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January 29, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-01-29

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- -





y A Ivaits Junior.



- A 0im .0 P t


Wave O Sadni
A nd Qoom Ho
4C ampusInC



ec. 38 or that poll. si.
d pleasure, has been ut-
rd to the greatest of its
e place Friday evening,
After the absence of a
and honored place in
ises to be one of the most

Scenarios for the University movie to be produced here
during the coming year must be turned in to the oflice of The
Daily before the closing of the conteat, at 6 o'clock next
Wednesday night. No plots will be received after that time,
as immediate action must be begun to insure the production
pf the finished film within the contracttd time. C,
The plots will be turned over to the judging committee
Wednesday night, to allow careful consideration of all sub-
Initted. It is-hoped that a decision can be announced on the
reopening of school at the beginning of the second se-
The representative of the producers who has been here
to assist students in the construction of their plots will be
in Ann Arbor tomorrow and Tuesday, with office hours
from,2 to 4 o'clock in the reading rooms of the Press build-
ing. Final consultation on stories already worked out will
be possible at these times.
Work will be started on+ the actual filming of the pic-
ture as soon as a scenario is selected. A complete produc-
tion unit will probably be moved to Ann Arbor and prior to
the selection of a cast from among the students a number
of local color scenes will be taken in the vicinity of Ann Ar-
bor.' A few have already been filmed by men from the pro-
ducing company, especially at the time of football games
last fall.
Russia Is Key To World Peace
Problem, Says Sir Phillip G ibb

O0 Blue Book! What crimes are committed in thy m
of anguish hast thou caused, what sleepless nights and
have been spent on thy account! More feared art thou
lowance; yea, verily, give me rather a year of eight o'cl
Blue Book!
Ann Arbor is in mourning. For many days dark, su
been shrouding the heavens; a mist of gloom and sadn
earth. Dismal mortals wring their hands in despair, ple
for relief from the dreaded scourge which is threatenin
noble sacrifices to appease the wrath of the immortal on


a crowd just large


ill hang I
nd, with
as they
irow off
ven Iris


;esting is the recent ayow-

Most noteworthy among the musical
events of the examination period is thei
concert by Erika Morini, the celebrat-
ed Galacian violinist, at 8 o'clock Fri-
day evening, Feb. 3, on the Choral
Union series. Two other events will
be the organ recital by Dwight
Steere of St. Johns at 4:15 o'clocki
Thursday, Feb. 2, and the faculty
concert at 4:15 o'clock Sunday,
Feb. ML

gods hear not, or if they
not to answer - they ha
that joy and happiness sha
ished. from the earth, and
lowly humans who inhabit
visited, with the terrible,
idangerous Blue Book Blues
word of the gods is law!
And so the humble, wre
dent resigns himself to hii
prays that the plague may
him. He garbs himself in
black from head to foot -a

spirit, e
fords to


, I

nedy's 10 corroborates the professor of ruetoric.
Ann Arbor "Verily a paradox! Quick, my class
g ,the first record!" A paradox indeed, on the
are to play surface, but under the surface, where
Wolverine only a few, pearl divers ever venture
and War- :n thin superficial, not so incogruous
also play. after all.
events of Now Merely "Courses"
g planned A young man recently made the
and house startling discovery that the University
t of their had a library, which might conceivably
n far and be useful for other than social purpos-
es. He concluded at about the same
Mimes of, time that he was really not studying at
a special all,that he was running a race with*
for Two," his constitutional resistancce, trying
11 be pre- how many courses he could take and
urday aft- how many activities he could be iden-
rformance tified with without suffering a nervous
ho will at- breakdown. He' got out his crystal
has been spherd and his ink spot and took a
ets. How- squint at the future, and noted with
n priority interest that after he had received his
he general degree he would be able 'to say, con-;
iority will ceding him a good memory, that he
had taken certain courses, for each of
will be by which he received, four, three, or two
everyone, hours credit, nothing more.
;etherymay The young man began to bring into
the entire play old nervous connections, long in
same time. disuse. He commenced to think. And
the trend of his thought waa always
monotonously thetsame: "What shall
have been it profit a man if he gain a Phi Beta
ersity o - Kappa key, and miss the purpose of
d promin- his four years at college?" The idea
whom have became an obsession, till one morning
d intention as the clock was striking 3:15 o'clock
it became unbearable, and leaping to
med along his feet with a heart-rending shriek
cing space he exclaimed, "By,, Wenley, I will do
s will be it! No university in the United States
be a sufft- shall prevent me! I, want an educa-
acommon tion and I'm going to have it! They
for them. shan't keep it from me."
at no fra- The subsequent records reveal that
ia will be the young man who commenced .to
this would think, thereupon brazenly elected 12
rat deoora- hours of work, and in the time saved,
. may be dissipated at the bar of decurriculized
erior deco- knowledge, drinkiig deep of philos-
ophy, biology, and literature, music
will take and the drama, with fourth dimensions
k Thursday for an occasional chaser.,
infornation All Couldn't Do It
The selec- It is a serious fact that many stu-
d drawing. dents come to Michigan and other,
large universities with the avowed in-
tention of becoming educated along a
AY very well-defined line other than bus-
iness administration, and on becoming
ing this acclimated to the superheated campus
11 sus- atmosphere become so utterly lost in
eb. 14 on the endless whirl of things that they
ons. fail in large measure to accomplish
that for which they came. They are
deluded into the belief that the key to
heaven, inscribed with three Greek
letters, is to be gained by beginning
at once to elect the greatest possible
+ number of hours: that education is
pictures sreved in courses, like a meal, and
baseball the greater the number of courses the
get in I more aristocratic the dinner. As a
er, 1519. i consequence at the end of their senior

"R1ssia is the key to the problem
of world peace," asserted Sir Philip
"ibbs, famous London correspondent
n jis address, "What I Saw in Rus-
sia," relivered last. night at Hill aud-
After touching briefly on the causes
3f the faminfiN 'Russia, the speaker
described the conditions now existing
in Russia in the villages and in the
gre;.t- cities such as Moscow, which
he said are but empty shel:s where the
only sign of activity is the beggars
asking alms.
"Lenine has made public confession
of the complete failure of commun-
ism," stated Sir Gibbs, "in the speech
in which he said 'We have suffered a
terrible defeat. The only thing that
can save Russia. is the establishment
of a new economic law.-"
This new economic law is, accordtng
'o Sir GIbbs, merely a return to the
old economic law. "Lenine and hisl
fellows are realists as well as ideal-1

allowed to express their opinions and
have some voice in the government
ists, ,and they are now facing terrific
realities," he said.
He went on to say that if the Soviet
government were approached by four
or five great European powers, to-
gether with the United States, it
would be willing to meet almost any
conditions imposed in return for the
aid which Russia so = desperately
"Is is easy to formulate the condi-
tions upon which we would be willing
to help," continued Sir Gibbs. "First,
the demobilization of the Red army,
to be followed by the demobilization
of the Polish army, for France is the
ally of Poland and so long as the
Red and Polish armies stan4 in arms
there can lie no peace in Europe. Sec-
ond, the cessation of revolutionary
propaganda. Third, that there should
be a more democratic basis of Rus-
sian government; that men should be
by which they are controlled."

Morini a. Great Artist I way is I
Erika Marini has been pronounced IIHot tear.
the world's most famous woman vio-I pauses o
linist and critics add that she is prob- his fellov
ab:y the greatest woman violinist thai.
ever lived. About five years ago Miss "0, br
Morini made her debut with Arthur reaching
Mikisch, playing the Mozart A ma- have we
jor concerto. The astonished con- that suec
ductor summed up her achievement in us!"
the epigram, "She is not a wonder "The tr
child, she is a wonder." She was then I falls fror




Complete information as to courses
for the Summer session of 1922 5will
be available for all students who ex-
pect to continue their study during
tha period when.the special prelim-
inary announcement of the Summer
session is placed on distribution Wed-
nesday, Feb. 1. The announcement
will enable students to plan their
work for the second semester with a
view' to co-ordinating it with thb
course of summer study,.

Hahn, trainer; and E. E. W:eman, as-
sistant football coach. The work of
these men will be supplemented by
special lectures by men from outside
the University.
(Contiued on Page Three)

11 years old.
She was born in Vienna something
less than 17 years ago, coming from
Italian stock. During the war sht
played at many concerts In Ceitral
Europe, and after the armistice she
was the first artist to tour Roumania
and Poland. She was engaed for an
American tour by F. C. Coppicus of
the Metropolitan Musical bureau in
the winter of 1921, making her debut
in Carnegie hall during that season.
Her triumph was so great that she
was able to give four New York re-
2*ta's in the next five weeks. At each
-f these she played an entirely differ-
ent program, an unparalleled feat in
every way.
Crities Puzzled
Critics in Europe and America,
while astonished at her feats of mem-
ory and technique, were entire1y at a
loss to accouat for her youthful mas-I
tery and her sympathetic under-
standing of the most d'fficult compo-
sitions. Professor Sevcik, the noted
violin teacher, with whom she studied
for a time, is quoted as saying .of
her power of the bow, "I cannot teach
her anything. It is as though the
personality of the composer whose
work she plays is living in her and
expressing himself through her."
Her program follows:
Concerto. minor ...........Bruch
Allegro moderatow
Allegro energico
Praeludium and Allegro........
....... Pugnani-Kreisler
Menuett .....................Mozart
Romance Andalouse.........Sarasatel

blue books. Hot dog! 'but they'
tough on us this year, what we
It wouldn't ge so bad If they a'
in one day, but two weeks -
buddy, we've,. been dreaming
thinking blue books so much
we've been pouring quarts 'o
for the last few weeks, and nov
got blue rings under our eyes
And they fall in behind their
er mourner (looks like a Gre
tiation) and form into line, wil
books lightly clutched in thei
wands and their left hands s
graspng the copies of the blu
Gchedules with which the gre
covered. It has been rainini
books all day - local colo
might say. In lock-step formal
1strange procession, chanting ti
song, moves down State stref
weird. plaintive cry reaches
brary and penetrates the book
so that those within hear an
out to ioin the weeping march
so swell the ranks of blue-bo
Offer Ceremouials
Ten thousand strong, they
Sleepy Hollow and there seal
selves about a huge fire, who$
ing flames reach.nigh unto the
at least half that high, any
and cast an air of glamor e
mance over the assemblage.
them, whose sackcloth and
hood (or is it a toque?) disi
h'm as a high priest, advance
fire, and after bowing three t
j the flames and then to the cc

In the past the abridged announce- E
ment contained only a brief outline of
the work for the summer which in'
many cases was, found inadequate as
a guide to planning second semester
courses. This year the announcement
contains full details as to the nature,
of the courses, the class hours, and'
he instructors and professors in
charge, so that it will be possible for
any student to arrange his summer
schedule at this time.
Copies of the announcement will be
available at the Registrar's offie, the
Graduate school offlce, the School of
Education, and the Library.f
Work in practically all the depart-
ments will be expanded with addition-
al courses by regular faculty men and
visiting professors.' One feature of
outstanding importance is the Coach-
ing school which is to be conducted
for the first time here during the
Summer session. The work will be
under the supervision of Coach Field-
ing H. Yost, director of intercollegiate
athletics. He is to be assisted by the
entire ennelhing staff of the Univer-
sity, including Ray L. Fisher, base-
ball coach; S. J. Farrell. track coach;
E. J. Mather, basketball coach; Archie

The Daily will publish two Junior
Hop extra editions. The papers will
be devotgd exclusively to the event.
The first extra will appear at mid-
night and will be distributed at the
gymnasium where the social event is
in order. The second edition, more
comp'ete and containing a picture o°
the grand march, will appear on the
streets at 6 o'clock the following
Only a limited number of the secondl
edition will be available. Fraternity
houses will be cal'ed and reservations
for copies of this editian should be
made at this time. Reservations may!
also be made any time next week at
The Daily office.' The price of the
extras will be 10 cents.

In order to improve the gener- I
al appearance of The Daily it. i
seems desirable to discontinue I
the use of page one for display I
advertising. Accordingly, the
front page ribbon. hitherto sold
only to campus and religious or- I
ganiations. will be no longer I
available. herinnine Peb. 14.
Business Manager. r

Canzonetta+..............Godard "" ai
Va'se Caprice ...........Wieniawski ao esa
Moses Fantasie...........Paganiniatchig a
(Variations on G string) the powers
Mr. Emanuel Balaban at the piano from the p
' "Lands s
Mr. Steere, who will give the organ aContin
recital on Thursday, is an advanced
student under Earl V. Moore. The
results of his work on the organ are
fast winning him recognition. WIR
His program will be as follows:
F'antasie.................Dubois Thp ad
Processional..............Duboish t
Fugue, E minor ("The Wedge") t idint h
........... .............. Bach ' in b,,
Pastorale, Op. 26 ...........Guilmant'i editorial
March on a Theme of Handel.... for the vi
....-,.:.. -- ------- Guilmantj' tinn eap
The twilight recital on the Sunday ' and Pver
after examinations will feature as 1 zivPn fuil
guest soloist Mrs. George Hastreiter, ' lePo of el
soprano. Other artists will be Sm- nliant,
nel Pierson Lockwood. violinist. Mrs. qhollld al
Maud Okkelherg. pianist, and Marian l tn+
Rtrnble, violinist. a'' of whom areI n
mphers of the School of Music fac-

Lke. ain't we
Hued on Page '
itors of Whii
to reeive ir(
Imany mami
ndv who are
inz eandidnto
ataff of the
Par 1922-21 T
to ha filled 1
v aplieation
1 enn ideratii
Inca or school
All persona
rnlv by mail.
nWVhimsies P
ra F'a'rnarv 1

the shout-
al captains


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