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January 27, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-01-27

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Prof. A. E.Zimmern States Equality
Of Trade Conditions Is Real basis
For International Amity Of Future



"As soon as we discard 'Free
Trade' as a slogan and adopt 'Equal-
ity of Trade Conditions,' we will have
a better basis not only for clear
thinking but for interhational rela-
tions," said Prof. Alfred E. Zimmern,
formerly of Oxford university,' one of
the foremost political scientists in the
English-speaking world, in his lecture
yesterday in Natural Science auditor-
In this second lecture entilted, "The
Political Framework of Economic Pol-
ilcy," Professor Zimmern outlined the
history of the idea of reciprocity and
of. customs unions, showing how they
had failed where they had not receiv-
ed popular support.
Must Amalgamate
In considering equality " of trade
conditions and international co-opera-
tion, he pointed out that "the world
will continue to be divided as long as
there remain independent political
and economic entities." He further
stated that "through taxing power the
types of social classes may be decid-

n Can-


ed-taxing power and political power
are integral."
There are four stages of a nation's
development from the standpoint of
political economy, according to Pro-
fessor Zimmern: Self sufficiency, a
relatively short priod, a time of free
trade in which luxuries are bought
from outside, the protectionist regime,
when manufacturing is developing
within a given country, and finally an
era when free export trade dominates
and there is a contest between the
protectionists and free traders.
Professor .Zimmern then turned. to
his suggestions in the direction
of equality of trade, emphasizing
the elimination of discrimination in
trade between nations. To promote
understanding of terms and avoid fric-
tion in indiscriminate treatment, an
international committee shou'd be ap-
pointed to interpret the terms. Then
the "open-door" policy should be pur-
sued, or if the door must be closed,
it should be closed equally, so that in
either ease there will be an equality
of access.
In the third place, he suggested that
there should be no differential export
duties, in which each nation disposes
of its products to various countries.
on different terms. To prevent any
nation cornering products, no export
duties on monopolies should be al-
lowed. Further, there should be al-
lowed no military barrier, so that ec-
onomic bargaining may. be free from
political influence.
Sees Hope for Future
Looking into the future, Professor
Zimmern sees increasing co-operation
to show those in power the interna-
tional bearing of their policies and to
enable them to defend such plans.
There should be developed "machin-
ery for the co-operation of the sub-
ministers with technical jobs." In
conclusion Professor Zimmern left
this thought with his audience: "Feb-
lowship is life, enforced fellowship is
Distinction And
Style -Shown At
Twuilight Recital

Declares New Plan for Local Govern-
ment Is Logleal eMans of
Originated nine years ago, and now
governing 275 cities and villages in
the United States, the city manager
plan shows promise of being the fu-
ture form of local government in this
country, believes Prof. Robert Crane.
of the political science department,
who is said to be the greatest author-
ity on the city manager plan in the
United States.
"The people are demanding a
change from the old, inefficient meth-'
ods of governing cities, and are turn-
ing to the city manager plan," he
said in discussing the cause of its
rapid spread.
Old Theories Obsole'te.
"All the old theories regarding the
necessary balance of power between
the different functions of government
must give way," he continued, "in the
face of their failure to attain even a
semblage of their proper efficiency in
management. They are doing this in
all parts of the country, and hiring a
single, expert executive to do the
work of managing the city or village.
Great progress has been made in the
western and some of the southern
states,' but in the north it has been'
very slow. Michigan, however, is a
'eader, having more than 10 per cent
of the total number in the country.,
"The' plan has gone through the
greatest crisis in the past year that
it has seen yet, and it came out with
flying colors. In Jackson, Pontiac.
Kalamazoo and other cities it was
threatened by considerable agitation
for a while. The cause lay in the at-
tributing of the generally increased
^ost of city administration to the new
form of government, by the reaction-
aries, and in the agitations of the
politicians who wanted back their

"elle Aventure"
Cast Is Selcted
As a result of the tryout for the
French play, "La Belle Aventure,"
which is to be presented later under
the auspices of the Cercle Franca!s,
the following women have- been re-
tained for parts: Dorothy Avery.
'22Ed., 1Martha Chapin, '23Ed., Georgia,
Church, '23, Mrs. Elsie Cooper. '23,
Florence Fuller, '25, Ann Hinshaw,
'23, Athalie Hough, '22, Natalie Jor-
dan, '23, Margaret Moye, '22, Marjorie
Poundstone, '24 S. of M., Myra Retz,
Grad., Edelaine Rodem, '22, Page
Rowe, '24, Madeline Scales, '22, Har-
riette Sewell, '24, Helena Silver, '22.
Bernese Warsaw, '22, Dorothy Whip-
ple, '23, Hilda Wester, '22, and Helen
Woolruff, '23Ed.
The men who will receive parts are
H. F. Barrett, '24, C. C. Chandler,
'23Ed., F. G. Donner, '23, M. A. Ewing.
'24 S. of M., S. M. Finn, '23, R. F.
Kile, '23E, L. 0. Palmiter, '24, W. E.
Parnall, '5, C. R. Betron, '24, A. A.
Preece, '24, W. M. Randall, Grad.,
S. T. Rice, '23, and R. C. Rumsey, '23.
In order to enable the committee to
begin to assigne the different parts
.mmediately, the above students are
requested to meet. at 4:30 o'clock to-
day in the Cercle rooms in South
Wing. They will be required to read
aloud about one-half of any French
play which they may choose.

Sweater Coats Would -Also
to Seniors of Previous I
Proposed changes in the b
the Athletic association, regu

hich is
les as un

d in

. This meet-
another Sat-


Id speak with as
sentatives as possi-
as chiefly concern-
e or two talks with
so that France
the American at-

Students who are being introduced
to 'the difficulties of motion picture
writing were addressed specially in
a communication received yesterday
by The Daily from Austin C. Lescar-
boura, one of the well known technical
writers in the present day cinema in-
dustry. The purport of the letter is
to emphasize the importance of the
story in production. Its main points
are as follows:
"The story is the soul of the photo-
play. It is the very foundation upon
which is erected the elaborate series
of scenes which makes up the finished
film. The photoplay is judged good or
poor by the story it tells, for, after
all, it is the story which interests the
"The direction, acting and photo-
graphy are important, to be sure; but
they are more or less a matter of
routine, depending for their success
upon the foundation which is given
them to build upon.
"Beginners especially should realize
that everything must start with an
idea. After the idea comes the plan,
more or less complete but generally
perfected as the work progresses. So'
with motion pictures, there must first
be an idea, or plot for a film story
followed by a more or less complete
set of plans for the actual production.
"In their writing they must remem-
ber to tell the story in action only, to
have as few titles as possible, for the
audience wants to see pictures and not
Three Listed On.



1003S AND DE-

unemployment problem
a permanent solution only
ds of depression and busi-
s are done away with, was
advanced by Prof.' J. B.
until recently connected
nemployment conference in
a, given in the economics
m yesterday morning.
stion of unemployment was
y Professor Andrews to be
"hardest problems in our
reasing recurrence of per-
ustrial depression is a sure
of the necessity for some
. the boom period, and the
depression, remove these
and you have done a lot to
e problem," said Professor
The most hopeful sign of
ement along these lines is
I in the Federal reserve sys-
essor Andrews said that a
bankers had told him that
al reserve banks had un-
ly prevented one of the
ncial panics in the world's,
rear ago. This is a step to-
oving the extremes of' the

ision Professor Andrews
work of the unemployment
which met ih Washington
He said that it was one
conferences of this kind'
called before the situation
Horst, real industrial lead-
attendance, and the con-
behind it a continuing
o carry out its work.
L. Ward of the dental
rned yesterday from Mon-
ec, where he was attend-
iual convention of the Na-
ciation of Dental Facul-

Mrs. William Wheeler, soprano, An-
thony J. Whitmire, violinist, and Mrs.
Maud Okkelberg, pianist, all members
of the School of Music faculty will give
the next Twilight recital at 4:16
o'clock Sunday afternoon in Hill au-
Mrs. Wheeler will offer a group of.
four numbers. She has appeared sev-
eral times in concerts in Ann Arbor,
both in this series and under the. au-
spices of. the Matinee Musicale soci-
ety, and has always made a most fav-
orable impression. She has had wide
experience as a concert singer and is
well known for her Victot records.
Anthony J. Whitmire will.offer two
groups of violin numbers. This artist,
after completing his work at the
School of Music, spent several years
abroad under leading masters. Upon
his return to America he was invited
to a place on the faculty of the violin
department, a position which he has
filled successfully, winning continued
recognition as a teacher and as an
Mrs. Okkelberg will give the opening
and closing numbers on the program.
having chosen Beethoven's "Thirty-
two Variations" as her first rendering
and a group of smaller pieces at the
close of the recital. Mrs. Okkelbergi
has also had the advantage of exten-
sive study in Europe, in addition to
her study at the School of Music.
Hatton Gives Special Lecture
Prof. A. R. Hatton, from Western
Reserve, will address the municipal
government students at 10 o'clock this
morning, in room 101, Economics build-l

(By J. WO Giover)
Miss Winifred Dickinson, who gave
yesterday's Twilight organ recital in
Hill auditorium, plays with style as
well as a certain distinction of inter-
pretation. She very evidently knows
what ,she is about. Her Bach lis first-
rate and the "Prelude in E flat major"
is an exceedingly taxing one, particu-
larly on an organ with a sluggish ac-
tion; unfortunately the Frieze Memor-
mal organ is very trying in that re-
spect. The intricate texture of Bach's
polyphony **as never blurred, not-
withstanding the difficulty of playing
the inner parts crisply.
Bonnet's "Angelus Du Soir" was
beautifully interpreted. This sombre
little devotional is a veritable gem-
:s fine as anything the talented French
irtuoso has written. Miss Dickinson's
handling of the lovely decrescendo at
the close of the "Angelus" was ex-
tremely artistic. The Widor "Pastor-
ale," a charming rustic idyll, was play-
ed with grace and understanding.
f"Caprice (The Brook)," by Dethier,
supposedly represents the progress of
a brook along its course until it be-
comes a mighty stream. As in most
"program music," the image and anal-
ogy seems dubious in this composition,
but it is a rather brilliant thing at an
rate, perhaps more pianistic than it
might be for successful interpretation
on the organ.
- Schminke's "Marche Russe" is not as
Russian in atmosphere as the title
would indicate, but has a certain bar-
baric flavor in its choppy rhythm and
rushing movement. It is interesting
to note that all the numbers on the
program were compositions of famous
organists, even including Bach him-
self, who was no mean roganist in his
Another campaign to obtain sub-
scriptions for the 1922 Michiganensian
will be launched sometime in March,
according to a statement given out by
the editors yesterday.
At least 1,000 more subscriptions are
needed to insure the financial success
of the book. During the last cam-
paign many ,ttudents were not given
a chance to sign up, but will have an
'opportunity to do so at the coming
This will be the last chance to get
an 'Ensian, the editors state. After
all of last year's books had been dis-
tributed there were still 200 students
left on the waiting list.

Not Desirable for Nation
Professor Crane does not believe
that the manager plan can be extend-
"'d to the national or state govern-,
merits because conditions in them are
very different. He dos not consid-
tr the use of- the plan in counties an
indication of its further growth, but
says that he loes not know definitely1
'o what extent it may spread, for it is
still young.
"In larger governments there' is a1
clear balance of power between the
executive and legislative. The duty of
the government is evenly divided. The'
manager plan, however, is based on
a government consisting mostly of ex-!
,cutive work. and for that reason I
fail to conceive of it as carried any
farther than local gcternment, al-'
though I believe it to be the ultimate
method there.
"The plan as a whole is improving
in practice so rapidly that I can feel
'rnly optimism regarding its develop-
,rnent and spread. Its adoption in
'leveland recently, and the authori-'
7ation of a salary which "may run up
"o $50.000 shows its strength. And
the hopeful thing- about it. all is, too.
that labor is backing it, realizing that
only with it can all factions get an
^quitable share in the government..
That is one of the most hopeful signs
that has yet appeared."
Representatives of 50 organizations
and groups of independents purchas-
ed tickets x for booths for the J-Hop
yesterday afternoon in the Union, ac-
cording to A. C. Gibson, '23D. chair-
man of the booth committee. . Booths
sold for $30 and with each booth ont,
ticket admitting one patron and pa-
troness was given without extra
Booths will be selected by represen-
tatives of the various groups occupy-
ing them some time before the Hop.
Furnishings for decorations must be
provided for by each organization.
Any organizations that were unable
to purchase booth tickets at the'
Union yesterday should get in touch
with A. C. Gibson, 753, immediately.

Members of the faculty of the lit-
erary college will met at 3:30 o'clock
Monday afternoon, Jan. 30, in New-
berry hall for the purpose of consid-
ering the final report of the commit-
tee on junior-senior colleges. By a
decision of a previous meeting, there
s to be a difference between the
treatment of work for the first two
years and that for the last two years.
Also at this time the committee on
revision of entrance requirements
will present its report as well as a
list of probable reasons for freshman
failures. -"No radical formal cbnges
of the entrance requirements of the
last 10 years are preieditated," stat-
ed' Registrar Arthur G. Hall, "but
stress will be put upon better quality
'of preparation for admission to the

Applications for seats at the J-Hop
performance - of "Make It ,For Two,"
were mailed out by the Union yester-
day, and will be received this morning
by every student who has purchased a
T.Hop ticket.
Upon receiving the mail order en-
relope it should be filled out and tak-
:n to the Union office, where the ap-
plicant will draw a number designat-
ng the priority in which his order
wil be filled. This method is being
used in order that every one wishing toj
'urchase tickets will have an equal op-
nortunity to obtain the best seats pos-
sible. The applications should be re-
.urned and the priority number drawn
"efore Wednesday, Feb. 1-.
Members of fraternities and other
.roups wishing to sit together may
"ool their envelopes and draw only one
-umber. Single tickets may be ob-
tained by those who are not' planning
.o attend the Hop upon application
at the Union office for a priority num-
This added performance of "Make It
For Two," will be given especially for
T-Hop guests and their hostb. and ac-
^ording to Mimes officials will be the
most finished performance yet seen
-n Ann Arbor, various minor changes
having been made during the road trip.
The seat prices are $2.50 for the en-
-;re lower floor and boxes, $2 for the
irst four rows of the balcony and $1.50
-md $1 for the remairing seats of the
"alcony. There are 592 $2 seats in
the Whitney, and if these seats are ex-
hausted before all mail orders- are
filled. $2 seats will be given to the
purchaser and the balance of his re-
mittance refunded.

(Bq Asosciated Press
Washington, Jan. 26.-The
,er? of the Washington confere
tually came to a standstill tod
the delegates awaited resul
President Harding's move fe
tlement of the Shantung con
Optimism over the outcom
President's efforts gained-gr
every quarter and the belief
a'imous that the few remainiu
issues of the conference could
delayed for examination in a
atmosphere after the most trou
of all the Far Eastern problei
of the way.
As if preparing for the a
ment of the complete agree
blenipotentiaries of the Tokic
king governments today cle
last remaining collaterial iss
Shantung negotiation and a
meet Saturday morning to 1
drafting of the treaty.
Only the central problem
Tsingtao-Tsinanfu railroad,
the compromise proposal sup:
President Harding is directed
mains unsettled.

insignia which a student man
be awarded for his work, f
awards for participation on
country team, and allowing t
of a sweater coat with tpe V;
signia, will be presented to t
of directors of the associati
uesday night.
The student managers, u
proposed changes, will no I
awarded the block "M" for tI
ices, but will be awarded a
"M" and a fob on which the
ters "U. of M. A. A." are we
The outline "M" that they
ceive will be the size of the
baseball "M" and will be ei
tinguished from other insigx
to Varsity men.
Should Be Distinguisli
There has been a feeling
campus that the awards giver
agers were not easily dist
from the awards given to
actually participated in spc
the board, at a recent meetir
a committee to investigate
ter and decide upon an sawa
would be satisfactory. The c
decided upon the outline "M
fob to displace the previous
the regular sweater and ha
recommendation, which will
to the 'board at its meeting
day, will in all probability
ed, judging from the opinions
ed by members yesterday.
The award to members of
country team, long though
quate, will be changed if t
sees fit to pass the recommer
another committee composed
bers of the board. Under th
ed plan the cross country "
be awarded to six members
which places first or second
ference meet, or to any
who places fifteenth or bett
Conference meet, or to any
(Continued on Page Eqi

Owen J.
Tague. '221
G tr el1


ld ! ing.
he Professor ratton is considered a
h- foremost authority on the city manager
tte plan of municipal government. which'
us will be the subject of the his lecture.

- tL er- LTOIt
Fifteen members of the University in Judge J
physics staff are expected to attend last Wed
the semi-annual meeting of the Asso- acted in de
cIation of Michigan Teachers of Col- ant, whoc
lege Physics tomorrow in Detroit. Brothers'
The morning session will be held at companyo
10 o'clock at the Detroit Junior col- suit which
lege. The afternoon program will back from
include a lecture by Dr. R. A. Sawyer defense of
of the physics department of the uni- clam is tha
versity upon "Ionization Potential ! turned toI
and Resonance." 1 that the di

Watts, '23L, and R. 0.
L, acted as attorneys in the
Aman trial which was he'd
'ohn D. Thomas' court here
nesday afternoon. Tague
efense of Potter, the defend-
claimed that the Goldman
Cleaning and Pressing
ought to stand good for a
he said he did not receive
the firm. Watts acted in
Goldman. the plaintiff, who
at Potter's suit was re-
his home. though he admits

At the close of 20 years
and successful work, the r
of Dean Myra B. Jordan is in
of the Board of Regents for
tion at their meeting today
Dean Jordan has been u
her efforts to further the i
of women in the University
been especially active in
'eague houses and better
condition. Through, her we
noon teas for University v
has come into social contac
one individually.
Dean Jordan is planning 1

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