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October 04, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-10-04

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Excitement, Sadness And Gladness
0 INCOMBATINReign AtZenithOf Sorority Rushing
Sisters, it is over. joiing, and the forlorn man student
Gridiron dope and studies took a realizes how sad it is that he can
back seat while the various sororities only be an onlooker.
The same scene is repeated at each
received their sisters-to-be from 3 to house upon the arrival of each rushee,
s GOVERNORS AND MA 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon, until the final haul is made.
TO START M1ACHIN ERY Supreme suspense filled many ten- Men Try
der hearts as the hour of 3 soundedi Though barred from participation in
WORKING from the campus clock. An ominous the lively scenes, the men did their
quiet, the only sign of life was themys- best to make the occasion a suc-
Ys CO-OPERATION IS terious agitation of door and window cess. 'Some gathered on roofs to give
CESSARY FOR SUCCESS curtains, undoubtedly caused by the lusty cheers .when a prospect was
sisters struggling for a place of van- seen approaching. Others of a more
tage. musical turn organized a band, and
sibilitles of Use of Unskilled Work. TXai a third party secured a large bell to
men Considered as Solution A taxi turns the corner. The cur- sound alarms for the occasion.
of Crisis tains move violently, and then are It is reported that at one house a
still. The car swings up the drive rushee was rejected because her hat
(By Associated Pres) and the rushee alights. Instantly a fell off and her hair was cut like a
ashington, Oct.'3.-Governors and scream of exultation breaks the slum- man's, and besides she was suspici-
ors throughout the country were ber of peaceful Ann Arbor, and from ously immodest about pulling up her
4 by President Harding in a pub- the door bursts an avalanche of fem- stockings before the public gaze.
tatement today to organize in each inine humanity, each eager to be the Sisters, the yearly gamble is over.
munity machinery for the correc- first to bestow a sisterly kiss upon If you won, rejoice; if you lost, weep
of economic conditions along lines the excited rushee. Then follows much in silence and remember there is an-
Iced ot by the unemployment con- kissing, hugging, clutching, and re- other year coming.
nce here. The conference, the
idet declared, had, demonstrated Am
conditions could not be met pros-
announced that a central agency '
ld be maintained here under aus- ..1
of the nationB CONVENTION HofrecERE OCT. 20-22
5 of the conference tOgive nation-
o-ordination to t rehabilitation
ts. President Burton, Lee A. Whit, Prof. followed by a general discussion of
nal plans for the central employ- F. N. Scott Included Among "Is the Educational Program Ade-
i agency are practically complet- the Speakersua?
ponference fficials say, and Sec- qute Yost to Talk
ry Hoover is to make an announc- EDITORS TO BE GUESTS
tomorrow oliing the charact-The afternoon meeting will be fol-
t tomorwotiigtecaat T 01h10STATE CONTEST lwdb nifra inra hc
f the organisation. Col. Arthur lowed by an informal dinner at which
ds, former pull ce omnissioner, Aiready many editrs throughout the Coach Fielding H. Yost will talk. In
ads, for er olic co mis ione , A rea y ma y e ito th oug out the theevening e trtani n et ille pro-
nderstood to be under conidera- state have signified their intention of videdathe he Chtrain eie co-
G tr appointmit as head of the , vdda the Choral Union series con-
attending the annual meeting of the cert in Hill auditorium. Following
ibcyie. of d gb University Press club of Michigan, this a smoker Is to be given at the
ossibilities P reducing the number, which will be held here Oct. 20, 21, and Un' ytejunls tdnso
he nation's unemployed through$i~ ac oteiv tn Union by the journalism students of
:he atio's nempoye thrugh22. Acceptance to the invitations sent the University
of unskilled workmen in the con- out recently are being received daily, U r
ction =of new highways and in the according to Prof. John R. Brumm, of Friday will be devoted to presenta-
ntenance of roads already built the department of rhetoric and journ- r'+as of newspaper problems..
discussed at a meeting here to- alisnI, and secretary of the Press . ub, The annual dinner of the Press club
of the executive committee of the who' estimated that fully 150 editors will be held, Friday at the Union.
ondl Association of State Highway will be in attendance at the conven- President Burton will give the address
vals.' tion, of the evening.
The program for the meeting has Saturday morning the convention
uasribeen arranged in detail, and will in- will hold its business meeting at which
Tlude discussions of technical news- will occur the election of officers,
paper problems, addresses by , both During the afternoon the editors will
N N COMPLETI editors and faculty members, and en- be guests at the Ohio State football
tertainment, game.
- Registration First At the present time the organization
LL BE READY FOR OPERA RE. The morning of the first day, Thurs- is headed by E. J. Ottaway, editor of
HEARSALS THE LAST OF day, Oct. 20, will be devoted to regis- the Port Huron Times-Herald.
THE WEEK tration. The first general session that It has been suggested that during
afternoon will be opened by an ad- the Thursday and Friday nights of
ork on the new Mimes campus dress of welcome from President Mar- the convention the editors be enter-
.ter is rapidly nearing completion, ion L. Burton, and will be followed by tamed in fraternity houses. This, it
building will be ready for the an address 'on '"Trainingfor Journal- was pointed out by those who are ar-
and dance rehearsals of the ism," by Lee A. White, of the Detroit ranging the housing of the. men while
n Opera tryouts which will be News. Prof. F. 1T Scott, head of the they are here would do much to give
i the latter part of this week. departmpnnt of rhetoric and journal- the editors an insight into true col-
he task of tilting the main floor ism, will give an outline of what the lege life and make them acquainted
a slope with the orchestra pit has University attempts to teach the pro- with the modern student, of whom
i completed. A margin about 10 spective journalist, and this will be many have false conceptions.
wide has been left along either"
of the main floor 'on a level with ivding lonely Life On Tropic Isle,
stage, where seats are to be plac-
>ii an angle facing the stage. Part'
:he space, however, will be left
i as passageway to the exit.
artitions have been arranged in In the modern world of ,today there found 'by Prof. William H. Hobbs o
baseemnt so as to afford five comes to our ears the tale of a man the geology department while on his
:ious dressing rooms and a wash whose trials have far exceeded those 12 months tour of investigation in the
r. Details involving the electri- of the mythical Robinson Crusoe, a South seas. West will probably have
work in the building are to be man who has literally 'out-Crusoed to stay there forever unless Professor
inged today and this work will be Crusoe. Capt. Leander West was Hobbs is successful in p'revailing up-
pied to completion. as lighting fa- shipwrecked 20 years ago on Kusai on the government oficials to send
4es are necessary before rehears- island, one of the Caroline group, and aid,

can commence. since that time has been living there
has been decided that only fea- dependent on the whims and fancies
Smovies will be shown and they of a strange savage chief.n csSTART GLEE CLUB
to- be the best that can be ob- But more than this, supose that a TRY-OUTS TODAY
ed, according to E. Mortimer ship had passed within hailing dis-
ter, 4irector of Union dramatics. tance of the island and had replied Frank L. Thomas, ,director of th
to your most desperate entreaties and
ESHMEN WOMEN signals with only a laugh of scorn. University Glee and Mandolin clubs
GUESTS AT DINNER This was the fate of our second Rob- for the year 1921-1922, has announced
insult Crusoe, not once, but five times plans for the coming year. Tryouts
a year until giving up hope he lapsed for the Varsity Glee club will take
hiree hundred freshman women into despondeiiicy and became in-plcato'oktdyantmrrv
e entertained last night at the witheparalysis. in r place at 7 o'clock today and tomorrow
for Advisers' supper in Barbour Briefly, that is the ;fate of the man in room 308 at the Union"and appli
.nasium. The supper followed cants for the position of accompan-
in Myra B. Jordan's tea for women SOUSA INJURED; FORCED TO ist are asked to report to Mr. Thomas
he class of '25 and the election ofathstuiinheSolofM ic
e h n cal mit e thCANCEL ENGAGEMENT HERE at his studio in the School of Music
eshman social committee for the CA ELEN GMNTHR
nen's league. -r. Thomas plans to make thi
fter the supper the juniors pre- Lieut.-Com. John Philip Sousa and year's Glee club a. University organi
ed a program composed of orig- his famous band have been forced to zation and not merely a Michigan
stunts, songs and dances. Short cancel their engagement scheduled Union organization as it was las
a concerning the purposes of the here Monday, Oct. 17, under auspices year. Arrangements are now being
Lor Advisers' work, the Women's of the Student council, due to injury made for the Glee club to sing during
re, the Y. W. C. A. and. the to the conductor caused by a fall from the Ann Arbor programs of Michi
nen's Athletic 'association were a horse some time ago. Doctors say gan's first Music week as well as t
n. The program closed with Mich- he will not be able to work for at least give a fall program some time lat
sars.30 davs. in the fall.

In order that the University radio
radio news under the new-organizd
Western Conference Radio News serv-
ice, plans are now being formulated
for the making of rather extensive
alterations in the equipment and in-
stallation of old experimental station
Franklin D. Johnston, '22E, has been
chosen to take charge of the re-ar-
rangeemnt and to act thereafter as
chief operator.
It is understood to be the intention
of those in charge, however, to move
the radio room itself to another part
of the engineering building. The
present location is in room 103. but
it is possible that the new installa-
tion nay be placed in the sub-base-
ment at the extreme north end of the
New Equipment Plauned
It is also planned to install as much
new equipment as possible, this per-
haps to include a continuous wave
transmitter, althpugh the old spark
sending set will still be used for gen-
eral work.
An application has gone in to
Washington asking for a renewal . ot,
the old provisional special amateur
license, and for a return of the call
letters "8XA", with which this sta-
tion has so long been identified. This
license expired sometime last-spring,
and, during the recent tests of the
Western Conference Radio News serv-
ice, the equipment has been operated

- - "' " -- ' - -- - 111


under the direction of the signal
corps, the signal corps call, "WU9",
being- used.',I -
Prof. Cannon Approves
Prof. Joseph H. Cannon, of the
electrical engineering department, has
expressed his enthusiasm in regard
to the prospective news service now
being,developed, and has stated em-
phatically that any reasonable de-
mands made for the betterment of lo-
cal conditions would be supported by
his department. He, together with
Prof. John C. Parker and Prof. Ward
F. Davidson, both of the -electrical
enginering department, has indicated
that the radio station would be opened
freely to the handling of such proj-
ects as the present, in which efforts
would be made to, use the equipment
for a real purpose.
Additional' tests for the establish-
mint of a working system to be con-
ducted earlier in the evenings than
heretofore, were conducted Saturday
night and~last night between the va-
rious Big Ten universities, and it is
hoped that the service may be put
under 'way for dependable use at the
time of the more important football
games of the fall.
Wisconsin Gets Appointment
In connection with the changes
made in the scheme of communica-
tions, bulletins recently sent out by
the local office of the Western Con-
ference--Radio News service announc-
ed at least the temporary appoint-
ment of the University of Wisconsin
station, "9XM", to te position of cen-
tral station to su d "9ZN", of Chi-
cago. The change was made because
of the fact that local regulations pre-
vent the operation of "9ZN" before
10:30 o'clock, central tifme. That sta-
tion, however, will continue to handle
the service for the benefit k of the
Daily Northwestern and the Daily
Maroon, of Northwestern university

" Foraker's Pally"
Nekv Titus Serial
Harold Titus, ex-'11, has recently ON EVE or I R
completed a new book under the ti-
tle of "Foraker's Folly" which is .to
run as a serial in Everybody's maga-
sine beginning with the November
issue. The plot, which centers around
the careless destruction of our Amen-OFFICERSOF OPPOSING CL
can forests, was inspired by the au- MAKE FINAL PREPARATION
thor's indignation at seeing his boy- FOR CLASH
hood playground destroyed. The cen-
tral idea is i comparatively novel NEW YORK HO lELS
one, and the character delineation Is JAMMED WITH FA
tremely well exectited.
During the year 1917 Mr. Titus de-
livered a series of lectures on maga- Giant's Headquarters Talk Cent
zine writing at the University. In on McGraw's Initial Pitching
addition to contributing widely for Selection
magazines, he is the author' of "I
Conquered," "Bruce of the Circle, A," (By Associated Press)
and "The Last Straw." (yoct e r
While at Michigan Mr. Titus was New York, Oct. 3-New York
an Editor of The Daily and was con- plunged into a sea of -baseball a
nected with several other' student ment today and at the same tim
publications. vided themselves for a rooters
when the Yanke'es and Giants me
World Series combat at the
COMMITTEE grounds Wednesdaat noon.
I~ fl V T[' M clubs were making fial separa
HUAS NEWI SYSTEML preparations for the post-se
classic. 'At the Giants' headqua
Invesligatlon System Established to all the tickets had been reserve
Check Up on Trabtions was announced, and their talk cex
C kViolaters aied about McGraw's pitching sele'
for the opening game.
Yankee headquarters were
RECORDS OF FIRST YEAR MEN with baseball players and the
TAKEN INTQ CONSIDERATION minute ticket seekers.
Fans from all parts of the cot
It was decided at the first meeting are pouring into the city and t
of this year's underclass conduct com- managers are counting on 'filling
mittee to try out several new ideas accommodations. The seating ca
in order to facilitate the work of the ty of the Polo grounds' is give
members. 38,000, but ambitious ushers have
One of the plans is the formation able to find seats in the aisles a
of a sub-committee composed of, five the rail for at least 3,000 more
men which will be known as the in- there is standing room for r
vestigation committee. It will be the more.
duty of this committee to look up the The record attendance at a a
records, or as much as can be found s 236,000. It undoutedly will
of them, of all men reported to the broken i the series goes o sib
committee for violations of conduct more games.
or traditions. If the offender is a
sophomore his record as a freshman
will be taken into consideration. If
wiy b a e n o c n i e ai n fhe is a first semester freshman his
record before he came' to the Univer-
sity will be carefully looked over. REHEARSINI
It is expected that this system will,
to a certain extent, eliminate the dang- LARGE NTYm1BER OF CANDIDA
er of punishment being meted out to WITH GOOD VOICES HAVE
men who have merely been offenders TURNED OUT
unknowingly. Itis not the plan of
the com'mittee, however, to allow it- Plans to begin the work of
self to become unduly lenient. When University Choral Union at a reh
acase has been proven the usual pun- al at 7 o'clock tonight at artheh
ishment will be meted out. ala7o'octnihatheS
The committee also asks that when of Music have been completed
reporting a man the name and ad- Prof. Earl V. Moore, acting condi
dress of both the offender and accus- of the chorus. "If appearances
er be given. ' tryouts can be said to show the y
The following names and addresses prospects, the season will be a
are given in order that committeemen ceptional one," said Professor M
may be quickly locatedt S. Muirhead, An unusually large number
'24, 620 State street, Phone 231; J. candidates have presented thems
Sterling, '24, 607 South State street, and many of them have good v
Phone 131; A. B. McWood, '24, 1315 All former members who desir
Hill street, Phone 1460; H. Hubbard, hold their membership should r
'24, 823 East Kingsley street, Phone oat tonight's rehearsal as well a
566; N. Ross,.'24, 1511 Wastenaw ave- who have tried out for the choru
nue, Phone 1399, Ed. Murane, '24, first time this fall, Final seating
1003 East Huron street. rangements will be made during
week following the rehearsal and
USO I nite places assigned'.
Additional tryouts will be he:
4 o'clock today at the School of

VACANT ROOMS William H. Forte, night watc
on the campus, died Sunday in a
In order to accommodate the great hospital after an illness of se
number of people who expect to be months which was caused by -a
in Ann Arbor the week-end of the eration for appendicitis. Mr.-
Ohio State game, the Unionis seeking had been in the employ of the
the co-operationof locaL, landladies versity for more than six years.
Who have vacant rooms to rent. Every ' Mr. Forte resided at 1106 Oa
available room at the Union has been avenue, where the funeral ser
reserved for the past three days and will be held at 2 o'clock today,
officials are anxious that those un- the Rev. A. W. Stalker of'iciatin
able to be accommodated there, be in-i urvter, s io a nd
formed as to other rooms in town daughters, Mrs. Wallace C. Ha'
available for theweek-end of Oct. 22. Highland Parke and Miss Greta
Any landlady wishing to rent rooms a teacher in Ypsilanti.
for this date is requested to send in
to the Ohio State rooming committee Increase in Number of'1924 L
of the Union her name, address and This year 's freshman law ch
the number and price of rooms she has 20 per cent larger than that o
for rent' A file will be kept at the year, according to Dean Henri
Union desk as soon as this data has Bates of the Law school. The
been received, for the convenience of enrollment this year is 10 per
students wishing to make reservations larger than last year's total e
of rooms for the week-end of Oct. 22. ment.


and the University of Chitago,



Announcement has been made
that the Michigan Union wlli
receive full returns of the com-
ing World Series games. Both
1 the pool room and the tap room
will be supplied by a leased wire
C from the Western Union, atcord-
ing to Robert L. Neale, chair-
man of the information and an-
nouncement committee. ~

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