mWILE I nu
IV t
Team mained at the head of the squad of
Ge eight and are playing a good brand of
tennis for so early in the year. Just'
how the men will pair up in the dou-
,R tbles has not yet been decided and..
'ari~ Coach W'esbrook will not paid them:
this year and nothing is known of
their ability.
The meet this afternoon will be
made up of six matches, four singles:
and two doubles. The referees wlill
be Dr. Lee,. Professor Beak, Dr. Ohi-
macher, and Robert Angell. Play will
consist oaf the. best. two. out of three
in sets.
Coach Wesbrook is looking to .the
Illinois match as one of? the hardest
in the year. It will be the first real
comxpetition that- the Varsity has hadl
and it w ill furnish some idea ofw what
the team can do under fire. A large
crowd is expected to 'witness the; open-
ing mnatch on the, schedule.
-. rV
Illinois will nmeet to-
is courts for the first
tory of the schools.
ave the tennis teams
n a dual match. It is
"sport in which tfle
and the Orange, and
er played each other
,y's match will be the
e and home arrange-
ch is called for 2:30
Merkel, George Rein-
Rorich and Frederico
een selected by Coach
represent Michigan
These men have re-
up until this afternoon.
- For Illinois, Coach Bearg will prob-
ably call on Captain Brown, Myers,
Webb, Storer, and Dubach. These five
have stood ahead of the other Ilil
net men and form a well balanced
team. The order of the player s is not
known, nor is the doubles' lineup. I n
general, the men are steady and may
be classed as getters. They have had
the advantage 'of over a month of
practice and several are said' to be ine
midseasou form. In the Conference
tournament lasth year, Munn' of Michi-
gan defeated Brown int a hard match,
while Myers puit out Merkel in
close three set affair. .Merkel is out
to win should he meet Myers this aft-.
(Continued from Page O}ne) Kanz, who corers
C;oach Fisher pla to use Elliot for ; Sheehan who pis;
hurling duties ,in today's game. The M . A. C. Postp
tall sophomore has *not had a chance The Varsity wa
since .the team's return from the at the callingc
Southern trip except forr the three in-. game. The teas
nings he worked in the practice game machines only tI
against "Ypsilanti. Today will be .his ;Mend at-East LIa
first real .chance to produce: his wares,- play.' On 'the r
The remainder of the team will be stopped at Ha
the same as ....Fisher .has used in the "Shorty" Wimble
preceding Conference gamues. Vi ;k lplace, was -pre:
will handle Elliot, with\ Knode, Wim- w atchx bye his fe]l
tles, Uteritz and Paper composing the -
infields while Shackleford with Kipke1 Ann Arbor. Cu
and Klein will make up the backfield. shoes tailor mar...
Sluggers on NoTaro - Dame Nine ' viduxal taste. Spa
The South Bend aggregation is tout- ty. Bring your
ed as carrying a likely. looking; bunch where. shoes are
of sluggers:. They have 'been hitting Avenue:-Adv.
all kinds of pitching this year, making
10 hits from two~v Badger moundsmen Dunn Fountain
Last Monday. Blievernicht is a hitter^ Morrill, 17 Nickel
of the Knode type, knocking them hard eral times as mu
and .long, _ ,nd .has two ,good mates in. nary kind..-Adv.
the hot corner, and
ays in the shortfield.
ponement Disappoints
as rather disappointed
off of the M. A. C.
in made the trip in
to find that the dia-
insing was too wet for
return trip the. party
Dwell, where Clark
s, who halls from-that
esented with a gold
llow' citizens.
ustom Shoe Factory;
de to suit your indi-
ort shoes our special-
repairs to the place
'made. 534 Forest
n Pen sold by 0. D.
el's Arcade, hold see-
sch ilk as the ordi-
(The oldest Law School i
Summer Term, Wednesday,
Wednesday, August 2
Fall Term, opens Monday
The Summer Faculty mncl
bars of the Supreme Courts
lowing states: Colorado, S
lina, West Virginia and IlI
Requirements for Adi
Candidates for a degree. P~
isfactory completi'on of thr
college study.
Special Students. Proof
tion of four years of high
its equivalent.
Auditors. Members of the
either cannot meet the abo
ments or who do not ask fog
For bulletins and detailec
t ion, address Secretary o1
School, Northwestern U
31 West Lake Stre
Because of the baseball, track,
and ,tennis meets today and to-
morrow, there will be no football
practice until Monday.
.,. ...
I EE,,. fUK
ee. est Paid Hard Work in the World
Is the way a JOxHN HANCOCK salesman described
his vo'rk; He is a college graduate and in five
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He never yet has called upon a prospect withou t
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salesmen today work on that plan, making it a busies
ness of dignity, such as 'any worthy and ambitious
college graduate can find satisfying to his menital
needs, and highly remunerative as well,
The man above quoted is the John Hancock 's
youngest general agent. This shows what college
graduates of the right type can do in this business,
how they can" build up earning power aid at the
camne time prpvide for an accumulated competene
fir the years to come. ,
' Graduation is a vital period in your life nd you
are liabile to' hold to tthe buslnes$ yoU ptart in. It
wouldl be well before making a defiite decisi~x on t
inquire into life insurance as a caretr Address,
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Lam~est Fiduciar y Institution in New ,n~p1and
.-- 1
4 ta
.ADV + R $° wli" G AT 8 P.Y.
ID - A large rnanufacturing
rin could use the services
3 college men during summer
Qn-preference given to men
have 'had business experience.
ass Box' RFi., Daily... 155
D-To< insuire your Fountain.
gainst loss. 'We emboss your.
on it in fold leaf. Rider's
hops. Pen Specialists, 214
e's Arcade. 152-21
D-Your Fountain Pen to re-
Quick, skilled service,13 air
.Rider's Pen Shop, Pen
alists, 214 Nickel's Arcade.
iD-To biay a pica:ure u C~4 .
;tation, showing incoming stw
and baggage. Phony 1144-F,
ID-House for next fall. for.
15 men. Also meals if possi-
Box S. R., Daily. 153-21.
D-To rent. Furnished house
ummner Session. Boa: H. C.,
Last week, lavaliere with soy-
saic pendants, blue, black and
on State St., between CQongre-
gal elul~ch nar. acerd. Call
,. 155-2'
Pair' hprn rii glasses in long
case. Finder please call
jy House, 2516-. 155-2
Pingerle meal ticket, Ne. 7870.
r please call 2947-J. Hussel-
Will the finder please return
gold fountain pen, lost April
'hone 114. Reward, $5.00. 155
Phi Rho Sigma fraternity pin
pearls. Finder please phone
Reward. 154-3
Silver cigarette case on Jeffer-
t. near State. Cali 937-M.
FiOR SA-LE- Qauoe--splaudid cotndi-
tion, complete with cushions antd
victrola, twelve records. All ,for
X75.0, Call 363. 155
FOCR SALE - Excelsior Motorrcycle.
Practically new, excellent coniition.
Fully equipped. Call 783. x.6
FOR SALE+-- ' remier Bicycle. Newev
tires; bearings ax~d ether wgrk~ng
parts also new. Coil 11G6-M. 154-
FQIR, SAI)-anj-Mandoin, neatly
new. Ap'il1Y .i8 South University
,eve. ' -
FOR 'Rl'NT'--Furnisherd house, garage
and garden for the summer months.
Close to the Campus. 1113 Michigan
Ave. 155-3
MICHIGAN MEN are now signing con-
Stracts to sell "Wear-Ever" alumi-
num equipment during their sum-
mer vacation. NoI canvassing.. Col-
lege men averaged $5O 'idt &r
last summer's Wovrk. 'CaW ' ~
2372, or Townsen4c, 1122-1±1, ' g t
the facts,. , '
STUDENTS panning on selling (gush~-
es and having a dhnit$ down they
would like to wqrlc, st w11l4. she me !-
fore Satur'day n1. P n't wail uv.-
til it i ' tpo late, but eoe n and get
a certificate of territory now. Mr..
H. J. Leader, 232 Nickel's Arcade.
Phone 600-M., 155-3
FULLER BRUtSH .C.-Special ar-
rangements made for. college men..
Get in with a real progressive or-
ganization and make some money
next summer. Call $:1 0- 5:O; 3U
F+'irst National anl .15
Touring, Hpiob14e Tilu~ipg, Ma
well eI? ~nsiratar. Oadillec (Gay-
ags, 21 South Mpin. 1:Alioneo L82
M VANUSCRIPI'S8 aoeura.tely typewrit-
ten by experienced typist. Biddle'e
B3ook Store, 11 Nickel's Arcade.
"f "''
Becus fie ooensar.woth}o
the first choice and exclusive rights
tQ their newest and finest fabrics
c~n ivment in qgood appmeanc
N .
112 South Main Street
Ltain Pen which holds
ps of ink, For Dartic-