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Bryne and Percendes Lead Tourney
The Union billiard straight-rail
tournament is still under way. The'
games which have been played so far
are: Bryne, 120, Moeller, 89; Percen-
des, 110, Kotts, 37; Byrne, 120, Fas-
ter, 83; and Percendes, 110, Moeller,
99. The games are being played
every afternoon and evening in the
Union billiard room.
m from
Price Revision
ords in our stock at present.
d service and prices here are
than elsewhere'
Black or
Soft Toe
man who
& H Shoes,
os Corona
ortable typewriter with the
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'' 3 Yne
C S T has been for a long time an active e SetI Readi
participant in many wrestling bouts. e
He is a master in the art of wrest- Of ratern ty.
[ORKOUTS IA ISflMEBflA ing, having had much experience with
some of the foremost men in the mid-
dleweight class as well as having en- All is ready for the opening of N
WRETLIG ISTRCTO TOcountered Gotch, Zbyszko and many the interfraternity basketball league i
WRESTLING INSTRUCTOR TO others renowned in wrestling circles. matches which will take the Initial
HOLD TWO CLASSES EACH mthswihwl aeteiiil
WEEK He is not only a professional wrest- steps toward the deciding of the cam-
ler but is also a life saver, having pus championship on Monday night.I
served many years at Detroit in this The schedule, as arranged for the first
Coach Thorne, new wrestling coach, service. At the present time he is week, is given below. Ralph 0. Ry-
will make his second aprpearance on also coach of swimming and wrestling chener, '22M, former Varsity basket-
the campus, when he starts active at Detroit Junior college. As a side- ball captain and now an assistant in- t
coaching next Wednesday. Mr. Thorne line Thorne is also a student of jiu. tramural director, Is In charge of the
comes h'ere highly recommended and jitsu and is a capable lecturer and tourney, and urges the closest co-l
demonstrator of the Japanese art, operation between the fraternities and
Interest in wrestling has greatly in- the Intramural department; Some of7
UWU E WR D ae a creased since it has become possible the hours of the schedule are incon-
* to have a real coach in the sport. venent, but they are the best that'
*4 Many men are coming out daily, so as could be arranged. In some cases
®tto be in good condition when Thorne games will interfere with house meet-t
- c starts active coaching. Steps are be- ings, but it is hoped that organiza-
8 ing taken to arrange some dual meets tions will see filt to defer their gather-
with other schools in Michigan and it ings until after their game has been
IichIgan men started R1is hoped that some lively contests will played. "We hope to arrange mat-
playing billiards with us e be staged before the close of the sea- ters," said Rychener, "so that few
" in 190 and have kept it son. fraternities will be called upon to play
up in increasing numbers Coach Thorne will be in the wrestl- on their meeting nights more than'
ever since. °ing room from 1 to 5:30 o'clock every once during the entire tournament."
g MIchigan men of today Wednesday and Thursday until Christ-
t Iwill find here Al equip. mas vacation. After then a different 'a
ment, good fellowship and schedule will be arranged whereby he As the schedule will be out each,
congenial environment. il be able to devote three or four fraternity will play every other or-
w days a week to coaching. It is re- ganization in Its league, so that a
equested that all interested in the sport fair basis of comparison will be had.
S questedwill tryout for the team and i n this Perfect classification of houses is not
u waymake the season a successfulone. possible In all cases, being
way aone.sionally necessary to~place an organ-
Thorne is also interested in starting a
__class in jiu-jutsu and will be glad to izaton in a league to which it does
talk over plans with anyone interested not technically belong. In such cases
'n that sport alone. the Intramural department asks the
n that sport alone.consideration of the organizations in
3 r maosCIiEASC ANDIS order that all may run smoothly.
no *NCHES SODAS The English language is spoken by ,
"Vt- try to treat you rit~het oeta 5,0000pol h The schedule of games for the first
try o LrM riht *more than 150,000,000 people. Thewekiasflo :
* "" ' -week is as folows-
S ama n atfsa ia ge I language contains approximately 700,- Monday at 6:15 o'clock, Medic
000 words. league: Court 1, Alpha Kappa Kappa
vs. Phi Chi; court 2, Alpha Sigma vs.
.!!..Phi Rho Sigma; court.3, Phi Alpha
Distinctive Cheimas Gifts Gamma vs. Pi Upsilon Rho; court 4,
.Phi Beta P1 vs. Nu Sigma Nu. At 7
o'clock, Washtenaw league: on court
1, Kappa Sigma vs. Phi Kappa Psi; on
Greeting Cards, Pottery. Narcissus Bulbs, Games, Toys, Stationery, court 2, Lambda Chi Alpha vs, Phi
Noveities, Incense Burners, Incense, Ribbon Novelties, Vanities, and Kappa Sigma; on court 3, Phi Delta
inumerable other articles that are Different. REAL MISTLETOE. Theta vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; on
THE WISTERIA SHOP court 4, Phi Epsilon Pi vs. Theta Chi.
At 9:30 o'clock, Hill league: on court
330 Maynard Street 1, Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Kappa Beta
Open Every Evening Psi;'on court 2, Alpha Tau Omega vs.
Phi Sigma Delta; on court 3, Delta
Tau Delta vs. Phi Gamma Delta; on
court 4, Delta Upsilon vs. Sigma Nu.
SHOWS -MM - - North State League
FROM 2 Adults 300 Tuesday at 6:15 o'clock, North State
TO 1 ilJ. F.Kiddies 10c league: on court 1, Alpha Chi Rho
TO m. p. V1 vs. Kappa Nu; on. court 2, Chi Phi
111111-.Imvs. Psi Upsilon; on court 3, Phi Sigma
LAS T T I M E T ODAYKappa vs. Sigma Chi; on court 4,
L S T E T ADelta Sigma Phi vs. Zeta Psi. At 7
o'clock, South State league: on court
1, Acacia vs. Delta Chi; on court 2,
Alpha Delta Phi vs. Delta Kappa Ep-
silon; on court 3, Beta Theta P vs.I
---~-Theta Delta Chi on court 4, Chi Psi
Tom OOrO eev
IN 12W. Wa
tess For Opening_
Wasketball Leagues
vs. Zeta Beta Tau. At 9:30 o'clock,
Madison league: on court 1, Beta Phi
Delta vs. Theta Xi; on court 2, Sin-
fonia vs. Alpha Rho Chi; on court 3,
Phi Delta Chi vs. Sigma Phi epsilon;
on court 4, Hermitage vs. Sigma Phi.
Wednesday at 6:15 o'clock: Laws
and Dents league: on court 1, Del-
ta Sigma Delta vs. Psi Omega; on
court 2, Delta Theta Phi vs. Sigma
Delta Kappa; on court 3, Gamma Eta
Gamma vs. Xi Psi Phi. At 7 o'clock,
House Club league: on court 1, Ca-
cique vs. Monon; on court 2, Cygnus
vs. Phylon; on court 3, Deltasig vs.
Trigon. At 9:30 o'clock, Medic league,
on court 1, Nu Sigma Nu vs. Phi Al-
pha Gamma; on court 2, Pu Upsilon
Rho vs. Alpha Sigma; on court 3, Phi
Rho Sigma vs. Alpha Kappa Kappa;
on court 4, Phi Chi vs. Phi Beta Pt.
Thursday at 6:15 o'clock, Washte-
naw league: on court 1, Theta Chi
vs. Phi Delta Theta; on court 2, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon vs. Lambda Chi Alpha;
on court 3, Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Kap-
pa Sigma; on court 4, Phi Kappa Psi
vs. Phi Epsilon Pi. At 7 o'clock Hill
league: on court 1, Sigma Nu vs.
Delta Tau Delta; on court 2, Phi Gam-
ma Delta vs. Alpha Tau Omega,; on
court 3, Phi Sigma Delta vs. Alpha
Sigma Phi, on court 4, Kappa Beta
Psi vs. Delta Upsilon. At 9:30
o'clock, North State league: on court
1,..Zeta Psi vs. Phi Sigma Kappa; on
court 2, Sigma Chi-vs. Chi Phi; on
court 3, Psi Upsilon vs. Alpha Chi
Rho; on court 4, Kappa Nu vs. Delta
Sigma Phi.
Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv.
Chop 'Suey
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613 E. liberty
Corona is the orginal p
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ALLMAN (Q FORSYTHE, 120 East Liberty Street
We are giving the same prices at our Campus Bootery, 304 South State Street
Don't fail to see those Florsheim Oxfords at only $8.85