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December 14, 1921 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-12-14

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Plans for the University of Michi-
gan League may now be definitely
made since the site has been granted.
On Dec. 9, the Board of Regents grant-
ed as a building site for the League
the entire block which is bounded by
North University avenue, Twelfth
street, Washington street, and the
When the formal request for per-1
mission to launch a campaign for $1,-
000,000 with which to construct and .
endow a building for women was pre-
sented to the Board of Regents by the
Alumnae council they voted that a
site would be granted as soon as $500,-
000 had been raised. However, when
the legislature voted an appropriation
for building purposes at the University
and a definite program was being ar-
ranged it was deemed advisable by
the officials and by the Alumnae coun-
eil to include in this plan a site for
the University of Michigan.League.
.When choosing the site. the Alum-
nae council kept constantly in mind'
the future development of women's
activities, and because the University
building plan calls for women's dor-
mitories to the north of the campus,
and since the new gymnasium, while
not definitely placed, will be in the vi-
cinity of Palmer field and the Uni-,
versity of Michigan League, it was
thought advisable to select a site to
the north of the campus.
The tentative plans which have al-
ready been presented by Pond and
Pond, the architects for the building,
will be modified to meet the require-
ments.of the location. The structure
of the University of Michigan League
will be low and in conformity with
the surrounding buildings, particular-
ly with Hill auditorium. Although
the location.Is conspicuous and rather
public there will be opportunity for
privacy since the building will be con-
structed with an open court at the
The purpose of the building will be
first of all to serve the University wo-
men and the activities of the League;
secondly to serve the alumnae; and
after that to accommodate organiza-
tions such as the American Associa-
tion of University Women that might
request the use of it.
Included in the building will be one
large assembly room and a. number of
smaller ones to accommodate all wo-

men's organizations. There will also
be a small theatre to be used by the
women for their informal entertain-
ments. It is planned to have a cafe-
teria, kitchenettes, and a lounge room
for the purpose of giving women a
place where they may get together in-
formally as men do at the Union.
There will be from 50 to 70 sleeping
rooms for. the use of alumnae.
The $1,000,000 will be raised through
membership drives and gifts while the
campaign expenses will be kept en-
tirely separate and will be raised
through the organized alumnae groups
and by undergraduate women through
the work of the campaign committee
of which Neva Lovewell, '22, is chair-
Finahcial success marked the Christ-
'mas bazaar which was given last Fri-
day and Saturday in Barbour gymnas4-
um. Final reports show a total profit
of more than $2,200, every article hav-
ing been sold. The bazaar was given
as the first comprehensive undertak-
ing for the campaign fund for the Uni-
versity of Michigan League under the
auspices of the campaign committee
of which Neva Lovewell, '22, is chair-
A large proportion of the fancy
work was sold soon after the doors
opened Friday. The bazaar was well
patronized with a record crowd both
days. The .tea. room which was man,-
aged by Margaret Whyte, '23, realized
approximately $200. The fortune tell-
ers were kept busy under the direc-

A number of women's houses have
voted to contribute to the campaign
fund for the University of Michigan
League a sum equal to that usually
spent for one house dance.«
The following houses have reported:
Alpha Chi Omega, spring formal in
May, $75; Alpha Omicron Pi, an in-
formal dance in March, $50; Chi
Omega, an informal dance in January,
$77.50; Delta Delta, an informal dance
in January, $70; Delta Gamma, spring
formal in May, $90; Gamma Phi Beta,
spring formal in May, $75; Kappa Del-
ta, an informal dance in February, $60:
Betsy Barbour house, an informal
dance in December, $80; Cheever
dormitory, $20; Helen Newberry resi-
dence, an, informal dance in March
$70; and Martha Cook building, a form-
al, the amount to be decided later.
The final report will be published
as soon as all houses have reported
to the committee.
Week's Extension
Leetures Varied
Michigan cities will hear about the
Russian revolution, James Whitcqmb
Riley, and the Isle of Patmos, as well
as other timely topics in this week's
extension lectures. Lectures will be
delivered in Detroit, Grand Rapids,
Port Huron, Nashville, Sheridan, Red-
field, Clinton, and Saline.
Monday Prof. G. L. Jackson, of the
school of education, spoke at Saline
)n "Development of Public Education
in the United States." Professor W.
D. Henderson of the Extension di-
vision, spoke yesterday at Redford on
the subject of "The New Patriotism."

tion of Lois Whitcomb, '22, taking in Prof. J. L. Brumm, of the department
$70. 1,)f rhetoric and journalism, will ad-

"Why the Chimes Range," Masques
annual Christmas play which was giv-
en as a part of the bazaar program
realized $40. Through the courtesy of,
the BluMaize flower shop, roses and
plants were sold thereby adding $65
to the fund.
The four churches which combined
with the League in giving the bazaar
made approximately $500 apiece and
are satisfied with thae affair.
Miriam Reid, '23, had charge of the
bazaar arrangeme fts, Martha Shep-
ard, '22, managed the construction of
booths and the decorating, Ruth Deem-
er, '22, was chairman of the marking
committee, and Dorothy Jeffry, '24,
was treasurer.
All University women co-operated
by contributing and working at the

dress a Nashville audience on "Habit
nd Innovation." 'The Great Russian
Revolution," will be the subject taken
by Prof. W. A. Frayer, of the history
department in, his lecture at Port
Prof. Louis Eich, of the public
speaking department, will talk Thurs-
lay at Sheridan on the topic "James
Whitcomb Riley," and E. E. Rovillain,
of the romance language department,
will discuss "Mexico, Old and New,"
in an illustrated lecture at Detroit.
An illustrated lecture on "The Isle
of Patmos" will be given by George
R. Swain, University expert photo-
grapher, Friday at Grand Rapids, and
on the same date Prof. J. B. Edmon-
son, of the School of Education, will
speak at Clinton on "What Constitutes
an Efficient High School.


If not, your time is short, so let us give
you a few suggestions. Nothing can
make a better gift -- nothing will be appreciated more or
last longer than an article of jewelry. Other gifts may
please as much now but they won't stand the test of time.
A string of pearls, a pin or a ring will carry with it the ideal
Christmas spirit and in addition will continue to be appre-
ciated with fond memories of the giver in years to come.
You can get gifts for all the family



J t

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