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February 11, 1922 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-02-11

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Gladsome Guests Gather From All "s Wi "
Learned, Jackson; lunette Starr,
Points Of Compass For Junior Hop r Le Sue Presley, Bay i"
Netta Jefter s, Detroit.
The list of patrons and patronesses, agara Falls, N. Y.; Katherine Woods. Booth 6 -Theta Chi
as announced by Thomas Lynch, '23E, Chicago, Ill.
in charge of invitations, includes: --- Chaperons - Professor and Mrs.
President Marion L. Burton and Mrs. James H. Cissell, Ann Arbor; Mr s. J.
iirtsn, President-Emeritus larry B. Booth 5-Phi Beta Pi E. French, Detroit. Guests The
Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, Ion. Chaperons - Dr. and Mrs. John Misses Freda Rainer, Alma; Alice
Walter It. Sawyer and Mis. awyer, Sundwall, Ann Arbor; Mrs. W. E. Parker, Julesburg, Colo.; Genevieve
IIon. Victor M. Core and Mrs. Gore, Futch, Cleveland, O. Guests - The! Booth, Detroit; HfelenI Partlow, Dan
Hon. Junius E. Beal and Mrs. Beal, Misses Marie Williams, Clinton, Ia.; ville, Ill.; Ruth Morey, Chicago, Il.;
Ion. Frank I. Leland and Mrs. Leland, Lois Pereue, Frankfort; Burnice M- Dorothy Taft, Washington, D. C.;
lion. William I. Clements and Mrs. Namara, Nowell; Marguerite McCune Mary Hobson, Los Angeles, Calif.;
Clements, Hon. James A. MurfIn, Hon. Erie, a.; Proctor Spalding, Chicago Alice Foote, Detroit; Ada enderson
Benj. S. Hanehett, Hon. Lucius L. Huh- Ill.; Martha Shepard, Parnassus, Pa.; Yougstow, O.; MargarWee Basbridge,
Ward, Mr. Robert Frost and Mrs. Frost, Hortonse Marentette, Windsor, Ont.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Harriet Bergtold,
Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs. Efming- Inez orter, Bay City; endiette (Continued on Page Pour)
er, Dean Mortimer E Cooley and Mrs.
Cooley, Dean Hugh Cabot and Mrs.
Cabot, Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs.
Bates, Dean Edward H. Kraus and Get 'Em From
Mrs. Kraus, Dean Wilbert B. Hinsdale
and Mrs. Hinsdale, Dean Marcus L.ean
Ward and Mrs. Ward, Dean Alfred H. SHOE SHOP
Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, Dean Emil
Lorch and Mrs. Lrch and Dean A. S.
Whitney and Mrs. Whitney, Dean
Ms.pa A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley,
Assistant Dean W. R. Humphreys and
Mrs. Humphreys, and Assistant Dean ICHIGAN
William H. Butts. The
Dr. John Sundwall and Mrs. Sund AN
wall, Mr. rs. W ,Smith and Mrs.
Smith, Mr. Robert A.Campbell and O K n e f e
Mrs. Campbell, Dr. Arthur G. Hall and
Mrs. Hall, Prof. L. A. Strauss and Mrs.
Strauss, Prof. Evans Holbrook and Downtown
Mrs. Holbrook, Prof. R. E. McCotter
and Mrs. McCotter, Mr. Frederick P.
Jordan and Mrs. Jordan, Prof. R. M.
Weney and Mrs. Wenley, Prof. T.
C. Trueblood and Mrs. Trueblood
Prof. M. P. Tilley and Mrs. Tihley w o hings You
Prof. W. P. Wood and Mrs. Wood
Prof. W. .oad and Mrs. R oad, II)
Prof. W. G. Patterson and Mrs.
Patterson, Prof. C. W. Edmunds and . T he J
Mrs. Edmunds, Prof. S . . Runnels
and Mrs. Runnels, Prof. U. G. Rickert
and Mrs. Rickert, Prof. L. H. Boynton
and Mrs. Boynton, and Prof. C. O.
Davis and Mrs. Davis are among those
attending. i
Booths 10, 35, and 3 are reserved
for the patrons and patronesses and
faculty members.
Booth 1---Phi Delta Chi
Chaperons-Dr. and Mrs. i. W.i
Emerson, An Arbor. Guests-The
Misses Ruth Reaper, Monroe; Made-
line McGee, Custer, O.; Lucille E.
Harris, Lansing; Lillian Schmitke,
Lansing; Rita Love, Detroit; Abigail!
toroi.Gets,- Theaaols Misses Leana
oe Dinge, Port Gi Ra;Shile; Milut O n Special
Cadillac; Jessie L. Spiker, Ann Ar-I
bor; Esther Doyle, Port lluron; Hsar-
riet N Spencer, Detroit; Mrs. Leon-
ard A. Weaver, Ann Arbor; Edith M. When all tl
Rugg, Detroit; Phyllis Norris, Ypsi-
lanti; Mildred Symres, Sparta. (o eI1ra
j clothes are
Booth 2-PXi Psi Phi A ara
a that their
Chaperons-MDrs. W mC. J. Par
ker, Detroit; Mrs. William Streit, De-
trit. Guests - The Misses Leona
Heinz Dingler, Grand Rapids; Ruth O n th
Scheidler, Flushing; Rozella Benson,
Saginaw; Catherine Evans, Detroit; You a
Adelle Unger, Iron Mountain; Dorothy
Morrovdj Jackson.
Booth 3--Phi Rho Sigma
Chaperons - Mrs. William Brace, First Arrivals in Spring Wash
Ann Arbor; Mrs. George C. Urschel, 1
Toledo, O.; Mrs. Lawrence W. Faust, , ; Offer W elcome Diversion
Ann Arbor; Mrs. Edward Porter Gil-
lette, Ann Arbor. Guests-The Misses,
Doris Arnold, Ann Arbor; Helen Winter fashions have served their turn and va
Brace, Ann Arbor' Jane Andrews, o comes dancing across our field of vision with the n
® fashion tales to tell. Absorbing new modes h;
reayton,;.; Wuilhlmeury Buhyayless, Bat-' entrancing new colors are on the palette. Full of
Gl reek; LetacEale Dury, Batoe tMle and irresistible witchery the new arrivals are
__ _ !applanse-

Henry, Detroit; Dorothy Hoyt, Dowa-
giac; Elizabeth Hoyt, Battle Creek;
e E k . Adorable are the new spring frocks-in glorious taffetas
Olivia ule Bosquet, roicago, Ill, -delightful tricotines and Poiret twills-bodice waists-bo
Queen MeCulloci, tDetroit; Geraldine puff sleeves. With a touch of distinction given through
McIntyre, Altadeena, Calif.; Marybell % of new gold embroidery-deep tucks-rows of ruffling-
Treibley, Battle Creek; Nona Wyatt t -silk fringing-a little lace or a bunch of flowers. A
Santa Paula, Calif.; Freida Wish- somber shades of the past winter-Spring has swakened
Santa Paola, Kas.; Freta Wirs ion world-cactus, periwinkle, corn flower, orchid, and
ropp, Paula, Kains.; Aletha Yerkes, brown shades weave their rainbow across the horizons.
Booth 4-Delta Upsilon 4 Fashion Parlors on Second Flo
Chaperon-Mrs., M, C. McCobb,
Sarnia, Ont. Guests-The Misses Bes- one Orders
sie Strong, Buffalo; Lottie Shearer, Pont Filed
New York City; Susan Colby, Niagara Promptly Filled
Falls, N. Y.; Elizabeth Wilson, Sar-
nia, Ont.; Rachal Dumont, Detroit;
Shirley See, Detroit; Dorothea Beeby, i.1
Chicago, Ill.; Stella Thomson, Grand
Rapids; Ruth Southerton, Battle
Creek; Louise Bernard, Detroit; Ann
Laughlin, Cleveland, 0.; Charlotte
Sands, Detroit; Helen Leo-Wolf, Ni1 1

Ready to ServeYou

Hot Coffee

Hot Chocolate

Hot Apple or Peach Pie
Cream Puff Sundaes
etc., etc.
Open after the Hop
Fountain Room Vieautiful

Will Never Forget

lunior Hop---1922
rer s Grilled Steaks
BVoth Are Simply Wonderful
he world is so full of joy, it gives
sed pleasure to know that their
just what they should be, and
appearance is beyond criticism
is Festive Occasion We Wish *
ll the Joy in the World
most enthralling
save developed,
f life and gayety .-
e waiting your
refreshmg crepes
ouffant skirts -tiny
the magic of a bit
contrasting piping
.nd away with the
color in the fash-
the vivid orange-
Mail Orders
IJ Promptly Filled
*o ~ -
( )
_ * O

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