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January 18, 1922 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-01-18

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University Of Jichigan League

Campaign plans for the advancement
of the University of Michigan League
will be discussed by the Alumnae coun-
cil of the Alumni association which
Will bold its regular mid-winter meet-
ing next Saturday. Headquarters for
the representatives will be at the
Mlichigan Union.
At the business sessions of the coun-
cil, which will open at 10 o'clock Sat-
uirday morning and close at 6 o'clock,
reports will be made by all organized
groups of Michigan alumnae on cam-
pefgn and membership. Edna Groh,
22, will present the report from the
Women's league.
Dr. John Sundwall will be the l

speaker at a luncheon to be given at
the union for the reprsentatives.
Mrs. E. D. Pomeroy, '96, of Chicago,
president of the Alumnae council, will
preside at all the meetings of the
Under the direction of Edna Groff,
'22, plans have been made for meeting
the representatives at the trains.
Those here in time for dinner Friday
are to be the guests of the several
Word has been received that the fol-
lowing representatives will attend the
council meeting: Mrs. B. R. Deming,
'94, Cleveland; Mrs. W. K. Mitchell.
'91, Chicago; Mrs. Helen B. Wilcox,
'01, Bay City; Mrs. Clara F. Hall, '05,
as alternate for Mrs .A. H. Vanden-
berg, '06, Grand Rapids; Miss Floren-
tine (look, '17, Hilsdale; Miss Gretchen
Jones, '20, Saginaw; Miss Margaret
Bassett, '17, Toledo; Mrs. Dorothea
Nealand Tufts, '08, Detroit; Miss Wini-
fred Rowe, '13, Calumet; Miss Nellie
McKay, '99, Lansing; Mrs. Stuart
Perry, '94, Adrian; Mrs. Frances Henk-
ley Moore, '90, Benton Harbor; Mrs.

Chas. Gore, '16, Benton Harbor; Miss
Ella Moore, '12, Coldwater; Miss
Matha Seeley, '21, Cairo; Miss MaryI
Goddard, '00, Ypsilanti; Mrs. W. R.
Wooden, '12, Battle Creek; Miss Hazel
Selby, '18, Cincinnati; Miss Christabel
Sawyer, '98, Cadillac; Mrs. Charles
Fisher, '17, Kalamazoo; and Mrs. W.
R. Wooden, '12, Battle Creek.
Several special meetings will take
place previous to the regular Alum-
nae council meeting to be held herej
on Saturday.1
The executive committee of. the
Alumnae council will meet Thursday
evening and again Friday morning at
t0 o'clock. This body will meet at
2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Henry C. Adams, '88, with
'he chairmen of the standing commit-
tees who are as fo'lows: Mrs. J. 0.
Schlotterbeck, '97, Mrs. W. B. Pills-
'ury, '05, Miss Helen Bates, '18, Mrs.
>l vans Holbrook, '03, Mrs. Max Wink-
ler, '93, Miss Fandira Crocker, '86.
A joint meeting of the executive
-ommittee, advisory members of the
^omm ittee, chairmen of the standing
°ommittees, and the board of direc-
ors of the Women's league wi'l meet
-1.t 4 o'clock on Friday in Alumnae
'emorial hail. At this meeting spe-
Ia1 reports from the Women's league
vill be made by Susan Fifch. '24, as
'airman of the undergraduate mem-
'ership committee and by Neva Love-
vell, '22. chairman of the undergrad-
,!ate campalgn committee. The com-
,nittee on life membership pins will
'lso make a report.


Class of 1922


Michigan's Chicago alumnae have
undertaken the entire campaign for
the University of Michigan League in
the state of Illinois.
Mrs. W. K. Mitchell, '91, chairman
of the Illinois campaign committee,
presided at a meeting held recently
in the Ida Noyes hall, University of
Chicago. Irving Pond of Pond &
Pand, architects for the Union, spoke
to the women regarding the tentative
plans for the building.
With the campaign hardly started,
Chicago has already sent in $800 in
life members1'ivs and has reported one
pledge of $1000.
A letter has been received at the of-
qce of the Alumnae council from the
Minneapolis alumnae saying that while
they had not met for two years they
would take measures of reorganization
and lend their full support to the Uni-
ersity of MichiganLeague.
Mrs. W. D. Henderson, '04, secre-
tary of the Alumnae council, says that
n addition to the encouraging letters
which have come from the organized
groups of alumnae, many generous
,esponses have been received from
sections not yet organized. nI ord(,r
o perfect organization in these local-
ities, Mrs. Evans Holbrook, '03, chair-
mnan of group organization, is arrang-
ing a conference of the representatives
of unorganized sections.
Although several acts of real merit
have been picked for the Spotlight
vaudeville to be given on Tuesday,
Jan. 24, many places yet remain to
be filled, according to William WV.
Michaels, '22, chairman of the affair.
There is at present a great need for
men, with ability to act, to appear in
several small skits and monologues,
and it is hoped there will be a large
number of tryouts within the next few
days. Comedy stunts, singing and
dancing pieces, and novelty acts are
needed to complete the bill Up to
the present there has been only a
small response to the call for tryouts
but it is expected that many new acts
will be secured within the next week.
Lost something? A Classified Ad In
The Daily will find it for you.-Adv.

Freshmen Bowlers Must Report Charles S. Mitchell, '80, Dies
All freshmen intending to tryout for Charles S. Mitchell, '80, died at his
the interclass bowling teams at the Washington, D. C., residence last week
Union are requested to get their teams as the result of a nervous breakdown.
together and turn in their scores not Mr. Mitchell was editor-in-chief of the
later than tonight.. Washington Herald.
Even Prof Stickler
is pleased .
Typenritten themes
are easy to read.
You can get out both
Class work and corre-
spondence in less tire
with the Underwood
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The inachine you will
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HE TIME it will take you to master certain
business fundamentals is the length of time you
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foundation, it will be well to consider the advisa-
bility of special training which will cut off years of
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The Babson Institute offers an intensive training
course of one or two years-which teaches the
fundamental principles of business and how to
apply them in the conduct of commercial affairs.
By laboratory methods the student is shown and
taught the principles of Executive Management
which have built many of America's leading con-.
cerns. Babson Institute is conducted for the pur.
pose of aiding young men, who are to occupy
positions of responsibility and' trust to fill such
positions ably and with credit to themselves.
Write for Booklet
If you are seriously ambitious for leadership send for
boikIet. You wall learn of the unusuat methods
peculiar to this institution by which en ar fitted with-
out loss of time for executive positions. Merely send
your name and address to
R 80n Institute



Seals to use on the back of letters
re being sold for the benefit of the
University of Michigan League build-
ing fund. The purpose of these seals
is two-fold: to raise money, and to
advertise the building campaign.
A sketch of a building is pictured
on the seal with the words "Univer-
sity of Michigan League." It is the
aim of the committee to increase the
use of these seals until every letter
mailed by a Michigan woman will bear
one of them.
The profit from the seals increases
,s the number printed increases and
the price is ten for 20 cents. They are
on sale in the booth in University hall
for general sale as well as in organ-
;zed houses. Information concerning
them may be obtained from Beatrice
Hoek, '23, who is chairman of the sale.
Something for sale? A Classified
Ad in The Daily will find a buyer.-

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