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April 02, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-04-02

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This month they report several inter-
esting finds-well dressed stone walls,
walls of plaster, a great deal of paint-!
ed plaster, a polished stone axe, and
evidence of super-imposed buildings.
All this was found in the first few

lition Sent to Maya
o Unearth Cities
n received from Mrs.
fe of',Dr. C. E. Guthe,j
is in charge of an
out by the Carnegiel
;ribing the life and ef-
engaged in the work,
tt the expedition will
e middle of May.
)n issent to Central
ear for the purpose of
f the history and civi-
Maya Indians. These
ieved to be the most
in the . New World,
d&even beyond the Az-I
Their villages and
1 ruins, due to famine,

weeks of 'their excavation. Work ac-
complished later may mean a great
deal in the matter of stratification,'
leading to the' dating of other ruins
through their pottery types. At pres-
ent they are dated only approximately,
by means of the heiroglyphics found
on the stelae or monuments which in-
variably accompany these ruined
mounds. The date. glyphs are usually
decipherable although the meaning of
much of the heiroglyphic writing is
still a matter of speculation.
Many 'strange and sometimes
exciting things have been encotntered
by the expedition. They were lost'
twice in the jungle on their way into
Guatemala, in February. They live in
a most primitive fashion, sleeping in,
hammocks with huge box-like muslin
protectors from the bugs, drinking
water the color of strong tea, dipped
from stagnant pools and boiled (not
cooled, however, since there i; no
ice.) The heat is so terrible that the
members of the expedition are forced,

like the natives, to take siestac, and the views and writings of G-. D. E. in
to wear sun-helmets. the Daily Sunday Magazine.I
The work will be carried on for Rev. Sidney S. Robins in his morn-1
several years at different cities, in- ing sermon at the Unitarian church
cuding some in Yucatan if the Mexi- will preach on Sir Philip Gibbs' new
can situation permits. book "More That Must Be Told." At
6:15 o'clock Prof. Louis M. Eich, of
the public speaking department, will
read "The Little M.tn" by John Gals-
.uRev. William 1E. English, Jr., of
Chicago, will occupy the pulpit at the
IRON 'UCURUCUEUCongregational church for theĀ¢ morn-
ing service at 10:30 o'clock. His topic
Two bishops, a minister from Chi- will be "Christian Internationalism
cago, and members of the faculty' and the New Day."
comprise the extra numbers in to- "Upper Room" Bible Class will meet
as usual at 9:30 o'clock in Lane hall.
day's church services. "Christianity, a Force or a Fad" will
Bishop Williams, of the Episcopal be the' topic of the morning sermon
church, will hold..the confirmation at at the Clhurst of Christ by Rev.'
St. Andrew's Episcopal church at Arthur.
Dr. Barrett at the Presbyterian
10:30 o'clock. ~ church will use the theme "Old Fash-
Bishop Francis J. McDonnell, who ioned Morality and the Modern Age"
is to speak at the University serv- for his morning sermoA. Prof. W.
ices, will be present at the "Open D. Henderson will talk on the topic
House" of the Methodist church held "Some Revised Versions of the Bible"
at Wesley hall from 4:00 to 6:30 before the Student class at noon.
o'clock. The theme for Dr.. Stalker's "A Church Home" will pe the topic
morning sermon will be "Life's Per- for the morning and "The Eternal
spective," in which he has announced Destiny of Believers and Unbelievers,"
that he will make some reference to the topic for the evening to be used

by Rev. Gundeman at Trinity Luth- NEW MIASONIC TEIPLE W1
eran church. Rev. Sayles, of the BE FINISHED IN 6 l
Baptist church, will preach on "Sag
End Religion" in his morning serv- Anu Arbor's new Masonic
ice at 10:30 o'clock. on South Fourth avenue, will
"Glorifying God" will be the topic pleted within the next six mon
for the morhing service to be con- cording to an announcement I
ducted in Gerban my Rev. E. C. Stell- Cole, of the Cole Constructio
horn at Zion Lutheran church, 'and pany.
"Before the Governor and the King," The building was designed b
the topic for the evening service in seau & McConkey, local ar
English. Regular meetings will be The property is estimated 1
held at St. Paul's Lutheran church. cost more than $16,000.
New ~Victor Records for Apri
66035--Cradle Song, by Braslau...,.
74732--Eili, Fili, by Elman...............................
74733-Nocturne, +by Flonzaley Quartet....................
74734-Variations, on a Mozart Air, by Gali-Curci......,..
66026-Someone Worth While, by Johns'on.................
74735-1osa iia, by Journet .............................
66026-Arabian Melody, b~y Kindler.................
87336-Erani (1 Will Prove, Audacious Greybeard), by luffo,,
87337-If I Forget, by Schumann-Heink...................
66030-Don I'asquale-Oveltnre, Part 1....................
By Toscanini and La Scala .Orchestra
66031---J)on Pa 4nale-Overture,-Part 2.
By-el lyo anii and La Scala Orchestra
6603'-Tel ~iy, by Werrenrath .................,.....
66034-Spring Song, by %imbalist .........................
66033-Teresita Mia (My Teresila), y De Gogorza............
45302-Ro- -a-bye Baby, by Alcock.......................
My Trundle Bed, by Alcock
45304-Song of Love, by Marsch-Dadmun.
Serenade, by Murphy-Orpheus Quartet
45303--im An Indian, by Fanny Brice;.. ...............
0, HowI Hate That Fellow Nathan, by Fanny Brice
18864-Wanna-Fox Trot, by Club Royal Orchestra..
She Loves Me, She Loves Me' Not--Medley Fox Trot
18863-lortense-Medley Fox Trot........... .............
ByAll-Star Trio and Their Orchestra
-Never and-Fox Trot
By All-Star Trio and Their Orchestra
18865-CUntie--Medley Fox Trot............................
By Paul Whiteman, and His Orchestra
Lonesome Hours-Fox Trot
By Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
18866-Three O'Clock in the Morning--Waltz .
By Joseph Smith Orchestra
Lola Lo-Fox ,Trot
By Joseph Smith Orchestra
18868-Virginia Blues-Fox Trot, by Benson Orchestra........
Venetian Lo e Boat, by Benson Orchestra
18847-Say, Persianna,, Say by Arden-Ohman...............
FIe Got the Wonder Where IIeWent and When He's
Coming Back Blues, by Arden-Ohman
18862-April Showers, by Harrison............
Leave Me With a Smile, by Harrison
18860-The Strife is O'er, The Battle Done, by Trinity Choir....
Our Lotd Is Risen From the Dead
18873-God So Loved the World (From "The Crucifixion").....
Trinity Quartet
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, by Trinity Quartet
18869-Carolina Rolling Stone, by Hart-Shaw................
There's Silver in Your Hair, by Hart
On Sale beginning Saturday, April 1

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