidester, Hastings; Cathyrn
Fischer, Hancock; Margaret Spade 9q Successful Debut Our Confident A nticipation
man, Detroit; Mila Van Sycle, Chica
go, Ill.; Olive Hymans, Saginaw; Mil-
dted Huntley, Detroit; Marie Brown,I
Detritt.Ihetilsit. IIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111 1 111111111111111I 1t1N IIIIItllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllll11111II1111111I gtlllllll llllllllllllllllll1111 g

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