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May 16, 1922 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-16

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ay during the 'Uiversity

:clnsuel entitled to the two for
ie eregted ..t. it or not othwrwi"
soil news publidhwd tbeIa.,
Aa Arbor. M~iklm. se so na d'

mon. im manuscript win
Be sentiments expressed

r0R;..........BR3WSTXR P. CAMPBELL
........................Joseph A. Bernstein
........J...................ames B. Young
no G. P.'- Overton
Men M. B. Stahl
mbrecht Paul Wataci
airman .....................L. Armstrong Kern
orfer $. R. Meiss
ditor.............Thornton W, Sargent, Jr.
...................George E. Sloan
..... .....................Sidney B. Coates
........t........... .....UZizasbeth Vickery
... ..... ...........R. R. Mei
* Assistants
R. A. Donakue Marion Koch
Dorothy G. Gelta J. E. Mack
H. B. Grundy Kathrine Montgomery,
Winona A. Hibbard R. C. Moriarty
Harry D. Hoey 'Lilian Scher
H. R. Howlett R. B. Tarr
In Marion K~err Virginia Tryon

R ----------.....V] RION F. HILLURY
.........................Albert J. Parker'
............... ........John J. Hamel, '.
....................Nathan W. Robertson
........................Walter K. Scherer
.........................Herold C. Hunt
T. H. Wolfe E. D. Armantrout
Paul Blum ,dward Conlin
Stanley Monroe .awrence Favrot
William Graulich C. D. Malloch
D. C. Maltby Wallace. Flower
Harvey Reed Charles R. Richards
George Rockwood Richard G. Burchell

"It seems wise to reiterate at this time that the Uni-
versity cannot tolerate in any way the use of vio-
lence; but with this understood, to make it clear that
the University stands behind the Student council in
its efforts to develop effectively what is termed
'student self-government' ". Coming at a time when
outside effort was being turned against the very
self-government he mentions, the President's state-
ment is A"bst encouraging. Especially is it pleasing
to the student when President Burton's words of a
recent interview are recalled: "The men of the Uni-
versity are not 'crooks, thugs, and bandits,' but a
splendid, clean body of young men."
The Michigan Underclass Conduct committee is
now a firmly estabished fact and probably a per-
manent fixture here. President Burton's support of
the Student council has made it so. Our so-called
"vigilance committee" was tie first body of its kind
to be established for the sole purpose of doing away
with unorganized mob hazing in colleges and uni-
versities, and its value fias been definitely proved.
'The campus may take encouragement from the -
President's attitude in regard to the cases so long
under discussion. We can be sure now that under-
graduate customs will survive, that student self-
government is on firm ground, - and finally, that
the President believes in the student body, the stu-
dent cause, student honesty, and student responsi-
bility. d
Fashion brings many things to the forefront
which have either been long unnoticed; or which are
true novelties. Of the former group, golf is one.
The royal and ancient Scotch game has long been
known to, and patronized by those of better taste,
but only recently has fashion recognized it, and
now -well, everyone wears knickers.
Golf at Michigan has gradually become a source
of diversion to more and more students. At pres-
ent, it seems that it may some day be given the place
it deserves as a recognized minor sport. The wax-
ing interest 'in the game has warranted the forma-
tion of an informal team whose achievements have
reflected only credit on the University. The an-
cient dignity and the well-founded prestige.of 4the
game alone should win'a place for it.
It is to be hoped that the game soon may be given
the recognition that its positi6n in the sport world
warrants. Meanwhile, bear up golfers,, your day is
A university should endeavor to be more than a'
mere dispensary of education, it should be a cultural
venter.: Michigan is; both, and one :of the factors
which helps make it the latter is the annual May
The festival is not only a performance of artists
for the benefit of the students of the University. It
is an opportunity for the residents of Ann Arbor,
and for those living at some distance, to hear con-
certs which are ustally reserved for the inhabitants
of the larger cities. The caliber of the artists is of
the highest, and the type of music-rendered only
.the best. Cities the size of Ann Arbor rarely can
offer the advantages of such musical attractions.
The May Festival is one of the cultural superiori-
ties' which.a University like Michigan has the right
to claim, for music is as much a part of a complete
,education as is the mastery of 'diction.
Realizing the debt we owe 'to the University
Schol of Music fort this opportunity which it' has
made possible, we bid the visiting artists welcome
as we do the guests of the city who come to hear &he
better in music.
R'emember, seven-thirty tonight, assembly room,
Michigan Union, to vote on amendnkents to the con-'
stitution. Be there, wth an understanding of the
provisions in question. All the men are needed.
I~~ ''i Tecoe

Gifts forT Graduation
Graham 's

Abs Arbor and Jackson
(ZastemrStandard Time)
Detro itL ted' and Express Can -- 6:eo
.in,7:00-aa..0 8:00 a. nm.,9:oe a a.manid
hourly to Q es p. I.
Joeckson Sa61prema Care (local stops of An
r), :47 a. . and every two bowrs to
* c Cars ast Bou.d---:gs .a., :ee a.
m: andi every two hours to ! mo p. so., moti
p. a. ToYpslati only-l s:4oep. a..ts
a. a... 1:1 A. VI.
To -ia ', chang at Ypszlatl
Lotal Car. West Bo 7d-:;o a. 11.. 2:4
. a.'
To Jackson and ;slaiaMao©-Linlted ears'
9 47. %0:47, a. In., 4*:47'.47'4:47.
To Jacksns ad Lan-ink -LiMt6d: 8:41
p. a.
1922 MAY 1922
$ A[ T W T F S
1 2 8 4 5 6 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 28 24 25 26 27
28 "29 30 81
Prices for cleaning Panapias $1.25 up.
Prices for cleaning stirf
straws.... . .......75 up.
We do only high class work.
Telephone 1792
712 Arbor Street
hear State and Packard Steets



2 - 3:30
. 14c


ri r n ni i nrr u anmi u e n w









r v,,
.,: -




ldw. F. Lambrecht
'D. Briscoe

- ..-

A Wee New Shop Just for Babes


i an important affair on
calendar. It is a ,time
on his academic garb, in
activities ofI his college
ten he first begins really
rber of the highest rank
3 as one destined soon to
ving-out day, every sen-
is cap and gown, as an
certain times each week,
it, perhaps, for the last
asion wlen, being pre-
d parchment, he will au-
i "the wide, wide world".
the diagonal this after-
wearing upon their mor-
,mbols of the " respective
members of the senior
.11 begin their march to-
etch of the "long, long
'e beginning of the end-

T HERE is a cunning Shop'
That just we babies know
Where little frocks and coats
Are hung up, row on row-
Where tiny little boottees
And 'cunning little sockses
Are tucked with loving care
In dainty baby boxes..
4 Nickels Arcade

TIHERE'S not a s
From quilt to VI
Or the best kind of
That isn't right at 11
And all so sweet and
We babies all declar
Buy our things at T
'Cause they love baba


One of
Jane Singleton's Shops

A Few Specials For Jiestival Wi


f the University, and all believers in
,overnment, see in President Marion
aandling of the wordy cases recently
ast the University, by the fathers of.
L who refused to wear their pots, not
ation of the student government'idea,,
evidence that the President views
-rances through the eyes of an under-
Nell as through those of an executiv
the disciplining of his son by the Un-
uct committee, the father of one fresh-
Ann Arbor recently with the avowed
striking a ,blow at the root and sub,.
ident self-government here. He at-
upress upon the administration the
>usness of the situation, and to gain
the University and outside it, for his
The President, and the newly-ap-
aittee of Inquiry, "listened to him out
ent showed his poise and balance when
nts of students, as well as citizens of
Michigan, not to lose their sense of
ving the affair. He did not wish peo-
Ann Arbor to regard it. as being as
was painted by some; for 'he realized
Charta and the Constitution of the
were in no immediate danger. He
mpathy with the undergraduate scause
ege customs and traditions by calling
he fact that many prominent alumni,
-ers of the little grey pot, had gone
jeriod of freshmanhood, Just as the
igs are doing now, and that . they

Try It
A little soap and water,
Around the .neck applied ;.
Will keep a student's collar,
From turning dark inside.'

., .f.". . .

Any Layette, to an amount not less than $25.00,
purchased during this week only, a discount of 25%
will be allowed.'
Infants' and children's knit sweaters in white,
either tuxedo style with belt or double breasted
with belt and pockets.
Value-$2.00 to $.50 Special-$1.65 to $2.75
Infants' all-wool crocheted or knit bootees either
short or knee lengths - white - with pink or blue
trim. Value - 65c. ..Special - 49c.
A limited number of children's 2 to 6 years
colored wash dresses - some with bloomers to
match - others with a bit of hand-work.
Value-$.275 to $&.50 Special while they last-$1.98
One and 2 year coats in pink taffeta deeply
smocked below a round yoke - lined with pink satin
- also flesh colored crepe de chine coat with collar'
and cuffs daintily embroidered in tiny sprays with
scalloped edge. $12.00 value at $8.98.

Boys' 2 to 6 yr. two-piece wash suits - all
white - or white waists with yellow, nile, or tan
trousers with collar and cuff of waist to match trou-
sers. Price-$3.25.
Cunning middy suits for small kiddies-straight
leg trousers and blouses of Japanese crepe or white
Poplin, either smocked or embroidered.
Prices-$8.00 to $3.50.
A complete line of wash hats in poplin, pique,
repp and organdy in white, blue or pink. One cun-
ning style for the little' boy has white crown with
roling brim faced in pink.
Prices-$1.25 to $2.75,
The items quoted are only a very limited num-
ber of the many beautiful things for infants and
children purchased on a recent trip to New York
and being shown in the only exclusive baby shop
in nn Arbor. Our ideal is not to give you cheap
merchandise - you wouldn't want it for your ,babies
--- but to give you good merchandise at the least
possible cost. An ideal which we are confident will
appeal to every mother in this city.

Before we compile 'the final method, we want to
take this opportunity to thank the many contributors
who gave suggestions that, will help the engineers
to remove the crane from the Clements library. We
are deeply indebted to them for their help, and hopeL
that in the future they will again offer 'support in
solving the campus problems that may arise. The
following suggestions are some that came in at the
last minute:
Get a Varsity pitcher to strike it out.
Let the Booster's Club handle the ratter.
' Make the girls in Martha Cook pull their shades
down and it will have no reason to remain.
-Not 'in France
Co-ed: Oh no, I couldn't do that. I've never
kissed a boy in my life.
.One-handed driver: That doesn't make any dif-
ference. Neither have I.
You Might Remember This
It is just as foolish to run after a girl.as it is to
chase a street car. There will always be another
one along. -
One to" Think Over


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