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April 06, 1922 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-04-06

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£ £ £L. Avei .'A £i ..Ja i4ZJIL\


The giving of gifts is a gift
Most- appropriate of gifts
tuned to the hopes of the
and the sentiment of the
gift of jewelry in its endur-
y keeps alive the memory
rer and the giving. 'Its in-
ue grows. Its charm is un-
Haller and Fuller, State
velers, are adepts in' gift se-
rhey will welcome the op-
to aid you with the selec-
propriate gifts. From their
line of diamonds, watches,
Out Glass, Novelties, Silver-
ther Goods, Art Metal Ware
s may be selected a gift to
most fastidious friend. Let
ler be your gift counsellor.
specializes in special or-
latinum and white gold dia-
intings, special designs and
.bmitted. They are also
or the celebrated Gruen
The Gruen watch is man-
both in Switzerland and
They have factories in Cin-
iso in Switzerland. How-
ompany is owned by Amer-
al. The Gruen watch offers
foreign art with American
hiereby placing the Gruen
a class by itself. A com-
of Waterman, Swan and
)untain pens sold here; also
Inl_ pencils, the only prac-
pencil on the market. If
.'t tried an Onoto you have
.lly enjoyed a smooth writ-
flowing ink pencil which is
. eve'ry detail. Let these
monstrate them to your sat-
What does the Japanese
islated in English mean?
this jewelry store located?


to th eparticular young men of this
community and offers the newest and
most up-to-date spring fabrics from
which to select that Spring Suit or
Top-Coat. If Marquardt tailors it you
will receive'a -passport into fashion-
able society, for snappy suits, cut to
the latest fashion, is this firm's spe-
cialty. Absolute satisfaction guaran-
teed on all garments before they leave
this shop. Don't fail to see the new
spring showing of 100 percent wool
fabrics at this tailor's. Cleaning, re-
pairing and altering done with the
same degree of efficiency which is
practiced in, their tailoring. In addi-
tion to high grade custom tailoring
this firm carries a comprehensive line
of men's furnishings. This stock is
comprised of standard quality mer-
chandise, including shirts, ties, hats,'
caps, collarsdand hose.You will find
the latest and most fashionable haber-
dashery for sale at conservative prices
at Marquardt's. Give the correct lo-
cation of this custom tailoring, and
Men's Furnishings Store. What is
the telephone number?

-There is no gift within the
personal consideration which
close a grip on human hearts
ell posed, artistically made
ph. -Friends and relatives re-
y circumstances, great dis-
alue photographs of parents,
or sisters, friends or sweet-
lore than any other posses-
ie Dey Studio, located at 334
ate Street, is one of Ann Ar-
ling studios, it is operated by
,rtist in- the art of modern
phy. High Grade Portraits
tographs .a specialty,' also
and Groups. This is the on-
in the city where you can
r order made up of different
n the same negative without
rge.. This studio is equipped
most modern conveniences
liances known to modern
Ohy which enables this pho-
r to offer his patrons the
at skilled photography and
quipment can produce. You
a complete line of hand-
ames for sale here, also first
:ure framing done. A large
it of moulding from which
e, frames made up in any
other feature of importance
t this studio is enlarging bf
>hs and snap shots from ko-
other negatives. They are
to offer prompt service on
k. What is the telephone
of this studio? Where do
ple operate another studio?


No. 24-When one thinks of type-
writers or correspondence stationery
his mind instinctively turns to -the'
Typewrter and Stationery Store at 17
Nickels Arcade, owned and operated
by 0. D. Morrill. This store, which
was established in the early part of
1919 is the outgrowth of student firms
which had operated in Ann Arboj,4or
approximately twenty years. The
principal business of these student
firms was selling typewriters, doing
typewriting and mimeographing for
the students, also acting as manufac-
turers' agents in several capacities.
Mr. Morrill has adhered to this same
policy in a large measure, most of
the personnel of this establishment
being students of this University of
Michigan who are wholly or partially
dependent upon this work as a means
of support. The fact that they are
college students and accurate type-
writer operators, possessing a knowl-
edge of vocabulary covering many of
the fields of learning,.contributes in
no small degree to the efficient type-
writing work which they perform.
Being experts in typewriting gives
these people a keen insight into the
relative values of typewriters. Nat-
urally only machines of proved merit
are sold by them. The L. C. Smith
and ;Corona are featured, both pio-
neers in their respective fields. This
firm has never sponsored typewriters
of questionable value or when in the
experimental stage. Expert repair-
ing .on all makes of typewriters, their
facilities are unequalled even in larg-
er cities. Thoroughly experienced
typewtiter repair men in charge of
this department. They -specialize on
better known makes of machines. The
correspondence stationery sold at
Morrill's represent several of the best
known lines including Crane, Hurd,
Hanmpshire, Ward, and Whiting. This
stock ranges in prices from the cheap-
est to the most exclusive high grade.
stationery on the market. This store
specializes in those lines not carried
by other stationers. What is the tel-
ephone number of Morrill's?

Your order is wired or cablegramed.
The. management of the BluMaize
Blossom Shop invites you to pay
them a visit if you are fond of beau-
tiful flowers; this shop offers you a
real treat. What is the phone num-
ber of the Nickels Arcade shop?
What is the national Easter flower?
No. 27-Now that "hard times" are
drawing to a close every one is re-
newing his taste for fine clothes.
One must be well dressed in order to
keep up with the times. The old say-
ing tells us that fine feathers do not
make fine birds, but we all realize
that they go- far in keeping up ap-
pearances. The woman of today must
have a gown for every occasion' and
an unlimited amount of accessories
to accompany them. Ties must be
neatly tied, shoes carefully brushed
and the frock freshly pressed,. With-
out these small yet necessary items
one does not feel at her best in pub-
lic places. Knowing that one is ap-
propriately dressed goes far to put
one at ease. Now that the warm sea-
son is coming on, we are looking
ahead to the summer styles. Sheer
fabrics must be chosen and sport
.clothes also fill a large space in the
summer wardrobe. The young girl
knows that these must be ready when,
she starts on her vacation,. It is not
to her disadvantage to call and let
The Vogue Shoppe, 280 Nickels Ar-
cade, design and make her gowns for
the coming season. You will be pleas-
ed with the high class designing and
workmanship accorded patrons of the
Vogue Shoppe. Who is the proprie-
tor of this shop? What is the phone
No. 28-If there is on thing as es-
sential as having a home to live in
it is having proper plumbing and
heating systems in your home. Just
stop and think of the discomfort and
extra labor of cleaning caused by not
having proper heating and open, san-
itary plumbing, also the added cost
of your water bills by waste caused
by defective or inferior plumbing.
When you require the services of
plumbing or heating engineers call
Hutzel and. Company, Heating and
Plumbing Contractors, whose store is
located at 119 East Washington Street.
Quality and service is the watchword
with these people who ,are Ann Ar-
bor's foremost plumbing and heating
contractors. They keep a full line of
repairs and supplic3 on sale at all
times. They rell the "Easy" Vacuum
Washer and the "Royal" Vacuum
Cleaner. These modern devices do
away with th housewife's drudgery.
Work done right is money saved.
Hutzel : Company stand back of their
work and positively guarantee it.
Their prompt service and obliging
and courteous methods of doing bus-
inegs take the unpleasantness out of
your plumbing and heating problems.
What year was this company estab-
lished? What is their telephone num-


as well as the ordinary garments.
Who is the proprietor of this clean-
ing and dyeing works? What is the
telephone number?
No 31-The men's furnishings store
embraced in this sketch is in a class
by itself-not only a credit to Ann
Arbor, but modern enough to be class-
ed qmong the best in the large cos-
mopblitan centers. Woolfolk, located
at 836 South State Street, caters to
the particular men and young men of
this community. The merchandise
sold here is of the highest quality
and most select to be found in Mich-
igan. A feeling of confidence that
comes by being correctly dressed is
always enhanced by the knowledge
that the merchandise came from
Woolfolk's. When you purchase mer-
chandise at this store you buy the
very best obtainable. They are deal-
ers in Men's Ready to Wear Clothing,
Shoes, imported and domestic haber-
dashery agd hats. Their label on
your wearing apparel is an assurance
of correct fashion. But more than
that, it denotes a high standard of
tailoring in a garm'ent, dependable,
service-giving fabrics, and a sincere
desire on the part of this firm to in-
sure lasting satisfaction to the wear-
er. What is the telephone number
of this store?
No. 32 - The writer contemplates
difficulty in condensing into this para-
graph the numerous advantages of-
fered by the well known Oldsmobile
Car. The Economy Garage is local
headquarters for the Oldsmobile. This
motor car has won extensive and in-
creasing favor and popularity be-
cause it is right in price and quality.
]During the twenty-four years of Olds-
mobile history, its makers have built
their great success solely .on the pol-
icy of full- value always. Often this
unswerving policy has benefited thou-
sands, but never has its advantages
been so well exemplified as in the
Oldsmobile models of today. The 1-
cal distributors have a thoroughly
equipped repair and service garage
where expert repairing is done on all
makes of cars. Guaranteed work-
manship and satisfactory service on
all transactions. A complete supply
of Oldsmobile parts and auto accesso-
tries, also Goodrich and Mason tires.
Expert Battery Service is another fea-
ture of advantage accorded patrons of
this garage. Service on all makes of
batteries. These people are local
agents for the famous "Bear-Cat"
Storage Battery. These batteries are
all that the name implies. They are
hand made, built from the ground up
in the Barco factories, the materials
being carefully selected and constant-
ly under inspection by men who have
specialized for years yin the building
and marketing of automobile storage
batteries. You receive a two-year
written guarantee with a Bear-Cat
Battery. Where is the Economy Gar-
age located? What is the telephone
number? Who is the proprietor?

Cast For Senir
Play Is Picked
An entire cast has been chosen for
"Pom der Walk," the play which is
to be given by senior women May 11,
and again during Commencement
week. An amusing plot, laid in a
quaint English setting during the
reign of George the third, offers an
opportunity for dramatic action in
this comedy by Louis Parker.
Plans are being made for artistic
scenery and costuming. Prof. John L.
Brumm, director of the play, is ar-
ranging for the scenery o be furnish-
ed by 0. B. Davis, of Detroit,
The cast as chosen is as follows:
Christine Murkett, as Jack Sayle, Is-
abel Kemp as Hon. John Sayle Senior,
Mildred Chase as Hon. Sir Peter An-
trobus, Sarah Waller as Hon. 'Brooke-
Hoskyn, Camille Hayden as Rev.
Slernnoyd, Devera Steinberg as Basil,
Ruth Ann Oakes as Jim, Joyce Mc-
Curdy as Madame Lachenais, Mildred
Henry as Mariolaine, Elizabeth Vick-
ery as Mrs. Pamela Poskett, Jean
Watkins as Miss Ruth Pennymint,
Edelaine Roden as Miss Barbara Pen-
nymint, Caroline Napier as Hon.
Caroline Thring, Lois Whitcomb as
Nanette, Laura Snyder as Jane, Elsie
Townsend as the Eyesore, Murza Mann
as Nuffin Narr, and Frances Weimer
as the Lamplighter.
The first meeting of the cast will be
held at 5 o'clock this afternoon in
Barbour gymnasium.
tem of healing which emphasizes (1)
the diagnosis of disease by physical
methods, with a view of discovering
not the symptoms, but the cause of
disease, in connection with misplaced
tissues, obstruction of fluids, and in-
terference with forces of the organ-
ism. (2) The treatment of disease by
scientific adjustment together with
inherent resources of the organism to
overcome disease and establish health,
(3) The application -of mechanical
and operative surgery in setting frac-
tures or dislocated bones, repairing
abnormal tissue growth dangerous to
organic life. Ann Arbor is fortunate
in having a very dependable Osteo-
pathic Physician in Dr. W. S. Mills,
offices located at 616 First National'
Bank Building. He is thoroughly
competent in his profession. Get this
Osteopath's advice regarding your
condition. You will find him author-
ity in the treatment of fevers, influ-
enza, pneumona, bronchitis, tonsol-
litis and other acute' diseases as well
as for rheumatism, nervous prostra-
tion, constipation, asthma, headache
and other chronic affections. What is
the telephone number of Dr. Mills'
No. 36-This number should be giv-
en special attention by all automobile
owners in and around Ann Arbor. Fest
and Lichty, General Service Garage,
and Michigan distributors of the Uni-
versal Ray Deflector, the latest and
most efficient non-glare device on the
market. This firm has a first class
service garage at 202 E. Washington
Street. This garage is popular in this
section as one of the most reliable
places in Ann Arbor to have depend-
able automobile repairing done, these
people offer the very hest in expert
workmanship at a reasonable figure.
The entire personnel are former Mich-
igan students, which accounts in a
measure for the popularity of this
firm with the students. All kinds of
automobile repairing, including elec-
trical, work, etc., done at the most
reasonable prices possible consistent
with the 'expert and efficient work
which these people turn out. All work
guaranteed. Service is one of the
leading features of advantage offered
patrons of this garage, which is the
keynote to their success. They are
city agents for the Neilson Electric
Oil Gauge for Fords.. This gauge
shows the proper level and condition
of the oil at all times. This is one
of the handiest and most useful ac-
cessories for the Ford car. Bear in

mind, folks, when you are in need of
non-glare headlights, that these people
are state agents for the most efficient
non-glare device on the market. Ask
to have them demonstrated. What is
the telephone number of this garage?


All girls who wish to sign u
houses for baseball must do so
on the bulletin board in Barbou
There will be a meeting of
tire cast for "Pomander Wall
o'clock this afternoon in Ba'rbou


Winning what was undoubtedly the
closest and most exciting gane of the
season by the score'of 22-21, the jun-
iors Thursday night were awarded the
silver class championship cup by Hel-
en Bishop, president of the Women's
Athletic association.
The sophomore team, greatly handi-
capped by the loss of their captain,
Marion Willis, who was suddenly call-
ed away, put up a stiff fight, and sev-
eral times were a number of points
"ahead of the juniors. In.the last few
-minutes of the last half, however, the
Easter vacation because of> the con-
passing the other team, and finally
winning by the necessary one point.
- The game was fast throughout, and
at no time until the final whistle blew
was the outcome at al? certain. The
sophomores proved almost a match for
the juniors, and it was no easy task
for the winning team to press their
advantage. The playing of Mary
Early, on the sophomore team, was
particularly noteworthy, showing un-
usual speed and accuracy. On the

There will be an impc
ness meeting of the Wom
.politan club at 7:30 o'cl
in Wesley hall.

There will be no rehearsal of
University Girls' Glee club this a
noon. The next meeting will be
at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday, April 1
The Mortarboard meeting which
to take place this evening at the
pa Kappa Gamma house has
postponed until the Thursday'
juniors rushed in and swept al
flicting lecture by Carl Sandberg
Rehearsals for'"Yellow Jacket'
this week will be held as foll
Today at 2 o'clock, act
at 3 o'clock, first part of act
at 4 o'clock, second part of act tw
5 o'clock, act three, in Newberry

junior team it is
any one player a
-another, as all w,
excellent team w

of md
e good

-When the people of Ann
o in need of hardware,'sport-
, electric supplies, paints or
essories, their first thought
is M. D. Larned, 310 South
eet. Here you will find what
looking for in these lines.
also find the prices right
service unexcelled. Two of
y important factors that have
reatly toward the success
tis firm enjoys are quality
ce. They excel in both. They
general line of. shelf and
hardwar'e, sporting goods, in-
fishing tackle, flash lights,
ddles, "shuredge pocketeze"
complete supply of auto ac-
safety razors and supplies
ct every thing one could ex-
find in a strictly modern
his kind. Now is the proper
ement the leaks in your ca-
"Amliroid" cement, sold at
ware. Ambroid insures ab-
otection against leaks. This
Iles the dependablie Boydell
ints. Do your bit in the
and Clean Up Campaign
g conducted in the effort to
s a more beautiful city to
>y painting those buildings
'deli paints, thel paint that
p under all weather condi-
hese people also sell Ala-
r walls. Spring also brings
nd for stoves throwing off
than the range. The Red
or Oil Stoves sold here is
tove you need for the com-
a. This reliable stove burns
or gasoline by vapor sys-
gallon of kerosene supplies
fuel for 19 hours straight
Ask to have a Red Star
ted. Have your razor blades
at Larned's for prompt
it service. What is the tel-
amber of this store?

No. 25-The Betsy Ross Shop, lo-
cated at 13-15 Nickels Arcade, needs
no introduction to the students of Ann
Arbor. This popular sweet shop is
one of the brightest spots on the cam-
pus. When you think of dainty deli-
cacies, think of the Betsy Ross Shop.
Patrons of this cozy shop are accorded
the most exclusive high-class service.
Their candies can hardly be compared
with that handled. by the ordinary
confectionery. If you have presented
her with a box of Betsy Ross candy
you will not succeed in satisfying
that young lady with' other' brands
in the future, they are ;different.
Absolutely fresh at all times. The
soda fountain service offers a source
of pleasure to those who patronize
this sweet shop. Many original and
delicious ice cream specials are serv-
ed, also the most popular drinks. In-
dividual booths are provided for the
convenience of their patrons. Utmost
sanitation in preparing and serving
has much to do with the popularity,
of this shop. The pleasant and court-
eous manner with which you are wel-
comed also add greatly to their repu-
tation. What is the telephone num-
ber of this "Fountain Room Beauti-
ful"?- Who is the proprietor?

No. 29-Few concerns in Ann Ar-
bor are capable of saving the house-
wife the usual drudgery of 'the work
connected with housekeeping as is
the Blulight Electric Company, locat-
ed at 120 East Washington Street.
This concern has a ,store- full of the
newest and most up-to-date electric
appliances which make house work a
pleasure. This is headquarters for
everything electric, including such
iteris for the home as electric wash-
ers, vacuum cleaners, irons, toasters
and in fact everything one could hope
to find in a modern store of this kind.
This is the home of the Rotapex
Washer which is one of the most re-
liable of all washers on the market
and the price is within the means of
the multitude. Apex vacuum clean-
ers are also sold here. This concern
sells on the easy payment plan. You
can enjoy an electric washer or vac-
uum cleaner while paying for it on
small payments. Electric contracting,.
including all kinds of electric con7
struction, repairing and house wiring
a specialty. Estimates gladly fur-
nished. All work positively guaran-
teed. In addition to a complete stock
of electric merchandise this concern
also stock a complete line of General
and Shelf Hardware. This line in-
cludes a general line of sporting
goods such as fishing tackle, guns and
ammunition, flash lights, etc.,talso a
very. comprehensive line of tools of
all kinds. Who is the proprietor of
this electric company? What is the
telephone number?

No. 33-If you wish to make your
friends happy, present them with a
photograph of yourself. A photo-
graph is a token of real friendship
that is highly appreciated by every-
one. Those who appreciate true art
in modern photography and desire
"Portraits of Quality" go to Spedding
'whose studio is located at 619 East
Liberty Street. Here you are assured
of not merely a good photograph, but
that superior quality of work which
is turned out from the studio of a
real artist. They bring out the' finer,
points which is so noticeable with
portraits from this studio. This is
one of the most thoroughly equipped
and modern studios in Michigan and
offers every facility known to mod-
ern photography. The proprietor of
this establishment caters to the stu-
dents, his undisputed reputation as an
artist has been won through constant
service, and superior workmanship
accorded his patrons. He has th'e
interests of the affairs of the college
at heart and is always foremost in
donating to any good cause which ben-
efits the students of Ann Arbor. The
management cordially invites you to
conre and see the high grade work
done here. What is the telephone
number of this studio?
No. 34-The Mayer-Schalrer Com-
pany, 112 South Main Street, is Ann
Arbor's exclusive stationers, printers,
book binders and office outfitters.
This store carries an exclusive line
of commercial and social stationery.
They carry no printed books in stock.
They specialize in Dance and Banquet
programs. Special orders made up
for all occasions. The individuality
of this concern's workmanship and
designs have won favor in all parts
of the country and they supply spe-
cial orders of the better class of pro-
grams & etc. to cities east to New
York and west to Denver. They fea-
ture unique novelties of various styles
and designs. This is Ann Arbor's
foremost office outfitting concern.3
They also carry a comprehensive line
of stationery and leather goods. They
have the finest line of small leather
goods in the city, including bill folds,'
card cases, purses ,wallets, &- etc.
One of the characteristic features up-
on which these people have built their
prosperous business is service to their
patrons. All orders receive prompt
attention and all merchandise sold at
this store is= backed up by the repu-
tation of this company. Special or-
ders for programs & etc. given spe-
cial attention. What is the telephone
number of this store?.

Whimsies Out After Vacation
Due to the continued illness of the
printers, the March issue of Whim-
sies will not appear on the campus un-
til after spring vacation. Announce-
ment is made that all contributions
for the May number, the last issue of
the year, should be in by April 18.
Wolverine mitt pushers may
perform before the admiring
gazes of those women of. the
University wko evince an inter-
est in the manly sport. It has
been announced that the Mimes
theater will open its doors to
fair fans at the boxing show to j
be held th'ere at 8 o'clock to-
The announcement comes as a
result of many inquiries which
have been made as to whether
women would be welcome at the




No. 26-Flowers appeal bewitching-
ly to your mother, your sweetheart
and your friends. What more beauti-
ful and highly appreciated token of
true friendship could one offer than
flowers, nature's own gift. However,
the choosing and arranging of flowers
to become absolutely appropriate for
the occasion, should be taken into con-
sideration. This necessitates dealing
with a florist possessing an expert
knowledge of this profession. It makes
such a vast difference in the appear-
ance of a bouquet when a thoroughly
experienced florist arranges it to suit
the ocasion for which it is intended.
This is an art in itself. The BluMaize
Blossom Shop, Inc,, with shops in'
Nickels Arcade and 218 East Liberty
Street, offers expert service in ar-
ranging appropriate bouquets for all
occasions. You will. find nature in
her most beautiful bloom at these
shops. Cut flowers, potted plants and
special bouquets for all occasions, also
a fine assortment of Easter plants
and lillies. Order that Easter plant
early to insure the choice of the sup-
ply. This firm is a member of the
Florists Telegraph Delivery which
enables them to have flowers deliv-
ered anywhere in the United States

No. 80-The modern cleaning and
dyeing establishment is indispensable
to every community. The Ann Arbor
Steam Dye Works, Cleaners and
Pressers, located at 204 East 'Wash-
ington, are this city's leading clean-
ers and. dyers. Expert workmanship
together ,with prompt and efficient
service has won for this firm a lead-
ing place among the firms of its kind
in this community. This establish-
ment is equipped throughout with the
latest and most up-to-date machinery
and facilities for this work and satis-
factory workmanship is guaranteed
on all occasions. Men's and women's
garments cleaned, pressed, dyed, al-
tered or repaired. Phone this firm
and their delivery service will call
for and deliver your work. Prices are
reasonable and garments entrusted
with this firm will be returned in first
class condition. These people use a
special cleaner which eliminates the
unpleasant odor so noticeable in gar-
ments cleaned by most concerns. It
doesn't injure or discolor the fabrics
as so many so-called cleaning com-
pounds do. They offer expert work
nnfln asty v. nti and dress suits

No. 87-Spring is with us once more,
the welcome season of the year. Every-
one is shedding their winter wraps
and replacing them with light spring
apparel. With the coming of spring,
the p~roblem of properly storing one's
winter furs arises. In order to insure
proper care, one- should -have experi-
enced furriers store your furs over
the summer season. Oslas Zwerdling,
exclusive Ladies' Tailor, Furrier, and
Importer, located in the Zwerdling
Block, 213 to 219 E. Liberty Street, is
authority on the proper care of furs.
He will insure the best of protection1
'for your furs. Now is a good season
to have your last season's furs made
over. This firm specializes in high'
grade work of this kind at conserva-
tive prices. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Furs altered to suit; also all kinds of
fur linings and trimmings. Furs sold
here come direct from the traps to the
wearer. A complete line of high grade
furs from which to select, furs for
every season at most reasonable
prices. Exclusive ladies' tailoring has
won for this firm a name which pro-
claims the height in fashion and ap-
pearance when Zwerdling tailors that
suit. Correct fashion is the watch-
word with this exclusive shop. What
is the telephone number of this estab-



' ;'

Arcade - Bert - Lytell in "
Right That Failed."

Majestic - Freckles

Barry in

Orpheum - Willard - Den
Rae-Cecil de Mille's "Satu
Wuerth-"Thunderclap," a


cave man never knew
or felt the gratifying
being dressed in well-
nable clothes. But you
eliable tailor such as
trquardt, the Campus
tr midst. offering the



Garrick (Detroit) - San
Grand Opera company.

No. 85-What

know about

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