04 j
. .
At Unon Tnigh x Field Jieet T oda
Senior engineers will step to the University foresters will bald their
music of George Rogers' orchestra at annual field met this afternoon and
their annual dance to be given in the rth
main dining room of the Union from First Production of Play in Aeria tom, they will make a trip to the for-
TODAY 1 o'clock . ih.Seia a- Apad 1A ErrOpev0eral estry farm with pac horses, riles,
..ors in the form of bottles 'of perfume . 'Times and camping supplies, where they will -
KELP PUT SPIRIT Spear, J. S. Oswig, A. Ford, J. R. Fel- in silver cases with the initials '23E camp out for the week end. SAYS JOSSELYN WAS SMOTHER
INTO BOTH lows, B. Fair, E. R. Volwiler, K. D. engraved on them will be given to the The foresters will spend this aft- FROM BEHIND AND CAR-
Newell, L. B. Londs, W. H. Cooper, W. ladies. Summer formal will be worn CArLngUSaEg'22, TO daAYa g rRED TO MACHINE
E. Doty, C. B. Clark, R. E. Goodrick, at the "Step" and no stags will be PART QE DON BALTHAZAR erations for Saturday, and will
TG. E. Rud, P. H. Gang, E. E. Gordan, admitted. Tickets may be obtained spend the evening at conversation,
K R TEAMS E. L. Linz, J. J. Mauriel, M. Piggott, for $3 from E. S. Bradley, chairman First public presentation in Ameri- singing, and general good times. The STATEMENT AIMED AT
RVER PULL H. Reed, T. C. Schneiria, G. L. Thurs- of the committee in charge of the ,« ,,sheting match of the met will take HILLERY NOT CO UNC
ton, C. A. Campbell, H. Notnagel, R. dance. ca of "The Cloister," a four-act poetic shotn to f the m il ake
Sof Games wm W. Preston, F. C. Sivigert, W. R. Wal- The chaperons invited for the affair drama, written by Emile Verhaeren, place tomorrow, b the mafeue
feners ton, W. +K. Saunders, J. P. Chandler, are Dean William H. Butts Mrs. will take place at 8:15 o'clock tonight ohe i ee will beldd theomorrowbaere Committee Investigating All Ha
ar OfrendW. K. Boyer, J. C. Baker, W. J. Alex- Butts, Prof. Alfred H. Lovell and Mrs. in the Mimes theater under the au- noon.
e Barred ;' aned L panvro,., .Thees Rplay,, ndPrfwhicheW.Kigisa theasec on.hc il ehl ooro fe-Cases Has No Report
aD aer, W.ao, P. tts, . Lovell and Prof. Horace W. King and spices of the Mimes repertoire corn- Those who wish to attend the meet,- to Make as Yet
sbhomores will A. Hubbad, R. F. Deng, J. C. DeLong, pany. The play, which is the second and have not yet signed up for it, are
t time at 4 o'clock R. M. Adams, W. A. Fenstumacher, B.. to be given'by Mimes in the new asked to do so on a. chart posted in the "My son was not 'accosted and
the tug-of-war, the .. Korenkiewis, uy DeBair, 3. P. T TTMimes theater, will be played at the Forestry seminar, on the fourth floor gaged in conversation by certain i
annual underclass setter, J. S. Olson, E. C. Hartson, flUIVULUPAT TOJATTACK same time tomorrow evening. of the Natural Science building. vidauls who seized him and car
oe other events, the F. K. Dames, V. C. Havens, J. F. De- Several weeks of work have been
the rope tying con- Bolt Nput upon the production of the play' they took him to Geddes dam'
- MERCER L I ONad pu o atrthet reatet ca A DIPR IS S him tooakwitnGedmachiemin
Saturday morning Sophomore UheavywightI-A.IVan-L{ astated in yesterday's Daily," was
meetingsdermeulen, E. 0. Johnson, E. L. Eck- n the expression and spirit of the comment made by Prof. C. H. 1
totthes have n en field, F. S. Kratz, G. N. Spear, R. A. SAY WITHDRAWAL OF SCHOOL lines has been taken, and the scenery Tyn
roatemnadteSY IHRWLO COLand costumes welladpe to th iTye, of the history department,q
;ies i hih sothat Brown, D. N. Rankin, H. Magrath, R. HERE WOULD LEAD TO SAME dt. t t h t awEe w r
Iefought contest is A. Plant, B. Simon, 3. K. Altand, W- AGTION IN OTHER PLACES "sentatur o t e pl ithe abduction and maltreatment of
Th ealng av hGS weNRid BC BumkteC that its presentation is attempted. u w n~"
The yearlings have Scwer, . e, . "The Cloister" was published in son Josselyn.
in numbers but the K. Todd, D. N. Reed, F. 3. Brettle, . "We recommend that the State 1900, and was produced that year at Attacked from Behind
than make up for A. Iowley, E. D Blair, J W. Gunn, C. Homoeopathic Medical society pro- the Royal theater in Brussels, where subtlety of Humor and Intricacy of "Josselyn wa attacked from
R. ;Webb, M. J. Muzzy, L. I. Barrett, ceed to fight the action of the Board it ran for two weeks, and where it Plot Lift Play Above Ordinary hind and a blanket thrown over
s will- assemble at M. W, Heath,. The vacancies in this of Regents, providing for the merger since has often been revived. A short Production head by a group of. cowards who
aterman gymnasium team will be picked at the river. of the two medical schools and hos- time later it was presented at the -.. not give him a chance to defend-h
go in a body down (Contued on Page Three) pitals, to a finish," is the recommen- Theatre de l'Oeuvre, and 10 years ALL-WOMAN CAST CLEVERLY self," Professor Van Tyne contini
then to the bridge, dation which was adopted late Wed- later it was produced in Manchester PORTRAYS ENGLISH STORY "Coming from Trojanowski's bar
e down with them. . nesday evening by the Michigan State and Berlin. shop he was getting ito his ownl
11 assemble at the M Homoeopathic Medical society at its The play unfolds a tragic story of Although it lacked some of the fin- chine when the attack was made u
t or the Library and fifty-third annual session which began human misery, intensified by a relig- ishing touches which have character- ing machine with several individi
to the river in line here Wednesday and closed yesterday ous setting, and interwoven with the ized much of the campus dramatic holdin him."
bank for the first ILLI afternoon conflict of a man and a-destiny. Each work this season, Pomander Walk, as Denies statemnt
sides for ,the other The two other divisions of the gen- monk in the play embodies one ideal, presented by the Senior Girls last Inefurth neSta nthe
i contest will de-TO GIVE CONCERT IN BAY CITY eral recommendation are as follows: while the gopgroup as a whole embodies night, at the Whitney theater, scored Professor Van Tyne Iatly denied
"TIEWe recommend that the handling of an ecclesiastical ideal, that of sepa- a distinct success with its audience. statement attributed to him in Ti
front of Hil audi TONIGT.FIFTYMEMBERS this affair be placed in the hands of rate and exclusive jurisdiction. The itself is a uaint little ai o intht
a committee on education composed In the play there is an apparent story of everyday life laid in the Eng- council.According to Professor
gleet Leaders of nine members, to be elected by the struggle, for succession to. the prior- land of Kin George III. It is made Tyn . staemnt w so
he eve of the battle Leaving at 12:05 o'clock today on society, the president of the society ate between two of the characters. Ac- o nu er o love lots thbe Tyne his statement was, hYou
Science auditorium, the interurban, the Varsity Glee and to be a member ex-officlo. We rec- tuall, however, one is not merely threa of which though seemingly better talk with Hillery, he knows
y T. P. Banks, '23, Mandolin club, composed of 50 men ommend that each member of the so- the victim of a fanatic conscience, but inesxtriably tangled are evntually Stut counil I a, 't
and A. -G. Goetz, will journey toBay City where it will ciety and each member of the profes- is also the spokesman of emotional, straightened out to the satisfaction of Student council. I have not
1 the rules of the give a Michigan songfest. sion in the state be urged to contrib- intuitive faith, contrasting with the all ened them as a body My statement c
overcome the sopho-' The concert, scheduled for 8:15 ute to the extent of his or he, ability scholasticism of his opponent. Acontinuous flow of subtle humor ne illery and not the Stu
ed the class to re- o'clock this evening, will be introduc- to a fund to provide for the neces- The persons of the drama are: Carl lifts the play above the ordinary, and u . N~ eport
ob violence or haz- ed by "Laudes Atque Carmina," in ac- sary expenses of the campaign." W. Guske, '22, as Don Balthazar; Lau- it was in making this humor effective Th ite i i
;ing, saying that too cordance with the Glee club custom, After addresses by Dr. L. E. Sim- ren B. Stockesberry,''24, S. of M., as that the cast did its most effective bythe President to investgate ha
already been going followed by several selections from on of Cleveland, member of the Dom Mark; Elman S Pettijohn, '22E',work era W aller as the butler- by
.ould be the class to the University song book. board of trustees of the American In- as the Prior; Thomas Underwood, w ork. tSar Jalerste buoe- ccurrences, when asked concern
id end it. The fresh- Accompanying the club will be stitute of Homoeopathy, Dr. Roy Up- '23L, as Father Thomas; George S. man-about-town, Jerome Brooke- the results of its investigatn,
* Blahnic and the Tang and Tavares, Hawaiian music- ham of Brooklyn, president of the in- Buchanan, '22, as Dop Militien; Don- Hoskyn, Esq.; and Mildred Chase, as ported, through Prof. H. W. King
. Miller, C. W- ians who have scored well in all local stitute, and Dr. Thomas McCann of ald Coney, '24, as Idesbald; Don Reed. the blustcari ld dmicultserio-comic the engineering college, that i
)rd H Dvi; ad . ayon pat reidntof th ogai-Antrobus carrid diffcltsrecmi oreport up to dlate. However,]
rd, H. Davis and 3. performances. They will give a short Dayton, past president of the organi- '22, as Theodule, and the monks of the roles especially well. essor ng stated that he stor
musical skit entitled - "An Oriental zation, all of whom stressed the need cloister. rol's eseciallyhwe.r fesordKy'stateymth tory
in charge of the Fantasy," based on the picturesque of better organization in the homoeop- Seats for the performance either oto- menton the who dee i yesryn Dai t convey
s, '23, T. J. Lynch, life of Hawaii. ' athic profession, the state society vot- 'night or tomorrow night may now be ould be to call the roll of the en- impression that the committee
el, '22, and R. E. Burton E. Hyde, '23, has been se- ed to raise the annual dues from $2 reserved, the cost of each seat being made of Mildredt benry, as Mle Mar-pnte om ee," se Pof
:ed by the Student cured to play the xylophone, while the to $10. $1.50. Seats may be r-eserved by mail, mofne Lahenas. Miss Henrys work King, "was suggested atthe last
d other ofdeiala will "Midnight Sans Quartette" will Earn-- The speakers condemned the Re- if the order is accounanied by check upheld the reputation she has already gre ce of deans and appointed a
tg isrun fairials ish some of the harmony which l at gents' plan of merger, pointing out and self-addressed uyelope. gained.as a really talented actress. after the close of the meeting by P
ig~~~~gie~e ia nunfairl tadeihtsom'ofcthrharmnyawhchrlashthatsuch' ctionhere wuld pobabl
fouls by either side. night featured' the annual club's ser- that such action here would probab y Christine Murkett, as Lieut. The Hon. ident Burton to investigate all c
rned that these offi d e.eadooonawaywihcnt'nlyth det uron o nvetiatealt
Bred aro e f enade.Thee mandolin section of t ho here but als Joh Say, R. N.; Elizabeth Vickery, of hasing occurring recently."
caught from either club has been giving special atten- tohruieste.uiuui Ull1Id1111 as Mrs. Pamela Posktt, and Camilla
Lediately disqualified tion to some late music in preparation In order to carry on the campaign, Hayden, as The Rev. Jacob Stern-
for the trip. $4,400 had been pledged when the Alumnus Articles Places University D.D., F.S.A , are also deserving
$4,o00 forbeethedgegameste o ro iton.SPRING, DECORTIONS A'
Cons for the games."Robert Dieterle, '23M, will accom- convention ended yesterday.' The pur- Among Leading Six recognition.
sbeen given to both pany the club and take a prominent pose of the campaign,, according to D. ly the entire cast to attempt to star, putoistTarr,
hoes must be worn part in the concert as the soloist of W. Springer, superintendent of the Michigan rankS among the six great rather than fo merely stay in charac-
so that there will the evening. Robert A. Campbell, Homoeopathic hospital, is to educate national universities 'of the United ter consistently detracted slightly
s man being injured. treasurer of the University, will make public opinion leading to legislation States according to an article by Prof from the effectiveness of the produc-y
of which there will the trip with the club as the official which will provide for a separate A. B. Hart, of Harvard, published in tion. YEARLINGS WIL"HOLD ANN
men to a team, will representative of the school. Homoeopathic hospital such as we the issue of the Alumnus that was PARTY'IN BALLROOM OF
.his * ,re each man mustthisuofheAmnshaws UNION
ut a 10 foot fence r Team Ohio mailed yesterday. The article is t FACULTY MAN WILL
'labrrel carrying art ty iennes TDowllns e~t n In part from the "arvard Alumni FAC LTY MAeWIL
the whole distance. Bulletin." Yale, Cdi'nell, Harvard, TALK IN NEW YORK At 9 o'clock this evening in
given for each of State Court .l n In W ell Played Michigan, Chicago, an ,c Columbia are ballroom of t e Union the la
St o r n I/l 'considered by the w rer to be those ' 125 will commence their firstfo
j1? c,' colleges of the -Unted States that Prof. Arthur Blanchard, of the de- party, the Freshman Frolic. Arra
g Tomorrow L, ,e T,1nnina ,y TD .a o 2 e araw the greatest number of students partment of highway engineering and ments have been completed and e
ing contest the en- 6--dahihwaytsot adpes-etof
will take part, the -from distant sections. Michigan has gway ranspor, an president thing is now in readiness. Decoral
eall side to tie as 80 per cent of her students recruited the National Highway Traffic associa- will-consist of baskets of flowers,
th oer up as is Michigan's) Varsity tennis ceam Sanche's of Michigan, lost to Carren from ern sections than the Middle ton, wil deliver the presidential ad- p wilbedscattered around
drs n"heRira a nOea edges of the dance floor. The
g them to the pen. humbled the hitherto undefeated rac- of Ohio by 6-1, 6-4 scores in fourth West according to the figures quoted tor of Highway Transport," at -the
line up facing each quet team from Ohio State in a well singles match played. The Ohio man, in the article. ,, annual meeting of that organization grams of grey plush cntain the n
art and at the signal also a veteran of last season, out-wit- "The Alumnus and- the Alumni," a on May 12, in New York City. Pr of the committee in charge, the
', each man having played match yesterday afternoon at ted his Wolverine opponent, and won series of letters to Wilfred B. Shaw son Blanchard has been active In the larn dance program. The ladies'
nid a'half. feet long hsmtronsl andeo hscn-fo JdeWila A pil 86,;pronesses, e~ad te
f tey fiTrhe Wing lermatches and bot his match mainly because of his con- from Judge William A. Spill, 96L, work of transportation, having served grams contain a mirror.
> his opponent. Hay- of the our sig cheth sistent, steady stroking. touch upon alumni organizations and as representative of Washtenaw coun- There are still tickets availabl
he will drag him to h doubles contests, being on t Michigan copped both matches in the manner in which they may be im- ty highway commission at the annual
h,,di . 2 A9 e - _.., ,: ty.hihwaythe anualthe Frolic. These tickets may be
bess sne oI Ie %- vv
te end of two mn- ~ ~1U~ UL LAL~ Z~ the doubles, both teams giving the proved in spirit and loyalty tor Mec- good roads congress, held lastyear
prisoners will be Rorich was moved up to position best exhibition shown here this year. igan. Judge Spill gives a mental vis- in Chicago. He also was appointed as o'clock this morning in the lobi
he class having cap- one on the Michigan team, by way of Merkel and Reindel had little difficul- ion of the future Michigan that is ex- a representative of the executive bu- the Union. Students from any c
ill be awarded three experiment, and was 'pitted against ty in trimming Wirthwein and Judd of ceedingly interesting. reau of the Association Internationale es may obtain tickets.
es each class a pos- Capt. C. W. Wirthwein of Ohio State. Ohio, taking the match in straight Golf is conceded to be the best sport Permanent des Congress de la Routes. The two orchestras, Warings I
g nine points in the The Wolverine, although playing a sets by the scores of 6-1, 6-3. The possible in the University n the de- Professor Blanchard will be accom-yTK,will
fair game, was outsteadied by his more Wolverines were stroking deep and partment of the Alumnus called "iWith panted to New York by Mr. Herschel sylvanans and Kennedys,
;ug-of-war teams are experienced opponent and dropped his the Buckeyes were continually forced the Muffler Open." Radio night, the C. Smith, assistant professor of high- The patrons and patronesses w
another page. The match in straight sets, the scores be- to take the defensive throughout. Michigan-Tiger baseball game, city way engineering and highway trans- President Marion L. Burton and
s are as follows ing 6-2, 6-2. Rorick paired up with Zemon for dance regulation, and teaching hab- port. Burton, Dean John R. Effinger
. Shepherd, C. D. Capt. Charles Merkel of Michigan, 'Michigan, the latter supplanting San- its in general receive' their fair or un- Mrs. Effinger, Dean Wilbur R. Hu
ith, H. W. Bousmen playing his usual steady game, easily vhez in the second doubles match, and fair degree of comment. COUNCIL ASKS RETACTNrys Mrs. Da ir U.an
inchell, U. . Brown, defeated Dean Judd, a Buckeye vet- -had almost as easy a time with Park OF AS TYNE'S STATEMENT Burs ey and Mrs. Bursey, and
eran of two seasons, in straight sets, and Carran as their teammates en- Mortimer E. Cooley and Mrs. C
, A. . Komora, H. the first set being a 6-0 af'air. Judd 'countered with the other Buckeye To the President of the Univer
. Mnsto g, B. al- tried hard to win in the second set, but pair. The Wolverines played well to- V E nf.'nats Prof. C. H. Van Tyne has charged No stags will be admitted to ti
Mar OFenth, W. H .found that he was no match for the gether and had their Ohio opponents - that members of the Student council, fair and corsages will not/ be
11, E Wark, K. F Wolverine captain and lost by a 7-5 ion a continual go. The. match was and Vernon . Hilery especially, par- lowed.
eyer, P. 3. Schneider, score. won in straight sets, the sobris benf ticipated in the recent abduction of his
1 C. Mildner, A. Rich- George Reindel, playing nutabrib 6-8, 6-2. 0on, Joselyn. The eouncl denies lif Ma) Tikhni Larger Than Usi
Iden M. V. Beltry, . three for Michigan, was thb other The Wolorins vioetiry yettefite mha'*s asli al d malicious, and it Engineering th all its aspect
V. Verduin, R. . Wolverine to win his singles matches, afternoon was mor than pleasing an helobme raha requosts an invstiga- be treated in the May Issue
wns, W. F. King, A. 3 defeating Park of Ohio, by the scores possibilities for a successful Eastern -tiony i i 7vnrsty officials in ord- Michigan Technic, which is to I
Iranlich, C. 3. Totte, of 7-5, 6-1. The Wolverine was press- trip nof* look exceptionally bright. er that Professor Van Tyne's tkiargs sale net Wednesday. The cove
ward, C. H. Spicer,1. ed hard in the Initial set, and though Five men will represent Michigan onS O0 a L may be substantiated or refuted. photograph of'the Engineering'
. Church, G. R. More, at no time on the worse end of the the swing through the East, Merkel, Obf...........Purdue TI. MIc?'ab (SIgned) THE TtJTDENT COUNCIL, big taken in early spring frox
6 H. Halberg, R. W.score, was forced considerably in 'Rorich, Reindel, Sanchez and -Zemon 10ooA ,XM. Angus Goets, diagonal, and is said to be good e
np, R. P. Powers, S. order to win. The second set was in being the men to take -the trip. The Spitng games ............Ferry field Vernon F. Hillery, to frame by those who have se
favor of the Michigan net man team will leave for the East late Sun- 9:0 P. IL Ralph Rychener, The May number will be eight