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May 05, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-05

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it igan

nA! A1'I






' Iuun

Rev. A. W. Wishart, of the Fountain
Street Baptist church of Grand Rap-
ids, wit give an address on "The Fun-
damentals of the Faith" at the Uni-
versity .seririce in Hill auditorium next
Sunday night. Dr. Wishart "has been
pastor of that church for 13 years, and
has become'widely known as an inter-
preter of religion in modern life. His
sermons on problems and conditions
of the day and their relation to re-
ligon are being published weekly and
sent to a number of outside churches.
During the war Dr. Wishart was
active in Y. M. C. A. work in .France,'
serving as a captain. 'Since then.he
has made several trips to Europe to
study conditions,. one Of which was
to Italy forthe American govern-





_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - -

Appears to Indicate Improvement
Position of DeValera
..and Followers


Sheenan, ss
Prokop, cf
Kane, 3rd
Blievernicht, 1st
Castner, p
Thomas, ri
D. Foley, 2nd
C. Foley, If



Thirteenth Chair", Mystery
Play, First Production of
Repertoire Oogipany

Varsity baseball team
irst of its two week-end
this afternoon on Fer-
roach Fisher's men take
Notre Dame baseball
lverines are anxious to
having been kept idle
reek due to the cancel-
:ggie game on Wednes-
isher, the Varsity men-
men only a' light work-
ifternoon in preparation
t and the team is on
t battle this afternoon.
compelled to keep off
itself yesterday as it
owing to the recent
h another day the field

Mimes Repertoire company's first
offering, "The Thirteenth Chair," will
be presented at 8 o'clock tonight ,at
the Mimes-Union theater. The sec-
ond and last perfoarmance will be giv-
en at the same time tomorrow eve-
ning. Reserved seats for the per-
formance either tonight or tomorrow
night are now on sale at the box of-
lice of the theater at the cost of $1
"An excellent melodrama, having an
unusually good plotand offering plen-
ty of opportunity for exceptional act-
ing' is the comment made of the play
by Norman Hackett, '98, eminent ac-
tor, during his recent visit in Ann
Result of Much Training
It is now only after many weeks of

Dublin, May 4. - The peace con-
ference between rival factions in Ire-
land met today and decided on a truce
between the rival army forces begin-
ning at 4 o'clock this afternoon and
lasting until that time Monday.
The conference was most friendly
and the fact that it was prolonged is
taken here to point to the arrange-
went of a .plan for unity which .the
Dail Eireann can accept tomorrow. If
any such agreement is reached it is
believed to mean an improvement in
the position of Eamonn De Valera and
his .followers, who would be given a
chance to share in the portfolios of the
Dail cabinet.
Likewise, the diffident armies sup-
porting he De Valeras would coalesce
with th official army in headquar-
ters and its generals resume their
high commands in the reunited body.
Moreover, De Valera's persistent
protest against June elections would
be met, for the new parliament, to de-
bate the constitution would be elect-
ed without contest, labor being give
a due share in the new body. This
instead of displacing the Dail in June
would give it a new lease of life dur-
ing the transition period, which, how-
ever, must end before December,
'since the annual Irish peace treaty
provides that Free State elections
shall be held within 12 months o?'the
signature of the treaty.
The rival military chiefs had no dif-
ficulty today in arranging the truce.
Couriers have been dispatched to Kil-
kenny to order a cessation of the
fighting there.

Senior sings will begin on Thurs-
day night, May 24, and from this .date
until Commencement a sing .will °be
held every Thursday night from 7 to
8 o'clock. All seniors in the Univer-
sity are expected to attend these sings
as they have done during the past few
At the first sing, the Varsity band
will assist together with the Varsity
Glee club to make the program at-
tractive. The band will give a pro-
gram of selections independent of the
singers. It is especially emphasized
by the chairman of the sing commit-
tee that there will really be a com-
bination o aband concert and the
sing by the seniors.
The committee in charge, plans to
make each of the programs for the
sings distinctive from the rest. Pro-
grams are to be varied in an attempt
to eliminate all danger of their being
tiresome to the participants. During
the past there has been some criti-
cism because of the lack of novelty;
in the programs as presented. As us-a
ual the music will consist principally+
of Michigan songs.,
Provision If Passed Means Supervision:
of Local Subscription
Paries .]




More than 275 men and women who have worked this year in tI
terests of the many student publications attended a banquet given in
honor last night in the assembly hall of the Union. Addr4sses and talk
lowod the dinner, and appointments were m'ade by'the managing e
and business managers who were elected to head their publications fo
coming year.
Mr. Arthur C. Pound, '07/ Flint editor and writer, who was man
editor of The Daily and a consistent worker on student publications
at the University, was the principal speaker of the evening. Brewsl
Campbell, '22, and Vernon F. Hillery, '23, retiring managing editoi
business manager of The Daily, also spoke at the dinner. Prof. Mor
Tilley, of the English department, acted as toastmaster, and called upc
newly elected heads of the various publications, who in brief told what
publications expected to accomplish and announced the men who will




Editors and Business Managers of Campus Papers Name
Lists of Assistants for 1922-19283; More Than Sixty
Nominations Made in Al


.chigan will
ay who caus-
ficulty in the
t year. Cast-
has improv-
this season
ocked out of
-ly this week
.the Wolver-.
iother good
will take the


ed on Page Five)
Of Jiusic
its Render
sing Recital
nt and ability, on piano
I by vocalists, made up
y advanced students of
Music in their, concert
rnoon in Hill auditor-
the best work on the
'endered by Gage Clark,
r Hollands, soprano,
Dewey, baritone.
s Work Pleases
s numbers by Chopin
ere brilliantly played,
iltless technically and
surety and confidence
tent. f
ands showed her real
h's Theme and Varia-
ice has not yet reached
ut the clearness, the
.e absolute facility with
gs even the most diffi-
gives promise of great
later on.,
Displays Talent a
'ey has a deep baritone
:es an audience warm
om its richness, but in
es it to its utmost ef-
g with the full quality.
red bloded vitality, al-,
with an audience and

preparation and work that the play is
ready for presentation. Unusual time
has been spent in perfecting the light-
ing effects and the stage devices need-
ed for the play's success. Beautiful
and attractive costumes have been se-
cured for the "ladies" who appear in
the opening scene following a dinner
party. Perhaps the most attention has
been given to the lines which weave
the plot which promises to hold the
audience in suspense from start to
The drama is one of mystery in
which the action takes place in the
Mtalian room of a large residence in
New York. During the play a crime
occurs, and the rest of the time is
spent in discovering the criminal who
confesses only after the most unique
Has All-Star Cast '
- Perhaps the heaviest part is play.
ed by James Stevens, '23, who takes
the part of Inspector Donahue. iWil-
liam McVey, '24, carries a heavy role
as Rosalie LeGrange, the transme-
diuin. Arthur Holden, '24, who will
be remembered for his work in "Make'
It For Two," plays the part of Young;
Crosby, in love with Helen, which part'
is played by Howard Donahue, '24.
Harry C. Clark, '24, plays the part ofa
Mason, whose role forms a direct part'
of the plot. Gerrit Demmink, '23, will1
assume the part of MVIr. Crosby, father'
of Helen Crosby, while Gordon Loud,
'22, will play the part of skeptical
E. Mortimer Shuter has done all the
work of directing and supervising the
play, and believes that he has a great
play to offer the students of the Uni-

A city ordinance, sponsored by sev-
eral of the aldermen of the city, is
planned to remedy many of the evils
of the dance hall regulations in Ann
Arbor, comes up for its third reading
before the city council on May 15. The
ordinance, which was specifically de-
signed to correct the alleged defects
of the public dance, defines it as any'
dance, where any part of the expens-
es are paid for by the participants.
Will Mean City Supervision
If the above ordinance is passed, it
will be necessary- in the future for allj
proprietors of dance halls in the cityI
of Ann Arbor to procure licenses,
which can be revoked at any time by
the mayor, when.upon investigation
any disorderly, familiar, .r immoral
conduct is found in such places. A fee
for such a license will be set for $5,
and for any person, society or corpo-
ration holding a dance for the purpose
of raising money, a fee of $1 for a
permit for such a dance must be paid.
Other clauses E the ordinance pro-
yide that:
Every public dance would be com-
pelled to close before or at 12 o'clock
No person under 17 years of age
would be permitted to be admitted,.
such admittance ;providing cause for
revocation of license unless said min-
ors are accompanied by a guardian or
All connecting rooms of the dance
hall are to be kept lighted well at all
times. Stringent regulations regard-
ing liquor will henceforth be rigidly


with them.
That the student publications would
soon have new equipment and a
building of their own was the central
idea in the short introductory speech
of Prof. M. P. Tilley, of the English
department. He attributed the ad-
vances which will be made in the near
future to the splendid spirit, of co-op-
eration which has been shown by the
va 'ious publications.
"The publications have the largest
audience of any University activity,"
he declared. "They the always listened
to and .criticised. They, to a large
degree work for the betterment or
the detriment of the University."
"The newspapiers of the country
must re-build confidence in human na-
ture," said Mr. Pound in' the speech of
the evening, "Binding Time Through
Print." "They must re-build confid-
ence in themselves. ' The public is
feeling the lack of personality in

Cane day wiliy be observed next
Sunday by seniors from all colleges.
and departments of the University.
Senior canes should be carried as this
day has been set aside by the Student
"The idea," says Angus G. Goetz,
'22E, president of the Student coun-
cil, "is that all seniors appear with
their canes on the campus on the same
day. The purpose is to have an official
Cane day on which all seniors come
out with their sticks."
Two hundred lit canes have been
sold, and those for the other colleges,
have been purchased with the same'
degree of interest. Fifty law canes
have been secured and seniors from
the dental college have purchased
about :25. Sticks for the other col-
leges have been sold, but in not such
large numbers.
Canes ordered recently are due with-
it a few days, according toy Wagner
and company, which is in charge of
the sale. More may still be ordered,
and be received in about two weeks.
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of the en-"
gineering English department, has
been appointed by President Marion
L. Burton as the University represen-
tative to the meeting of the Society
for the Promotion of Engineering;
Education, to be held at the Univer-
sity of Illinois June 20 to 23.
The meeting of the society will be
attended by representatives of the,
larger engineering institutions over
the United States and Europe. Not
only will schools and colleges have rep-
rensentatives, there, but most of the
larger manufacturing and research
firms will take part in the confer-;
Although the program for the discus-.
sions has not yet been decided upon,
it is known that problems of engi-
neering education, of interest 'to the
country at large as well as the uni-
versities, will be discussed.
Professor Nelson is chairman of the
engineering English committee of the;
society. In this capacity he will meet
the most- prominent teachers of engi-
neering English in this country and


elf, show merit. His LAWS WILL MEET AND MINGLE
f color and is melodi- AT CREASE FORMAL TONIGHT

louise Maxwell's work was
she plays wit. spirit. Her
due to her 'affected-
r excellent choir f num-
Ewing did not cuoose
. show his skill at its best.
works by Prokofieff and
re effective but fragmen-
his interpretation of
shepherd's Hey" was rag-
ers Deserve Praise
Eowe, contralto, with her
mbers, brought the usual
and enjoyment which her
me to mean to Ann Arbor
isic. Josephine Connable,
.yed well technically and
te cantabile movement of
Joncerto in E minor show-
ing, but her rendition of
illiant passages seemed
iehow. in nirit. Rich-

Departing from their legal routine.
the laws will hold their annual Crease'
dance at 9 o'clock this evening at the:
Union. The dance, in contrast to the
every day curriculum of the law stu-
dents, will 'be forXal.°
The Crease paper will be distributed
at 'the dance. This fact is one of the
greatest attractions of the dance as
the famei of this law journal has
spread throughout the campus. _ An-
other attraction of the evening is th#e
fact that James Johnson, '23, will sing,
The programs and favors are framed
'in legal terminology. The music will
be furnished by the Union orchestra.
The chaperons will be Dean Henry
M. Bates artd Mrs. Bates and the mem-
bers of the law faculty and their.
The committee in charge consists of:
R. B. Reavill, '22L, chairman; H. Sun-
ley, '22L, A. D. McDonald, '22L, A. D.-

No "Pass Out" Checks
No so-called "pass out" checks
would be permitted, and anyone leav-
ing the dance hall would be required
to pay another admission charge, if he
desires to return to the dance floor.
Tlfe penalty for the violation of the
ordinance would be a fine not to ex-
ceed $100 or 90 days imprisonment or
In the question of the Armory and
Union, a legal point has been brought
up, since being within the city limits
these dance halls are subject to city.
ordinances, but being state property.
may alter the case.
Recent Law Gift
The new Law club and dormitory
granted to the University at the last
meeting of the Board of Regents is
made the tonic of the leading article
of the Alumnus that was mailed yes-
terday. In thew article itself the letter
of the donor to the Board is repro-
dbced and favorable comment is add-
ed as to the advantages of such a
In an editorial relating to the same
subject, the Alumhnus emphasizes the.
good fortune of the University in be-
ing given such n club. The form of
architecture that'will characterize the
building is emphasized. "One can
hardly be too enthusiastic over this
gift and the vitally important place it
will occupy in the new scheme of
campus architecture," the editorial
states. This "collegiate Gothic" roh-
itecture serves as a "magniftcant ex-'
ample" -"that will bring the modern
students in closer touch with the old-

Pound Condemns Speiallzation,
Mr. Pound spoke of the tendency to-
ward specialisation and declared that
the newspaperman must remain gen-
eralistic. Life is the source of news, it
cannot be specialized, was his conten-
tion. Specialization cannot always be
trusted, he demonstrated, and success
is dependent upon co-ordination.
He outlined the duty of the press
as being concerned with the welfare
of those in print, and the drawing out
of the good things in life,
Brewster P. Campbell, '22, retiring
managing editor of The Daily, spoke
on the subject of "The Student Editor's
Obligation to the University." He be-
gan by defining the University as a
combination of administration, faculty.
and student body working in unison
and toward a common end. The stu-
dent paper, he declared must get the
points of view of each and attempt to
iron out arising differences.
Campbell named the ,obligation of
the student editor as being truth, hon-
esty and fearlessness, and pointed out
in support of the latter that existing
conditions if wrong do more harm
under a screen of silence than if
prope~ly brought to airing.f
Workers Praise Sunderland
Following Campbell, Vernon F. Hil-
lery, '23, retiring business manager
of The .Daily, spokebon "The Spirit of
Co-operation." Hillery declared that
it was the spirit of co-operation that
"puts the publications across" and
pointed .out co-operation between tie
managers and Board in"Control of Stu-
dent Publications. In reference to the
latter, Hillery paid tribute to Prof.
E. R. Sunderland, head of the board,'
as being the one man largely respon-
sible for the advancement of the pub-
lications. The statement was ap-
plauded by the many workers attend-
ing the banquet.
Music was furnished by the Glee
club quartette, and by James John-
son, '23, who sang a number of solos.
Short talks and appointments were
made by the numerous men who will
head the publications in the coming
M. B. Stahl, '23, managing editor
elect of The Daily, declared that pub-
lications have grown by leaps and
bounds' andI that the paper for the
coming year would attempt continued
advancement. He appointed his staff
as follows: Night editors, Ralph N.
Byers, '24, J. P. Daweon, Jr, '24L,
H. A. Donahue, '24, L. J. 1Iershdor'-
fer, '23, Harry Hoey, '24, Julian E.
Mack, '24, and Robert C. Moriarty,
'24; chairman of the editorial board,
E. R. Meiss, '23; Sunday magazine ed-
itor. A. D. Clark, '24; snnrtsaeditnr

Ailes, '25; pictorial editor, Robert
Tarr, '24.
Appoint Daily Business Staff
Albert J. Parker, '23, business m
ager, elect of The Daily, annbunc
his staff as: advertising manager,
J. Hamel, '23, with W. K. Scher
'24, and D. J. M. Park, '24, as assi
ants; accounts, Lawrence Favrot, '
publication, L. B. Parks, '24; and c
culation, E. F. 'Conlin, '24.
The next year's editor of the Mic
ganensian, Max R. Shrayer, '23E, na
ed the men that would head the
partments as follows: Seniors, P1
lip J. Schneider, '24; organizatic
Lyle Stainfield, '24; fraternities, R
1iaan Fleischaker, '24; sports, F.
Gilner, '24; features, Kenneth Ke
'24; music and dramatics, Ron
Schroeder, '24; publications, Geo:
Stracke, '24; classes, S. E. Sloss, ';
art, M. M. Van Every, '24; womne, E
abeth Forsythe, '23, with Agnes Lyc
'24, and Margaret Black, '24, as ;
sistants; photograph, Joseph 'Vla
'23E. The advisory committee a
include Burton Dunldp, '23, Raob
Rice, '23, Seward Cramer, '23, a
Charles Proctor, '23.
For the business staff, ' Sheld
Brown, '23, announced the followin
advertising, Hugh Duffield, '24; sal
Thomas Kindel, '24; accounts, Eldi
Scott, '24; assistant sales, Bernard
gall, '24; organizations, Carl Wii
man, '24; assistant advertising, Na
ette Carnahan, '24; general assista
Samuel Greenberg, '23.
Chimes Names Women's Editor
Edward C. McCobb, managing edit
of Chimes, appointed the followir
assistant editor, H. M. Dorn, '23; f
sociate editors, I. B. Goldsmith, '
and H, W. Gnau, 'Z3; art editor, H
sey Davidson, '24; Women's edit
Marjorie Kerr, '24; issue editors,
M. Russell, '24, J. L. Stephens, '24,
S. Kolb, '24, and Harold Seagle, '25
Further announcements will
made in The Daily tomorrow.
Winningham To
S .eak ..t Unio
C. C. Winningham, president of t
advertising agency of that name
Detroit, will be the speaker at t
Sunday afternoon meeting, May 7,
the Union: Mr. Winningham w
formerly advertising manager for t
Hudson Motor Car company, and is
recognized authority upon the profs
sion of merchandising and advertisin
He will talk on the possibilities a
opportunities for the young colle
iman in the advertising world. T
meeting will start promptly at
Week Lnd.e2vents
2:30 P. 1.
Tennift-match ....Michigan vs. I11inc
4:05gP. .
I Baseball garne.. MIclhigan vs. Notre

10 rO A. 11.
Tennis match..1Uchigan vs.

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