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November 03, 1921 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-11-03

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w.. ,...._ . .. . .

Pul lislhed every nioring except Molday during te Univer-
sity year by the lioard in Contyol f Student Publo ations.
The Associated Press is exci. ively entitled to the use for.
republication of. all news dispatches : redited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the loc. news published therein.
Entered at the postafice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter.
Suoscription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor P'ress building, Maynard Street.
Phones: Business, o6o; Editorial, 2414.
Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
natureanot necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of
faith, and notices of events will be published in The Daily at the
discretion _>f the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily oibce.
Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. Io man-
uscript will be returned unless the writer incloses postage.
The Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex-
pressed in the comm nunication,
"What's Going On" notices will'not be received after 6 o'clock
on the evening preceding insertion.
Telephone 2414
Assistant Managing Editor..................Hugh W. Hitchcock
City Editor.....z...........................E. P. Lovejoy, Jr.
Night Editors-
M, B. Stahl G. P.Overton
R. E. Adams yughston McBain
Paul Watzel Edward Lambrecht
F. H. McPike
Editorials..T. J Whinery, L. A. Kern, S. T. Beach. Eb.R.Meiss
Sunday Magazine Editor.........................T. S. Sargent
Sporting Editor...... ,... .... ........+.. George Reindel
Women's Editor.......... .... . ............. Elizabeth Vickery
Humor Editor........ ........ . ......E........E R. Meiss
Harry B. Grundy John D~awson Ben li. Lee, Jr.
-Wallace F. Elliott Sidney B.- Coates Julian Mack
M. A. Klaver [Lowell S. Kerr H oward Donahue
Dorothy Whipple H. lE. Howlett Arixold Fleig
Marion Koch Katherine Montgomery
Telephione 960

Advertising..........................F. M. Heath, A. J. Parker
Publication.................... .... Nathan WV. Robertson
Accounts.................................. John J. HamelS, Jr.
Circulation................................... Herold C. Hunt
- Assistants
Burr L. Robbins Richard Cutting H. Willis Heidbreder
W. Cooley James Prentiss W. Kenneth Galbraith
L. Beaumont Parks Maurice Moule J. A. Dryer
Walter Scherer m Goldring Richard Heidemann
Edw. Murane Tyler Stevens T. H. Wolfe


Persons wishing to secure information concerning news for
any issue of The Daily should see the night editor, who has full
charge of all news to be printed that night.
Night Editor-G. P. OVERTON
The question as- to what is the effect on the pub-
lic mind of the printing of news crime and sandal
is one on which editors and publishers everywhere
disagree. The excuse commonly given for the pub-
lishing of the usual news-rot of the average "yel-
low" journal, is that it not only pleases the public
but'has a beneficial effect in showing that public the
inadvisability of following the example of those
whose names are "played up" in a questionable
On the whole, however, it would seem that this
idea is erroneous, and that the real effect on the
public of scare heads and sensation is to increase
rather than decrease the spread of crime and vice.
The despondent individual reads that a certain man
has killed himself by drinking carbolic acid, let. us
say. The carbolic acid idea becomes an obsession
with the down-and-outer-he sees it as a possible
way out of the difficulties attendant upon the liv-
-ing of this life; and ultimately he goes off in a
fence corner and also drinks some of the stuff.
One trouble is that the reporter too often tries to
be a dramatist when he is entirely unfitted to be
one. The result is that he frequently gets the wrong
angle or twist to his "stories", and they become
harmful to the public rather than beneficial. More-
over, the kind and size of headlines and the treat-
ment of a story by the headline writer is frequently
-all too suggestive, and, more often than not, goes
actually much farther than does the article itself. As
a natural consequence, the readers are apt to get an
undesirable reaction from, the yarn.
Possibly, as suggested- in the recent convention
here of the University Press Club of Michigan, an
increase in the educational standards of men and
women in the journalism profession would do much
to remedy the evils accruing from ignorance and
exaggerated ideals, and from the attendant efforts
of the editors and reporters to "give the public what
it wants". But certainly, whatever the remedy, a
general decrease in the daily display of journalistic
smut throughout the country ought to have a great
effect in raising our national ideals and in bettering
our mental and moral outlook.
There are three distinct stages in the metamor-
phosis of man: infancy, youth and old age. During
the first he is petted when he cries and cries when
he is not petted. In the second stage he pets him-
self on the back with the belief that he is an all-
knowing being, scorning those who are now in the
first stage and condescending if he hearkens to the
words of his elders, whether they be sound or not.
The last stage is the most peculiar, however, and
the most difficult of diagnosis, for here he pets the
infant, scolds the youth and asks petting and pat-
ting for himself.
The present decade has brought about a situation
which causes us to give the above definition more
than passing consideration, even though it lacks
that peculiar definiteness which a scientific interpre-
tation might possess. For today, those of the third
stage are descending with religious wrath and cries
of indignation that the modern youth is living too
"fast", disregarding morals and traditional custom
for the worship of the great god Pleasure. Dances
are said to be bordering close on the unmoral, di-

vorces are becoming more and more frequent and
marriage vows are said to be considered with little
or no respect. Everything is wrong, and the young
people are to blame, say those of the third stage.
But let us hearken to the words of Dr. Paul
Voelker, president of Olivet college. ' "I want to
say," he declares, "that the young men and women
of America are just as moral as we, their parents
and elders, make them.. * * *" Here, then, from
one who has himself been through the first and
second stages, and who is now in the third, we find
the key to the situation. If the elder critics - and
surely they mean well - would only take more se-
riously the fact that "good is as good is taught",
that if they would only realize that they themselves
were in the second stage of the metamorphosis at
one time, and had undergone all the trials and trib-
ulations which their children are now passing
through, less criticism and unjust blame would be
passed around, and correction would be the word
of the day. Teach a child to do wrong by example,
and he is bound to follow the advice of his teacher,
but teach him to do right, to act right and to think
right, and the result will be doubly beneficial. Man
learns as he lives!
This is about time for the mid-season drive of
"glad-handers", the students who have failed to
keep their work up to the proper standard, whether
because they were indulging in talk-talk sessions,
or "dating", or just plain lazy. About this time
these self-confessed failures will be slipping up to
the instructor and asking foolish questions and try-
*ing to flatter the pedagogue into "letting them
through easy".
One popular professor made his Declaration of
Independence last spring when he informed the
feminine members of his class that they had better
study for the next blue-book along with the mere
males "as no weeping and wailing into dainty hand-
kerchiefs" would help them if they didn't know
enough about the course to pass the forthcoming
If your self-respect does not rebel at the thought
of this "glad-handing" your common sense should
warn you. The instructor has been through col-
lege too - perhaps even has "pulled" the same
thing you consider so original. And after all, the
amount of time spent in "glad-handing" is usually
more than that necessary to really pass the course
on your .merits.
Don't "glad-hand". It isn't worth il,
New York may or may not be nod for her
beautiful women but through her reducing classes
she surely is famous for her fat ones.
Now is the time to start saving for that Wis-
consin Special.
Tlse telescope
Auto It Be
Look here, my children, and you snal 4.
Our college in nineteen thirty-three:
Sedans are parked on the campus lawn,
Behind U hall are limousines drawn,
Touring cars line the diagonal walk,
Parallel parking is laid out in chalk.
Before the library, under the trees,
Bright colored roadsters bask in the breeze;
And on the location of old Tappan hall,
Great, clumsy motor trucks leisurely crawl.
Ground floor class rooms, too noisy by far,
Make a safe nest for a faculty car;
And second floor halls devoted to arts
Are perfectly dandy for pleasure car parts.
Up higher, the students in lecture appear,
A wireless head-set clamped to each ear,
Through a megaphone huge the professors implore,
But even their bellows are lost in the roar.

A ramp from the street leads directly to Hill
When to concert folk go, they drive over the sill.
Ah, the times will be changed from what they are
No walking to classes will Regents allow:
And students a president no more can need,
For a big Irish traffic cop handles the speed.

I' -'I

Ann Arbor and Jackson
(astern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6.o5 a.
n., 7:os a. m., 8:1o a. m. and hourly to Q:o
>. in.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops of Ann
arbor), 9:48 a. m. and every two hours t
:) :48 p. m.
Local Cars East Bound--5 a.m., 7:00 a.
i. and every two hours, to :oo p. m., i 1:00
p. mn. To Y~psilanti only-i :40 p. in., 12.25
a. in., i :15 a. m.
To Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:So a. inI., 2.~40 p.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limnited cars :
8:48, 1o:481 a. M., 12:48, 2:48, J:48.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited: 8:48
p. M.
1921 NOVEMBER 1921
1 2 3 4 &
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 16 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 26 26
27 28 29 30
We do all kinds of high-class Hat
work at pre-war prices. Hats turned
,nside out, with all new trimmings,
are as good as new.
Telephone 1792
New Term Nov. 14th. Type.
writing, Shorthand, Bgokkeep.
ing, Penmanship, Seeretarial
Training. Day and Evening.
State and William Sts.

. .

There are Corsages and
Corsages but the kind you
want her to wear at the



is one that is artistic and dis-
We have the reputation of
making beautiful corsages.

Log Log Slide Rules


Both ends of the diagonalJbalk


Phone 666

213 E.

Liberty Nickels Arcade
Members of Florist Telegram Delivery

1 4


Our Work and



the best.

We wash in soft



on bttons,

This is, my children, hearken to me,
Our college in nineteen thirty-three.

-L. 0.G.

darn socks, all reasonable

Dear Erm:
"I'll bet you three peas against a hunka limburger
that the first thing everybody on this campus did
when he bought a directory was to see if his name
had been left out. -Imp.



of charge


Some People Seem to Think:
the Library-is a place to study.
West Hall should be condemned.
the Ann Arbor is a railroad.
there will be a bolt in Ec z lecture this se-
mester. -Vee Dee.

One Day Service on Request

Modest v forbids
We have seen the horse fly,
There is no harm confessing.
But ne'er have we witnessed
The fruit salad dressing.
Famous Closinq Lines
"Don't lose your heae," said the courtier as Anne
Boleyn went to meet tf king. ERM.

Phone 165

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