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November 03, 1921 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-11-03

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The regular meeting of the Women's
Athletic association board will not be
held Thursday night.
.Any member of Masques interested
in make-up.work is invited to a meet-
ing of.'the make-up committee at 4
o'clok Thursday afternoon in Sarah.
Caswell Angell hal.-
Senior society initiation has been
postponed indefinitely due to the ill-
ness of the president, Euphemia Car-
nahan, '22.
An honor -point hike for girls will
1Save at 9 =o'clock Saturday morning,
1rov. 5, from Barbour gymnasium.
The third hockey game of the inter-
ciass series, that between the fresh-
man and sophomore second teams,
will be played off at 4 o'clock this
afternoon on Palmer field.
The Senior Girls' play committee
will meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon
at the Delta Gamma house.
Ann Arbor business women will
meet at 7 o'clock Friday evening in
the Y. W. C. A Organization will be
completed and officers will be nomin-
ated at this time.
The Freshman Girls' Glee club will
meet for organization and rehearsal at
4:15 o'clock this afternoon, in Barbour
League Party To
Feature Cabaret
With light hearts 'and gaily trip-
ping feet a chorus of petite maids with
crisp white aprons and caps will serve
the guests at the cabaret party Friday
afternoon in Barbour gymnasium.
Snappy stunts will dispel the last bit
of the week's gloom and real jazz
music will charm the study-weary girls
into buoyant dancing. From 4 to 6
o'clock the fun will last-come when
you can-go when you must-stay as
long as you wish-that's the "invita-
tion the Women's league extends to
every University woman for Friday
Tennis Semi-Final Results
Winners of the semi-finals for the
tennis tournament are as follows:
Seniors, Geraldine Troy; juniors, Ella
Bunting and Lesley Frost; sopho-
mores, Mary Early; freshmen, Cather-
ine Wilcox and Lucille Osmer. The
dates of the final matches of senior vs.
sophomore and junior vs. freshman
will be announced - on the bulletin
board at Barbour gymnasium.

.... ..

Peter . Van 7oken

For Ten Days









- 1107 South Unibersity Abenue - Aarl. H. Cress
fere You .Are, Sir! For Ten Days
Sensational Disposal
Men's Furnishings
n Held in Ann Arbor NOW ON
3sts and for- Not a single item do we want left -- and with
d the entire that in mind we have cut and slashed with utter
op at prices contempt of real values. The idea is not to
days - or make money. It is to clear away the present
alues You'll Certainly Want
hirts Never Have There Been Lower
Neckwear Prices
........... 65c Price Reductions on Neckwear are very Drastic
.............63c $1.50 values........ .........,.,.. ,.............,... ...88c
........ .79c $2 Ties ........................................$1.15
f Shirts ... $1.45 $2.50 Neckwear ..................................$.. 1.49
$3 values .......................... . .. . . ......1.89
.......... 1.55
.rns....... 1.69 Men Will Buy These Socks

With an absolute disregard for co
mer selling prices we have marke
stock of the Varsity Toggery Sh
which will move it in the next ten
even sooner.

Here Are N

Can You Imagine Fine S1
at These Prices?
$2 Arrow Shirts with soft cuffs .................
$2 and $2.50 Lion Dress Shirts .............. .
$1.50 to $3 Arrow and Lion Stiff Cuff Shirts ..,.. ..
$2, $2.50 and $3 Arrow, Lion and Monarch Soft Cuf
In excellent patterns
$3 Arrow Shirts with Soft Collars Attached...... .. .
$3 and $3.50 Arrow Soft Cuff Shirts in fine neat patte
$3, $3.50 and $4 Arrow and Lion Soft Cuff Shirts. .
Fine $2.50 White Polo Shirts with Soft Cuffs and Col
Fine $2.50 White Polo Shirts....... . .... .
With Soft Cuffs and Collars attached
The Best Shirts in Our Stock. Regular $3 and $3.50
White Polo Styles with Collars attached

.. . . . . . . 2 .1
.... ..$1.79

in Dozen Lots
50c Cotton Lisle Socks in blue, white, brown and gray............23c
75c Fine Lisle Hose, in black, cordovan, navy, white, wine
and Palm Beach-35c. 3 pairs for.............$1.00
$1.25 and $1.50 Silk Hose in black, cordovan and dark green....79c
Need a Good Belt? Only
57c in This Sale
A tremendous underpricing on every belt in stock. Leather Belts
in black and tan. Marathon Belts in black and brown.
75c and $1.50 values......................... 57c

This is All that Arrow Collars
Will Cost You
Arrow Collars in All Styles ...........................3 for 50c
Men's Hats and Caps Won't Last Long
at These Prices
5 dozen Felt Hats with narrow brims, in light and dark colors.
$5 and $6 values ..........................$1.15.
A group of $3 Hats clearing at ............................39c
Men's Smart Winter Caps. $1.50 values ...................69c
$2.50 values............. .... ..................$1.13
Men's English Tweed and Herringbone Caps in browns and grays
25% LESS
Men's Hudson Seal Hats for Driving. $8.50 and $10 values..... $4.75
Here's Where-You Save on
Your Clas's Toque
Toques for All Classes and Colleges,'only ...... .............65c


and Leather Coats.
at the Values!

Arcade - Norma Talmadge in
"The Sign on the Door."


Majestic-Thomas Meighan
"Cappy Ricks."
Wuerth-Bryant Washburn
"The Road to London."
Orpheum-Henry B. Walthall
"The Boomerang."

Six $20 Sheepskin Coats...................... ........13.50
Four $25 Sheepskin Coats ............................ 19.50
Gordon Leather Coat, $45 value ...................... 32.00
The Most Remarkable Underwear
Values We've Seen
$1 Athletic Underwear ...................................73c
$1.50 Athletic Underwear ............................95c
$2 Athletic Underwear. Some of it regulation B. V. D.........$1.13
Two-piece Regulation B. V. D. Trunks and Shirts, each ........59c
$1 Gym Pants .....................................59c
50c Porosknit Drawers, Shirts .................... ........38c
$1 Cotton Balbriggan Undershirts .......... ...............45c
$1 and $1.25 Heavy Ribbed Cotton Drawers and Undershirts.......55c
Lightweight Woolen Drawers, $1.50 values...................73c
$2.50 light and heavy weight fleeced Cotton Union Suits.........1.17
Five Heavy Cotton Union Suits. $1.75 values...... ...... ...19
$2.25 Lightweight Cotton Union Suits ..... ........ ......1.29
Heavy Wool and Cotton Mixture Union Suits. $3 values.......$1.39


Buy a Much-Needed Laundry
Case. Only $1.13

143 Laundry Cases-indispensable to the student. $2
Priced here at.................... .

. . ....... . 13

Pajamas and'

Nightshirts are

Garrick (Detroit)-Mr. Leo Dit-
richstein in "Toto."

Shubert Michigan
Madame Petrova in

$2 to $3.50 Lightweight Pajamas in white and colors...........$1.39
Heavy Flannel Pajamas, worth $2.25 to $4.25 ..............$1.53
Boys' Flannel and lightweight cotton Pajamas. $1.50 values.......65c
Boys' lightweight Cotton Night Shirts' $1.50 to $2.25 values.......85c,
Boys' $1.50 and $2 Flannel Night Shirts......................95c

"The White

Sophomores interested in
work on the business staff of
The Michigan Daily may apply
to the business manager during
the remainder ,of this week.
Anyone interested in copy writ-
ing may also apply. Freshmen
on the campus are not eligible
at this time.
New Term Nov. 14th. Type-
writing, Shorthand, Bookkeep-
ing, Penmanship, Secretarial
Training. Day and Evening.
State and William Sts.

Many Sweater Prices
Cut in Half


Aprons and Coats for the Lab.
Student, or Waiter
$3 Dental Clinic Coats ......................... . . 1.85
$2 W aiters' Coats ............ .................. . 39'
Only five Linen Lab Coats. $3 values..................... 1.13
$1 Rubber Chem. Aprons...............................79c
55 Lab. Aprons, made of brown duck. Regularly 90c. Now..49c
Clothes that the Working Man
Will Want
$3 Overalls .................................. $1.00
18 Carpenters' Aprons, made of heavy weight duck. Regularly 90c
Canvas Work Gloves-13c; Two pairs................ .. . . 25c
Leather faced Work Gloves............................35c
& Cress

Sweaters-all kinds and styles in wool and cotton-Some at Half-Price.
Others One-Third Less.
Tennis Shoes, $1.10
$1.75 Tennis Shoes .........................................$1.10
Van Bover

Formerly The Varsity Toggery Shop

1107 South



1107 South University


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