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October 12, 1921 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-10-12

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PAFOR FRLecture Tickets
Tickets for the Oratorical associa-
tion lecture program will go on sale
beginning tomorrow morning at
Wahr's, Graham's and Slater's book Senior Lits Name Rea and Scott for
stores. Tickets for the entire course President; Engineers Put Up
will be $2.50 and $3. Among the speak- Bandemer and NeCordie
BEST AVAILABLE TALENT ON ers will be Irvin S. Cobb, Judge Ben
pected that some member of the Arm-
"GET ACQUAINTED" IS ament conference, to be held in Wash- Eight classes nominated candidates
SLOGAN OF MEETING ington this winter, will fill the final for offices yesterday when the senior
nGen. John . Pershing, Herbert Hoov' lits, senior and junior engineers, sen-
Union Arranges Vaudeville Skits, Ge.jh-.Prhng ebr ov or junior, sophomore, and freshman
er, and others are possible lecturersorjuisphmeadfsmn
Boxing Match, Specialty Music, for this date. architects, and the freshman dents
and Food for '25 Men
met in their initial assemblies of the
Entertainment featured by variety year. The elections of the officers
will be offered members of the fresh- FIND KLAN H A5in all classes will be held Friday.
man classes at the reception at 7:30 Senior lits nominated for presi-
o'clock tonight in the assembly hall -dent, Walter B. Rea and Preston
of the Union. The program will in- Uj ROLL Scott; for vice-president, Martha
clude vaudeville skits, a boxing match, Shepard and Josephine Walter; .for
specialty music, speeches, and food. secretary, William Michales and
The purpose of the meeting is to have Congressional Investigation Shows Thomas C. Truss; for treasurer, Maur-
the freshmen meet their classmates $1,488,712 to Have Been ice Atkinson and George Buchanan.
and enjoy the evening as a group. Collected Engineers Nominate
A. 0. Cuthbert, Varsity cheer leader, - Senior engineers chose as nominees,
is to be master of ceremonies and will for president, W. E. Bandemer and G.
lead the freshmen in yells and songsIMPERIAL WIZARD SIMMONS W. McCordic; for vice-president, E.
besides introducing the speakers and GOES ON STAND TODAY H. Fox and W. E. Goetz; for secre-
the specialty numbers. tary, Eugene Harbeck and E. S. Brad-
Henderson. to Speak .(By Associated Press) ley; for treasurer, H. D. Tubbs and
Prof. William D., Henderson, of the Washington, Oct. 11. - Digging in- G. M. Chute.
University Extension division, will be to the activities of the Ku Klux Junior engineers selected as nom-
the principal speaker of the evening Klan, the house rules committee de- inees for president, Paul Goebel and
and Jack Kelly, '24L, managing editor veloped by testimony today that the Thomas Lynch; for vice-president, J.
of the Gargoyle, will give the student organization had taken in $1,488,712 E. Johns and R. H. Rowland; for sec-
address, since its foundation; that the de- retaryE. C. Haug and R. H. Iland;
A variety of all star musical enter- partment of justice was still conduct- and for treasurer, William Cotton,
tainment will be offered including ing an investigation of its own, and Jr., and F. A. Horn.
singing, orchestra presentations, and that according to confidential Klan Senior architects nominted W. K.
solos. The Union dance orchestra,-information to its field agent, the Rindge and H. A. Beam for president;
under the management of Paul Wilson, chief of police of Norfolk, Va., Is a F. S. Slater and R. R. Calder for vice-
'23L, will open the program with some member. president; F. J. Morse and J. J. Ester-
new numbers and will play until the Through news letters said to have held for treasurer; and R. H. Alins-
rest of the program is under way. been sent from Klan headquarters and worth and Gaylord Huston for secre-
Several special saxaphone solos will not intended for general publication, tary.
be rendered by Mike Chon, '23, with the statement was also made that the Junior architects made their nom-
Edward McCallum, '24, at the piano Norfolk chief had promised 260 rifles inations as follows: For president,
and in addition there will be several to the local "order" in "time of trou- H. L. Farley and D. D. Ehresman;f
numbers given by the Mimes quartet ble," and that Representative Up- for vice-president, W. A. Turnbull and
consisting of Albert Schirmer, '22E, shaw, Democrat, Georgia, in whose W. A. Gill; for secretary, H. W. Wach-
Thomas Underwood, '23L, Paul Wilson, home district the Klan was born, had ter and Louise Eckert; and for treas-
'23L, and Kemp Kenna, assistant di- been put to It to def y membership in urer, A. R. Naser and Frances Sut-
restor of the University Extension di- the Klan, and at the same time clear ton.
vision. his conscience as a preacher and a All Architects Meet
John L. Walter, '23, and ,Carl Bos- church member. Sophomore architects nominated J.
well, '24L, will offer something new The Imperial Wizard of the Ku R. Cowin and E. C. Mildner for pres-
in 'Vaudeville entertainment, featuring Klux, William J. Simmons, of Atlan- ident; R. E. Burket and F. M Harley
songs and impersonations. R. V. Lb- ta, sat all day in the committee room for vice-president; T. C. Dickinson
onati, '24L, is in charge of the pre- and heard the witnesses declare he and A. S. Marvin for treasurer; and
sentation of the boxing which will be was not an actual head, that all pow- L. J. Evans and R. B. Paton for sec-
staged as part of tile program. er is vested in Edward Young Clarke, retary.
Free eats will be furnished by the head of the publicity or propagating Freshman architects selected as
Union in the form of ginger ale and bureau, and Mrs. Elizabeth Tyler, his nominees, for president, E. F. Olney
cookies and will complete the enter- assistant, and G. H. Lounsberry; for vice-pres-
tainment of the evening. Freshmen The committee conducting a hear- ident, T. A. Davenport and T. B.
from all classes in the University are ing of resolutions calling for a con- Hanna; for treasurer, K. C. Black and
invited and are expected to attend the gressional investigation of the Klan, D. H. Wills; and for secretary, R. F.
meeting. The object of the gathering will' put the Imperial Wizard on the Outcalt and Gertrude Kekintveld.
Is to foster good feeling and friend- stand probably tomorrow. a Freshman dents nominated for
ship among the members of the class president, L. F. Hill and W. C. Car-
of '25 and to initiate this feeling while MEGAPHONES WILL BE INNO- tier; for vice-president, J. R. Christ-3
the men are yet new in the University. VATION AT M. A. C. GAME ner and H. O. Schwarz; for secretary,
Intimacy Encouraged B. L. Nooman and H. M. Vielmetti;
Union committeemen will circulate Michigan football fans will be afford- for treasurer, O. M. Graves and D. C.
freely among the new men and assist ed a new and novel means of increas- MacEwan.
in promoting intimacy between the ing the noise and enthusiasm at the
freshmen. There will be no chairs in M. A. C. game Saturday, and at the D.A.R. TO OBSERVE
the assembly hall qnd the men will be remaining games of the year.
continually on the move in order that This means consists of individual DATE OF FOUNDING
they may meet as many of their clasi- megaphones for the cheerers. The
mates as is possible, megaphones are of heavy pasteboard, In observation of the quarter cen-
The entire program will last but in yellow and blue, the horn being tennial of its founding, the Sarah Cac-
little longer than an hour and a half yellow, with "Michigan" in blue let- well Angell chapter of the Daughters
so that there will still be time for the ters on the side.
men to do their studying after the en- The price is ten cents at Ferry field of the American Revolution will meet
tertainment is over, next Saturday. at 3 o'clock tomorrow, at the Michigan
Union. Miss Sara Wedon, regent, will

Letters Of Pitt, Fox and Burke In act as hostess, assisted by the follow-
ing past regents : Mrs. H. B. Hutch-
Ilanuscript Donated To University ins, Mrs. A. A. Dudley, Mrs. G. W.a
trson, Mrs. W. H. Wait , Mrs. C. B.
Kinyon, Mrs. W. G. Doty, and Mrs. W.
A gift of some 200 manuscript docu- study the liberality of the four great W. Beman and board of officers: Mrs.
ments, at least one-half of which per- British statesmen, Pitt, Fox, Burke and H. W. Berger, Miss Orma Butler, Mrs.
tain directly to America and some of Shelburne, who fought for the rights A. W. Smith, Mrs. C. W. Gill, Mrs. R.
which relate'to the Revolutionary war, of the American colonies and were H. Curtiss, Miss Carrie L. Watts, Mrs.
have been given to the University by their friends all through the Revolu- M. E. Cooley, Mrs. W. P. Lombard,
Regent W. L. Clements, of Bay City. tionary struggle, and Mrs. G. E. Dibble...
The papers, which-were the property "Shelburne was the man who drew Appropriate exercises will mark the
of the late Lord Shelburne, a promin- up the first plan for the development day, and an invitation is extended not
ent English statesman, were bought of-the western United States, and who, only to members of the local chapter,
at an auction by Regent Clements when head of the ministry at the close but also to any member of the D. A. R.
while in France last summer. They of the war desired to make peace in who may be in the city and will call
will be added to the valuable library the most generous way and in the Miss Butler at 2628-W to make reserv-
of American history which Regent noblest terms." . ations. Student members are espec-
Clements presented to the University Official Documents Included ially invited to attend.
in February, 1920, with a promise of The collection includes official doc-
a suitable building to hold them. The uments, some private correspondence Friday Goes to New York on Business
addition of the papers will make Mich- .between Shelburne and his friends, Prof. David Friday, of the econom-
igan's collection unique. Pitt, Fox, and Burke, and notes on the ics department, is now in New York
Van Tyne Comments meetings of the British cabinet while on siness and will later join his
"The papers are of particular inter- Shelburne was a member. It is ex- famil in Florida. Professor Friday
est," said Prof. C. H. Van Tyne, head pected that the papers will throw new will take over his duties as president
of the history department, "because light on the Revolutionary period and of Michigan Agricultural College on
they will give us the opportunity to will give new information. Jan. 1.

"echnic Offe
Best Arti
To the author submittin
article on some technical p
Michigan Technic will give
a round trip railroad tic
special train to the Illinois
winning article together w
of acceptable merit will be
in the January issue. The n
winner will be announced
The Daily and also post
Technic office.
Subjects Suggeste
The following subjects ar
ed, but any article of a tec
ture is eligible for use in th

rs' Ticket to Urbana for GIANTS HIT HARD
cle on Technical Problem
g the best The engineer and campus activities,
roblem, the the early history of some branch of
as a prize, engineering or of an engineering pro- ' .
ket on the cess, expe iences that would interest Ijii
game. The one's classmates, salesmanship or b usi-
with others ness or manufacturing processes. I U J AN SNYDER MAKE HOME
apublished In length, the articles should be BUNf WHILE BARNES
name of the from 700 to 2,000 words. They should A
Oct. 27 in be, preferably, typewritten, uaidg FANS TEN
ed at the double space, and on one side of the
paper only. All articles must be hand- RUTH IDLE IN STANDS
d ed in at the Technic office, room 299, AS TEAM-MATES LOSE
re suggest- Engineering building, before 5 o'clock,
chnical na- Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 25. Articles
ie contest: will not be considered after that date. Struggle Promises to Go Nine Games
All manuscripts submitted must be en- Before Title Will Be Finally
closed in a sealed envelope bearing Decided
the author's name, department, class, --
address, and telephone number. The (By Associated Press)
hnrmu n author's name should not appear on .




Higbee of Grand Rapids
Preside at Opening


A program, said to be the most ex-
tensive that has ever been presented
to the Michigan State Conference of
Social Work, will open at 8 o'clock to-
night at the Union. Judge Clark E.
Higbee of Grand Rapids, president of
the conference, will preside at the
opening session of the three day con-
vention which will be held here Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday of this
Conens Will Speak
Some of the men of prominence in-
cluded on the program are Prof.
Charles Horton Cooley, of the sociol-
ogy department; Dr. Albert M. Bar-
rett, director of the state psychopathic
hospital, Ann Arbor; Hon. James
Couzens, mayor of Detroit; Prof. F.
S. Diebler, of Northwestern univer-
sity, Evanston, Ill.; and Dr. George
W. Kirchwey; of the New York School
of Social Work, formerly warden of
Sing Sing prison.
Meetings will be held either in the
assembly hall or the recreation hall
of the Union unless otherwise an-
nounced. An information and regis-
tration desk wil11be maintained on the
floor where these halls are located
and all delegates are to register there
on arrival.
First Meeting Tonight
The first general session will be
held at 8 o'clock this evening. The
program follows: General subject,
"The Public Health," Judge Clark E.
Higbeeof Grand Rapids,- president of
the conference, presiding. "A Public
Health Program for the State of
Michigan," Dr. Richard H. Olin of
Lansing, commissioner in the Michi-
gan state department of health; "Prog-
ress and Needs of Michigan in the
Field of Mental Treatment," Dr. Al-
bert M. Barret, director of the State
Psychopathic hospital, Ann Arbor.
Fraternities need not send their
group pictures to the Michiganensian
until January, according to R. F.
Wieneke, '22, business manager. The
date Nov. 15 appeared erroneously
in this connection in a form letter re-
cently sent out to organizations. Mem-
bership lists by classes should be in
by the earlier date, however.
No organizations can be assured
space in the yearbook unless their
contracts are returned signed with
pay in advance by Oct. 15.
If any seniors have not made en-
gagements for sittings for their Mich-
iganensian portraits they should do
so immediately.
The ceremony of breaking ground
for the new Masonic temple, to be
erected on Fourth avenue between
Williams and Liberty streets, was per-
formed late Monday afternoon. A
procession headed by a band proceed-
ed to the new site where John Lin-
denschmitt, president of the Masonic
Temple association, and Rev. L A.
Barrett, pastor of the First Presbyte-
rian church, delivered addresses.
Prayer was led by Rev. A. W. Stalker,
pastor of the First Methodist church.
The new building is the culmination
of envea.l vear.s, ninnnr

the article.
Taculty Men to Judge
The judges will be Prof. J. Raleigh
Nelson, Prof. J. E. Enswiler, and, the
editor of the Technic. The composi-
tions will be judged on the quality of
writing, on the value of thoughts and
facts involved, and upon the illustra-
tions in the form of drawings or photo-
The contest is not open to members
of the Technic staff. Tryouts on the
Technic staff, however, and other stu-
dents may contend. All prospective
participants in the contest should
leave their names' at the Technic of-



Orders for tickets to the Ohio State
football game will be received and
given consideration according to the
campus seniority rule for the last
time today. Applications filed in the
athletic office before 6 o'clock tonight
will be filed in the order- received,
with class preference considered.
After today all applications will be
filed strictly in the order in which
received and the seniority rule will
be disregarded.
Officials are particularly anxious to
get all- of the orders in as soon as
possible so that distribution may not
be delayed. At the present time there'
are approximately 1,700 students who
have not filed their orders.
Attention is also called to the fact
that a scattering few have not ex-
changed their receipts from, the
treasurer for their athletic books. To-
morrow is the last day when this will
be possible.
A means for listing and assigning
sleeping rooms for alumni and oth-
ers who will attend the O. S. U. and
Minnesota games in the form of a
permanent rooming bureau has been
established at the registration desk in
the Union. The bureau has already
listed 300rooms and it is estimated
that at least 500 more will be needed
for the visitors. The figure of 800
rooms for the Ohio State game is con-
sidered a conservative estimate on
account of the demand for rooms
which will be made by delegates to
the convention of the University Press
club which will be held during the
same week-end.
A member of the rooming bureau
will be at the registration desk in the
Union every afternoon beginning to-
day, from 2 until 5 o'clock for the
purpose of assigning rooms for their
alumni friends or others who have re-
quested accommodations.
All landladies who wish to rent
rooms for these two games should ad-
dress listings to Phillip J. Schnieder,
chairman rooming bureau, degistra-
tion desk, Union. The listings should
designate the price of the room,
whether single or double, the house
address and whether the room will be
rented for both games, or if for only
one game it should denote which

iNeW York, Oct. 11. - Facing the
issue with the Yankees by powerful
work with tU' stick, the Giants even-
ed the World's series joust today, tak-
ing the sixth game by the score of
8-5. Each club now has won three
games, and if the course of the strug-
gle so far is anything to judge by,
the battle bids fair to go- the limit of
nine encounters, with a great con-
test on the last day for the final hon-
Today's game at the Polo grounds,
played in mild autumn weather, to a
crowd of some 34,000 spectators took
for a couple of innings the aspect of
a game of home runs. Meanwhile, up
in the stands, his bandaged arm in
a sling, unable to play, sat Babe Ruth,
the king of all the home runners, a
pathetic picture of baffled determina-
tion, watching no less than three
other men clout the ball for circuit
drives before the game was two inn-
ings old. Two of these men were of
the opposing clan.
Sewster Hits Home
The other was "Babe" Ruth's own
substitute, the slim and snappy
"Chick" Sewster, whose hits in the
Yankees' second inning put his club
on the happy side of a two run mar-
gin after the home run of the Gian(
sluggers, Emil Meusel and Frank Sny-
der, had cancelled a three run advan-
tage which the American leaguers had
acquired in the first inning,
The game, ultimately andsmost de-
servedly went to the Giants by ~A
thunderous descent on Pitcher Shaw-
key in the fourth inning which netted
four runs and gained a commanding
McGraw Chooses Barnes
Barnes was manager, John Mc-
Graw's second choice. Three runs
had gone across the plate on a bit of
co-operative hitting by the Yankees
when Toney was taken out and Barnes
prevented further scoring in that inn-
ing, but in the second a single follow-
ed by Sewster's homer added two runs
to the Yankees' total.
The Yankees' scoring stopped right
there, however. Barnes- was their
master all therest of the way. He had
the American league batsmen con-
stantly guessing, and usually guess-
ing wrong, striking out no less than
10 of them. Every regular of the
Yankee team was fanned by Barnes
at least once, and Aaron Ward struck
out twice. It was Barnes' second vic-
tory of -the series.
Harper Outlasts Toney
Harry Harper, the Yankees' twirl-
er, lasted a little longer than Toney,
but nothing to ,boast about. Harper
got by the first inning creditably, but
collapsed in the second, giving away
a three run lead with which his team
mates had supplied him. Meusel's
home runcame when one man was on
base and Snyder's followed with but
an out intervening. Shawkey went in
after another National league bats-
man had tapped Harper for a single
and worked through until Frank
Baker was putinto bat for him in
the eighth.
Homoeopathic Freshmen Meet Today
Freshmen of the Homoeopathic Med-
ical school will hold their class elec-
tions at 9 o'clock this morning in the
histology laboratory.
All notices for the What's Go-
ing On column must be in The
Daily office-by 5:30 o'clock of the
afternoon preceding their appear-
ance in The Daily. Notices must
be signed.



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