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December 08, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-12-08

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VOL. XXXII. No. 63



Interned Politial Prisoners Granted
Freedom by Prolamation
of Sing
(By Associated Press)
London, ec. 7.-With the tension
and anxiety of the past week giving
" place to general rejoicing, there has
been a day of all around congratula-
tions, of recalling the memories of
great figures in the Irish struggle
whose work and sacrifices paved the
road to today's accomplshment, and
of preparation for the necessary form-
alities for bringing the new Irish
Free State into .being. .
Believe Problem Solved
Nowhere is there any idea that any-'
thing can now happen to prevent itsi
birth, although difficult details may
have to be encountered.
* King George and David Lloyd George
to whom the public accord gives credit
for bringing about peace, were photo-
graphed today with a smiling group of
hismajesty's ministers on the ter-
L race of Buckingham palace and the'
picture was extensively displayed in
the evening papers.
Telegrams Reeeived
- Downing street, where stands the
official residence of the prime minis-
ter, was inundated with telegrams of
congratulation from all over the world.
One of the first results of the peace
-probably arranged for at the con-
ference when the treaty was drafted
-was the royal proclamation liberat-
ing more than 3,000 prisoners intern-
ed in Ireland. It is reported also that
there may be reconsideration of the
sentences imposed on thoseIrish men
convicted of political crimes.
Choir Presents
Noel Jiusic f
Nations Sunday
. Ypsilanti Normal choir, Frederick
Alexander conducting, will give a con-'
cert of the Christmas music of the'
nations at t o'clock next Sunday aft-.
ernoon in the asseibly hall of the'
Union, under the auspices of the Mat-
inee Musicale society. The choir this'
year consists of 200 mixed voices and'
is an exceptional one, due to the ex-'
cellence of the material Mr. Alexan-
der has at his disposal
The choir will sing alla cappella1
and the program chosen consists of
chorus works of- the highest quality
by Russian, French, Spanish and Nor-'
wegian composers, among whom are1
Gretchaninov, Lvovsky, Grieg, and
Cornelius. On the French section of
the program several of the old and'
modern Noels will be sung. There1
will also be two selections from Han-'
del's "Messiah".
Due to the fact that the program
comes on Sunday, no, tickets will be.
sold at the door before the concert,
but tickets are now on sale at Wahr's,

Graham's and Tice's. Members of the1
society must present membership
cards for admission.'
Several Hurt in Strike Riots 1
Chicago, Dec. 7. - Several persons;
were shot and several severely beaten
tonight in crashes between packing
house workers, strike sympathizers
and police reserves. The trouble oc-
curred as the workers began pouring
from the packing house district at9
quitting time.,

More Money Needed to Insure Success dren but 40 have so far stated that
- of Elaborate Plans they are willing to do this. Others
who wish to help the youngsters
Every student on the campus will should immediately notify Maynard
be given an opportunity today and to- Newton by calling 566.
morrow to contribute to the Christ- Persons wishing to contribute to
mas party for 250 hospital and poor the children's Christmas are asked to
children of Ann Arbor which will be call Nelson Joyner, 707 Oxford road,
given by the S. C. A Dec. 15 at Lane and those who can furnish an auto
hall. Boxes will le placed about the to aid in the entertainment are re-
campus and everyone is urged by the quested to call Warren Gilbert, 1547-J.
committee to give as much as pos-
"The S. C. A. will care for 100 more COUNCIL BACS RULING
children this year than it did last
year and consequently we will have O i
to raise more money," said Maynard (
Newton, 122, chairman of the com-
mittee in charge, yesterday. "We are
going to furnish plenty of ice cream ALSO DECIDES THAT NO MEMBER
and cake, candy, and entertainment, as OF CLASS CAN VOTE WITHOUT
well as the usual Christmas tree with PAYING DUES
decorntions. The party means a great
deal to the children and I wish every- Discussion as to class requirements
one would give with the real Christ- at a meeting of the Student council
,mas spirit." ' last night in the Union, resulted in
Only a few organizations have sig- council going on record as sup-
nified their intention of helping to porting the departmental ruling. This
cheer some of the kiddies. Out -of the decision carried out the law as stat-
150 fraternities, sororities, house ed in the class constitutions.
clubs, league houses and drmitories Use Departmental Rule
requested to care for one or two chil- The departmental ruling reads as
follows: Those students with less
than 24 hours of credit in the Uni-
versity are considered as freshmen;
those who have completely satisfied
Y the requirements for admission and
have at least 24 hours are sopho-
mores; those who have completely
satisfied the requirements for admis-
sion and have at least 88 hours an&
State Conferende to Exchange Ideas are definitely planning to graduate in
on Methods of Vocational August, are seniors. Students may at
Education their own option reclassify at the be-
ginning of the second seemster as fo-.
PRES. BURTON IS SPEAKER lows: Those having 30 hours Ay re-
AT LUNCHEON THIS NOON classify as sophomores; those having
60 hours may reclassify as juniors;
"Teaching teachers to teach" will those with 94 hours and planning to
be the main objective for the Manual graduate in June or August may re-
Arts conference held here today, to- classify as seniors.
morrow and Saturday in the confer- The council also voted on a resolu,
ence room of the Union. The confer- tion that hereafter a member of any.
ence will take up all of the vocatonal class must have his dues paid for the
work taught in schools in all of the semester before he can vote in any
northern Middle West states, and will class meeting.
Include exchanges of ideas in the va- Independents Present Resolution
nrious colleges and institutions pro- One of the junior lit class independ-
viding training for vocational teach- ents present at the meeting asked that
the council see that the distribution
Extension rpfessors Present of tickets for the J-Hop was of a fair
Prof. Cleo Mertland, of DetrQit, and equitable nature. The council ex-
Prof. Thomas Diamond, of Grand Rap- pressed its confidence in the ticket
ids, and Prof. E. Lewis Hayes, of De- committee which will be appointed
troit, members of the Universit vo- from the junior cla but moved that
cational education staff who are car- its plan of distribution be submitted
rying on their work throughout the t the council for approval before it
state, will also attend the conference is put nto operation.
and will later convene to, map out
plans for state vocational education CONCERT SOLOIST
carried on through the University. MONDAY CHANGED
Social and economic backgrounds
for vocational education will be dis-
cussed in the conference, teach- Erwin Nyiregyhazi, the Hungarian
er trainng problems, correspondence piano genius, will appear as soloist
schools, and the teacher's responsi- with the Detroit Symphony orchestra
bility in stimulating creative impulse at 8 o'clock next Monday evening in
in vocational !work, will come up as Hill auditorium. He will 'ake the place
particular phases of the conference. of Raoul Vidas, violinist, who will
The relation between the departments not be able to appear on account of
of economics and sociology and voca- an accident to his hand, which oc-
tional education in the University will curred -at his recital at the Biltmore
also be discussed. The meeting opens hotel last Sunday.
at 10 o'clock this morning with a dis- Mr. Nyiregyhazi is a remarkable
cussion of the influence of the voca- youth, still under 20. The New York
tional motive in the high school stu- critics such as Krehbiel, Henderson,
dent's choice of studies. H. W. Aldrich, and Max Smith pronounce
Schmidt, state supervisor of manual trim to be a sensation of the preser
arts, of Madison, Wis., will speak, season.
Luncheon Held Today
At the luncheon at 12:15 o'clock JUNIOR LIT INDEPENDENTS
this noon, President Marion L. Bur- PASS J-HOP RESOLUTIONS
ton and Dean A. S. Whitney will
speak. This afternoon, following a Resolutions were adopted at a meet-

business discussion, C. F. Kleinfelter, ig of non-fraternity junior lits, held
federal agent for industrial educa- yesterday afternoon, asking that an
tion, of Washington, D. C., will talk equitable distribution of tickets for the
on teacher training problems in the J-Hop be made. The resolutions dealt
general industrial school. with precedence of classes, penalties
for scalping of tickets, method of al-
MIchiganenslan Tryouts Wanted ' lotment within the junior class, and
Sophomores wishing to tryout for supervision by the Student council of
the editorial staff of the Michiganen- the Hop committee's distribution of
sian are asked to apply at the Mich- tickets.
iganensian office, Press building, be- Approximately 45 men were pres-
tween 3 and 4 o'clock this afternoon. ent.


Local Chapter of Organization Alters
Practice by Making Selection
in Fall
Sigma Xi, national honorary scien-
tific society, elected seven new men
into the organization, three to full
membership and four as associate
members, at a meeting of the Sigma Xi
council on Nov. 30.
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the
mathematics department, Leon H.
Leonian, graduate student in botany,
and Warren Lee McCabe, '22E, were
chosenaas fullbmembers. The four
associate members were John B.
Leighly, '22, Elmore Shaw Pettyjohn,
'22E, Elton B. Tucker, 122E, and Jo-
seph T. Woolfenden, '22E. Initiation
of the new men will be held at a later
Original Work Fostered
The object of the society, as explain-
ed by Prof. Peter Okkeberg, of the
zoology department, secretary of the
organization, is to encourage original
investigation in pure and applied sci-
ence. Only such graduate students
are elected 'who have by actual work
shown an aptitude for scientific inves-
tigation, and undergraduates are chos-
en on the basis of scholarship and fu-
ture promise of ability to do con-
structive work. Students admitted to
associate membership may later be-
come full members upon demonstra-,
tionof actual ability in original work.
Policy Changed This Year
.This is the first time that a fall
election has been held by the Michi-
gan chapter of the society, but Pro-
fessor Okkelberg declared that this
was due to the fact that it was the
purpose of the organization to bring
worthy students into contact with the
members while they are still in col-
lege, rather than at the close of their
college careers orafter graduation.
Christmas Issue
Of Chimes Mlakes
Scoop Of Cam us
Christmas is more than two weeks1
off, but Chimes has accomplished a
scoop, the Christmas issue going on
sale today.
This month's magazine is brimming
over with attractive stories. The
cover is a three-tone Christmas scene
by Clayton Seagars, '23. "Is Michi-
gan Democratic", in which Leo J.
Hershdorfer, '23, takes the affirma-
tive and Maynard Newton, '22, the neg-
ative, presents an interesting subject
from two angles. Fred C. Kelly, '04,
has contributed "After Twenty Years",
an account of the trials that he met
while in college, and how he rose to
the front rank of magazine writers
after leaving school.
The frontispiece is a life-like draw-
ing of E. Mortimer Shuter, director of
the Michigan Union opera, by James
House, Jr., '24L. Accompanying thisi
sketch, is an article by Mr. Shuter on
"Thank God for the Fire", in which

he explains how he has coached the
Michigan operas to success.
Alliance Based on No-War Pledges
Washington, Dec. 7. - A crucial
pledge not to go to war over disputes
in the Pacific without a "cooling off"
of discussin is the basis of the new
four power treaty proposed as a sub-
stitute for the Anglo-Japanese alli-

of the Book for the 1922 Opera,
"Make It For Two," Which Appear-
ed for the Second Performance at
the Whitney Theater Last Night.
Well Known War Leader of New York
Gives Oratorical Association
Charles S. Whitman, a reformer
who became governor, will speak in
Hill auditorium tonight on "The Ad-
minstration of Criminal Justice", in
the fourth number of the Oratorical
association lecture series, of which
Judge Ben Lindsey will be fifth, in a
lecture here on Jan. 7.
Mr. Whitman served as governor of
New York state for two terms, from
1915 to 1919, throughout the entire
war period. He is considered an au-
thority on his subject of criminal jus-
tice, not only through his adminstra-
tion during a particularly stringent
crime wave which swept through the
state during his term in office, but'
through various judicial positions held
in New York city.
While he was acting as district at-
torney for the county of New York it
was one of his achievements to con-
vict Becker, one of the most notorious
gunmen in the country. Since his re-
tirementfrom office in 1919, Mr. Whit-
man has continued his law practice in
New York city.
Mloore Plays At
Today 's Recital
Earl V. Moore, head of the organ
department of the School of Music,
will give the next recital in the Twi-
light Organ series at 4:15 o'clock this
afternoon in Hill auditorium.
His program will be as follows:
Sonata, No. 1, A minor .....Borowski
Allegro ma non troppe;
Allegro con fuoco
Elegy ................... Massenet
Humoreske ................Dvorak
Chant de Bonheur ........... Lemare
Toccata and Fugue in D minor ..Bach
Harding Hopeful for Conference
ashington, Dec. 7. - Decided op-
timi m with respect to the results of
the armament conference was express-
ed today by President Harding in brief
addresses. In one the President said,
"This conference will demonstrate the
wisdom of internationally comingto-
gether - nations facing each other on
settling problems without resort to

Book Gives Occasion for Al Actors to
Fill Roles With Equal
(By Paul Watzel)
Music, costumes and feature4ancing
that compare favorably with any of
the professional productions now on
the road, that in a word sums up the
sixteenth Michigan Union opera,
"Make It for Two", which appeared
for the second time last night at the
Whitney theater.
With a plot that, while in itself is
interesting, furnishes varied opportu-
nities for interspersed singing and
dancing, the production this year
seems to have accomplished what pro-
ductions of other years have failed to
do. And these opportunities were
made the most of, for in the feature
work every one of the actors were ca-
pable of giving the audience the high
class specialties that are demanded of
the musical comedy.'
Dancers Successful
Earl C. Powers, '22, George Z. Hoff-
man, '24, Julian L. Zemon, '23, Gordon
Loud, '22, and Gordon D. Wier, '24,
were the leaders in making the danc-
ing in the performance what it was.
Powers, who seemed to dominate
every time he appeared, was especial-
ly good. Zemon's solo dance was an
equal to any act of its kind that has
been seen here for years.
Costumes and scenery, especially
the former, were more than the most
critical could desire, and by far the
most gorgeous that have ever been
seen in Mimes productions. In the
"Four Seasons" and the "Garden of
Girls" the costumes were as much as
could have been expetced from a first
class Broadway company. The four
back-stage drops, in the "Four Sea-
sons" were effective and added to the
impression created by the girls.
No Stars Stand Out
To pick out any particular member
of the cast and lay finger upon hini
as the outstanding figure would be a
mistake. One of the strongest points
of the production is that the entire
cast was strong, Wilfred R. Laurie,
'22L, and William A. Sutherland, '2,
portraying the much used type of re-
versed domestic relations, put a punch
in their portrayals that will not soon
be forgotten.
Arthur H. Holden, '24, carried the
hero's part well, supported by Howard
L. Donahue, '24, and ably aided by the
schemes of lawyer Skinem, which part
was well taken by Howard S. Stimp-
son, '24. Carl W. Guske, '22, again
showed well in his interpretation of
the one-horse potentate. Albert F.
Schirmer, '22E, and Thomas I. Under-
wood, '23L, were an ideal team, with
James Dresbach, the "poet" trying to
The chorus showed the effects of
the good training that it has had
during the past weeks, and with a few
more rough spots taken out by their
continued stage appearance, will show
up to the best advantage, a thing now

within an ace of a reality.
Reception Given at Observatory
A reception was given at the Ob-
servatory yesterday afternoon and
evening for the faculty and towns-
people by Prof. W. J. Russey, head of
the astronomy department, and Mrs.
Hussey, and Prof. A. S. Whitney, act-
ing dean of the School of Education,
and Mrs. Whitney.










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