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Telephone 2414
Assistant Managing Editor..................Hugh W. Hitchcock
City Editor ............... ...............E. P. Lovejoy, Jr.
Night Editors-
R.E F--Adams G. P. Overton
Edward Lambrecht M B. Stahl
Hugnston McBain Paul Watzel
Editorial Board Chairman.........................T. J. Whinery
Assistan ts-
S. T. Beach E. R. Meiss
L. A. Kern Leo Hershdorfer
Sunday Magazine Editor................Thornton W. Sargent, Jr.
Exchange Editor .................................George E. Sloan
MusicEditor................................Sidney B. Coates
Sporting Editor ...............................George Remdel
Women's Editor ............................. Elizabeth Vickcry
Humor Editor ................................ E R. M eiss
R. N. Byers L. L. Fen wick B. H. Lee
W. B. Butler H. B. Grundy . E. Mack
A. D. Clark Agnes l'irnqmeist Kattrine Montgomery
Harry C. Clark H. E. Howlett R. C. Moriarity
J P. Comstock Marion Kerr R. B. Tarr
john P. Dawson L. S. Kerr Virginia T
H. A. Donahue M. A. Klaver D.Bo sng
W. F. El1liott Marion KochY.L.os
J. B. Young
law to be right or not. That does not enter into the
matter at all. It is simply one of whether we, as
University students, are to countenance a trade
which is carried on by individuals whom we must
personally despise and against whom we should use
all of our efforts. If the eighteenth amendment be
wrong, then let us set about to have it changed, but
don't let us further the trade of a gang of men
who have proved themselves to be unworthy of
anyone's respect.
"The king is dead - long live the king !" in the
kingdoms of the old world is at once the valedic-
tory of the departed ruler and the salutatory of the
heir to the throne. Now at Michigan "Duke"
Dunne, this fall's gridiron chief, passes the leader-
ship of the football team to Paul Goebel, and the
cry is, in effect, the same.
Accession to the captaincy of the football team is
a great honor, and a great responsibility as well. It
means that the team has chosen for a leader the
man whom it will follow best, because of his play-
ing, because of his personality, and because of his
ability to meet emergencies. It means that upon
the shoulders of this one man much of the success
or failure of an activity important above all others
in the eyes of the student body will depend. It
means that the very real hopes and fears of the stu-
dents of the University a:e in his hands.
And the team has chosen wisely. As a player
Goebel is one of the best ends in the West - a
hard, clean fighter who is willing to give his best to
catch a pass, break interference, or tackle a man. He
is the kind of man who never hears the whistle be-
cause he is too busy playing the game. With ability
to make men follow him he does not need to
threaten or cajole.
A successor of parts to such men as Allerdyce,
Heston, Redden, Goetz, and Dunne, our new cap-
tain is worthy and well-qualified to fill his posi-
tion. It is a source of satisfaction that the team has
chosen its leader so well.
When the Regents of the University convene next
Friday one of the matters to be considered is the
plan of holding classes during the present noon-
hour. Whether such a change would be beneficial
is a thing of great doubt.
From thestandpoint of the restaurants, boarding
houses, and fraternities, the proposed plan is unde-
sirable. If the idea is adopted, the lunch hour
would have to be extended until 2 o'clock, which
would necessitate the hiring of an additional force
of waiters. Not only would this add greatly to the
expense, but it might be difficult to secure help at
the new hours.
Obviously, the greatest objections to such a con-
dition would come from the student body. In the
first place, the cost of the extra help would sooner
or later descend upon them. Moreover, one natur-
ally notices the pangs of hunger at about I2 o'clock,
or sooner, especially if the arising hour is before
7 o'clock.
Such a plan should only be adopted as a last re-
Apparently the only thing so far established at the
Arbuckle trial is that a woman doesn't change her
mind as often as she is said to - especially if she
is serving on a jury.
Have you bought your Red Cross seals yet?
Telephone 960
Advertising.........................F. M. Heath, A. J. Parker
Publication .............................. Nathan W. Robertson
Accounts .................................. John J. Hamels, Jr.
Circulation...................................Herold C. Hunt
Burr L. Robbins Richard Cutting H. Willis Heidbreder
W. Cooley James Prentiss W. Kenneth Galbraith
L. Beaumont Parks Maurice Moule J. A. Dryer
Walter Scherer .11111 odring Richard Heidemann
Edw. Murane Tyler Stevens T. H Wolfe
David Park Paul Blum
Night Editor-R. E. ADAMS
Assistant-Harry C. Clark
Proofreaders-Ralph Byers
J. F. Pontius
There will be a meeting of the Reporters club at
4:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Prohibition has brought with it a host of prob-
lems for members of the younger generation to
solve and for those of an older generation to talk
of, condemn, and then leave alone. For the solu-
tion of the problem must be admitted to rest entirely
in the hands of the younger generation, that is, so
far as the University is concerned.
The question which is the most pertinent to the
entire situation just at present is to be found in that
mysterious person, the bootlegger and the trade
which he carries on, encouraged by many, con-
demned, apparently, by few who are in authority,
and generally considered as the supplyer of an eco-
nomic need. For technically, it appears, an eco-
nomic need is anything which the public wants and
the fact that the public seems to want the particu-
lar product of which the bootlegger is the purveyor
seems to require little proof. In a paraphrase of
the inscription which embellishes our state seal,
"Si quaeris sciere; circumspecit."
As a matter of fact, however, it is not so much
that the bootlegger sells the stuff wherein the evil
of the situation lies. One may know perfectly well
where he can secure liquor and never make a move
towards gratifying what is an unfelt desire, simply
because the idea does not occur to him. It has not
been brought before his mind. But a bootlegger is
hardly content with having the place of business
which he operates known to increase his sales,
he needs muts peddle his article, thereby perhaps
awakening a desire in the minds of those who would
never otherwise have felt the urge to drink.
Of late, it almost seems that a romantic haze has
begun to surround the mysterious figure of the boot-
legger, who hurtles along roads in his powerful car,
carrying his precious and forbidden load with him.
In reality, he is a law-breaker of the worst sort. He
knows the danger which his trade incurs for him,
and he is well armed. The punishment which will
be meted out to him if apprehended makes him
cautious, amd the number of more than one officer
has attested to the disregard which such a criminal
has for life."
Bootlegging is a trade which should never be
countenanced by University-students. Not perhaps,
because it is unlawful, though that is certainly a
sufficient reason, but simply because in encouraging
the trafficking of these men, we daily augment the
ranks of a coterie of men whose fortunes are built
over the bodies of officers and others who have
fallen victims either to their bullets, or to the poison
which their stuff contains. One never can be sure.
For a certain brand of Canadian whiskey, as many
as forty counterfeit labels have been found under
which an article which is little better than sure
poison is sold..
There is so much which might be written on such
a subject that it is difficult to restrain the discus-
sion to the limits of this column. The question is
not one, however, of whether we think the Volstead
A Saving Proposition
My girl is charming -- good and true,
There's not a thing she cannot do,
An inexpensive maiden, too --
God bless her indigestion!
I used to spend such lonesome nights,
Resisted all a date's delights -
Most girls are blessed with appetites
Uncurbed by indigestion.
They'll always get a meal or two,
If they can get it off of you.
All my girl wants is gum to chew.
It's good for indigestion.
In luxury's lap I was not set,
But with my girl to help I'll bet
I'll know the joy of millions yet.
Praise God for indigestion.
Quoth Eppie Taff:
Legs-caused the end
Of Melvin Stedd,
He tripped himself
And broke his head
Ann Arbor Daze:
When the car turned over.
-Nuf C. E. D.
Dear Erm:
What do you think of a fellow in our house whd
is so unsentimental that he propsed to his girl over
the telephone? Yours.
Boot Black.
Dear Boot: Perhaps he was broke and wanted
central to give her the ring.
Famous Closing Lines
"I'll soon get the hang of this," said the bandit
as he was led to the gallows. ERM.
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