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November 13, 1921 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-11-13

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(By Associated Press)
Chicago, Nev. 12.-Swim and grow
beautiful is the advice of Coach Tom
Robinson, for eleven years acquatic
instructor at Northwestern University,
to his co-ed pupils. If, when a woman
passes the prime of youth, she would
indulge in swimming as an exercise,
less cosmetics would be necessary to
retain her beauty.
To support his theory, Coach Robin-
son today cited a long list of famous
women from Venus down to Mary
Garden and Annette Kellerman.
Natural beauty of featureĀ§ goes with
a well rounded, perfectly developed
body, he said. The average so-called
beautiful face seen on the streets will
not stand the test of swimming, wate
being fatal to Milady's make-up.
A well developed, slender waist line
ism requisite in beauty, Robinson said,
and swimming will bring this without
the aid of any boresome setting up
exercises or other gymnasium work.
If girls wish to obtain gracefullness
and conqueror being awkward, diving
is the thing, Robinson said.
Engagement Announced
Announcement has been made of the
engagement of Gretchen Walser, '23,
to Joseph Riggs, '22F. Miss Walser
is a member of the Alpha Phi sorority
and Mr. Riggs belongs to the Phi Gam-
ma Delta fraternity.


Why pay more to have your Shoes repaired,

when you can have
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Half Soles -
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Rubber Heels
Full Soles and
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Half Soles - $1.15
Leather Heels .35
Rubber Heels .50
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Think of It, Men!


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Two big pockets, belt, full length mole
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Who says they aren't tempting?






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What Are Your Objections
to Second-hand Clothes?
That they aren't sanitary?
Every garment is so thoroughly
cleaned and steamed before it is of-
fered for sale that it is absolutely as
sanitary as new.
That they won't wear well?
By the time the garments go thru
our repair shop they are in a condi-
tion that assures many months of
excellent service.
That the styles are old?
So quick is the turnover on every
garment handled that stocks are
continually kept up-to-the-minute.
The same is true of materials.
Opposite Court House on Fourth

II _ -If

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