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March 19, 1922 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-19

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A Winter-Sports Project

(By S'. B rnard Butler)- a part of the income for amortization of student population falls on the cam- ate hockey will be given a great stimu-
king the Boulevard the stamping of the first cost of the project and the pus near the engineering shops. Thus us. In addition, the gradual slopes
ad of winter sports during the remainder to meet the operating cost. we see that the lake would be within a of the hills surrounding the Arbor-
I months seems opposed to the Of course it is realized that the mile from this center. In winter now etunr have drops ranging from twenty
nt usage of that place as a sum.- whole scheme is dependent upon the the zealous skater has to walk one and feet for the beginners in skiing to
rendezvous. Yet with the reali- water supply. At the present time a a half miles farther to Geddes Pond, fifty-five for the more advanced in the
n. of the plans of Prof. F. N. Mene- rivulet runs down -through the .Arbor- while others have to explore three- art, while the toboggan inclines fall
af the Engineering college, per- etum but this is not sufficient either milea southwest of Ann Arbor to the from a: height of fifty-five feet.
as soon as next winter, we shall to fill the pond or to keep it full. The Sister Lakes or two nailes to Barton_ _____
he venerable hills of the Boule- November rains, however, probably Pond. D. H. L-wrence ha. at last woo
dotted with skiing figures and would be sufficient to fill the lake, Not only may the proposed artificial official academic recognition. Profes-
ing tobogganists, while the arti- while, if necessary, a small auxiliary lake be used for the pleasure of sor H. J. C. Grierson, professor of
lake lying in the little pumping pparstus rout be stalled skaters, but more than two or three Rhetoric and English literature in the
v sbetween- two hills - near the .to take care of the seepage through L ____ . _..._ .. . .. . . .!__

Huron will have on its glassy surface t
hockey enthusiasts and shakers of the i
wicked skate.
Most of us realize that the condi-
tions for healthful exercise in the
open are limited for Michigan's
average student, especially in the win-
ter time. Many enjoy tennis, indoor
and swimming during the warmer
weather, but zero weather finds them
stowed away in the confines .of their
rooms. Possibly the weekly routine
for some may be punctuated with the
attending of Friday and Saturday
night dances with an occasional after-
noon campus mixer thrown in for
good measure.
In fact during the past ten years
the number of students attending
Michigan has nearly doubled, while
there has been no proportionate in-
crease of facilities for outdoor exer-
cise. Instead we witness the abnor-
naal thriving of the movie and jazz
In Professor Menefee's letter to
President Burton on this matter lie
said, "In seeking a location for pro-
viding an outlet for student energies,
I have noticed the tendency among
students to congregate on winter days
in the Arboretum off Geddes Avenue,
and have discovered that if a 'small
dam were thrown across the narrow
outlet to the little vallew composing
the Arboretum, a reasonably good-
sized lake would be formed which,.
considering its location in the hills,
would make an ideal 'winter sports
garden,' and which would provide for
skating and tobogganing."
Those who have preceded the early
robin in haunting the scenes of the
previous summer along Michigan's
historical promenade will remember
a little valley along the lower part of
the Boulevard on the south side of the
river near where the road takes its
turn along the stream west to the left.
Professor Menefee propofes to build
a small dam near the point where the
valley opens to the river. By throw-
ing this small dam over the outlet a
rather large lake could be formed
aerely by storing up the water from
the autumn rains. It would not be
necessary to construct a dam more
than twenty-five feet high and two
hundred forty feet long at the top to
hold back the Water for a lake nearly
eight hundred feet long by about
three hundred feet wide.
The cost of constructing such a dam
would not be prohibitive, for the whole
project including the building of the
dam, installation of motor and pumps
for supplying additional water frosna
the river if necessary, rebuilding of the
roads, toboggan and sk.i inclines would
not exceed $13,000.
Furthermore a "Wnter Sports Asso-
ciation":..could ben formed under the
jurisdiction of the present. Athletic
Association which would give each
student an annual ticket allowing him
the privilege of skating or toboggan-
ing at any time during the school year
for the nominal. charge of $1.50, In
this way probably $8,000 a year could
be realized which would soon wipe
out the $11,000 original debt by using

ehockey rinks can be laid otrn its University of Edinburgh, has awarded
the bed or to supplement the rainfall surface so that this branch of sports Lawrence the James Tait Black Me-
will have a better opportunity for morial Prize for his novel, "The Lost
It is definitely known that the center. 'ractice. Intramural and intercollegi- Girl."



We don't say--

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that you can't buy clothes
for less money at other
shops than you do at ours;-
neither do we say that you
can't buy. better quality
elsewhere if money is no
consideration at all,
We do say in all frankness that for every
dollar spent in our store we aim to give
full value in retuin. We specialize in the
better grades of clothing, always keeping
the prices as low as possible considering
the quality of workmanship and material.
This is the season for spring top coats.
Our patrons will find that we have a great
variety of ready-to-wears for their selec-
tion if they come in this week or next.
We suggest, however, that you don't de-
lay too. long,
We are always glad to show you our
goods and never want you to feel obli-
gated to purchase on that account.



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