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May 16, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-16

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Extension Talks
May Tie Sent Out
Dy Radio Station


alt fliT

N11..11 Extension service lectures, will be
f broadcasted by radio from Ann Arbor
if plans under consideration by the
University Extension division are com-
:ONS, FEE pleted. In case such a project is ap-
ROPO- proved the plant will be under the
supervision of the signal corps of the
local R. O. T. C. unit.
MAY BE Prof. W. D. Henderson, head of the
Universtiy Extension division, believes
LECTOR that such a station would be of con-
siderable aid in broadcasting Univer-
00 Needed; sity lectures, but he is not convinced
Voters that the use of the radio in extension
class room work would be a success.
"A great deal is lost when there is
ae constitu- no personal contact between student
ed 'because and teacher in the class room," said
in since the Professor Henderson.
two years The University of Wisconsin Is ex-
mass meet- perimenting with this idea and giving
ion at 7:30 credit for- work done under .such cir-
embly hall cumstances. If the experiment proves
ance of at successful at Madison there Is good
s is neces- 'reason to believe that it will be adopt-
f business, ed here..

nd because of
in any change
verning docu-SIGMA XI ELECTS
ients are of a
>uld raise'the
mn $5 td $7.50. 53T E B HS I
limitations on
ual members
A change in Five Faculty Members Listed Among
%rd of govern- Scholars to Be Made
ther proposed Members

-oficio meu-

roposed to make the Dean
an ex-ofacio member of
of directors. Another
proposes that the three'
bers on the board of di-
ected by the members of
t large, instead of being
'the University Senate.
meeting is held in ac-:
th the call of the board'
which was made on March
ie fgre part of last month
nal committee, composed
ns Holbroolk of the Law
ry . Willson, '22L, and
ophy, '22L, was appointed
;estions for amendments
itution. The committee's
accepted by the board of
4 tonight the members of
ill be given the 'opportu-
pt or reject any or all of
ing tonight is most impor-
ery member of the Union
esent and express an opin-
amendment," said D. F.
president of the Union,
endments Listed
the sections followed by
,ectipn 2. Annual mem-
graph 1) 1gvery student
ar session of the Univer-
cgme an Annual Member
such annual tuition as
cribed by the Regents.
se4 change is as follows:
Section 2. Annual Mem-
student of the regular
e University shall become
on paying such tuition as
rtbed by the Regents, sioh
to eontinie dnring the
rhiich he has paid tuition
when the member leaves

-Five members of the faculty, 1 non- -
resident, and 47 students .have been
elected to membership in the Michi-t
gan chapter of Sigma X, national
honorary scientific society.,
Of 'these, 29 were elected to asso-,
cate memberships, and 24 to full
membership. IFrom among the stu--r
dents honored 29 are in the graduate1
school and 18 are members of the sen-;
ior class.
Those elected to full membershipc
are: Faculty: Russell W. Bunting,
professor of dental pathology and his-i
tology, Lynne A. Noag, instructor in
pediatrics and infectious diseases, Do-1
nat K. Kazarinoff, instructor in mathe-
matics, Phil, L. Marsh, instructor in
internal medicine, Marcus L. Ward,
professor of dental metatlNrgy and
crown and bridge work. Non-resident:
William Nittel Sherzer, professor of;
natural sciences, Michigan State Nor-
mal college,' Ypsilanti. Graduate stu-
dents: S. S. Attwood, X. L. Begeman,
D. W. Brook, N, F. Carver,. M. L.
Casman, C. W. Creaser, D. M. Denni-
son, ,9. F. Holden, T. H. Hubbell, J.
W. Kennedy, J. N, Landis, R. P.
Stgne, H. M. Trimble, H. W. Vah-
teih. Seniors; P. C. Ackerman, A. B.
Curtis, A. J. lvasln, H. B. Seeley.
Those elected to assoelate member.
ship are: graduate students, W. A.
Archer, lv. . Buell, C. W. Clarke, 0.
C. Forrester, H, 14, Fulmer, J. L. Kass-.t
ner, V. E. Leg , L,. G. MacBride, J F.
Ross, H. B. Smith, B. J. Traut, J. W.
Vanderwlt, L,K . Wagener, iH. G.
.Whitcomb, R. R. Wilson. Seniors: W.i
E. Bandemer, G. M. Chute, W. C. Dean,
R. M. Hazen, D. F. Herrick,' F. D.
Johnston, B. B. Kanouse, 0. F. Ker-
lin, F. $. Kniffen, H. G. Life, M. C.
Miller, F. R. Scherer, A. J. Stock, L.
M. Witter.
The date for initiation has been set
for May 26, on which oceasion Libra-
rian W. W. Bishop will speak on the
subject, "The Record of Science."
No trace has been found of the orig-
inal manuscript of the "Tirteenth
Chair" which was lost by one of the
members of the cast of the Mimes'
play more than a week ago.
Those who have been searching for
the lost manuscript have made cer
tain that it was not swept into the
waste paper of the-room, and believ:
that it was removed by some student
who does not know the identity of the
A standing reward has been g#ed
for the return of the manscript t
the Unio les, and acording to he
bers o I imes, f t igs ngo et ne4d
within a few 4 the Aerica Play
company, who are to. wers, Atillb
The manuscrip is copyrighte4, and
being ain orig$4a; annexi b9 t aprx-
Seno1r LaA to o14 1aquet ?I'h
The annu 4 Senigr LaW antust wil
take place immdiateli ate SW1Tig
out this evening, at the 'Union. Oweli
J. Watts, president of the Senior
class, will act as toastmaster, and
Dean Bates will be the speaker of the

Commander is Guest of Honor at Un-
ion Dinner Given by President
Gen. George -Bell, Jr., commander of
the 33rd division overseas, who was'
cited by five 'different countries for
his service in the Great war, wearer
of the American distinguised service
medal, and at present the commander
of the sixth corps area, yesterday aft-..
ernoon reviewed the University I. 0.
T. C. unit on Ferry field. He was ac-
companied by Col. F. N. Caldwell, his
chief of staff, andLieut. W. J. Epes,
his aid.
Other members of the inspection
party were: President Marion L. Bur-
ton, President-Emeritus Harry B.
Hutchins, and Cadet Col. E. F. Moore,
'22E. Cadet Maj. P. Polhamus, '24E,
under the supervision of Cadet Col.
Moore, was commander of troops.
-Start at Two Oclock
Shortly after 2 o'clock the R. 0. T. C.
unit, consisting of companies A, B. and
C, coast artillery, company D, ordin-
ance, companies E, and F, infantry,
and company H, signal corps, march-
ed to Ferry field. Upon arriving there
they were forced to seek shelter from
rain under the football stands. Here
the cadets were kept until almost
time for the inspection scheduled at 4
o'clock, when theye were given drill
preparatory to final drill of inspection
before the reviewing party, which ar-
rived at 4:30 o'clock, Major-General
Bell, and the other members of the1
reviewing party a short time later
made an inspection and review of the
cadet unit, and. directly after the cere-
mony the general talked for a few
minutes to a group of overseas men.
Major-General Bell will leave for
Detroit today, and from there will go
to East Lansing where he will in-
spect the Michigan Agricultural college1
Gradugte of West Pointt
General Bell was graduated from the
United States Military, academy atf
West Point in 1880, and from the Cor-
nell college of law in 1894, 'shortlyE
afterwards being admitted to the New
York Bar association. He did not then
engagebin the practice of law, and for
a number of years served in various
departments of the army. - In 1914 he
was promoted to the rank of brigadier-
general, and three years later he was
again advanced to his present rank of
major-general. He served in the Span-
-sh-American war, being especially ac-i
tive in the Cuban campaign, and was
later recommended for bravery in the
Philippine insurrection. He was also
head of the military mission to Swiss
maneuvers in 111.
General Bell was the guest of honor,
at a party held last night at the Un-
ion by President-Emeritus Hutchins,
who became a friend of his while at-
tending Cornell university.

"Whatever knowledge tha ayerg o
young man and woman in college has
of their state and nationaI gcaverngent,
they glean from newspapers and text-
books," asserted Merli' Wey, '4,41,
Michigan state attorney general,,speak-
er at the year's last Union Sunday after-
noon meeting, Sunday afternpen in the
Union assembly room. "The rising
generation ought tq XnQw ccnditicu5
as they exist and not as pitgwes in
descriptions given by superflcial
sources. I have, however, an abiding
faith in the public and it is that faith
that assures me that better govern-
ment is coming because of the grow-
ing inqisitIve nature of the people
along politlcal atl goverhiental
Mr. Wiley save a graphic sketch of
the thefticfeny of the state 'got2.
inent of Michigati befor the nW Vsys-
tem 'of a board of directors for a'dmin-
istrative purposes was inaugurated,
and explained how certain lamentable
conditions in state institutions were

First Lot Of
"Ensians Gives
Out Immediately
The first shipment of 250 of the 1922
Michiganensan to arrive in Anx.Arbor
was completely exhausted' within a
few hours of the time that distribution
was begun yesterday afternoon. Se-
eral hundred students were turned
away after the available supply had
been given out.
The next shipment containing a
large enough supply of the year book
to meet all demands is expected to
arrive Wednesday or Thursday.
Because of the fact that the com-'
plete distribution will be over within
a few days of the time that the co-
ing shipment arrives, all students who
have lost their receipts for the Mich-
iganensian are requested to call at
the office of the business manager in'
the Press building and obtain dupli-
Students obtaining the year book are
required to furnish their receipt for
payment or its equivalent obtained
from the business manager, and some
means of identification, preferably a
treasurer's receipt or an athletic pass
boo. Those who obtain copies for
others not able to be present must
furnish a letter authorizing them to
do so.
Temporary Delay Necessary )ecue
of I ertainty of State's
- Finances"
(By Associated Press)
Lansing, May 15.-All building ope-
rations at the University of Michigan
must be put over until after July 1,
Governor Groesbeck announced ,to-
night. At that time, which is the end
of the fiscal year, he explained the
administrative board will know wheth-
er the state -will have the money for'
the University's building program;
which constitutes $200,000 a month for
a period of 15 months. President
Burton recently requested authority'
of the state administrative board to
proceed with the program at once. The
board appointed a committee to in-'
quire into the matter and will report
at tomorrow's meeting. The governor
said tonight, however, that the plans
of the Univerality must be hold, in
abey'anca owing to the state's Snax-
cial situation.
' AU 0. C.Issue Of
Gargoyle Deals
OutSlams Galore
$jams Vt be dealt trgb and. l
with a vigor that a reli of the day
of Joe's and the Orient Wednesday
morning when the final issue of the
Gargoyle makes its bow to the cam-
pus. As a fitting sendoff for a retir-
ing editorial board, ,it is called the
B. M. O. C. number, and it lives up to
its name in such a ferocious manner'
that the editorial board may be forced
to retire sooner than they antic-
Monieys'on Cover
The cover is a red and black creation
showing a group of monkeys, alto-
gether too obviously intended to rep-
resent the men who are big on the.
campus. It is drawn by Elmer Wel-
lin, '24.
To Dr. George Augustus May, famed
afar as a leader of the freshman gym.

naslun, laases in Waterman gymna-
Siu]1, gyps the honor of having the
first persona slam. It would seem
that Dr. May is to start a correspond-
enCe school for those unfortunate
enough not to be enrolled among his
Ann Arbor prodigies. In the ad thus
published the famous doctor offers to
describe to all how he attained his
-present physical perfection, and "how
he grew until his chest (the doctor
seems to pride himself upon his
chest) has Increased a full 23 inches."
A cartoon of Dr. May and his chest by
James House, '23, adds to the adver-
B. X. 0. C. Love Letters
A group of artoons by James House
of some of the other big men guaran-
tees his hurried departure from this
city when such gigantic figures at
Duke Dunne, George Brophy, 3tanw
cis Smith, Jack belly, Pan Gobel
and Janes FrY7 obs1'r the Ub
cal roduc.tlhs of t oofrii 0t-
" " M.O. Cl Love Detters" 'are all
from damsels who wish to have them'
names kept secret for some uneon.,
ceivable reason. These damsels have



Classes will assemble in Caps
gowns at 3:45 o'clock today for
Swing-Out in the following
I places:
Lit women on the walk from
the Library leading west to the
South wing of University hall;
lit men on walk leading to Tap-
- pan hall; engineers and archi-
tects on the diagonal from the Li-
brary to the Engineering arch;
medis on the end of the other
diagonal going to Wterman
gymnasium; nurses on the walkI
In front of the Medical building;
laws on the walk leading to the 1
North wing of University hall;
dents on the walk leading no-th
from the . medallion past the
Chemistry building; pharmics
near their building on the walk
east from the Library; and grad- I
ates and educationals immediate-
ly in front of the Librar. I
The order of march will be as
'j follows:Lit women, lit men,
engineers, architects, medics, "
Inurses, laws, dents and homoe-
I ops, pharmics, graduates and ed-
1 Caps and gowns should be se-
cured before noon today. ,
I -Il
Players To End
Season Tonight
With 3 Plays
Players club will present three one-
act plays and special musical selec-
tions at their concluding program for
the year which will take place at .8
o'clock. tonight In Sarah Caswell An-
gell hall. Mildred Chase, '22 S. of
M., will render avocal solo, accom-
panied by Louise Graham, '23. Play-
era club orchestra will also furnish
music. -
The play consists of two comedies'
and a fantasy. "Cooks and Cardin-
als," the first play, has its plot in
complications between a competent
Irish oook and a French chef. The
second play, "The Glittering Gate," is
a story of two dead "yeggs" who are
trying to jimmy their way threugh
the golden gates to heaven.
The third play, "The Philosopher of
Butterbiggens," is by Harold Chapin.
Members of Players club will be ad-
mitted to the perfqrmance, on present-
ing membership cards. General ad-
mission fee is 5 cents.
President Marion L. Burton will
speak on "A Possible Future for Am-
'erican Education," at t e opening of
the Michigan Congregaonal confer-
ence tonight in the Congregational
The conference will open at 7:30
o'clock with a devotional service fol-
lowed by addresses by Rev.-St. Clare
Parsons of Greenville, and President
X-rays, with special emphasis upon
their application in modern medical
science, will be the subject of a spe-
cial leture by J. M. Cork of the phys-
ics department at 7:30 o'clock Wed-
nesday in the west lecture hall, Phys-
ics building.
Mr. Cork has been engaged in re-
search work in the field of X-ray for-
the past two years. Previous to com-
mencing this work he specialized in
wireless development, serving during
the war as lieutenant in the signal
corps. L
. The lecture will be accompanied by
demonstrations with X-ray apparatus,
and is being offered especially for the
benefit of students in physics 2 and
2E, though it is open to the public.

MAY )M 'RES1ThflD TogXolIO

Walter B.Rea and AngusG,. Goets
Will Lead Men in Line of
1 Senior classes will assemble at
3:46 o'clock in caps and gowns for
Swing-out, a custom almost as old as
the University itself and the first step
In the graduation of a class. The me-
dalion in front of the Library will be
the center of assembly, the lasses
forming in their proper places on the
walks leading to it, making arms go-
ing out in all directions.
The Varsity band will assemble at
the same time in front of Hill audi-
torium and will start playing, at 4
o'clock, this being the signal for the
first class to turn and start the march
in column of twos to Hill auditorium,
where the ceremonies will be held.
Rev. L. A. Barrett of the Presbyte-
rian church, who gave .the invocation
two years ago, will again open the ex-
ercises this year. The formal Swing-
out address will be given by President
Marion L. Burton. Michigan sdngs
will then be sung by the Varsity Glee'
club quartet and the exercises will, be
concluded with the singing of the
"Yellow and Blue" by the entire as-
sembly. Walter B. Rea, president of
the senior literary class, will be ma-
ter of ceremonies.
Form "V in March ,
Following the exercises the ceasses
will march out in the same oder- as
before, forming the traditional "M"
in their swing around the campus.
Rea and Angus G. Goetz, president of
the Student council, will lead tie 1len
and Martha C. Shepard, vice-presi-
dent of the senior literary class,.and.
Edna Groff, president of the Wom-
en's league, will head the senior wom-
eni in'the swing. The ine of narch i
will be nut of Hillauditorium.and
across the street, west on North Uni-
versity avenue to the diagonal, down
the diagonal to the Library, along the
other diagonal to Alumni Memorial
hall, east on South University-& ave-
nue past the President's home, turn-
ing north to the rear of the Library,
west to the walk leading to Tappan
hall, and south'on'this wlk to Ithe
lawn in front of Tappan all facing
South University avenue where Indi-
vidual pictures of each class will be
taken by Spedding, offlcial photog-
rapher of the affair. Seniors are urg-
ed not to break away before the pic-
tures are- taken because this is the
last opportunity afforded them to have
their pictures. taken in a group-
Avoids, Engineering Arch
Steps have again been taken this
year to prevent the clash that some-
times took place in the past between
the engineers and laws during the
march under the engineering arch by
avoiding the arch in the course of the
swing. The council has done this be-
eause it wishes to avoid any repetition
of the fight that occurred two years
ago, whieh it believes is entirely out
of keeping with the dignity of the oc-
casion, and inasmuch as it is not a
Michigan tradition, only an occasional
affair, it will do all that it can to dis-'
courage the practice of it.
After Swing-out seniors will wear
their caps and gowns Tuesdays and
Fridays until Commencement. Walter
B, Rea, president of the senior liter-
ary class, urges that all seniors lia
up to this tradition as it is one of the
most important customs of the time
leading up to graduation.

Page Three)



ecial to The Daily)
Pa., May 15.-Michigan's
i opened its Eastern trip
isive 6 to 0 win over the
of Pittsburg's raquet men.
ches were won in straight
7ly one went into a deuce
el, Michigan, defeated Mar-
irg, handily. The Mich-
in was playing excellent
ran out the sets 6-0, 6-s.
chigan, experienced no dif-
T Williams, Pittsburg, and
tch 6-1, 6-2. Rorich, play-
- three for -Michigan, was
Garrowy, of Pittsburg. The4
an was not extended great-
-1, 6-4. -
Michigan, finished up the
h a win qver Cooper, Pitts-
per fprced Sanchez into 4
set. making the Michigan

There will be a meeting
tire editorial staff and1
5 o'clock this afternoon.

of the e

Building operations on the Clemehts
libra?7 'will rob*bly l U erid '
!nol"tr, ae, diht to ktateinett giw
en out by' the obatftetion knaiage
yesterday. No work has been done
on the building since May 1, owing to
the fact that several carloads of stone.
have been delayed in shipment to Ann

students attending Summer
school wishing to work on the
1 bustuess aide of The Summer
Michigan Daily, are asked to see
the business manager and after-
noon this (week from 3 to 4


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