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October 16, 1921 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-10-16

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Suedine or Polo Velour for Sports
Bright and T r i m
Smart Fur CollaredB a
C t o W tAre the Boston Hats
Coats f o r 'Winter
In Many Colors
OR street, school, business, sports and HEY are soft felt hats in close-fit-
knockabout wear - fof the hundreds of ting sports shapes. Remarkable
times when you feel that you shouldn't use beauty in colorings which include Stan-
a high-priced coat - are these fur-collared gerine, cherry, Nile green, brown,
sports models designed. navy and tan., Very new.
Made of suedine and polo velour with
collars of raccoon or Australian opossum. $3.00
'Chamois lined. Extremely comfortable~;
very smart. $39.50 to $65.
Second Floor Second Floor

What's 9el at Goodyear's
Scarf and Hat
Of Brushed Wool'
Full of vim and dash is this latest
conception for sports wear. It's a
combination of scarf and hat-both of
brushed wool'
The scarfs are in plain colors and in
stripes. The hats are smart shapes,
well made and lined with satin.
The color range is really imposing.
Black, white, tangerine, brown, fos-
chin, tan, ruat, purple and Sorrbnto
Quite the newest thing. $1.50 and
Second Floor
Goves for Present
Smart New Styles
Gloves to top off one's smart costume
are many and varied. For example,
there's the Fownes Filosette in gaunt.
let style-an excellent type for fall
wear. In white, grouse and tobacco
shades. $1.50.
Fownes Filosette gloves, wrist length,
are In black, grouse and pelican.
For the shorter sleeves is the 12-but-
ton Filosette. In white, grouse, al-
mond, mist and Arizona. $1.75.
Main Floor

New Dresses gf Jersey
Many Colors in the Style Illustrated
T HE illustration correctly portrays the lines of these pop--%
ular dresses which have just been unpacked. Made of -
an exceptionally fine quality of wool jersey in navy, brown
'and henna. Collars and cuffs of white linen or self ma-
terial. Pleated skirt. $15 and $18.50.
Others of the same style, in navy blue only, $10.50.
Second Floor
A similar style in sweaters qf
fine wool; navy, brown and
black. Great values at $5, $6.50

What do you pay for
Goodyear's sell this
fine dentrifice regular-.
ly at 39c.
Lavoris at the same

Woolen Hose for
Dainty Ankles
TRIM ankles need wool hose these
days. And wool hose are better
looking than ever. Heavy ribbed, in
brown, gray, blue and purple heathers.
$1.75 to $2.75. In black, $1.25.
Silk and wool combinations, in
brown, green and purple heathers,
Main Floor

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