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November 04, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-11-04

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Washington Settled Foreign Policy of
Country; Never Been
(By Associated Press)
Liverpool, Nov. 3. - George Har-
vey, the United States ambassador to
Great Britain, told an audience at the
Liverpool chamber of commerce to-
night that it was futile to hope that
America, as Lord Derby recently has
been suggesting, may some day be
merged in a definite alliance with
Great Britain and France.
This statement was made as a di-
gression from an address on econom-
Ic and industrial situations, in which
the American ambassador attacked
communism and socialism and de-
fended the principal of individual-
Recalls Derby's Talk
Ambassador Harvey recalled Lord
Derby's address recently given in1
Birmingham in which the latter voic-
ed the conviction that the success of
the Washington limitation of arma-
ment conference would mean peace
and that its failure would mean war
in the immediate future. The speaker
also recalled Lord Derby's suggestion
to former President Poincaire, of
France, at a dinner last Tuesday eve-
ning that an Anglo-French alliance
would be desirable in the interest of
peace, intimating "the string hope"
that America might eventually join
the combination-.
"Now it seems to have fallen to my
unhappy lot since I have been in Eng-
,and," continued Ambassador Harvey,
"to dispel illusions respecting the at-
titude of the United States. I can
conceive of no more effective service
on the part of an envoy, desirous as
I am of eliminating all causes for mis-
;apprehension, than to set forth frank-
)y any certainty which may bear up-
on the immediate future, however dis-
appointing it may be to his hearers. In
pursuance of this policy, rightful or
wrongful as it may be, I feel compell-
ed to say frankly that the hope voiced'
by Lord Derby must be regarded as
Washington Fixed Policy
"Our firstpresident fixed the for-
eign policy of the United States thor-
oughly and unequivocally when he ad-
vised his countrymen never to enter
into a permanent alliance with any,
other power. This policy has been
reaffirmed by practically all his suc-
cessors. It was reiterated with great
positiveness in our latest national
campaign by our present president
and was confirmed by a majority of
the people so great as to be beyond
the pale of comparison."
Moving pictures of the football
team in their scrimmages, taken for

the purpose of display before the
alumni meetings throughot the state,
are being reviewed by the coaching
staff and a great deal is being learn-
ed of the team-work of the Varsity.
"The pictures were not taken pri-
marily for. the purpose of aiding in
the coaching of the team," Coach
Fielding H. Yost declared yesterday,
"but a lot can be learned from watch-
ing them. It is not at all difficult to
tell just who is in the various plays..
The men stand out clearly, and it is
easy to see who are the active
Two rolls of films have already been
taken, and it is the plan of the Ath-
letic association to take several more
during the coming weeks. These
will be shown in various parts of the
state where alumni are meeting to
keep them in closer touch with the
activities of the University and its

Audience Enjoys
Evans' Recital
(By Sidney B. Coates)
In a program characterized by clean
cut pedal work and skillful general-
ling of the harmonic properties of his
instrument, Harry Russell Evans of
the organ faculty of the School of
Music gave a successful concert yes-
terday afternoon in Hill auditorium
before the largest audience at any
twilight recital this year.
The increasing number of patrons
at these concerts shows that the ef-
forts of organists of the University
are being. appreciated and that there
is a demand for such progra!3 as
have been rendered.
Mr. Evans', program offered a wide
variation in types of music chosen
and without exception his work met
with approval. Those numbers in
which his ability as an organist were
best brought out were the "Sonata in
the style of-Handel" by Wolstenholme1
with its vigorous theme movements,
the quiet Berceuse in D flat by Dick-
enson, Kinders' playful Caprice in A
and Bach's powerful "Grand Fugue".




Plans for a smoker to take place the
afternoon of the Wisconsin game, Nov.
12, 'were announced at the luncheon
of the Detroit Alumni association
which was held at noon yesterday. The
smoker will be at the Elks' temple
and returns from the game will be
received, play by play, over a spe-
cial wire.
Eugene O'Brien, '06, was appointed
chairman of the smoker committee
and it is planned to have plenty of
cheering and singing during the prog-
ress of the game. The association is
making a big effort to get all of its
members together at this time and
will carry on a get-acquainted pro-
gram at which everybody will wear
cards giving his name and class.
At the luncheon, Thursday, Dr.
Hugh Cabot was the principal speak-
er and gave an interesting talk de-
scribing how he has taken care of the
Michigan football team since the M.
A. C. game. Dr. Cabot also went on
to tell of some of his old time foot-
ball experiences. He gave a detailed
account of the physical condition of
all the men who are to play in the
Wisconsin game.
Difficult to Select 1,000 Greatest Lead-
ers in Work, According to
"There is no doubt that many of the
scientists rated among the thousand
greatest of the country in the 1921 ed-
ition of 'American Men of Science'
do x t belong in this group and that
many who were left out should have
been included," said one of the sci-
entists in an interview yesterday. The
professor interviewed, who is given as
one of the thousand greatest in the
book, did not care to have his name
"The first 500 of the great scientists
are easy to pick because there is no
question as to their place in the book,
but after the 500 mark many of the
cases are doubtful," said the professor.
"I was called upon to help choose the
greatest men in my profession and
fouvid the task exceedingly difficult af-
ter n'lf of the number had - been
named." The i fessor praised the
work of the authoA and declared the
book to be done as well as could be
under the circumstances.
Prof. E. C. Case, of -the geology de-
partment, one of the starred scient-
ists, declared that it was no reflec-
tion on a man if his name was not
among the thousand greatest scientists
because in some sciences there is a
much larger number to pick from than
in others.
"The number picked from each sci-
ence is in proportion to the total num-
her engaged in that work, but the larg-
er the number there is to choose from
the less. chance a man stands of get-
ting on the list. A man in one science
who is not starred may be equally as
good as a man in another science who
is starred," said Professor Qase.

Prof. Lubin Declares Controversy
Mainly Concerned with the
Collection of Dues
"Surprisingly simple," was the way
Prof. Isado Lubin, of the economics
department, characterized the present
lamor troubles between the coal min-
ers and operators.
"The controversy is primarily one
between the Federal courts and the
United Mine Workers of America
over the "check-off" system of col-
lecting union dues. The Federal court
in Indianapolis has issued instruc-
tions to the mine owners not to de-
duct the union dues of the miners
from their pay, as is the present prac-
"The United Mine Workers, on the
other hand, have notified the various1
operators' associations that a strike
would be called wherever the opera-
tors failed to continue the collection
of the union dues. The various op-
erators' associations have made con-
tracts which expire each April, which
provide for collection of dues by this
"The union officials claimed that
the operators are violating their con-
tracts by obeying the order of the
Federal court, and ordered a strike in
districts where the operators did so.
Nearly all lawyers will agree that the
order of th Federal courts is su-
preme and that operators are acting
in accordance with the law in refus-
ing to continue the 'check off' sys-
Federal Judge Anderson made the
ruling because he felt that there was
collusion between the miners and the
operators, that coal prices were being
maintained at present levels by un-
lawful means, and that the "check
off" was an important factor in main-
tainig this unlawful state of collu-I
sion. In other words he acted in the
interest of public policy.
Vapor Pressure
Law Derived BY
Professor Baker
A new generalization has been dis-
covered in work under the - direction
of Prof. E. W. Baker, of the chemical
engineering department. During the
last year, Professor Baker with V. H..
Waite investigated the boiling points
of solutions under reduced pressures
and derived a law relating to the rel-
ative vapor pressure of solutions to
the vapor pressure of water at cor-
responding temperatures.
This conclusion greatly simplifies
all work on the vapor pressure of so-
lutions, it will be of much assistance
in the design of evaporator equip-
ment, such as used in the salt works,
sugar refining plants, and other in-
dustrial enterprises.
The work was one of the support-
ed projects of the division of chem-
istry and chemical technology of the
National Research council.
Members of Sigma Delta Chi, na-
tional journalistic fraternity, last
night made plans for the establish-
ment of a news bureau to furnish

nwspapers throughout the country
with University news of interest in
the particular field covered by the dif-
ferent publications.
The service, to be known as the
Michigan News bureau, will be under
the direction of Joseph A. Bernstein,
Through the bureau it is expected
to secure co-operation with a large
number of newspapers at the same
time furnishing them with service at
a nominal cost.
New Faculty Members Listed
"List of New Officers of Instruction
and Administration with Addresses,"
i's the title of a pamphlet just pub-
lished by the University press.
The booklet includes a total of 7
professors, 6 assistant professors, 89
instructros, 2 acting instructors, 21
fellowships, 1 refractionist, 1 exam-1
iner in Health service, and the di-I
rector of athletics.I

University Awaits Lens for Embryo
Observatory In Southern Hemisphere

The nucleus of that which is to in-1
crease the ingrnational prestige of
the astronomy department lies in
comparaive obscurity in the basement
of the observatory where its presence
is little known. That object is another
telescope of unusual power. It has
been there for nearly 10 years; it may
be there for a decade more. To state
the date of its completion lies not
within the power of man. Perhaps it
will come in time to keep our new
building program company.
Lamont Makes Gift
Several years ago Robert Lamont
donated money to this University to
be used by the astronomy department
in building a new telescope. On its
completion, it was to be placed in a
station to be erected somewhere in
the Southern hemisphere. Eventual-
ly, it was to be returned to the ob-
servatory here in Ann Arbor. Briefly,
this was and still is the intended ex-
istence of Michigan's new astronomi-
cal branch.
Following the instructions of . the
Cheerleader and Staff May Accompany
Students and Team to
Tentative plans have been made for
the holding of the annual Band
Bounce at 8 o'clock Wednesday night
at Hill auditorium in order to make
up the deficit caused by the trip to
Urbana and to defray' the expenses
of the proposed trip to Wisconsin.
The committee alleges that at least
$2,000 must be raised before taking
the band to Madison can be consid-.
Take Cheerleaders to Madison
Al Cuthbert, '22E, cheermaster, ac-
companied the team to Illinois. If the
bounce proves a financial success,
Cuthbert, as well as his staff of as-
sistants, will be taken to Madison.
Arrangements have been made for
the band to meet in concert on Fri-
day night, Nov. 11, before the Chicago
Alumni club of the University of
Michigan. In addition, the best acts
from the bounce will be taken along
and presented at the same time.
Band Will -Open Program
Only a tentative program of enter-
tainment has as yet been arranged for
the bounce, pending the eligibility of
the try-outs. The band will give the
opening number - a 45 minute popu-
lar concert, consisting of five sets,
with one popular. song in each set.
Tommy Thomas' orchestra and enter-
tainers will then offer "The Spirit of
the Mardi Gras", a musical fantasy de
luxe, followed by the Varsity quar-
tette, a banjo sextette, a double piano
selection, a short sketch, and a dance
number. All of these presentations
will be entirely new to the Michigan
G. E. Korten, '22E, president of the
band, is in charge of the entertain-
ment. Seth Bidwell, '4Lmanager of
the band, has charge of the financial
"Kitchen orchestra" music, funny
stunts, and 20 charming ,waitresses
will combine to entrance the girls
who "indulge" in the cabaret party to
be given by the Women's league from
4 to 6 o'clock Friday afternoon in

Barbour gymnasium. Between acts)
there will be real jazz music for
dancing, and the entire party -will car-
ry out the cabaret idea.
Delta Gamma, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma, and Gamma Phi Beta sororitiesl
and Cheever house will give enter-
tainment acts, while the waitresses

An idea of the cases of the
in lens making can be gained


a brief examination into the methods
of lens making. The substances used
,are first heated to the proper tempera-
ture. After the molten substance has
cooled slightly, sand is thrown over
it in order to keep it from cooling too
rapidly. After it has thoroughly
cooled, the porcelain containing thisl
mass is broken from around its con-
tents. The difficulty lies in keepingl
the mass of glass, in a sufficiently.
large size for the needed lens,-which
is to be between 24 and 30 inches in
diameter. Plenty of small lens can
be easily obtained. Such a piece has
not been produced in 10 years. One
may be produced tomorrow, perhaps
not for a decade more. Even after
such a crystal is found it will require.
several months to reduce it to a state
of proper efficiency. Thus it is seen
that the process of lens making is not
a proces of certainty.
The advantages of such a branch
are plain. There are about 120 ob-
servatories in the Northern hemis-
phere while there are only about 20
in the Southern. It is evident that
the work of exploration and charting
of the heavens in-that vicinity has not
been carried on nearly so far and so
thoroughly as it has in the Northern
hemisphere. In addition to being a
valuable addition to this University
it will be of untold value to the world
of science, for it will enable the com-
pletion of work long since begun.
Dean Marcus L. Ward, of the dental
college, has been appointed as one of
nine men to inspect the dental schools
of the United States and Canada and
possibly abroad by the Carnegie
Foundation for the advancement of
teaching. As there are 52 dental
schools in the United States and Can-
ada it involves much time and many
trips throughout the country. Dean
Ward's first trip which is to be in the
southern states will probably last from
ten days to two weeks starting Nov.
19. Other trips will be taken from
time to time with the purpose of col-
lecting statistics and data about dent-
al schools so as to aid in their bet-
Alumnus Features Activities
"Michigan 3, Illinois 0" is the head-
ing of an extensive report of Michi-
gan's first 1921 Conference victory in
the Michigan Alumnus which came out
yesterday. Along with the story of
the game itself is an account of how
Michigan rooters journeyed, "bum-
med," rode, etc. to the big event, 1,000

donor, $2,500 was spent in purchasing
the necessary apparatus for building
the telescope. Much of the needed
machinery was already in operation
as part of the daily working equip-
ment of the observatory. The work on
the telescope then proceeded. The
mountings were made. Portions of
the tube were next completed.
Lens Ordered in 1911
In the meantime the orders for the
lens were placed with the Alban
Clark & Sonsbcorporationhduring the
month of Feb., 1911. This firm in
turn placed an order with the French
glass makers. After waiting two
years for the objectives, a duplicate
order was placed with German glass
makers. When no lens were forth-
coming from any of these sources an-
other order was placed with the Spen-
cer Lens company of Buffalo. Thus
far no lens have been produced.
Every bit of work on the telescope
which could possibly be accomplish-
d has been completed long since.
However, there is some consolation in
,the fact that there are six other sta-
tions waiting for lens of approximate-
ly the same size.
Lens Hard to Make

Sweeping Changes Suggested Wi
Show Sincerity of the
United States
(By Associated Pr 8s)
Washington, Nov. 3.-The policies
and program of the American delega-
tion to the armament conference are
beginning to assume definite outline
and if the expectations of officia
Washington are realized, the opening
day of the conference will see a sequ.
ence of developments something like
Possible Developments
Presentation, at the outset, of the
concrete American plan for far reach
ing reduction of naval armament.,
Considerations, along with thisplan
are such troublesome problems of the
Far East as may naturally projeci
themselves in the picture.
Meantime, an effort would be made
by the United States to keep tIae nego-
tiations in the open so that public at-
tention may exert its presure towar
practical accomplishment.
Salient features of the Ameica
naval armament proposal already have
been established and although detail
remain to be fied there is reason t
believe the reduction suggested wil
be sweeping enough to convince the
whole world that the United States
meant business when it called the
powers into conference.
Time Needed for Settlement
it would cause 'no surprise if the
leading naval powers found it nec-
essary to submit the plan of this gov-
-ernment to long and careful study be.
fore they. determined on their cours
of action. Should the reduction pro
posed prove unaccgptable, it is believ-
ed rightly that the American dele
gates, having once taken the initiative
would invite the other powers to pre-
sent in their turn some concrete coun
ter proposal.
Maximum Reduction Figures
All the- evidences surrounding the
conferences of the American Big Foui
with their naval advisers have pointed
to intrusion of a set of maximum re-
ductign figures in the plan to be la
on the table by this government., N
official has been willing to reveal an
details of these figures, but there ha
been apparent a desire to lay bare a
the very outset of the negotiations the
full extent to which the United State
would be willing to go in scaling th
world's naval armament.
More than 500 freshmen were tol
how to become real Michigan men
at the meeting of the upperclass ad
visers and their freshmen last nigh'
at the Union. Dean Humphreys spok
for the faculty and gave the advice
"Read the Rules." Angus G. Goetz
'22M, last year's football captain, talk
ed on athletics and told the '25 men t
"Play the game."

Harry Wilson, '22M, vice-presiden
of the Union, explained the history
purpose, and organization of "thi
greatest college club in the world.'
Vernon Hillery, '23, spoke for the pub
lications. Piano and saxaphone music
was furnished for the occasion.
Prof. Bartlett Attends Convention
Mrs. 'Barbara H. Bartlett, professo
of public health nursing in the Uni
versity, is attending the annual meet
ing of the American Child Hygien
association in New Haven, Conn.

will be furnished by Betsy BarbourI The report of last year's Union pres-
dormitory. ident, Paul Eaton, '21, as to activities
of the Union for last year is printed in
Wine and Beer Not Medicine in Mich. part, to be continued in succeeding is-
Light wines and beer may not be suCS.
sold in the state of Michigan for me-
dicinal purposes without violation of Foresters Sign Up for Campfire
the law. According to a congression-. All freshman foresters desiring to
al act-individual states have the right( go on the campfire Saturday should
to sell light wines and beer for me- sign up in the forestry seminar. See
dicinal purposes, but the state laws of bulletin board in Natural Science
Michigan forbid the sale of them. 'building for further particulars.


Due to the "deadline" for sen
ior pictures having been advanc
ed from Nov. 27 to Nov. 19, ther(
are only 16 " days left in whict
to have them taken.
Because of engraving contrac
it is impossible to give any ex
tension of time on these pictures

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