, V r.,
- ..-a-~ - "
0. K.
$ 4,660,000
one Of Clments Lib
.ts, Donor of
idy downpour of freez-
kept the number,at-
o little more than 209,
of the new Clements
id yesterday after-
rion L. Burton, after
t address, introduced,
W. Bishop, who gave
ilk of the ceremonies.
1 L. Clements partici-I
rogram by laying the
official documents in
i. The Varsity band
gram with "The Vic-
d it with the "Yellow
Gives Address
hop in his address
laying of the corner-
formal acceptance of
ericana by the Uni-
the culmination of
time spent by Regent
athering together the
putting it into a place
results could be ac-
the most good ob-
ny marks a stage in
nent of a great hope
urpose; this corner-
o passing whim or mo-
but rather a settled
lution carried to frui-
ng years of patient
tained effort," said Li-
in commenting upon
legent Clements prior
n of the gift to the
Original Sources
he said, was the cre-
ry of original sources
tory andtthe provision
and beautiful structure
dlection would for all
disposal of a large
of the collection of
;f, Librarian Bishop
Because of the infancy
n nation, we are apt
mportance attached to
on of original sours-
ed that we sometimes
explorers and discov-
men of letters; that
copies of their maps
printed and these few
sally worn out and
who yesterday helped lay the cor-
nerstone for the library which will
bear his name.
John P. Bernard,'24E, and Elsie Stev-
ens, '24, Are Deaders of Grand
(By Howard Donahue)a
Sophomores started their Prom at 9
o'clock last night afthe opening meas-
ures of the gand march hushed the
chattering throng gathered in the ball
room and upper corridor of the Union.
The grand march, led by John P.
Bernard, '24E, and Elsie Stevens, '24,
paraded twice around the dance floor
with some share of the necessary dig-
nity, paused while a picture was snap-
ped and then broke quickly into a fox
trot as the strains of "Drifting" broke
across the palms n front of the or-1
Decorations Enhance Beauty
The artistic beauty of the ball room
was enhanced by decorations consist-
ing entirely of floral creations. Two
huge baskets of premier and ophelia
roses sprinkled with snapdragons
were mounted upon pedestals at the
main entrance to the ball room. On
the north wall above the fireplace was
hung an illuminated shield done i
the sophomore class flowers, aid bear-
ing the class numerals outlined in
white roses against a background of
red premiers. The fireplace itself was
all but covered by a profusion of
smilax strands and banked palms.
The soft colors of the ifowers and
green was further subdued by the
mellow light from the ceiling lamps
which were lighted at a half tone.
The dinner tables in the main din-
ing room and the women's . dining
room, where the traditional Prom din-
ner was served, were centered with
yellow, and blue bud vases containing
spring flowers and roses.
"Pennsylvanians" Furnish Music
Dancing to the orchestral innova-
tions of Waring's "Pennsylvanians".
continued without interval except
during the dinner hour, at which time
the Varsity Banjo quintette entertain-
ed the diners with stringed versions
of the newest popular numbers.
As the grandfather, clock in the
upper corridor chimed 2 the 1922
sophomore Prom, like the memorable
Hop, was a memory - a pleasant
memory of riotuous good music, flash-
ing colors and college people on a
successful 'pleasure quest. Its suc-
cess was unquestionable as asocial
event in the history of the class,
Peace In Balkans Again
Constantinople, March 31.- The
Turkish government has accepted in
principle the suggestions of the al-
lied foreign ministers looking toward
peace between Greeks and Turkish
nationalists in Asia Minor.
President Burton Extends Welcome
To Visiting Schoolmasters'
More than 5,000 students, members
of the faculty and visiting educators
attended the, first monthly Convention
held yesterday morning in Hill audi-
torium, in which Dr. George E. Vin-
cent, head of the Rockefeller Founda-
tion, was speaker.
The attendance was even larger than
had been expected and people who did
not arrive at 11 o'clock or before were
unable to secure seats, despite the
fact that' Regents, Deans and faculty
members were seated on the platform.
Strikes Convocation Keynote
Suiting his address to his student
audience after having planned to
speak to the Schoolmasters' club, Dr.
Vincent struck the keynote of the Con-
vocation idea, talking to the students
on a subject which appealed to them
and in a manner which drew repeated
laughs. Speaking on "The League of'
Nations of Central and South America
to Banish Yellow D'ever," he said it
was the only league which was not,
opposed by both ends of Pennw;_l-
,vania avenue and which is in eficient
operation now.
He trac'ed the campaign against the
ravages, of yellow fever under th2
direction of the Rockefeller fonnda-
tion in Cuba, Central America and
South America. He showed how in the
city of Guay quil, Equador, where in
1919 there rere reported 465 yellow
fever cases, eight months after Dr.
Connor began the work of attacking
the germ beds of the disease, there
was not a case reported, and has not
been since. I
Sees Elination of Yellow Fever
"We have pe that with continued
work yellow fever will recede from
Its -strongholds and be eliminated
from the world," Dr. Vincent said.
"We are now working in Mexico, since
she has recognized us," he stated in-
timating that the United States had
been tardy in recognizing her southern
"Great progress has been made in
checking the ravages of this disease,
but even after the public health officer
has done his duty, the fact remains
that 80 per cent of diseases are viola-
tons of the laws of health, for which
responsibility rests alone'with the in-
dividuals themselves," he said.
Goetz 'Explains Purpose
The purpose of the Convocations
was explained by Angus G. Goetz,
'22M, president "of the Student council.
He told of the action the Council had
taken in presenting the matter to the
Deans and how the Deans had sup-
ported it, although several had been
skeptical. For this reason he urged
attendance at the remaining Convo-
cations of the year. "Everyone must
help make these Convocations a suc-
cess by their attendance, to .the end
that next year Convocations will -be
continued," he concluded.B
President. Marion L. Burton ex-
tended another welcome to the School-
masters' club in which he offered them
all the facilities of the University for
their meetings. He introduced Dr.
Vincent, who was formerly president
of the University of Minnesota.
(Continued on Page Three)
Dr. Francis J. McConnell, bishop of
the Methodist church at 'Pittsburgh,
Pa., will be the speaker at the Uni-
versity services tomorrow night. His
subject is announced as "Soeial Im-
Thetime for this meeting has been
changed by the committee handling
the services for the Student Christian
association to 7:30 o'clock instead of
7:00 o'clock. This is to allow a great-
er co-operation with the evening
meetings held by the various churches.,
Is Eligible to Retire Under Provisions Pro
of Carnegie Foundation (
With the retirement of Assistant Fi
Dean William Henry Butts of the the,
engineering college, whose resigna- at $
tion was accepted by the Board of Re- of 'R
WILLIAM H. BUTTS' 'SUBMITTED gents yesterday, the University will day.
his resignation to the Board of Re- be deprived of the services of an edu- 18
gents yesterday after 14 years of cator who, in addition to having year
service as assistant dean of the engi- spent 41 years as a teacher, is a lead- Co
neeriaig college. er in the movement to advance edu- at w
cational standards and to form a clos-
er union of preparatory schools and the
colleges in the Middle West. lim
TWO T A S W Ncesurnhse4yas eriea s
"pean Butts has been most suc- fore
. cessful in his 14 years' service as as lum
sistant dean," said Dean Mortimer E.
IN B re"FIN S Cooley, engineering college, yeter- for
day. "He has been a valuable man, ous
tand his loss will be a serious blown.gs
Negaunee and Detroit Southeastern to the department. aas t
Reach Finals eie s "H h Good aPreliminary Experience
Series /He had a wonderful preliminary T
S' experience as principal of the Michi- T4
gan Military academy at Orchard ceiv
HIGHLAND PARK NE MATCH Lake.,,He fell into his duties here very rank
FOR UPSTATE BASKETEERS aptly; he has known what to do and prof
has always done it,"
Negaunee won its way into the final Dean $ittts Was born Feb. 16, 1857, 11w
round of the consolation series last at , Harmony, N. Y. In 1875 he en-i pron
night by defeating Highland Park 42- tered the literary department of the sors
28. Detroit Southeastern vill 'oppose University, and graduated in 1878 with and
Negainee in the final game by virtue the degree of bachelor of arts, receiv- mine
inig the're of master of arts the ls
Of their 12-11 'win over Western, in a fling delish;
game that required one overtime per- following year. cal e
iod to settle the argument. Principal for 14 Years Saue
Negiunec had no trouble disposing Upon leaving the University, Dean dent
o/ Highland Park. The I-ighland Park Butts served for 14 years as principal Geor
of Michigan Military academy. Dunr- heal
team showed plainly the results of heaiteese
ing this periohinstd himself
their afternoon game and soon tired. with the organizing of the North Cen S. W
Negaunee seemed to thrive on theirwthhergnzg fheNthCn sors
doublee se and presented a fast of- tral Association of Colleges and Sec- Don
fense and an impregnable aefast ond'y S.chools. With the co-opera- erett
Fas Basket Work - tion of a committee consisting of elect
ki ,can B a ndet WorsPresident James B. Angell, of' the Grim
Polkineni, Scanlon and Sundqist University, of Charles K. Adlams, pres- criom
tarred with fast work under the has- nident of the University of Wisconsin, lish
ket. For Highland Park A. Allum, and William B. Harper, of sChiago s
Dikeson and Culverwell .played the university, he secured the passage of and
best game. a motion by a convention called by the
In the second game of the evening Michigan Schoolmasters' club, which mon
Detroit Southeastern and Detroit ld to the formation of the North phys
Western met for the fourth time this Central association. The association .
season. In the reent three game ser- now ranks a the strongest agency in Th
ies fo the championship of Detroit, the United States for maintaining thet
Western won the odd game and the high standards in college prepara- lege
title. Last night the con'st was a list- tion. ' $67,8
'less affair marked by close guarding After resigning his position with the foun
and considerable stalling on both sides. Military academy, Dean Butts spent An
At the end of the regular time the several years in study in Europe, eligil
score was a tie 9-9 and an additional Came to University in 1898 tee t
five minute period was- necessary to He accepted the position of i- Univ
decide the victor. structor in mathematics in, he liter- persi
Putman, Southeastern running ary college yn the fall of 1898. In has1
guard, was able to get loose and cage 1905 he was promoted to the rank of and
the goal.that gave his team the much -assistant professor, which he held un- L.
coveted victory. Everheart and Bor- til three years later, when he was versi
bard played well for So eastern. On apIointed assistant dean of the col- ed a
the Western team Bejin, line and Ginn leges of engineering, with the title year
showed flashes of good iasketball. of associate professor of mathemat- work
Union high of Grand Rapids and ics. For the past three years he has be a'
Kalamazoo high meet atr8 o'clock this held the rank of professor of mathe- Sola'
evening to decide the state champion- matics. ar,v
ship. At 7 o'clock Negaunee and De- .Dean Butts is retiring under the the1
troit Southeastern will decide the win- provisions of the Carnegie Founda- sne
ner of the consolation Oeres tion, for particiption in which he be and
q came eligible' last February, upon Rills
WHITMIRE WILL GIVE RADIO passing his sixty-fifth birthday. ed t
CONCERT FROM DETROIT "I am retiring to study, and to ther
travel with my family," was Dean Hess
Announcement has been made that Butts' only comment regarding his thy
Anthony J. Whitmire, well known vio plans for the future of th
linist and member of the School of No successor to Dean Butts has ben Univ
Music faculty, with Carl Lindegren, appointed. _ _hasl
head of the Voice department at Ypsi-- Chil
lanti, will be on the concert program l. letindivis
of the Detroit radio broadcastingl work
station tonight. They will be accom- of th
panied by Mrs. Lorinda S. Clifford', ed a
Ypsilanti pianist. They will play (By Associated.Press) acad
from 7 to 8 o'clock. Coal production was stopped Dr
tonight by union coal miners of kins
20 -st ates -with the avowed Poliey of T
GRADUATE CLUB TO GIVE DANCE ofremainit idle indefinitely in pens
- AT BARBOUR GYM TONIGHT ffort t f o tn
effrttit',rce operators to ae- and
cept miners' terms for new wage h ead
Members of the Graduate Cub will contracts. ' bota
give dance and card party at 8:30 Officials at the hieadquarters of crp
o'clock this evening in the parlors of the united mine workers declared pa
Barbou; gymnasium. No admission that suspension would not only in. i
will be charged, as the expense will be elude a half million workers, but edt
covered by the class funds. All gradu- also that at least 100,000 non. cal
ate students from the various lepart- union men would join the walk. ingt
ments are invited to attend. out. rata
3R EASE OF $180,000
mote 26 Faculty Men; 6 Be
Full Professors and, l
nal action fixing the amoun
annual budget of the Unive
4,660,000 was taken by the B
tegents at their meeting ye
This amount is ar increas
.000 over Lhe amount voted
mmittees of the Board have 1
ork for three months working
details of the budget, much
nary work being necessary
the final vote could be taken.
; sum voted includes the bu
the University hospital, the
schools and colleges, the bi
and grounds department, as
he payment of salaries.
Faculty Promotions
renty members of the facultiee
ed promotions into or within
of, professor. Six became
essors, 3 associate professor,
ere made assistant professor.
notion are as follows: pr
Marcel Clavel, French; B
public health; Walter F. H
ralogy; J. Raleigh Nelson,
Felix W. Pawtows'i, aeron
engineering aeroautics; Carl
r, geography; and John J. Tr
al surgery. Associate profess
ge F. May, hygiene and @ p
th; John W. Scholl, German;t
elch, zoology. Assistant pr
Marcel Clavel, French; B
ldson, fine arts; Edward S.
rhetoric; James F. Fairn
rical engineering; Burton
, rhetoric; Roy H. Holmes,
gy; Arthur C. Klocksiem, I
Reginald A. MacDonald, de
ery; , Elmer D. Mitchell, hyg
public' health; William 0. I
d, English; Ralph A. Sar
Award Buildfng Contract
e Board awarded the contraci
new addition to the Dental
, t John Bollin, of Detroit,
00. The University' will do
dational work on the buildir
important change in the ath
bility rule will cause the com
to consist heueafter of the
ersity Senate representatives.
onnel of the committee herete
been the chairman of the b
two others appointed by hi-
Fenton Carroll, now at the
ity of Chlcago, has been app<
n instructor in geology for
1922-1923 to take charge of
of Prof. E. C. Case, who
bsent on leave. Prof. Antoni
lindi,. an eminent Spanish s
will be at the University d
first semester of next year K
ial lecturer in Spanish langu
literature. Dr. W. E. Bowe
dale college, has been appc
o fill the temporary vacanc;
rhetoric faculty caused by the
of Prof. Burton G. Grim. I
Ketcham was appointed dire
e social service department of
'ersity hospital. Miss Ketc
been a special agent in the 1
dren's bu'reau of the Child L
ion, andthas done much rese
k in this leld. Prof. W. F. C
e physics department, was 'i
leave of absence for the cci
emic rear.
r. H ward A. Kelly.'of Johns l
unive'sity, and Mr. C. Billin
)etroit. offered to detray the
es of an expedition to Wyou
- the Northwest next sum
led'by Prof. C. H. Kauffman, o
ny department, and curator o
ptogamic herbarium, to stuiv
t life of that region.
r. Bryant Walker, of Detroit, c
o bear the expenses of six zo
expeditions to California, ,
on, Tennessee, Michigan, and
(Contiued' on Page Seven)
vof Arrives A t
'Ensian Offices
al proof of some of the sections
Le 1922 Michiganensian has been
ed at the editorial office in the
building. These sections in-
the publications, music and
a, oratory, literary and scien-
ocieties, honorary societies, sec-
clubs and other general cam-
this proof must be returned to
rinters not later than 6 o'clock
ay, April 3, the organizations
I above should come to the of-
o read their proof before that
n order to insure the correctness
copy. The Michiganensian as-
s no responsibility for the accu-
of organization pages.
s notice includes all organiza-
appearing in the yearbook except
al and professional fraternities,l
ltles, and women's organiza-
Notice will be given to these
organizations when their proof