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May 20, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-20

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Watch or Daily
Pink extra Today


The Daily will issue a sports extra
today, carrying a play by play story
of the baseball game at Urbana and
the results of the dual track meet
at Chicago.
The baseball game with the Illini is
starting at 3 o'clock central standard;
time and, if an average length game'
is played, the pink sheets will make
their appearance on Ann Arbor
strets not later than 5:45 o'clock.
A special wire from Urbana is furn-
ishing the baseball story and the re-
port on the track meet is being furn-
ished by a correspondent in Chicago.
The extra will go to press immedi
ately at the close of the baseball game


Lr(1H '9 '


Attempts Made by Economic and will appear on thie streets a few
Count minutes after the last man has started
for the showers..
(By Associated Press)
enoa, May 19.-Mr. Lloyd George,
British prime minister, in his
egdictory before the final plenary
lion of the economic conference,
i the Genoa weather had been-
ny and -gloomy, and, that some- - -BURTON.
as there had been thunder storms, -
all had ended today in a blue sky. Small Savings from Revenue Would
['hat is the history of the confer- Not Justify Opening of Build-
e," he added. "We need all kinds lug Plans
weather to make a good harvest, INCREASE WAS MADE FOR USE
if you take a good look at the IN GENERAL MAINTENANCE
ference you will find we have gar-
ad fine crops." .4 Asserting that the University build-
Europe Faces Difficulty ix'ig program need not be delayed by
the recent 'action of the state adminis-
hese crops Mr. Lloyd George list- trative board, James D. Jerome, chair-
as the coming meeting at the man of the state ways and means
;ue, the pact for non-aggression, committee, in a statement in Detroit
the report of the finance, trans- Thursday, suggested that the savings
t, and economic commission. "Ifrom the mill tax after the current
expenses of the University have been
se reports were adopted," saiaMr. paid, be turned over by the Board of
>yd George, "they would help to re- Regents for opening construction
'e the prosperity and vigor to de- work.
ed Europe. These technical re- Mr. Jerome is entirely right, accord-
ts alone justified the existence of ing to University officials, when he
Genoa conference, but they must says that the receipts from the mill
incorporated into living practice- tax are under the control of the Board
verted into gold," of Regents, but in the statement pub-
1 or the first time Europe has faced lished in a Detroit newspaper"Friday,
it was not made clear that two-thirds
difficulty and not shirked it. HalL of the increase in the mill tax, grant-
r troubles vanish the moment you 'ed by {legislation last year, was needed
them, and the other half disap- at once to bg used in maintaining
r if you continue to face them. the University on the budget basis
t is what we have decided to do. adopted in 1920.
have decided to continue to face "The use to which the increase in
problem in order to struggle the mill tax was to be put," said
)ugh, and that is the most courage- President Marion L. V'urton yester-
decision taken by this conference. day,."was clearly set forth at the time
Labors;,]Reopen at Hague it was requested. The increase was
requested and used 'to provide foy
Writh full kgnowledge of the magni additions to the teaching staff, to meet
a, complexity, and the perils sur- the general salary situation, and the
4ding this problem, we have dec14- a general operating expenses of the Un-
iversity; briefly to insure the main-
deliberately to do ouir best to tenance of the Universtiy on its pres-'
ggle through. That is d decision ent basis,
'thy of a great conference of na- "More than two-thirds of the in-
s. We have not' gone as far as crease was needed for immediate use
most sanguine of us expected, but in defraying operating expenses, even
have gone further than the doubt- before it was granted by legisation.
The comparatively small saving from
he Genoa economic, conference, the mill tax income were it to be used
ch was one of ,the greatest polit- for building purposes would not justify'
gatherings in Europe's history, the opening of the University build-
-brought here the representatives ing program In the hope that it wiuld
34 nations, adjourned at 1:15 be completed in a period of time, com-{
ock today. Its labors will be be- patible with the needs of the Univer-
anew at the Hague on June 15. sity."
aily Sluggers Ready For- anmual
Slaughter Of gargle Fly-patchers

Is Fourth Contest Between Two Pitch-
ers, Wolverine Ace Holding
Edge Two Gamesto One
mih gan Illnois
Paper, 3b Crossley, 3b
Wimbles, 2b Hellstrom, 2b
Uteritz, ss McCurdy, lb
Knode, lb Vogel, cf
Shackleford, rf Dougherty, c
Vick, 'c Peden, If
Kipke, cf Stewart,, ss
Roby, rf Reichle, rf
Dixon, p , Jackson, p
When Michigan and Illinois come
together on the diamond at Urbana
at 3 o'clock this afternoon the Big
Ten baseball championship for 1922
may be definitely settled. The Wol-
verines and the Illini have stood out
since the opening of the season as the
most powerful diamond combinations
in the Conference and their second
meeting of the year this afternooncon
the Illinois field is the occasion of
wide interest throughout college base-
ball circles.
A ' Title in Balance
To the victor in today's game goes
a royal chance of winning the Big
Ten diamond title. Michigan at pres-
ent Is tied for first place In the titu-
lar race with four wins and one de-
feat as its record, while Illinois is
third with six victories and two de-
feats. If Michigan wins from Illi-
nois it will practically eliminate
Lundgren's men from further consid-
eration in the race as they have but
two more games on their schedule.
An Illinois victory would place the
Wolverine's chances in a perilous po-
sition for it would throw Fisher's
men on the 'defensive and make it
necessary for them to win all of their
remaining six contests in order to be
considered as contenders for the
championship. Both Fisher and
Lundgren realize the importance of
today's game, and each of them has
been pointing his nine toward this
contest upon which all is at stake.
Dixon Will Pitch
Milton Dixon will be Coach Fisher's
choice to pitch against the Indians
this afternoon, while Jaksn will
probably be pitted against Dixon by
Carl Lundgren, Illinois mentor. Dixon
and Jackson are rated as the two best
moundsmen in the Conference and as
they have met on three previous oc-
casions an interesting battle is cer-
tain to follow when' they take their
places. Dixon won a one to three
verdict over Jackson in a pitcher's
battle when the Illini met Michigan
on Ferry field last month. Last year
each pitcher was credited with a win
and a defeat. Jackson lost a duel
with Paddock, of Wisconsin, earlier in
the season but reversed the decision
last week when the two nins met,
Dixon has lot one game to Ohio
State but ,n the Ohio game he was
clearly off form and was shy of his
usual control. In the opening game
against Illinois he had almost perfect
cohtrol and- was never in danger. If
the Wolverine ace pitches in his us-
ual form he is certain to give a good
account of himself,
(Continued on Page Five).
'Ensian Receives
Final °Shipment
The final shipment of the 1922 Mich-
iganensian, consisting of enough cop-
'fes of the year book to meet all de-
mands, has arrived in Ann Arbor and
is being distributed from the east
basement of the Library betweei; tsl
hours of 9 to 12 and 1 to 4:30 o rloggk.
The books came by freight, arrivin a
few days after. the first lot of 20 that

were distributed last onday.
Conditions that were enforced in
giving out the first shipment of the
Michiganensian will .remain for this
lot. Students will be required to
show f their receipt for payment and
some form of identification. Those
taking books for other parties will be
required to furnish a letter authoriz,
ing them to do so.
Students are requested to call in
the Library to get their copies of the
year book as soon as possible in or-
der that the distribution may be hur-
Watch for the Pink Sahetl

W agner 's "Tannhauser" Features
Final Festival Concert Tonight
Wagner's "Tannhauser" will be Bierolf. . ........Mr. Robert Dieterle
sung in English by a cast including 'Thuringian Nobles and Knights,
Mme. Florence Easton, of the Metro- Ladies, Elder and Younger Pil-
politan Opera company; Mmei Cyrena grims and Sirons, Naiads,
Van Gordon, of the Chicago Opera Nymphs and Bacchantes......
company; Paul Althouse, of the Met-................The Choral Union
'ropolitan Opera company; and Carl The Chicago Symphony orchestra I
Schlegel, of the Metropolitan Opera. .....Frederick Stock, Conductor.
company; at the sixth and final May Wilhelm Bachaus, he . ce ebraited
Festival concert which will be given German pianist, will be the soloist at
at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditor- the fifth May Festival concert, which
lum. :will be given at 2:30 o'clock this
{ The complete cast is as follows: afternoog in Hill auditorium. The
Elizabeth.....Mme. Florence Easton Chicago Symphony orchestra under
Vens.... Mme. Cyrena Van Gordon the direction of Frederick Stock will
Tannhauser....... Mr. Paul Althouse also render several numbers. The
Shepherdess ...Miss Adele Parkhurst following is the program:
Wolfram ...........Mr. Carl Schlegel Overture to "Benvenuto Cellini'..
Landgrave......... Mr. Rollin Pease.......................... Berlioz
Symphony, No. 2, E minor, Opus
27 L . .. . . . .. m. .. R a tm an in o w
1 Largo-Allegro moderato;
Allegro molto;
a Adagio; .
Allegro Vicace
Chicago Symphony orchestra
,.FO MI OON EET Concerto fo .ianofote and Or-s
- chestra, No. 4, G major, Opus
Michigan Athletes Confident -of Vie. 58 . .......... . . Beethoven
tory But Expect Real Mr. Bachaus.
OMichigan's track team left lastP
night for Chicago, where they will
give battle to the Maroon aggrega-
tion this afternoon. The Wolverines Theaters Will Present Special Showst
are fully confident of a victory, but the for Underclassmen After y
Chicago team has shown a great im- Exercises
provement over former years andt
competition is expected to be close
in some events. The Maroons have WILSELL PROGRAMS FOR
some star men in the persons. of C. UNION READNG ROOM FUND
Brickman, A. Brickman, Pyott, Krogh, -
Frida and Redman. George 0. Brophy, '22L, has 'beend
C. Brickman All-around Man chosen as the representative of 'thet
C. Brickman is known as the bestss
all-around man on the team. He, to- -
gether with Pyott and Thomas, will Night ceremonies which are to be held
make Simimons and Burke of the Wol- on the evening of May 26. Angus G.I
verine squad hustle for points In the Goetz, '22M, president of the StudentD
100 and X220 yard dashes. He is alsot
known as a2 god posin. wne in boh council, will act as master of ceremo-
the highs and low hurdles. In the nies and the Hon. Robert F. Thomp-
broad juhed his"capable of 22 feet. son, '92L, judge of the New York Su-
A. BricRan is well known in the preme court, will be the alumni
quarter and half mile events. Pyott speaker. en
is equally well kown as an all-around* A tive in Student Affairss s
man.Besdes avig ailit inthe Brophy is chosen asa representative
dashes he is proficient in the quarter student because of his service on thef
and half mile, in the hurdle events campus publications ,and his activityt
and in the broad jump. .Krogh is a in campus affairs generally. He wasn
distance man of Conference repute, managing editor of The Daily lastb
l"avlng won the mile event from Yates year, is general secretary of the Unions
of Illinois at the Drake relays, and at-thepresent time, and is a member
will probably run in both the mile and of Michigamua, and Barristers, sen-
two mile, so that Bowen and Davis for law honorary society.
of the Wolverine squad will most like- Judge Thompson was a spectator at
ly have to extend themselves in order the Cap Night ceremonies last year as
to take points in these events. the guest of Dean Mortimer E. Coo-
t M aooinstogin e ighvnts. ley and has spoken in Ann Arbor sev-
Maroons Strong in Weights eral times previously to engineeringf
The Maroons are stronger in their assemblies. He is a public speaker of
field events than in their track events unusual power, according to the com-
and it is for this reason that' they are mittei chag of theporm ad
expected to make a better showing in ee in charge o e program, an
this meet than they did in the indoor a man who will have a message forr
meet held here last winter. Redman is his hearers.
their best point getter in the ham- In accordance with the practice
thei bet pintgeter n te, am-which was instituted last year at .Capb
mer throw and Stipe-will meet strongwhhwsmsitd atyratCp
competitio an tip eet trong Night M blankets will be presented tob
known to be a good i a in the pole graduating athletes directly after thet
vault, Javelin throw and shoth peut speeches. Programp, containing thee
Th a ves is the Maroon'shoet in the songs for Cap Night and a unique his-
Thoms i th Maoon' be inthetory of the ceremony, will be sold by
discus throw. the Boy Scouts under the auspices ofa
(Continued on Page Four) the Veterans' Memorial committee.
The money raised from these will be 1
used to complete the Union reading
room which will be dedicated to serv-
icemen who lost their lives" in the a
_ _ Free Shows
Of 1923 PRODUCTIONS war.Shw
Plans providing for the roping off of
theaters so as to avoid confusion andN
"CHARM SCHOOL" AND "JUSTICE" Jamming, perhaps resulting In the de-
AMONG PLAYS FOR struction of property, are already un-t
NEXT YEAR der way. The theaters have arrang-
ed to run special free shows for this

evening, and the committee is desir-
Announcement o the names of ous that students show their appre'-
Mimes' productions for the next ciation of the step the showmen havet
school year all of which, are to be taken by eliminating any rough playE
played in the Mimes theater under the and unruly conduct. The committee
personal direction . of E. 'Mortimer announces that nothing in the way ofc
Shute was rmade yesterday .fternoon disorderly conduct will be tolerated,
by the director.___________
"The Charm School," a recent com-
edy written by Robert Milton and Alice W omen To Gather
Bigger,' which ran an entire year inc
~New York and in London, and in which A t Mayj 'ronL'*iit.
Wallace Reid played as a movie pro-
duction, will perhaps be one of the
best plays of the program. Galswor- Strawberries and cream, spring'
thy's "Justice," a drama of unusual flowers and music - -what could be
merit and one requiring unusual act- morj in keeping with the 'spirit of'
ing, will also be one of the plays pre- spring than these? The answer is
sented. nothing except the girls themselves
Owing to a large number of re- who will be at the May breakfast
quests, "The Cloister," a poetic drama which is being given at 9 o'clock this
written by Emile Verhaaren, which morning at Barbour gymnasium ly
was presented for the first time in the Y. W. C. A. The nice thing abouti
America May 12 and 13 at the Mimes it is that its purpose is purely social
theater, will again be offered to the and no effort is being made to make
public at two performances. "The any money outside of that which will
Thirteenth Chair," a mystery drama, cover the expenses. Everyone is in-
played May 5 and 6 at the Mimes the- vited to come and bring their May
ater, will perhaps also be played Festival guests.
again dte to the many requests made
mnfnia -fa n - o- \Wais 4.. Vn DI"6 G .i

Chicago Symphony 804
Ably Supported by
and Choral Ui


(By Sidney B. Coal
Frieda Hempel, sop
"A Psalmodic Rha

chorus, tenor solo and orchestra,
with a generous collection of suct
ful works by the Chicago Sympi
orchestra, the fourth May Fesi
concert last night easily stood o
the finest program yet given in
Festival series.
There is only one Frieda Hen
and much to the delightof her a
enee that soprano was most gene
with her artistry. She opened V
Mozart's aria, "Martern aller ar'
from "Die Entfuh ung." This num
at once gave evidence of the mus
treat to come.
Hempel Captures Hearers
Mme. Hempel makes her audle
forget all about the way she p
duces her tones or enunciates
words; she just captures that a
enc and makes it take the joyous r
of song with her. She sings a
ease, clearness; and joyousness
deep feeling as the song requires,
the audience cannot help but feel
mood.' Besides ,.the Mozart a
among her more difficult and .
brilliant selections were the- Aria
Bravura, "A vous dirai-je, Maman'
Mozart-Adam and the famous rel
tive and polonaise, "I am fair Til
la," from Thomas's "Mignon."
The former, while it gave her e
opportunity to reveal the wonder
her voice, at the same time gave
opportunity to bring out the pla:
spirit of the much loved Mozart I
ody. The latter was. airy, light
full of happy cadences. But bes
these numbers, she respoded '
many encores, which won the hear
her audience. Music lovers +ng
seem to tire of "The Night Wind,"
the Waters of the Minnehaha,"
"Blue ;Danube Waltz" and "H
Sweet Home."
Stock's "Rhapsody" Thrills
Frederick Stock's "A Psalmic RI
sody," conducted by the author,
In every way a success. The wor
full ot, rich farmones, offering Ib
thechorus and the orchestra a cha
for first honors. The Choral Ti
sang with enthusiasm the sto'
rousing choruses, combining effect'
ly ,with the orchestra in climax a
climax. No one or two choruses c
be picked as themost effective, for
be picked as the most effective, for
towards the stupendous climax at
Stock Acelalihed
The rhapsody is plainly the wor
a man who thoroughly loves his
chestra as .a whol, ands- who
lieves in brilliant and colortul
chestration. ,Every division of
orchestra came in for its full 1I
of the work and did that share
the fiery enthusiasm of the conduc
Sometimes the chorus was covered
by the orchestra, but in a worl
which the chorus and orchestra u
for one effect, the principal consid
tion is the development toward a
ished whole. Mr. Stock was gre<
with acclamation by orchestra, c
us and audience, when the work
finished. William Wheeler's inter
tation of the difficult tenor solo
excellently done. He filled his p
in the rhapsodic whole with s
coupled with artistry of a high
The numbers by the orchestra a
were a program by themselves.
orchestra was at its ,best and gav
fectively the pulsating Overture
Schumann's "Liebesfruhling," the
ductive and exquisite Saint-Si
Symphonic Poem, the rousing
by Glazounow and the tuneful "
sommervaka" by Alfden.
Urbana, Ill., May 19.-In spite
cinder-drained diamond Illinois
is heavy tonight as a result of re
rains but two hours of sunshine i
morning will put it in shape. A
drizzly rain tonight has ever;
wearing winter overcoats. Illinois
are all in condition.

e call from the gargoyle
as made as THE DAILY
press, and the manager
d' that the game scheduled
o'clock /this morning be
10 o'clocl instead, in or-
he might more thorough-
size his team. The request
ranted and the annual
vill begin at the new hour.
ning clouds, which hung
city yesterday in the shape
abrella, caused officials 'of
.LY-gargoyle baseball game
a special long distance call
Walla, Wash., for a detailed
forecast for this morning.
t, which was received at
last night, states that a 9
is morning weather will be
throughout the lower see-
e state. With s\ich a favor-
rt members 'df the two op-
ams took the final steps In
n for the annual classic of
AILY Team Rests
s of THE DAILY teami took
sterday and will be in the
indition today, it was declar-.
tcher MjcPike, who is man-
team. Chief among the new

Stars. Hamel is a slugger of great
ability and it is -e:pected that he will
cut a gash in the game larger than
ever he has heretofore gtempted.
Hershdorfer, an outfielder, who is
said to be the rival of f'"eriany"
Schaeffer, is signed up for the out-
field. '1ersh" is an exceptionally fast
man and has won many games for the
Neork Fencebusters with his heavy
bat. He is slated for numerous hits.
Thus far "Watty" Watzel has been
counted on to twirl. Last year,' in a
spectacular pitchers battle "Watty"
downed "Howdy" Weeks, who insisted,
that the game be continued for ten
more innings in order that his team
be given the° chance, to pull ahead of
Meimbers of the girgel team were
out until 3 o'clock this morning prac-
ticing under the are lights on 4tate
street. The team still looked ragged
and it is doubtful whether they will
be able to stand before the strong on-
slaught of THE DAILY this morning..
WA! Use Two fltchers
Catcher Seagears announced that
the pitcher would be either Hubach or
Gibson, but in all probability both
will be needed. E~ubach for a time
was a pitching ace with the H.rris-
burg Glue company, but he frequent-
ly allowed runs when he made at-
tempts to strike out the batter by
throwing balls over their heads. "Ed-
die," on the other hand, is particularly
(ContinuA on Pa eaht)

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