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formidable style by men to be picked
this week, but Fisher finds difficulty
in deciding the man to take care of
the middle section. There are several
applicants for the secondary' line of
(Continued on Page Six)
ick Work good. Schultz, Liverance, and Dixon
lers I are the only men who .are sure, to
date, of-berths on the southern trip as
hurlers. Elliott will in all probabil-
ity make the trip, while the other
RD BAS men to go along as pitchers have not
been announced as yet.
Vick will bear the brunt of the back
I prevail-stop work this year. Bob Knode will
ctice ses- start the season at first base. He
his base- looks better than Clark Dean and willl
"open" at probably retain his initial sa'ck berth
>rT for the during the entire season. At second,
Shorty Wimbles seems to have, the
uge from best of the argument. At the out-
e shadow set three men were out for this jdb,
heir work Wimbles, Hana, and Bennyas., The
mes con- latter is a good fielder but a. weak
program batter, and although Hanan lopks good-,
towards on the field, he, too, is troubled with
ach Fish-. his batting. Shorty Wimbles, who is
is to -the showing up fairly well in his stick
ie club. work, looks like the best bet for Mich-
's igan's econd sacker this year.
:he club, .Fight for Third Base
he deliv- tteritz is practically assured the
ill of the job of short stop, but the choice of a
ling posi- third sack defender presents a prob-
. Fisher lem to Fisher. He has four-applicants
ime with for, the berth including Ted Banks,
ing them Mike Paper, Abbott, and Gardham. Of
>f curved this quartet of ball tossers, Paper and
r respeb- Gardham seem to have the edge on the
much ex- other pair.,. Paper, if one man were
en, he at- to be singled out now, would probably
of wrist- be given the choice. Mike looks good
em better on ground balls and is a fair hitter.
d in gen- However, the , third corner guardian
apparent will not be determined until Coach
Fisher announces his men for, the
available, southern trip sometime this week.
on,, all of In the outfield, Coach Fisher has an-
However, other problem. , The right and left
ght hand- gardens are to be taken care of in
Students desiring to secure
playing rights at the Ann Arbor
'Golf club must make application
to E. D. Mitchell, director of in-
tramural athletics, room 3, Press'
building, by April 4.
Rights will be granted
to 40 students, the individuals
to be determined by Mr. Mitch-
ell, who will also collect a term
fee of $10, and furnish the ident-
ifitation cards.
Only those eligible to play on
the Varsity team are eligible to
Finals in four weights were wres-
tIed off in the All-campus wrestling
tournament yesterday afternoon.
There were no contenders for the
115 pound championship and the 145
pound 'championship will be wrestled'
off this coming week. .
Doty and Toy Draw
Doty met Toy for the 125 pound tI-
tle and the match was slow and even.
At the end of 10 minutes it was a draw
and the first 3 minute overtime period
was also a draw but Doty was award-
ed the decision in the second' over-
time period, thereby winning the
match and title.
For the 135 pound championship
Fleckenstein met Casman in a fast
match. Casman had the advantage
most of the way but Fleckenstein ex-
tricated himself cleverly from sever-
al dangerous half nelsons. Casman
was awarded the decision. Boscham
and Moffett put on a 145 pound exhi-
bition next; they disclosed 'a large
number and variety of 'holds.
Reimann faced Jones in the 158'
pound match and the first 10 minutes
were a slow draw; the men being ex-
ceedingly well matched. Jones was
awarded the first overtime period butl
Reimann won the next so
ended in a draw.
Clifford Wins
For the 175 pound title7
met Wagner. This was or
fastest matches of the day.
had the advantage for the
part of thematch but Wagn
a game fight. Clifford was
the match.
Dunn was awarded the he
title, having disposed of all
last week.
Students who feel that t
eon hour too short will
lengthened considerably by
the Arcade Cafeteria. The q
ice does it.-adv.
"RIDER for PENS."-Adv
ling corps now<
chultz, and Dixc
am, look best.
iott a lanky rig
This garter is ideal for men's and women's long
hi~e--and just right for-knickers-becaus the
webbing is soft and wide. Buy by name and
r et the genuine. Made solely by The Thos. P. Tay-
or Co., Bridgeport, Con.
Featured by leading Student Supply Storeb
s a man who looks like
liott has lots of speed, a
>f curves and hop -balls,
on control. H'is ability
will bear watching fnd
raining, he ought to de-
e of the best men Fisher
to send on the Michigan
th, a senior, who trans-
Californi& two years ago,
is the only south paw
ias applied for a job. He
fair pitcher and will in
ty get the call for some
s games this season.
an and Striker also look
vho have investigated de-
ere is a variety of foods
he Arcade Cafeteria un-
wvhere else in town.-Adv.
or PENS."-Adv,
of Leading Makes
Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged,
Cleaned and ,Repaired.
Considerate Prices.
Copyright 1922 Hart Schafner & Marx
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0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade
The Typewriter and
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Two pairs of trousers
double the wear
See that you get them with
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They cost a little more, but pay you
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There's Your Home
FddIe Guest said :-"It takes a heap o' living in a-
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The secret of many 'a happy home- has been the
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Often times a single piece will accomplish a great
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Othergood makes with tiro pairs
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invite you to look over our stock. You will
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