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January 18, 1922 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-01-18

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Track Spirit Is Again Stirring And
Shows Strong Signs Of A RevivalISCONIN IIUILL1L
Track spirit is stirring and threat- attending practices with increased BASKTBALL RACE
ens to show signs of a revival. Noth- regularity, but the appearance of new
ing could possibly reflect this to faces have been no little source of en- Minnesota, Illinois, and Purdue, Alla
greater advantage than the general couragement-to track officials. Al- with No Defeats, Close on a
atmosphere that each day marks the though the squad has become larger Badger Heelst
doings at Waterman gymnasium. in numbers, its ratio in size to thato
Track has been gradually moving to which is expected is still low. The MICHIGAN COMPLETES MOST
the fore in the matter of daily rou- coaches expressed a desire to see DIFFICULT TRIP OF YEAR B
tine and the athletes have somehow more men out for track, as it is only --a
become incited with the spirit of in training a large squad that the Wisconsin, by virtue of its victory in
track. stars are uncovered. Then, again, an extra period game over the Wol-
Improvement Reported third and fourth places are not to be verines last Saturday night still
"Steve" Farrell, the veteran track scorned at. Quite to the contrary, stands as best of the Conference courtr
coach, reports improvement. Some of they are to be sought, for a winning teams but is being hard pressed ford
the candidates have been showing up team must be able to pick up a large the leadership by Minnesota, Illinoisr
exceptionally well for this early time number of its points in this way. and Purdue. Both the Gopher and theo
of the season, while others are satis. Tension Relieved Sucker aggregations have two wins to
factorily rounding into shape. Van The tension hedging on the serous their credit as against no victories for
Orden and Stipe have shown up with track situation of but two weeks agotheir opponents, while Purdue has but
those whose work has been noted as is somewhat relieved. The spirit be- one game, the only one yet played bya
exceptionally good in the weights. ing shown is commendable. The men the Boilermakers, to its credit. Michi-F
Landowski is clearing the bar in the are working hard and are becoming gan has lost the two games on its tripg
pole vault at a respectable height determined to present a winningteam. by close scores and is now seventh in 1
and Lally is showing considerable im- Continued improvement and more new the percentage column with Indiana,
provement in the same event. Walk- candidates would go far in maintain- Northwestern and Iowa traiing with
er is playig some of his re uted ing this stir of track spirit. a zero percentage. b
skill In the high jump and should, beHadsGmeofYre
in old time form by February. The -- M'chgan has nothing to be ashamedo
dash men are busy F as are the other of because of its low place in thee
runners, and although it is rather ,di- ENSIAN PHOTOS j percentage column for the Wolverines
ficult to determine the amount of - have just returned from two contestsn
their improvement during the past Group photographs of campus i which are probably the hardest ones
wheekrnoomplaint cdnuring th as organizations and classes for the N of their entire schedule. Both Illi-
week, go complaint can be -forthcom- 1922 Michiganensian must be nois and Wisconsin are well supplied
ingrTtaken during the month of Jan- with veterans and had the advantage,
Increase in Turnouts uary. Sittings should be ar- ! of playing on their home floors, wherev
Turnouts have also been much im- ranged at once. an advantage is generally conceded tot
proved. Not only have the men who re- be worth from two to three field bas-
portd fo th spot orginlly eenkets, due to the difference in size and
the general lighting system of the
SLEEP - U - various gymnasiums which favor thet
AR LEbEPA HERE, BUThome team in basketball more, per-F
A eabeJewpeer EAT A T REX'S haps, than in any other branch of com-
H PANTHE CLUB LUNCH petitive athletics. At Madison the
71 Arbor Street Wolverines displayed a well balanced
13 South Main Near Stat and Packard Streta attack with some of the best guardinga
ever put up in a Western Conference
game. The veteran Badger five was
llt lltl111llllII illillillillillplilli 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111held scoreless from the field during
the entire second half. When the fin-~
SPECIA L SA LE al whistle blew the score was tiedt
r e
=h t : .W edLauds
Employed Womenf
Usual Price $3.50
Women employed in Ann Arbor
= $2.50 each 2places of business and homes are for
= the most part-working under very
favorable conditions, and they are wo-
men of the highest type, according to
r Mrs. Thrift, general secretary ofthe
= 2 Jty Y. W. C. A.
ID These conditions are in great part
due to the academic atmosphere of
= Ann Arbor and to the fact that the
town seems to have unusually favor-
711 N. University able home conditions. There is not
1 l11111111111111111 1iIll lllitil11111111111111111111 ¢a large per cent of out of town girls,
___________________-the great majority of employed women
belonging to the Ann Arbor popula-
THIS TWages, although shown by investi-
COLUMN gation to be only $12 or $15 per week,
CLOSES CLOSES are adequate in most cases. Some
women find that the positions in Ann
AT 3 P.M ADVERTISING AT 3 P,. Arbor do not afford ample means for
self or family support, but these cases
are in the minority, according to Mrs.
FOR RENT FOR L AL Thrift. The members of the several
FOR ENTSinge ram o dobleemployed women's clubs of which she
FO. RENT-Single room or double FOR SALE-Modern nine room house; s in charge, seem to be high-minded
room. Roommate wanted to share with two fire places, electric range, girls living normally on their in-
double room. Separate beds, well one acre ground, beautiful lawn,g
lighted and well heated. Phone grove, and garden. Lots of fruit. N. comes.
2863-W. 923 Greenwood. 83-2 S. Johnson. _ 7113-F21. 83-21
- ---Lorch Judges in Competition
FOR RENT- Studio and reception FOR SALE- Gibson Hawaiian steel Prof. Emil Lorch, of the architectur-
roomfurnished. Grand piano, steam Guitar and Oliver typewriter No. 6- al college was in Detroit yesterday aft-
heat, electric lights, in business dis- Just you see them. "Al." 2833-W. 83 ernoon to serve on the jury of award
trct. Price reasonable. Phone83-. FOR SALE-Very reasonable. An Un- of the Society of Arts and Crafts. The
---__ - derwood Typewriter in excellent society is holdiig a series of competi-
FOR RENT-Pleasant front suite for condition. Call 1170-M. 82-3 tions in design forart objects to en-
housekeeping or other wise. Two- courage good craftsmanship and de.
blocks from campus. Reasonable. FOR SALE-Cheap. Monarch Type- sign.
802 S. State. 83-3 writer. Good condition. Call Cook,
1855 at meal hours. 82-2
FOR RENT-Very desirable suite in F 192 LITERARY CLASS 1
good lopation for next semester. Also FOR SALE-Tuxedo, almost new, size
single room. 429 So. Division. 81-3 38. Overcoat, Bucburry, size 38. T
-. ~~~~new. Call Moore, 18. 83 The lists of paid and unpaid Ifo2or3suet.dswilotbpsednth

FOR RENT--Suite for 2 or 3 students. ----- dues will not be posted ith
FOR SLE--Xlphoe 3 otavethber
One block from campus. Modern. FOR SALE-X hone 3 octave liber- Registrar's office until the aft- I
Box J. A. B., Michigan Daily. 81-3 ty chimes. Call Moore, 18. 83 ernoon of Friday, jan. 20. Every
WANTED senior who has not yet paid theirI
FOR RENT-Room modernly furnish- dues please mail check for $2 to
ed. One block from campus. Inquire WANTED- Bundle washings- Good the treasurer at once. Enclose
332 Maynard. Phone 1198-M._83-2 work guaranteed. Fine and fancy self-addressed and stamped en-f
pieces our specialty. All hand work. velope for receipt.
FOR RENT-Two large rooms for four Draper Home Laundry. Phone
men. Steam heat, desks. Phone 2806-M. 632 So. Ashley St. 82-2 C. MAURICE ATKINSON,
1194-M.' 422 E. Washington. 83-5 Treasurer.
WANTED-Fraternity wants to lease
FOR RENT-Suite for 2 students in house for about 20 men for one year"
private home for now or second or more beginning Oct. 1. Address
semester. 535 Packard St. 82-2 Box K. L., Daily. 83-3 __
FOR RENT- Next semester, large WANTED-A furnished house for the
south suite for two students. Terms second semester for group of 12. ELUNC
reasontable. 822 Arch St. 82-4 Address E. L. M., careDaily._83-3 S V EN S LH
FOR RENT-A pleasant single room WANTED- An experienced clothing 409 EAST JEFFERSON
now or next semester. 724 Dewey salesman for all day work. Call
Ave. Phone 1272-W. 82-3 Box P. .. Daily. 82-2
WANTED-Johnson or other tubelar I
FOR RENTFive room house on So. Ice-skates. What have you? "Al."
Ingalls. Suitable for small group 2833-W. 83 OPEN 6:30 A. M.
of men. Call 849-M. 83-2
T.1T TIL L 11:00 P. M.
FOR RENT-Rooms. Now or second 1 P
semester. Reasonable. 308 E. Mad- LOST - Two books and note-book,
ison. Phone 1395-R. 80-4 probably in Waterman Gym. Re-
FOR RENT-Two large rooms furnish- turn to Clawson, 1020 Forest Ave.,
ed for 3 or 2 students. Phone 2545-M or call 2239-M, after 6 P. M. Re-
82-2 ward. 46- 83
LOST-Sunay evening. Hig School Chop Sue
FOR RENT-Single room second sem- class ring. Embossed with G. U. R.
ester. 1213 S. State. Phone 2387-. '19. Valued as keepsake. Call Dorff. CHINESE AND
82-3_23-M. Reward. 82-2 AMERICAN RESTAURANT
FOR RENT-Pleasant single room. 516 AMEBICAN RESgAUsNT
Cheever. '2577-J. 83 LOST-Brown fur lined gloves, Mon-
day afternoon in Library, Natural Quang Tung L .
MISCELLANEOUS Science building or between. B. A. Q
____ ELANE _U __ Wolfe, 2217-M. 83
FURNITURE Repairing, Upholstering, LOST-A large size note book with
Refinishing, Caning. Verne Smith. gray back. R. H. Rowland. Phone
Phone 2616-R. 78-16 357. 82-2

and in the over time period a Cardin-
al forward sunk the winning shot
through the ring. Dr. Meanwell has
one of the strongest teams in the Con-
ference and Michigan's loss to the
Badger quintet cost the Wolverines
a royal chance to nip title hopes at
Purdue a Real Contender _
Purdue seems to be the other chief
rival of Wisconsin and if advance
dope may be taken as a criterion, the
race should hinge largely upon the
performance of these two quintets
both of whom are composed of play-
ers with former Varsity experience.
Purdue plays under the handicap of
a nine game schedule and should the
Boilermakers falter in any of their
games, the title will go glimmering
because most of the other big teams
play 12 games. Two years ago Pur-
due lost the championship to Chicago
because it was the victim of a short-
er schedule than the Maroons. To
overbalance a short season, the Boil-
ermaker quintet has a comparativelyE
'asy arrangement of games and does
not meet Wisconsin, Minnesota, or l
Michigan. Illinois seems to be the
'mly team capable of giving the Old
Gold' and Black stiff competition and,
,ipon the result of the pair of games
with the Illini will large'y rest the
title hopes of Lambert and his squad.
Ohio Next on Schedule
Michigan does not play again until
Feb. 11, when the Wolverines journey
to Columbus and battle the Buckeyes.
Following the Ohio contest Michigan
Invades the Indiana camp at Bloom-
,ngton and then returns home for a
long stay while Wisconsin, Indiana
and Illinois meet Mather's men on the
Waterman gymnasium floor. Barring
'il accidpnts or ineligibility, Michi-
gan should go into the second half of
the race with far brighter prospects
than it has had in the opening games.
Mather has built a defense which is
second to none in the Conference and
't this defense can be supplemented
with a more vigorous offense Michi-
gan may yet attain a place of high
standing in the Big Ten race.







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{ '

I Or

5 & 10=Cent Store Prices
On the finest men's clothing stock in Ann Arbor

Your Opportunity for Immediate Acceptance

Men's Suits as low as
Men's O'coats as low as
Union Suits as low as

- $10.45
- $14.95

These figures tell only a part of the story. EVERYTHING IN THIS STORIE IS DRASTICALLY



BOYS' SUITS - Our best grade of all wool and
worsted boys' suits, with two pair of pants. Reg-
ular $15.00 values $9.60
reduced to ..................... -
BOYS' SUITS - One lot of boys' suits in nice pat-
terns, latest style, formerly sold
at $8.50 and $9.00, reduced to.....$
MEN'S SHIRTS - Men's fine percale dress shirts;
regular $1.50 values, 89C
reduced to ...........................
MEN'S NECKWEAR - Men's neckwear in regular
75c values.
All reduced to .......................59
MEN'S SUITS - Very fine grades of suits and over-
coats formerly sold at $35, $38 and $40; Kup-
penheimer and other
good makes, all go at ..........Z e
MEN'S TROUSERS - Men's fine casimeres and
worsted trousers; $5.00, $5.50 and $3 85
$6.00 grades reduced to........... "v
MEN'S SHIRTS - Men's fine percales and madras
reduced to ........................ 1 .
MEN'S OVERCOATS - Men's overcoats, latest style
of Ulsterettes; $25 qualities in the latest shades
of gray and brown; $14.95
reduced to....................
GOLF HOSE - All our finest imported golf hose.
Made by McGeorge iP Scotland, at a fraction
of their cost.

MEN'S HOSE-50 dozen men's hose, black and dark
brown; fine grade. Regular 25c and
35c values reduced to..............
BOYS' SUITS - All our large assortment of two
pant, all wool boys' suits, formerly'$795
sold at $10.00, reduced to.......... 5
MEN'S TROUSERS,- Men's wool custom trousers.
Nicely tailored. Ujegular $4 and 298
$4.50 trousers, reduced to.........
WOOL HOSE - All our regular $1.00 quality of im-
ported wool hose
reduced to.......................
MEN'S HOSE - Men's hose, Holeproof and others.
Regular 40c values,
reduced to.......................
MEN'S SUITS - One lot of men's suits in worsteds
- and casimeres, formerly
sold at $25.00, reduced to.......
MEN'S NECKWEAR - All men's regular $1.00 neck-
wear in this sale. 79c
Reduced to ........................
MEN'S SUITS - One lot of men's suits (broken
lots) formerly sold at 20.00,.$10.45
BOYS' MACKINAWS - Boys' all wool Mackinaws
made by Gordon Ferguson. Nationally known
for fine quality. Regular $8.00 and $10.00 values
reduced6 a nd1 AE J G
to .............

N F.




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