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October 15, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-10-15

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1. .


0N Some reward, probably in the form
of letters, is to be presented to mem-
hl ers of the Varsity cheering squad
this year, according to an announce-
PERA CT bert, Varsity cheerleader. In the event
the letters are presented, one will be
SELECTED TO TAKE PLACE OF given to the official Varsity cheer-l
EDWIN KRUEGER, FORMER leader, and one to each of three as-
CHAIRMAN sistants. There will also be five try-
outs, making a total of nine men in
ARE ALSO GIVEN OUT Men will be givenan opportunity to
try out during the M. A. C. game to-
day. "This will absolutely be- the
Thirty-Eight Men Compose List to As. last chance for tryouts this year,"7
sist in Work for "Make It stated Cuthbert. "All men should be
For Two" at the clubhouse at Ferry field by
Committees for the 1922 Union opera The tryouts will be numbered and a
"Make It For Two," were appointed yes- set of judges will be present to take
terday. Francis L. McPhail, Grad., was notes on the tryouts during the
appointed general chairman for this game. Later the notes will be com-
year's show, as Edwin Krueger, '21E, pared and Cuthbert will select hisE
general chairman of the 1921 opera squad. These men will practice as
and re-appointed chairman for this much as possible every day until the
year, did not return to school. O. S. U. game.
Assistants to the general chairman Cuthbert stressed the fact that
will be Carl Berry, '23E, Sheldon those men who try out this year will
Brown, '23, Frank Camp, '22E, Law- be given preference next year in se-
rence Snell, '23. Arnold Piatt, '23, was lecting the Varsity squad.
made stage manager, with Lewis Fav-
orite, '24, Otto Kieling, '23, and Wil- REFUSEREDUCTIO
Other Appointments
Edward T. Ives, '22, was made chair-
man of the properties committee. Oth-
er members re John Briscoe, 24E, Rob-I 'T
ert Martin, '23, Horace McKnight, '23,
and Joseph Shawl, '23. Kenneth
Rindge, '22E, will be the show's elec- Railroad Representatives Say Cut
trician. He will have as assistants, Means Bankruptcy to Com-
Norman C. Kolb, '23, Thomas Lynch, panes
23E, Kenneth Newell, '24E, Gardner
Carleton Hill, '24, Ray Leonard, '24,LB I EETIN
and George Schemm, '23, were appoint- WITH LEADERS OFUNIONS
ed on the costumes.committee. Syd-
ney Sarasohn, '22, is chairman .of the (By Associated Press)
program committee. His assistants Chicago, 1Oct. 14.-aRepresentatives
are Leo Franklin, '24, Clayton Hale, of the nation's raidroads today an-
'24, Elwood Parker, '23, Walter Scher- nounced that they cannot reduce
er, '24, and Tyler Stevens, '24E.
Publicity Committee freight rates at present without go-
The chairman of the publicity com- ing into bankruptcy and that they
mittee is Marion B. Stahl, '2, assist- would further reduce wages of train
ed by John P. Dawson, '22, Howard service employees. The United States
Donahue, '24, Robert Morlarty, '24,
and Gerald P. Overton, 22. Lewis railroad labor board went into seret
Stoneman, '23, is chairman of the conference with union leaders in or-
make-up committee. His assistants der to reach a settlement of difficulties
will be Thomas Kindel, '24, Philip which at times have threatened to tie
Ringer, '22, Roscoe Spannegel, '23, and up transportation systems of the coun-
Howard Stimpson, '24. . x try. .
The executives announced, however,
that the proposal to pass further wage
N sof the Day reductions on the public by. applying
'News Day to the Interstate commerce commis-
INBRIEF sion for a reduction in freight and pas-
senger rates had been accepted and
that all future wage reductions would
Washington, Oct. 14. - Economic be met by a corresponding freight
conditions in Europe in the past reduction. The conference was begun
month remain practically unchanged, at the suggestion of the union lead-
improvement in some countries being ers, their invitation for a meeting be-
nearly balanced by unsatisfactory de- ing accepted by the rail heads follow-
velopments in others, according to a ing the announcement concerning
summary of cable reports issued to- freight rates. As the meeting started
night by the Commerce department. the committee appointed by the asso-
clation of railway executives declared
Washington, Oct. 14. - The house -that they believed it would settle most
recorded its opposition tonight to any -of the difficulties between the carriers
and their employees.
increase in its membership, recom- The union leaders were backward
mitting to the census committee by a about discussing the meeting, although
vote of 146 to 142 the Seigel bill tsome indicated that its purpose might
increase its size from 435 to 460 mem- be almost nullified by the announce-
'bers. , ment that a further wage reduction
would be sought. t
Washington, . Oct. 14.-Because of
the illness of William J. Simmons, ,
imperial wizard of the Ku Klux YOST TO SPEAK IN DETROIT
,Klan, the, house rules committee car- ON "FOOTBALL STRATEGY"

ried out resolutions calling for a con-
gressional investigation if the order Coach Fielding H. Yost .will address
went over today until, Monday. the annual gathering of the Michigan
Society of -Physical -Education to be
"Washington, Oct. 14. - Modifica- held at Detroit under the direction of
tions of, the administration's foreign the- state department of public health,
loan funding bill so as to place the Oct. 27 and 28. His subjept will be
funding operations under the juris- "Football Strategy."
diction of the federal commission was While there Coach Yost may accom-
agreed to by Secretary Mellon today pany other athletic directors on a tour
in a letter sent to the house ways of inspection of the Detroit schools to
and means committee with the ap- be made for the purpose of encourag-
proval of President Harding. ing physical education.



Vote Tuesday While Freshman
Lits Nominate Monday

Class officers were elected yester-
day by the senior, junior and sopho-
more lits and by all classes of the
engineering, medical and homoeop1
schools. The vote in every case was
rather light, and many of the suc-
cessful candidates were elected by the7
narrowest of margins.I
The only classes who have yet toi
hold elections are those of the law
and dental schools and the freshman
lits, all architects having balloted on
Thursday. Law classes will nomint-
ate Monday afternoon and elect
Freshman lits will nominate Mon-
day afternoon, and the dent elections
will also be' held the first of next.
week, the exact time to be announced
later. Results of yesterday's elec-
tions follow:
Senior lits elected Walter Rea,
president; Martha Shepard, vice-
president; Thomas Truss, secretary;
and Maurice Atkinson, treasurer.
Bank Leads '23 Lits
Junior tits chose for-president The-
odore Bank; for vice-president, Helen
Partlow; for secretary, Marian Wood-
mansee; for treasurer, Lee Mills. The
vote for vice-president and secretary
was particularly close in this class,
Helen Partlow being elected over Es-
ther Welty by a vote of 109 to 105,
and Marion Woodmansee winning over
Sadye Harwick, 106 to 103.
Sophomore lits elected Harry Kipke
president; Frieda Diekhoff, vice-pres-I
ident; Marion Taylor, secretary, and
John Lawton, treasurer. Taylor won
over Hortense Miller .by a vote of
140 to 138.
Engineer Elections
In the engineering school, the sen-
iors- named G. W. McCordic presi-
dent; E. H. Fox, vice-president; Eu-
ge2A Harbpek_ g~.rta~ d HT '

president, R. L. Underwood; for sec-
retary, Muriel Ray; for treasurer, J.2
R. Gilpin. Ray was unopposed for1
The _senior homoeops elected. . S
Meads president; W. L. Casler, vice-
president; R. H. Holmes, secretary;j
and D. T. Pulford, treasurer.
In the junior homoeop class, E.
W. Bauer was elected president; Lu-
cille Grant, vice-president; Inez Wis-
dom, secretary; and C. H. Peachey,
Sophomore homoeopss: President, C.
P. Schneider; vice-president, L~. H.
Lumby; secretary, M. J. Crino; treas-
urer, A. J. Brickbauer.
Only 18 votes were cast in the
freshman homoeop election, the win-
ning candidates being G. M. Childs,
president; H. C. Mack, vice-presi-
dent; G. A. Tuttle, secretary; and R.
G. Brando, treasurer.
Architect Officers
Senior architects elected W. K.
Rindge, president; R. R. Calder, vice-
president; R. H. Ainsworth, secre-.
tary; and F. J. Morse, treasurer.
Junior architect officers are: Pres-
ident, H. L. Farley; vice-president, W.
A. Turnbull; secretary, H. W. Wach-
ter; treasurer, Frances Sutton.
Sophomore architects chose for
president, J. R. Cowin; for vice-presi-
dent, F. M. Harley; for secretary, L.
J. Evans; and for treasurer, A. S.
Freshman architects elected E. F.
Olney president; T. A. Davenport,
vice-president; Gertrude -Kiekintveld,
secretary; and K. C. Black, treasurer.
Freshmen of the medical school
elected C. C. Eades president; Miss
Wurster,Cvice-president; Nellie Zwe-
mer, secretary; and A. H. Steele,
W. E. Mudoon was elected presi-
dent of the senior medics. Other of-
ficers are: S. E. Joyce, vice-presi-
dent; Isla De Pree, secretary; and J.
B. Stone, treasurer. Juntor medic
elections follow: 0. H. Gillette, pres-
ident; Mary Saxe, vice-president;
Robert Heatly, secretary; and War-
ren Babcock, treasurer.
Sophomore elections will be held
at 10 o'clock Monday morning in the
west amphitheater of the Medical


Continuation of ceremonies at Ferry
field in honor of the Michigan men who
died in tho World war has been ap-
proved by the various military organ-
izations on the campus.
As the Varsity band enters the field
the flag will be up. The band. will
march down the field playing "The Vic-
tors." Spectators should stand up 'as
soon as the band enters the field and
should remain standing until the cere-
mony is finished. After the band
marches the length of the field itre-
turns to a point about 40 feet from the
flag pole, and then plays one stanza
of the national anthem.
While the band plays the "Yellow
and Blue," the flag will' be ,lowered to
half-mast. Raising the flag again
completes the ceremony.
ILovett Condemns Hasty Measures
Advocated by "1i11uium"
Problems of where to place the
"unplaceable child", what to put

through legislation, and how1
possible friction came under





to ease

r~u iiucK, secretary; ant i. ..
Tubbs, treasurer. Pleased with Conference
Junior engineers elected Paul Goe- Washington, Oct. 14. - President
bel president; J. E. Johns, vice-pres- Harding told newspaper correspond-
ident; E. C. Hang, secretary; and ents at their regular conference with
William Cotton, Jr., treasurer, him today that he regarded the re-
Sophomore engineer elections were suits of the 'unemploynent confer-
as follows: President, C. A. Camp- ence which closed here yesterday as
bell; vice-president, C. A. Ross; sec- very beneficial.
retary, Henry Hubbard; treasurer, F. "The unemployment conference,"
S. Kratz. said Mr. Harding, "has borne rich re-
Freshman engineers selected for wards to the unemployed of this coun-
president, C. W. Merriam; for vice- try."

sion at yesterday afternoon's session
of the Michigan State Social confer-
Speaking on social service legisla-
tion, W. P. Lovett said: "It is a good
thing that some of the social legis-
lation is not passed. Much of it is
proposed by the kind of people who
think they can rush the fifillenium
with a bill to congress.
Considered a Joke
"Many of the bills are proposed by
social fanatics who represent a very
small minority of the state popula-
tion. During my experiments in lob-
bying at the state sessions of the
legislature I have found that so many
petitions of this kind have \been sent
to the legislature that a large num-
ber of them are considered as huge
jokes. What is needed among the so-
cial workers more than anything else
is a united front toward congress."
Leon W. Frost of Detroit, secre-
tary of the Children's Aid society, told
of problems which confronted the
workers, and gave instances where
unruly persons played havoc in the
social service boarding house.
Take Up Family Work
Family case work was taken up in
the talks which followed the lunch-
eon given for the conference and in
the afternoon session Miss Harriet
Leck, of the Michigan State Health
department, and Miss Matilda Havey,
repregenting the American Red
Cross, both expressed the need of
constnt co-operation between the
nurse and the social service worker
in the home.
Dr. A. M. Barrett, director of the,
Psychopathic hospital, discussed t he
need of a more systematized co-ope-
ration with the hospitals in caring for
mental case* and social welfare or-

Aggie. Line Outweighs Forwar
of Varsity; Backfields T
About Evenly
Michigan and M. A. C. cla
afternoon for the sixteenth ti
though the M. A. C. team ci
Ann Arbor under the sting o
feat at the hands of Albion
Yost does not show the same
ism which characterizes the
body. That M. A. C. will e
to erase the stain of last
game at the hand# of the Vi
a certainty. While it is not
ly conceded that the Farme
be successful in their attem
team from Lansing always p
best game of the year agains
gan. Michigan is always M.
big game and to .win from th
and Blue is the yearly ambt
the Aggie team.
Those who are betting on
score will doubtless chang
one-sided figures considerabl
result of the announcement tl
Captain Dunne and Frank
will not be in the game. Th
not recovered from minor inu
ceived in last week's game a
be withheld from the linet
coaches do not, wish to tal
chances with these two a
their places will be Van Orde
guard and Uteritz at halfba
will be the first time that
guard has ever started a ga
his performance will be closely
ed by the coaches.
Banks to Direct Line
Ted Banks will again dir
team. With him in the backi
be Usher, Kipke, and Uteritz
serve will be Knode at quarte
at halfback, and Dean at ft
line will find Kirk at his u
end, Cappon next to him, Vs
holding down Duke's place,
center, Wilson at right guar
head again at right tackle,a
bel at end. Curran will pro
first choice for either end po
case of substitution. Next to
be Richards and McAuliffe.
For any of the five places
line between the ends, Johns v
the first call as a substitute,
of the ends, he will be the first
to get into the game, from
lines. Should Vick go out
reason, Johns' versatility will
a good test as he will doubtV
(Continued on Page Eig


Moving pictures of the Union from
tap room to t6'ier, exterior and inter
ior, and every activity of the building
will be filmed today. G. A. Marquardt
of Madison, Wis., official photographer
of the University of Wisconsin, and
W. M. Kempton, a junior in that uni-
versity, arrived here yesterday, having
been instructed to get moving pictures
of the largest men's club of its kind
in the world.
A drive two years ago brought $500,-
000 in pledges for a Wisconsin Union,
and a final campaign for a half million
more is to be started Nov. 1. Moving
pictures of the crowds at the entrance
and in the lobby will be taken at noon
today, while the tap room, kitchens,
billiard room, bowling alleys, dining

rooms, bed rooms, student activity of-
fices and other views will be taken
this morning.
It is likely that a scene or two will
obe taken in the Union theater, during
the dancing practice for "Make It For
Two," to show this year's opera in
the making.
In preparation for the drive for a
half million dollars, the University of
Wisconsin is taking careful steps. Be-
sides the films of the Michigan Union
which will be used for publicity pur-
poses, a course in salesmanship is be-
ing given the students as preliminary
training for selling life memberships
and obtaining subscriptions. They are
following to a large degree the finance
program of the Michigan Union.
"We wanted to see the greatest Un-
ion in the world," said Mr. Kempton
yesterday, "and so we came to Ann


Final arrangem ents will b
with railroad 'companies as
and the schedule of the spec
to the Michigan-Illinois gami
bana, Oct. 29, and announced
Daily next Tuesday. Union
find that the companies are
to make lower rates than wl

The need for organization of schools
with specified requirements for ad-
mission and a well defined curricula
formed the keynote of the address
which Prof. James H. Tufts, of the
University of Chicago, delivered be-
fore the session of the Conference
last night in the Natural Science aud-
itorium. A strong appeal for a well
defined curricula of social work in the
University was made in the discus-
sion that followed under the direc-
tion of Fred M. Butzel, of Detroit.


first announced.
At this time it is practically a
that tickets can be secured for
less. Originally, one company
more than $14. The special wi'
Ann Arbor Friday night and g
Urbana the Saturday morning
game. No reservations for pla
the train will be accepted at t
ion before the announcemen


Lets Do Some Real Rooting For the Team!



Get That Megaphone
At the Game


10 Cts. Apiece,

10 Cts. Apiece

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