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Athletics Dominate April Issue Of
Chimes; Articles Are Well Written
3 ON
tu Sure
Athletics dominated the April issue
of Chimes, which made its appearance
on the campus yesterday. Nearly half
the publication is turned over to the
doings of the track team. The fron-
tispiece is a drawing from life of
Walter Simmons, '22E, captain of the
team, by James House, Jr., '24L, in
his usual splendid style. This is fol-
lowed by a wel written, meaty arti-
cle by George Reindel, '22.
"Shore Twilight," a short poem by
Clement A. Smith, '22, sets the pace
for the rest of the issue. It is a
soft, impressionistic bit of verse which
leaves a thought after reading. It is
the only bit of poetry in the whole
number, but well makes up for any
Article on Cabinet Men
The article by Marion Kerr, '23, on
"Michigan's Third Cabinet Member"
is a historical sketch of Dr. Hubert
Work, '84M, the new postmaster gen-
eral of the United States. The arti-
cle contains several interesting anec-
dotes which liven up, the otherwise
usual, historical terseness.
The third of the Chimes series on
contemporary colleges is written by
F. Houlton Lauder, on "Illinois." The
writer paints a picture of his alma
mater which makes it a very desirable
place and incidentally offers several
suggestions whereby Michigan might
profit by example. This piece is ex-
ceptionally well worked out and ranks
equally with last month's article on
Prof. Robert M. Wenley is the sub-
ject of an appreciative article by
James G. Frey, '22, an article which
expresses clearly the feeling of the
University toward one of its oldest
and best beloved faculty members.
The work itself is done in a smooth,
easy style which invites reading.
Contains Many Features,
A very good story by Hardy Hoov-
er, '23, adds a great deal to the book.
The other piece of fiction, however,
though well writen, is not out of the
ordinary in subject matter, and is
rather disappointing.
Two pages of snapshots and car-
toons on Michigan at home and
abroad, a book review in the usual
good style of R. D. S., and two his-
torical pieces dealing with track and,
the ex-soldiers on the campus com-
plete an exceptionally good issue of
Chimes. The cover design is the
worst feature of the whole work.
R. C.M.
ince Charles Evans
ak, I think that all!
the opportunity of
id Prof. Thomas C.
public speaking de=-1
ard to holding. the
ent exercises in the1
ill stadium. Profes-
nimized the problemI
.tention of the audi-
out that in the first
ss of the man, secre-
president of the re-
congress, would be
.tamn the attention of
"Attention Could Be Held"
Professor Trueblood also indicated
fact that most of the people came
see thesexercises ald that the
aker was but a' part of the pro-.
im. He conceded that the "person-
element" of the speaker would be
luced inasmuch as he would be re-
ved to a greater distance from his
hience. Professor Trueblood believes
.t attention could be maintained in
stadium with not much more ef-
t than that required in Hill audi-
Vhen interviewed in this same con-
tion, Prof. Richard D. T. Hollister
o expressed his approval of the pro-
ied plan for the 1922 Commence-
nt. He went into the major fund-
ental factors of attention mainten-
ce and showed how the success of
project was not one primarily of
ention, but conditions of weather
olving rain and heat. Professor
llister believes that the attention
the audience to the speaker could
-haps be' better maintained than in
11 auditorium if the crowd were
uped in the circular section of the
nds at the west end of the field.
Brandt Favors Other Plan
earl G. Brandt, '22L, also of. the
blic speaking department, said that
was not against holding Corn-
ncement at Ferry field, but that he
.ught a more equitable distribution
the tickets would bring about the
ired solution. "It is all a matter
'relativity'," he remarked. Brandt,
;gested that a Commen-cement at
1 auditorium where all those really
itled to tickets were able to attend
uld be more successful than one.at
'ry field where a more or less "free.
all" condition would exist.
lay K. Immel, assistant professor
public speaking, agreed with pro-
sors Trueblood and Hollister in
ling sure that holding Commence-
nt in the Ferry field stadium was a
ctical solution of the present Com-
ncement difficulty. He said that he
not believe that the speaker would
so far removed from his audience
ler the proposed suggestion that
distance would materially interfere
ih the effectiveness of the speech.
Will Attract Crowds
Professor Immel does not think that
re would be difficulty in attracting
sufficient crowd, since the present
nand for tickets at Hill auditorium
Commencement seats already far
seeds the supply and the novelty of
unique idea of the use of ampli-
-s would attract still more. The
t that Secretary Hughes is to be
'e to speak is a sufficient attraction.
itself to swell the demand for tick-
,according to Professor Immel.
Lthough rain would be a great ob-
cle, amplifiers could be installed in
various auditoriums throughout
campus to take care of the over-
w crowd in case the Commencement
I to be held indoors.
. x
Program Worthy of Professional Note
Should Do Credit on Tour
To University
(By Delbert Clark)'
Dignity, excellent- playing, strong
leadership, and well selected special
numbers will make the Varsity band's
first concert tour a complete success,
if the performance last night in Iill
suditorium is to be taken as an in-
dication. Finish and poise marked
every number, from "The Victors" to
the final "The Yellow and Blue."
Announced by trumpeters, the en-
tire band, attired in full uniform,
marched. briskly on the stage, headed
by John P. Lawton, '24, drum major,
and played "The Victors" to an en-
thusiastic audience. Discarding their
uniforms, they appeared thereafter in
evening dress, as a full-fledged concert
Humoresque Pleasing
Of the enemble selections, Lus-~
comb's Moorish Processional-Humor-
esque," was especially noteworthy. It
was a strong piece well played. Schu-
bert's "Marche Militaire" was played
with strength and fire a it deserves.
Dvorak's overture, "Bohemia," showed
skill in handling and was musical as
well. Special mention should be giv-
en the work of the basses in this and
in fact all of the ensemble work.
Their playing was strong and sustain-
ed, without noise and ostentation.
Bucalossi's "The Hunting Scene" 'is
alw~ys popular, and will lose none of
its popularity for the presentation
given it last night. Hager's "he Boy
and the Birds", another descriptive
piece,- featured clever woodwind
Varied Acts Well Received
Burton E. Hyde, '25M, was enthu-
siastically received with his big
marimbaphone, playing Paderewski's
"Minuet in G," Rimsky-Korsakoff's
"Chanson Indoue," and Nevin's "The
Rosary." Percival Strauss, '22M, ac-
compaied him.
Robert R. Dieterle's solo work was
given its usual generous applause.
Dieterle's voice is sweet and exceed-
ingly pleasant to listen to.
The Midnight Sons' quartet enter-
tained with "The Old. Song," "Ken-'
tucky Babe," "Roll the Bones," and
"A Song by the Fire." The final num-
ber was "The Yellow and Blue," sung
by the Midnight Sons to the accom-
paniment of the band.
The entire programn was worthy
of a professional organization, and the
band on the road will d decided
credit to Michigan with the program
they gave last.nikht. Considerable
credit is 'due for the success of the
program to Capt. Wlfrid Wilson, di-
Prof. Neil H. Williams, of the phys-
ics department, who is delivering a
series of extension lectures by radio
from the Detroit News' broadcasting
station, will speak tonight on "The
Proves Himself Possessor
Delightful Personality to
(By G. D. E.)
After Carl Sandburg spoke in Hill:
auditorium Wednesday afternoon I
went .to Detroit with him.
Sandburg the poet is Sandburg the
man. To read 'his books is to know
him as intimately as- one can know al
man from his writing. I felt utterly
free to use all my colloquialisms and
solecisms, all my quaint and often
lurid profanity. We talked, and may
the good Jehovah forgive me for for-
getting half I heard because of eager-
ness to get to other subjects and be-
cause of the delight of Sandburg's
itakes Good Companion
This and that, the overflooded Hu-
ron river, along the railroad tracks,.
Ann Arbor, three kinds of flappers
(purely a diagnosis), writers, Sher-
wod Anderson and Mencken, whom
Sandburg admires, Lewisohn, Dreiser,
Colum, Vachel Lindsay, Edward Ar-
lington, Robinson, novels, poetry and
"The older I grow the more I feel
that no man can say this or that for
certain," said Sandburg about criti-
cism. He then went on to pass a
short and derogatory word about re-j
But he was tired and he gave me
the proof sheets of his coming book
to read while he slept the remaining
20 minutes before we reached Detroit.
He did not sleep, however. He only
"lazed,"' as he put it. In Detroit he
wanted to walk. .
"Eight hours' sleep does not rest
me as much as an hour's walk and five
hours' sleep," he explained. "But my
20 minutes of lazing rested me."
Hurries to Engagement
Unfortunately we had no time to{
walk. He was to speak at the Scripps
branch of the Detroit public library
before the librarians of. the city. I
reminded him that the Procters were
expecting him. Arthur Procter and
his wife, Anna, have a little bookstore
in Orchestral hall, and are old friends
of Sandburg. Procter is a socialist,
one of firm and undoubted ideas, but a
mild mannered fellow; he is a gentle-
man and a civilized person. His book-
shop is a gathering place for the
young intellectuals of Detroit.
"Get Procter on the phone," said
Sandburg, "and tell him to come over.
to the library, and we'll go to his
place afterward. Tell him pot to
bring any bombs," he added with a
laugh. Sandburg is vastly amused at
the popular conception of a socialist.
Procter came and we listened again
to Sandburg's talk, his poems, and his
folk lays. Procter, to get even for the
innuendo about the bomb, simulated
Afterward we went to Procter's
store, then to the basement, Sand-
burg, Procter, Anna Procter, and I..
And there, with rye bread and
cheese, with a dill' pickle or so, we
held talkfest; there Sandburg sang
again - to an audience of three.
The "Samuel Hall," so familiar to
Ann Arbor ears, came in a fresh and
more virile version (To be sure!
Sandburg was singing it.) and we ex-
WnnininA n PaT waln,.
Additional Lists of Alumni May Still
Be Secured at Desk in
Union f
Many students who had not yet sig-
nified their intention of working on
the campaign to finish the tJnion
swimming pool volunteered to work
yesterday and secured lists of alumni
at the Union lobby desk. Some of the
men were from the states where the
drive will be intensively worked:
Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Wiscon-
sin, but the majority were from other
states. They secured lists of alumni
in their own communities whom they
will see when they are at home dur-
ing the spring vacation.
May Still Prore Lists
Additional lists are still left at the
Union, and more volunteers are want-
ed to take them. The names will be
supplied today, the last before the
drive opens, together with subscrip-
tion blanks, and lists of University
students in the same community.
'A number of donations were receiv-
ed yesterday, on the eve of the drive,
and these together with the Athletic
association's contribution of $1,000,
insure the' campaign of a running
start. The enthusiasm of Wednesday
evening's mass meeting appears to be
contagious and all workers are out
to finish the pool with the slogan "a
contribution from every alumnus."-
High Men to Get Privileges
Special interest is attached to the
Swimming club proposition whereby
the Union will give free swimming
privileges next year to everyone who
brings in $75, and to everyone who se-
cures $125 the same privileges will be
given for the remainder of the indi-
vidual's college life here. Volunteers
yesterday indicated that they were
all going over the $125 mark.
A careful system of reporting the
progress during the drive has been
worked out. Each solicitor will re-
port to his state chairmen next Tues-
day and Thursday, who in turn will
report to Thoias J. Lynch, '23E, gen-
eral chairman of the drive at Ann Ar-
bor.' Each dblicltor will mail the con-
tributions secured to the Union.
Phi Sigma Will
Initiate T wenty
Beta chapter of Phi Sigma, nation-
al honorary biological society, at its
meeting held March 21, elected the
following 20 men to membership:
Prof. Russel Watson and Dr. W. W.
Harryman of the faculty, O. H. Gil-
lette, '23M, P. H. Garvey, '23M, H. K.
Ranson, '23M, P. C. Lloyd, '24M, Harry
Shield, '23D, L. F. Rittershoffer, '23D,
A. H. Brown, '22D, G. L. Banzhaf, '22,
E. G. Wieseruegel, '22, H. W. Put-
nam, '23, S. L. Locke, '23, F. L. Mc-
Phail, Grad., H. W. Vallteich, Grad.,
W. B. Beadle, '23Ed, W. M. Randall,
Grad., H. H. Fulmer, Grad., Carl
Brown, Grad., and M. H. Soule, Grad.
The initiation banquet will be held
on April 18 at the Union. Dr. A.
Franklin Shull, of the zoology depart-
ment, will be the principal speaker.
Response to the appeal of the Stu-
dent Christian association for old
clothing for European relief yester-
day was not very encouraging, accord-
ing to the committee in charge of the
work. In spite of efforts to do away
with as much trouble as possible on
the part of the giver and the co-oper-
ation of the University in lending a
truck for making collections, the
quantity of clothing collected was not
up to expectations.
The reason for this slump is not ap-
parent unless it be that the student
body was not thoroughly familiar with
the date of the campaign. If any stu-
dents still have clothing which they
wish to give for the use of suffering
students in Europe, packages will still.
be highly acceptable at Lane hall.
At a late hour last night there
was no change in the condition
F of Prof. B. G. Gim, of the rhet-
oric department, who is critically'
iMi. He is confined to St. Joseph's
hospital with thyroid enlarge-
"Dry" Leader
speaks here Tuesday on problems
of India.
"Pussyfoot" Has Just Returned From
India Where He Received
Great Ovation
"Pussyfoot"' Johnson, internaltion-
ally known advocate of prohibition,
will 'speak in Ann Arbor on Tuesday,
April 11, at 8 o'clock in the Presby-
terian church on the subject of "The
New India."
Mr. Johnson has just returned to
this country from a tour of India. Al-
though his cause has met with consid-
erable disfavor in the eyes' of many in
foreign countries, he was welcomed in
India with a ceremony and with re-
joicing that showed that the people of'
that country welcomed his cause and
what it stood for.
Receiyes Great Ovation
At various cities where he stopped
and spoke his person was garlanded
with flowers 'and incense was burned
about him. Prayers were offered for
his success and salvation, not only by
the Christian people of .India but by
those of other religions as well. It is
with this welcome fresh in mind that
"Pussyfoot" Johnson comes to Ann
Arbor to speak, and the newer spirit inj
India which this welcome so plainly1
showed will be the topic of his talk.'a
It is because, he is an American that
Mr. Johnson lays the larger part of his
success in. India. He declares that
the people~of India acre looking to Am-
erica for salvation, not only financial-
ly, in the matter of health, 'sanitation,
and culture, but for moral reform and
spiritual regeneration. They under-
stand that America will aid them as
a matter of love and sacrifice and not
for profit, Mr. Johnson says. "They'
have seen the benefits of prohibition
in the United States and partial pro-
hibition elsewhere," he states, "and
they want prohibtion for their own
' Mobbed by Wets in England
"Pussyfoot" Johnson sprung into
national prominence when on a trip
to England as the advocate of the
prohibition cause ,at the invitation of
the United Kingdom alliance. While
speaking in London he was mobbed
by a crowd of ,wets, and during the
encounter, lost his right eye. The af-
fair would undoubtedly have become
an occasion for the exchange of diplo-
matic notes between the United States
government and the government of
England but for the fact that "Pussy-
foot," although the victim of a terrific
tragedy, behaved as a true sportsman
and took the affair without resent-
ment. This attitude not only averted
trouble between the two nations, but
it won the hearts of the English for
the reformer and did more to forward
his cause than any other thing that
could have taken place. From that
moment he became a figure of inter-
national importance. He is lauded by
drys and defamed by wets clear
around the world.
The public is invited to the lecture.
Admission is free.
Courses in the literary college may
not be dropped after the spring vaca-
tion without the students being rec-
orded with an "E" in the course drop-
ped. This is in accord with a ruling
of the literary college. Students wish-
ing to drop courses must secure the
approval of the instructor of each
course as well as the approval of the
dean or registrar and must pay a fee
of $1. Applications for the dropping
of courses may be secured in the of-
16 L EAVS T(
Uteritz Selected for Lead-Off 'l
Shackleford in ('lean-Up
Coach Ray L. Fisher and 16 i
bers of the Michigan Varsity base
team leave at 5:30 o'clock this a'
noon for their annual vacation
of the South. Tomorrow morning
Wolverines will reach Lexington,
where they are scheduled to open
season with 'University of Kenti
diamond men tomorrow afternoon.
spite the handicap Fisher's men -
been under during the past
weeks, due to inclement weather,
have rounded into excellent cond
and will face the Colonels with
strength when Uteritz, Michigan's
off man, steps to the plat to inau
ate the ,season's opener on the
ington diamond tomorrow.
Liverance or Schultz to Start
Liverance or Schultz will be ass
ed to the mound duties and if. t
men hurl up to form the Wolver
should have little to fear from
Colonels' heavy hitters. Capt. E
Vick' will direct the operations of
nine from behind the bat. U
Fisher announced that he would
the following batting' order i
initial engagement: Uteritz,
bles, Knod'e, Shackleford, Ki
Klein, Paper, Vick and Liverauc
Schultz. Uteritz was used as lea
man during the greater portion of
1921 season. Utz is fast on bases
is a fairly good hitter. He will
form at shortstop in the games
the trip. . Shorty Wimbles looks
a valuable. inan for guardian of
keystone sack. Shorty is an accut
fielder, performing creditably with
stick. Bob-Knode on first base 'l
like the find of the infield. Kno
batting in third place and nex
Shackleford looks like the most
gerous hitter on the nine. In
tion to being a consistent batter,
appears to be the best first base
Michigan has had in four years.
Shackleford Clean Up Man
Johnny Shackleford is battingi
clean up position. Shackleford
one of the leading batters in the
Ten last year and won a repute
for delivering in the pinches. S
played on first base last year but
the acquisition of Kuode he has
inoved back to his original positia
right field, where he plays his
Harry Kipke will open the gam
the outer garden and will probabl
used in right field, where his s
will be a great asset to the Wolve
defense. Kipke's work in spea
difficult chances during the past
days has won the commendatio
all and it seems likely that the g
iron star will perform regularly i
outfield. His batting needs a 1
toning up, but none of the pla
have hit their stride as yet due t
limited amount of practice. On
bases Kipke should figure promin
this season as his speed comb
with his ability to hook the co
of the bag in his slides should n
him a valuable man. Eddie Klei
the third metber of the outfield
Klein is a veteran from last y'
Varsity and should play an impr
brand of ball this spring.
(Continued on Page Seven)
'22L DONATES $500
Five hundred dollars was appr
ated by the senior :law class a'
meeting yesterday afternoon, t
donated to the library committe
the law faculty for the purchas
books on legal biography and
cacy. This is the customary <
memorial to the Law school, an
class of 1922 hopes that such a
tion as this will become an establi
iety has been ac-
organization ac-
received recently'
'24, president of
ih Bursley, Dean
ociety which at
15 members has
imes and promis-
with for-I
s Electric Wave."
s Last Friday's lecture by Professor
h IWilliams upon "The Electron Tube,"
With this issue,The I
pends publication until
morning, April 18.' S