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October 05, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-10-05

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Chief Justice William Howard Taft
is =expected to be in Ann Arbor for
the Thursday morning session of the
general conference of the Unitarian.
churches of the United States and Can-
ada, which is being held here and in
Detroit Tuesday to Friday of this
This session is the only one to be
held in this city, and will open' at 10
o'clock Thursday morning at the Uni
tarian church. Chief Justice Taft is
the president of the conference.
The main, feature of the meeting here
will be the discussion of the topic, "Our
Obligations to Students In School and
College," with Dr. Samuel M. Croth-
ers, of Cambridge, Mass., as leader..


Members of the Students' Press club,
an organization of men and women in-2 1 22 A OUN ED
terested in journalistic work, will hold
their first meeting of the year in the A
form of a buffet luncheon at 6 o'clock
this evening in room 318 of the Un- .

usiasm Promises
ig attendance

associated Press)
Oct. 4.--hpe dream


metropolitan basoball fans is
out to be a reality. For years local
lowers of the national game have
ped for a world's series battle be-
een the New York Nationals and
American league team. The Giants
I Yankees, winners of their respec-
e league titles, are to begin the
uggle tomorrow for the supreme
ze of professional baseball.
While close followers of baseball
d the contention that neither the
rots nor Yankees of today are the!
at machine that made earlier
rid Series history, the two local
ms possess both the power and
sonality for a sensational ,and
illing series. There will be, h6w-
r, more individual than team or
nbination features played, and this
son respects is expected to height-
the glamour of the clash.
Iegardless of the question of in-
idual brilliancy against machine.
ying perfection, the fact remains
t never in the history of Greater
w York participation in the World
ies has interest in the outcome
n so keen.
onight the baseball and financial
tisticians are' predicting record
aking attendance. Reserved seats
3 boxes under the control of the
ms are reported to be sold out.
ousands of spectators who would
'e been willing to pay a premium
reserve a seat mhust take their
nces in the long line forming be-
e the unreserved section.
nthusiasm is not confined to the
s of Greater ew York and its sub-
s, however, for thousands of base-
T followers from many sections of
country have poured''into the city
several days.


Report Increase of More Than 50 Per
Cent; Claim Growth Due to
New Policy
A gain of 124 in the enrollment of
the Graduate school, an increase of
more than 50 per cent, has been re-
ported. This growth is attributed to
the new policy of the school concern-
ing fellbwships and scholarships,
which allows regularly enrolled in-
structors of the Graduate school, to-
gether with fellows and sdholars, ex-
emption from the payment of the usual
annual fees. Matriculation and other
minor fees are expected. "This puts
Michigan on a level with other univer-
sities where it has been the policy to
allow graduates exemption from an-
nual dues," was the statement of Dean
Alfred H. Lloyd of the Graduate school.
Fellowships are now distinct from
scholarships, since'they carry a larger
stipend and are held only by students
of more experience, ability, and inde-
pendence in graduate study and re-
search. The practical result is fewer
fellowships of more value, so that ap-
pointment to a fellowship is of more
importance than was the case before.
% y

Speakers at the meeting have been
secured to address the prospective
Journalists, telling them of the prob-
lems they will encounter. E. J. Otta-
way, of the Port Huron Times-Herald
and the president of the University
Press club of Michigan, will speak.
He will be followed by Lee A. White, of
the Detroit News. There will be a
,general discussion of journalistic
work, and the organization will lay
plans for future meetings and a season
of activity.
Anyone in the University who is in-
terested in writing is eligible to belong
to the club. 'At the present time mem-
bers are interested in both the newspa-
per and magazines as fields for their
work. Those who are interested in
such work and are as yet unaffiliated
with the organization are welcome at
the meeting tonight.-
The buffet luncheon will be served
at a cost of 75 cents a plate.

tan. I

D. Dow, '22E, R. E. Adams, '23, M. A. Newton, '22, G. F. (
i. Fox, '22E; J. Bernstein, '22, and IV. W. Gower, '22
to Big P ositions



(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 4. - Three addi-
tional nations, Belgium, Holland and
Portugal, were invited by the inited
States government today to partfci-
pate in the discussion of Pacific and
far eastern questions in connection
With the disarmament conference. Al-
most' coincidentally, it was 'made
known by high administration ofi-
cials that the United States does not
anticipate consideration of inter-al-
lied debts ,at the conference..
The formal invitation to the three
additional nations were forwarded
late in. the day to the .respective
capitals and were extended after
correspondence between Secretary
Hughes, acting for President Harding,
and the four principal powers orig-
inally invited to send representatives
to the conference. The important in-
terests of each of the three nations in.
the far east led to the extension of the
China was invited to participate in
the Pacific and far eastern discussion
when the first invitations were issued,
and acceptance by Belgium, Holland,
and Portugal, which is regarded here
as assured, will mean that nine na-
tions will sit together when such dis-
cussions are entered. The question of
disarmament limitations, however, will
be discussed only by the five, major




p Jtanager Government Plan Gains
worA mong Nation's Municipalities/

With ever increasing financial bur-
dens being constantly:thrust upon the
municipal taxpayer, the city, manager
plan of government is becoming more.
and more an important phase in the
political life of the country. A direct
offspring of Athe Galveston plan of
commission government, the city man-
ager plan had its genesis in the town
of Sumpter, South Carolina, in 1912,
but- since that time more than 200
cities in the United States including
30 Michigan towns and cities have
adopted it and are successfully con-.
ducting their legislative and executive
function with a minimum of expense
and a ma imum of efficiency.
Successful at Griand Rapids
The first Michigan city to adopt this
form of centralized administrative
control was Grand Rapids, and so suc-
cessful was the venture that they have
not deviated from their first course.
Grand Rapids was closely followed by
Kalamazoo, and this city, too, has been
completely satisfied with the results,
so it is not surprising to note that.
Muskegon, Pontiac, Escanaba, Stur-
gis, and Three Rivers have come over
to the new idea and are firm advocates
of the city manager idea.
Under the city manager plan, the
commission still remains but its func-
tions are purely of a legislative and
representative character. The com-
mission is elected by the people, and it
in turn appoints the city manager.
The manager then is directly respon-
sible to the commission and failure to
execute their policies is sufficient
cause to warrant his removal. The
manager thus becomes responsible for
the affairs of the city and he has also
the power of appointing the subor-

result this centralization of authori-
ty and responsibility is bound to cre-
ate a more efficient form of govern-
ment, and at the same time there is
not much possibility of a "one-man
rule" or the -control of the city by
political rings, ward healers, or small
Natural College Course
Therefore when one considers the
vast amount of attention that' is be-
ing given to clearing up the shady,
side of politics by the introduction of
more efficient as well as representa-
tive methods, it is not surprising to
learn that our colleges and universi-
ties are including in their curricula
courses that will fit men to accept
city managerpositions. A city man-
ager must know something of law,
medicine, and engineering, to say
nothing of his knowledge of the more
general subjects which are offered in
the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts.
20 Students Enrolled Here
Here at the University of Michigan
.especial attention is given to stu-
dents desirous of pursuing their life
work in that field and more than 20
students have signified their inten-
tion of adopting that work. The nun-
ber is larger this year than ever be-
fore, yet special courses have been
offered in that field since 1917. At
that time the outbreak of the war
compelled the men who were s ecializ-
ing along that line to stop school and
of the four men enrolled in the de-
,partment, but one returned to receive
his degree in municipal administra-
tion. But now that the more general
trend of city government is toward the
city manager plan it is expected that.
in a few years a special department

Nationwide co-operation of all the
engineering societies in furthering the
solution of national problems is the
purpose of the Federated American
Engineering societies, explained Deanj
Mortimer E. Cooley, of the College of
Engineering and Architecture, in an
interview yesterday afternoon. Last
Friday night Dean Cooley was unan-
imously elected to the presidency of
the federation, which is held to be the
greatest honor for an engineer in
Members of the Federated Ameri-
can Engineering societies are the va-
rious national andlocal organizations
of engineers. Each member society
sends a number of delegates propor-
tional to .its size to a central coun-
cil, which meets at stated times in
Washington, D. C. The council elects
an executive committee and the pres-
ident, who together transact all the
affairs of the orga ization.
In its year and a half of active life,
the federation has been instrumen-
tal in :initiating the bill now before
congress for the reorganization of the
departments of the cabinet, and has
been the motive power, under Her-
bert Hoover, of the nation-wide cam-
paign against public waste. Dean
Cooley indicates that its future work
might concern such subjects as re-
forestation or the development of a
uniform code of engineering ethics.

Activities of the Gun and Blade
club for the coming school year will
begin at 7:30 o'clock Thursday eve-
ning when the big get-together meet-
ing will be held in the reading room
of the Union. This meeting is open
to all Federal board men on the cam-
pus whether they are'members of the
club or not.
The social committee has arranged
a program of music, singing and
speeches which will be followed by a
smoker. Among those who will speak
are Assistant Dean of Students Dr. F.,
B. Wahr, the local Federal board coun-
selor; Earl Allmand, '24, chairman of
the social committee, and Wilfrid
Hocking, '24L, president of the club.
The program is, "Gun and Blade-
Wilfrid Hocking, '24L. Piano selec-
tions-Ted H. Bennett, '23.' "What
Federal Board Men Should Know",
Dr. F. B. Wahr. - Comic readings--Os-
car Brown, '24L. "Review of the
Club's Summer Activities"-Earl All-
mand, '24. Army songs and parodies
-Hamilton ,,Cochran, '22, and ldie J.
Finger, '23E. The music will be furn-
ished by the Kennedy Dance orches-

Regular committees for the year
1921-1922 were announced yesterday
by R. Emerson Swart, '22E, president
of the Michigan Union. A total of 19
standing committees are on the list,
with appointments to the Mimes Cam-
pus theater, Union opera, and Spot-
light committees still undecided upon.
The work of the fall reception com-
mittee, of which R. E. Adams, Jr., '23,
was general chairman,, in receiving and
registering incoming students during
the first weeks of school, has been com-
pleted. The personnel of the commit-
rtees doing the work was as follows:
Housing committee-James Stevens,
'23, chairman; Wiliam Valentine, '23,
assistant chairman; Julian Riley, '23,
Phillip- Schneider, '24, Edward Stark,
'24, William .Alexander, "24, Thomas
Rice, '23, Robert Young, '24, Joe Fail-
ing, '24M, William Schlueter, '22E,,
.Thomas Edwards, '24, John Bernard,
'24E, John Treble, '24, John Millis, '24,
Harry Hoey, '24, Charles Chapple, '24,
Raymond Cassidy, '24, George Chamb-
ers, '22H.
Uebele Heads Registration
The registration committee, under
the general fall reception committee, '
was composed of Bert Uebele, '23E,
chairman; Lawrence E. D'Ooge, '24,
Mark Croxton, '23, Thomas Cavanaugh,
'24, Thomas 'Kindel, '24, Robert Wil-
kins, '24, Lewis Favorite, '24, and
Walter Couse, '22E. Thefreshman as-
sistance committee was headed by
Norman Hanson, '23, and'his assistants
were Frank Camp, '23E, James Duffy,.
'23, Blackburn Wheatley, '24, Nelson
Joyner, '24, and John Morse, '24.
The information committee during
the weeks of registration was compos-
ed of John M. Burge, '23, chairman;7
William B. Halley, '24, assistant cbair-
man; Arthur Dittmer, '23, Leo Hersh-
dorfer, '23, Paul Dunakin, '23, James
Miller, '23, H. E. McNight, '23, Smith
Childs, '23, Paul Zeigelbauer, '23, Har-
old Eubank, '22L, Harvey Reed, '24E,
H. W. Baker, '24, James B. Young, '24,
Joe Shaw, '24, John Clark, '24, Haroldl
'Nutting, '24E, Bernard Segall, .'24,
Ralph oy, S. of M., C. B. Crumb, '24,
W. B. Hoge, '22, and Ralph Brown-
field, '25.

Norman C. Damon, '23,
chairman of the Sund
meetings committee, with
'22, Carl G. Brandt, '21L,
'23, Edward T. Ramsdell
Bulkley, '24, Richard Kh
and Joseph C. Morris, '22,
The information and a
copmittee is made up
Neale, '22E, chairman; b
ley, \24, assistant chalri
Mitler, '23, Charles Wald
Marshall, '24, John Russe]
er G. McKee, '22E, Da
'22E, Arthur Davidson, '2
Hartle, '24E, and Charles
Life Membership Work
Maynard A. Newton, '22
eral 'chairman of the life
,campaign, with assistan
nounced later,
The combined Musical c
tee will have as its gene
gordon F. Godley, '22E, w
committees also to "be gil
James G. Frey, '22, and
'23, were chairman nd as
ma respectively of the r
mittee, in charge of the:
cepetion given last Wedi
The other members were
'22, George I. Murphy, '22
Dunlop, '23, Max Schraye
uel. Ginsberg, '23, Victor
Clifford Stuart, '22, Paul
and Frank Tennent, '23.
Bernstein Publicity (
The publicity committee
Joseph A. Bernstein, '22, c
Clarence Hatch, Jr., '2
chairman; with Marion 1
Robert A Brown, '23, Tho:
ery, '21L, Howard Donal
John P. Dawson, Jr., '22,
Edmund Fox, '22E, is g
man of the dance om
George Gregory,.'22,C
mer, '23, Carl R. Pratt, '2
F. Hascall, '23, as his ass
Gower HeadsAd
The upperclass advise
headed, by Waldo W..Gow
en assistants have bee
Thomas Lynch, '23E, John
Norman Kunstader, '22, A
bairn, '2'3, James E. Duffy
Hunt, '23, and Walter Sch
Bowling will' be under 1
of Walter Velde, '23, as
the bowling committee,
Bowers, '23M, Lestie Ste
William C. Valentne, '23,
Wesbrook, '22, will be his
Gordon Whitbeck, '22, :
chairman of the billiards
the other five members be
Robbins, '23, Harry Byrn
las Dewey, '23, Thomas S
and Reynold Wood, '23.
The athletic reception
has Maurice R. Norcrop,
chairman during the year
G. Stevens, '23, will hav
securing a special car to tl
game in November.
-The library committee
year will be composed of J
son, '22L, chairman, Mahli
or, '23L, Glen Landen, '2
Miller, '22E, and Adrian

Speaker Is Considered One of the
Leading Experts on Law of
The Hon. Dallas M. Boudeman of
K amazoo gave the first of a series
of 10 lectures in room C of the Law
building at 4 o'clock Monday after-
noon. Mr. Boudeman's lectures will
relate to the financial and legal as-
pects of investments and securities.
Yesterday's lecture was 'concerned
with the general importance of thrift
and saving.
According to Dean Henry M. Bates
of the Law school Mr. Boudeman is
one of the leading lawyers in his part
of the country, being considered an
expert in his field." The purpose of his
lectures is to advise the public what
to look for in securities and invest-
ments offered, in order to avoid un-
necessWzy losses.

Engineers Favor
Broader Outlook
Wider knowledge of the social and'
economical affairs of life were advo-
cated as the means of raising the en-
gineer to the high standard of other
professional men by Prof. John C.
Parker, of the electrical engineering
department,' last evening . when he
spoke before the members of the As-
sociated American Engineers at their
first monthly meeting at the Michigan
"The engineer has become too narl
row in his technical knowledge and
his relation to society," he said, "and
by segregating himself has failed 4to
foster that professional consciousness
that is needed ,to impress the world
with the importance of the engineer's
The meeting commended the action
of the Federated American Engineer-
ing soqjeties in choosing Dean Mor-
timer E. Cooley, of the College of En-
gineering, as its new president, and
voted' congratulations to the dean on
his election.
Feeling that the engineer has notr
received proper recognition for his
contribution to society financially or
professionally was expressed by Prof.
Henry E. Riggs, Prof. Emil Lrch,,
and Prof. John E. Emswiler.
"Professional consciousness among
engineers must be the ambition of us
all," Professor Lorch said. "To ac-
complish it we must become social,
beings, learn to live among our fel-,
lows and exhibit an interest in the
world's great affairs.' The next move
we take must purge our ranks of non-

Dow Heads House Committee
The regular committees for the rest
of the year are headed by the house
committee, of which Douglas Dow,
'22E, is chairman, and Brewster P.
Campbell, '22, R. Jerome Dunne, '22,]
Francis M. Smith, '22, Vernon Hillery,
'23, and Lawrence Gregory, '22E, the
other members.
,The men on the entertainment com-
mittee for the coming year are Rqbert
E. Adams, Jr., '23, general chairman,
and Roland V. Libonati, '24L, and Rob-
ert Gibson, '23, assistant chairmen.
The program, entertainment, ,and
music committee, under the larger
general committee, is composed of L.
Perkins Bull, '23, chairman; Robert
Lee, '23, Thomas Kindel, '24, Seward
Cramer, '23, Harold Nutting, '23E, Phil-
lip Brewer, '23, Lawrence E. D'Ooge,
'24, William.White, '24", Robert Wil-
kins, '24, Kenneth Kerr, '24, Fred M.
Redemsky, '21E, Donald C. Turner,
'23E, Frederick A. Horn, '23E, Richard
Bachman, '23, James Patton, '23E, C.,
Ellsworth Selmeier, '23, Walter L.
Couse, '23E, Henry Earle, '24.
Pierce in Charge of Music
Carlton B. Pierce, '24M, will act as
chairman of the music committee and
John Sanders, '23M, assistant chair-
man. The other members are Frank
McPhail, '25M, Edwin M. Beresford,
'22, Frederick H. Bennett, '23, Edward
M. Apple, '22L, William Kratz, '24,
John J. Wright, '24, Osborne Lewis,
"23, D. Hartley Sinclair, '22, Cecil
Rhodes, '21E, William Seeley, '22E,
Herbert.Shaw, '22E, Albert McKinley,
'23E, Herbert Dunphy, '23, Albert
Parker, '23.


Sir Stiles Addresses I
Sir Harold Stiles, cli
of surgery at the Univ
burgh, addressed the -
of th7 University last
ner given in his honoi
Cabot, dean of the M5
Dr. Stiles is in this c
medical clinics of the
and Visited the Univ
yesterday morning. In
he gave a clinic to m


created and a 'definite program

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