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March 26, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-26

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AF 4






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of theI

Detroit Symphony
And Noted Artist
Appear Tomorrow'
Bendetson Netzorg, pianist, and the
Detroit Symphony orchestra, Ossipl
Gabrilowitsch, conductor, will give
the final concert on the Extra con-
cert series at 8 o'clock tomorrow
night in Hill auditorium.
Of special interest is the fact that
Mr. Netzorg is an artist born and
raised in Michigan. He was born at
Mecosta in 1888. His family later
moved to Battle Creek, where he was
graduated from the high school and
in 1906 was graduated from the Battle
Creek Conservatory of Music.
The next period, in his life was
spent in Berlin, where he studied
piano four years and harmony three
years, and then taught two years
more in the German capital. At pres-
ent Mr. Netzorg is teaching privately
in Detroit. Since' his return to the
United States, he has toured the Mid-
dle West successfully as a concert
pianist, and has also been heard fre-
quently with the great Middle West-
ern orchestras.
Tomorrow night's concert will end
the first, entire season of orchestra
music attempted by the School of
Music management. While the series
has not been as well supported as was
hoped, it has nevertheless been a dis-
(Continued on Page Ten)
All' Might Attend Commencement if
- Exercises Were Held on
Ferry Field ' i

ek. Speakers of
will speak at the
Instructors from
give short talks,
tors from the en-
efore the various
oximately 1,600
expected to at-

ationally Known -
six nationally known
e heard during the
t Marion L. Burton
'First Things" at 11
morning in Hill au-
Villiam 11. Burnham,
ity, Worcester, Mass.,
and Wednesday in
Burnham is an inter-
ity on gnental and
Dr. Ernest H. Lind-
of the University of
ak at the same time
Burnham. Dr. Lind-
authority in matters'
na nilos.hv

,, r .-

president of the Uni-
esota and now presi-
ockefeller foundation,
;y, will deliver an ad-
?ck Friday morning in
Prof. J. McKeen Cat-
oremost psychologists
will speak on "The
logy" at 8 o'clock
ag in Natural. Science
a Opera Again
Jniversity classes and
atation of the 1922
opera, "Make It For
features of the week.
Association of Super-
School Boards will
eeting of the week at
a afternoon in Lane
will be addressed by
bie, Mrs. E. H. Kraus,
Edmonson, all of the
t. W. G. Coburn, of
nd Mr. K. G. Smith,
of industrial educa-
d luncheon of the as-
e held at 6 o'clock in
which Mrs. Ella H.
sing, will discuss "Are
ols Democratic ?"
rm Institute will hold
ay and Wednesday in

Commencement problems them-
selves were taken up last Thursday
by The Daily, but at that time no so-"
lutions of the pressing plight were
considered. The' most conservative
estimates for the demands for seats
at Commencement have been placed
at more than 5,300, while the capac-
ity of the auditorium is but 4,530. The
former figure excludes the seats for
alumni, which are usually more than
16 per cent of the capacity of Hill
auditorium. Thus the minimum de-
mand would probably be more than
......Assure All Seats
It is said that if sufficient public-
its were given the occasion and all
assured of seats, that the demand
would be likely to exceed 15,000 to
'20,000 people. It is obvious at any
rate that something must be done to
relieve the situation. ,Either *each
senior will be limited to one ticket
or the number of- seats available in-
creased by holding the Comfnence-
ment exercises in a larger auditor-
The Michigan Technic in an arti-
cle of its March issue published a
solution of the problem worked out
by Arthur J. Stock, Jr., '22E, in which
the author suggested that amplifiers
similar to those employed in front of
the capitol at Washington when Pres-
ident Harding made his' inaugural ad-

Rapid Succession of Novelties in Act
II Sends Play Toward
Successful End
'(By 'Three Mere en)
A favored trio of mere men sat as
privileged spectators and critics at
the matinee performance of the Jun-
ior Girls' play at the Whitney theater
One thought was dominant in the
minds of these three men during the
entire presentation &f an artistic dis-
play of talent.
That Michigan men should be de-
nied the p4asure of viewing and ap-
preciating a production of such mer-
it - this was the thought.
An atmosphere of dignity was cre,
ated by a somewhat too lengthy pro-
logue, yet the dignity was not op-
pressive, affording as it did an oppor-
tunity for a later relaxation.
A touch of the, tragic, of melan-
choly, of calm; and then, with a rapid
rise, the light, cheerful and airy free-
dom which only girls can express -
this was the function of the many
solo numbers and the varied chor-
Magus Is Popular
Anne Mushkin, as the Magus, was
one of the dominating characters of
the play. Her song, "The Mighty
Magus Am I ".in the middle of the
first act, brought the first comedy
As a sharp contrast, the dance of
the Hand Maidens gave vent for a
talent still more eased and by far' one
of the most delicate dancing num-
bers on the program was this one in
which Caribbel Schmidt revealed an
ability as a dancer which was con-
tinuous throughout..
Act II was a rapid successions of,
novelties; opening with the Bell
Chorus, which centered about the ex-
cellent dancing of Anita Sauer; The
"Scientific Expedition," in which Pro-
fessor Robson and the "College Men"
first appeared, was the cue for a real
wave of laughter. With the excep-
tion of unruly knobs of hair when
their straw hats came off, these
"men" presented a grace which flat-
tered the real male collegiate prod-
Emulating the fashion "set by the
Dean of Women" the Knicker girls
appeared. If this be a futuristic view
of the campus, may the future hast-
it is not surprising that Professor
Bobson's knees trembled at the ad-
vent of the Cannible Chorus. They
were a fearsome lot.
The MacLean Sisters, Deborah
Jones, and Frances Jackson made
four as pretty mannikin dolls as even
the gracious Princess Tahi, Louise
Graham, could have desired. Their
stiff but rhythmic movements through
an intricate dance won for them the
entire affection of the audience (in-
cluding the three nale spectators).
A flexible plot, catchy lines, ly-
rics and n*sic that sustained the ac-
tion - and at times ran away with
it - are deserving of more than pass-
ing comment
(Costumes Effective
Costumes effective in their delicate
simplicity were imbo'rtant; factors in
lending atmosphere. Adequate set-
tings contributed in a large measure
to the successful staging.
Rapid movement characterized the
final act, which opened with an ex-
quisite solo number by Caribbel

If men are admitted to the Junior
Girls' play, and the girls have signi-
fied their willingness to give at least
one more performance, the "Monoele
Chorus" will receive its full measure
of appreciation.
The training which Prof. John L.
Brumm has given the girls who made
the Junior Girls' play has accented
something beside mere professional-
ism, It has brought out the fine and
more subtle qualitIes which girls are
able to portray.
"Scepters and Serenades" is an ar-
tistic stage production.
Michigan men may be trusted to
realize this, and appreciate it. The
girls "back-stage" have signified
I n +'r- "T.ai -c"av n " , ^ "'"'"n "" '

Jarch Gargoyle
Will Appear On
Sale Wednesday
The Gargoyle be praised! It's. com-
ing out Wednesday with a big March
number, and contains never a hint
of a gag about breezy March winds
in connection wih breezy Gargoyle
jokes. Clayton Seagears, '23, is re-
sponsible for a brilliant orange cover
featuring a young salesman in the
act of selling oil stock to a fair dam-
seI, all of which lends to the atmos-
phere desired for a Burlesque Num-
The frontispiece is by A. Van-
Avery, '24, and is entitled "A Modern
Romeo." It illustrates a youth sling-
ing the wicked serenade on a bass
sax, while his Juliet vamps the one
who gazes upon the picture.
"Drier Learning, in America" is in
entire harmony with the publications
of the campus. In it the illustrious
G. D. E., in spirit if not in person,
gives his views of Michigan. Hle'con-
demns every feature of it with the ex-
ception of President Buxton's gar-
age, which, in his opinion, is "the best
looking building on the campus." A
cartoon of G. D. E. in the fiesh as
"The Modern Sir Galahad" lends to
the serious thought of the article.
For those who hunger further
along literary, lines there are some
poems. "Ye Willage Wampyre" is all
about a gaysome youth who betook
(Continued on Page Ten)
Newly Appointed Members Will Serve
During All of Second Se-
E. F. Moore, '22, president of the
Michigan Union, issued yesterday a
corrected list of the 16 standing Un-
ion committees, comprising practically
every committee at the Union. The
appointments were made by the ap-
pointment committee, and were releas-
ed as soon as eligibility returns were
made by the University, and the names
could be eheoked. The committeemen
will serve for the second semester.
The revised listis:
House committee: Francis M.
Smith, '22, chairpan; Brewter P.
Campbell, '22, R. Jerome Dunne, '22,
Vernon Hillery, '23, and George Greg-
ory, '22E. Entertainment committee:
L. Perkins Bull, '23, chairman; Rob-
ert Rice, "23, Thomas Kindell, '24, Se-
ward pramer, '23, John Brewer, '23,
Lawrence E. D'ooge, '24, Robert Wil-
kins '24, Kenneth Kerr, '24, Donald
C. Turner, .'23E, Frederick A. Horn,
'23E, Walter L. Couse; '23E.
Music committee: Carleton B. Pierce
'24M, chairman;. John F. Sanders,
'23M, assistan't chairman; Edwin M.
Beresford, '22, William Kratz, '24, John
J. Wright, '24, and Charles E. Futch,
Sunday afternoon meetings commit-
tee: Norman C. Damon, '23, chair-
man; George E. Sloan, '24L, Julian
Mack, '24, Ralph Cohn, '23E, and Willis
Leenhouts, '23E.
Information and announcement com-
mittee: Robert L. Neale, '22E, chair-
man; George Townley, '24, assistant
chairman; Charles Waleron, '24, John
Russell, '24, R. P. Lewis, '23E, and W.
E. Doty, '24E. Combined musical clubs
committee: Charles Futch, '23M, gen-
eral chairman.
Reception and discussion group com-
mittee: James C. Frey, '22, chairman;
James Hume, '23, assistant chairman;
David Beers, '22, Burton Dunlop, '23,
Max Schrayer, '23E, Clifford Stuart,
'22, and -C. A. Campbell, '24E.

(Continued on Page Seven)
Four members for the team and
two alternates were chosen yesterday
morning by Adelphi House of Repre-
sentatives to represent that club in
the triangular freshman debate to
be held between Adelphi, Athena, and
Alpha Nu, 'debating societies.
The freshmen selected for the team
were: Lyman J. Glasgow, Walter E.
Lustfleld, Jack M. Clifford, and George
F. Hacker; alternates, F. C. Bernthal'
and Robert D. Law. These men spoke
on the question which will be used in
the debate: "Resolved, That the Un-
ited States should subsidize her Mer-

Members of the city council here
this week petitioned state highway
commissioners to make provision
whereby the state trunk line num-I
ber 17 would enter Ann Arbor from
Ypsilanti by way of Washtenaw ave-
nue,; according to authorities at the
city hall. Other entrances into the
city have been considered by officials,
but as yet no definite action has been
taken on any proposed entrance route.
Pianist To Give
NFaculty Concert
Mrs. Margaret Nikoloric, of New
York City, will be the soloist at he
Twilight faculty concert to be given
at 4:15 o'clock this. afternoon in Hill
auditorium. The program, which is
to be devoted entirely to piano music,
will be as follows:
Two Intermezzi, Opus 118, No. 1;
Opus 119, No. 3.......Brahms
Nocturne in C Sharp Minor, Opus
Two Etudes, in F major and A
Prelude, Chorale and Fugue......
..... Cesar Franck
Promenade vers -le mer.....Koechlin
Two Movements Perpetuels..Poulenc
Reflets dans l'eau.........Debussey
Ce qu'a vu. le vent d'Ouest..Debussey
The general -public is cordially in-
vited to attend this concert, for which
no admission will be charged. Chil-
dren will not be admitted unless en-
rolled in the University School of
Music. These will be admitted at
entrance No. 5 upon presentation of
their tuition receipts.
The Students' Press club will hold
its next luncheon at 6 o'clock Tuesday
evening at the Union. A. E. McCrea
of the Muskegon Chronicle will be the
principal speaker, and will talk on
"Opportunities in Journalism.",
He is reported to be a most inter-
esting speaker, and' his talk is antic-
ipated to be valuable to those inter-
ested in journalism. He is one of the
most progressive men in the Michi-
gan newspaper field, and is much in-
terested in college work in journal-
ism. Ie is in sympathy with the
academic viewpoint of the teaching of
Mr. McCrea's ideas concerning the
newspaper field should' interest the
college journalist: He is much con-
cerned with maintaining high stand-
ards in all departments of a newspa-
per, and believes in maintaining thel
same high standard in the advertis-
ing columns as appears -in the edi-
torial and news departments of a pa-






Varsity Earns Eight Points
Low Hurdles with Sa
(By George Reindel,
Ithaca, N. Y., March 25.-(
feated the University of
track team in the twelfth i
meet between the two schc
score of 59 to 27. MAichig
well as had been expected
fell before a better team.
The 75 yard dash opene
gram. The first heat wa
Lovejoy of Cornell, second,
Michigan. Time 7:4. Love
ed the heat well in the lea
heat a tie between Burke,
and Niles, Cornell. Time 7
led at 50 yards but Niles :
into -a tie gat the finish. E
gan men qualified for the F
Trials in 75 yard high hu:
heat won by Treman, Corn(
Sargent, Michigan. Time :
heat won by H. Stone, CornE
Watt, Cornell. Time :10 fia
of 'Michigan, failed to qua
second heat. Stipe of Mic
up to expectations in the
when he won the event wi
of 41 feet, 11 1-4 inches
Ebersole, Cornell; third, B
nell. Michigan had but of
Mile. run won by Kirby
second, Bowen, Michiga
Strickler, Cornell. Time 4.
had, been expected that K
take the race and the featur
Michigan was concerned kv
cellent race put up by B
finished about five yards
Kirby in the fastest time hE
this year. Kirly stamped
a powerful miler. He shoe
ent ease of form. Arndt,
second entry, ran fifth. Bo
was 4:25 2-5.
Lovejoy Wins 75 Yard
Finals-75 yard dash wo:
joy, Cornell; sscond, Burke,
third, Simmons, Michigan.
Lovejoy broke the gym rec
held by himself and R. Lose
igan. This is the first time
nell man has ever beat one
dash men. Lovejoy must i
the best college dash men.
remarkably low stride anc
Finals-75 yard high hurl
A. Treman, Cornell; secc
Cornell; third, Sargent,
Time :10 flat. Despite the
Kimball, Cornell's star hi
Big Red._took the first t
Sargent was slowed up sh
result of knocking over a


't'hes metng
ys at 9 o'clock
ie hall. Doctors
will lecture and
ng these two
conducted joint-
of the state de-
truction and the
f the University.



dress or when the President made his
oration over the grave of the un-
known soldier at the Arlington ceme-
tary amphitheater be used.
. Apparatus Simple
It is said that the apparatus which
would be used at Ferry field could be
of simpler, construction than, that e'm-
ployed at Arlington or at the inaud-
uration. There are three principal
parts to the equipment, a transmitter,
an amplifier and loud speaking re-
ceivers. The transmitter is similar
to the ordinary telephone transmit-
ter, except that the one suggested is
much more sensitive to the inflections,
and refinements of the human voice!
than is that employed in. telephones.'
The transmitter is placed several feet
in front of the speaker and does not;
interfere with the vision of the audi-'
ence. In fact, with an assembled
crowd the instrument is not notice-
According to Stock's article,. "the
amplifier is the brains of the appa-
ratus," and is,_simlar to the kind used
in wireless equipment. The receivers
look much like the rectangular meg-
aphones or wooden horns containing
diaphragms and accessories, arrang-
ed in a cluster or group near the
speaker. By this arrangement the
voice seems to come Prom the speak-
er rather; than the horns.
The February, 1922, Scientific Amer-
ican says of the use of this equip-

e Academy of Science,
te conference and
club will get under
A general meeting
will be held at 2:30
ernoon in room B.207
.ce building. Prof. A.
ill speak on "The Fac-
Eesearch" at 8 o'clock
a the Natura) Science
nmediately following
twill a smoker given
club in the University
mni Memorial ball,

Five students will compete for first
honors in the thirty-second annual I
oratorical contest which 'will be held{
at 8 o'clock Monday night in Univer-
sity Hall. The contestants and their
subjects follow: F. H. Backstroni,
'24, "The Greater Task;" C. H. Smith,
'24L, "Our Debt pf Honor;" Julius
Glasgow, '23, "The Parting of the
Ways;" C. E. Forsythe, '22Ed, "Ap-
palachian America;" Earl Miles, '22E,
"A Crushed Ideal."
The winner of the contest will rep-
resent the University in the annual
contest of the Northern Oratorical
league which will be held at the Uni-
versity of Illinois on May 5. First
place also carries with it theChicago
Alumni medal and the Paul Gray
testimonial of $100. The winner of
second honors receives the Paul Gray+
testimonial of $50.
Mapoulas to Confer on Turk Armistice
Athens, ;March 25.-General Mapou-,
I las, commander-in-chief of the Greek
army in .Asia Minor, is expected to
come to Athens for a conference with
the government concerning the terms
of the armistice proposed by the al-
lied foreign ministers. The press gen-
erallv is of the oninon that the gov-



Prof. H. H. Bartlett Address
Members of the America
tion of University Womei
opportunity of hearing Prc
Bartlett of the botany c
when lie spoke to them at
lar .monthly meeting yeste
The subject of Professoi
talk was "Native Life, in
The address was made real:
exhibition 'of Professor Ba:
lection of curiosities brot
that part of the world.

Tillinois city chiairmiE
5 o'clock Tuesday af
the second floor readi'
the Union.
New York chairmen
5:30 o'clock Tuesday
in room 304 of the Uni
Pennsylvania city
meet at 7:15 o'clock
evening in room 304

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