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March 19, 1922 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-19

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lbijorksan' First Novel of American critics of Scandinavian rector of the Swedish Bureau of the . In his youth Mr. Bjrkman work
One of the most interesting of the literature. Among the numerous liter- Committee on Public Information, and as a wholesale clerk, an actor and
live first novels by Americans an- nary works to his credit are translations Associate Director of the League of . journalist. He was the founder of I
nounced for publication this Spring of plays by Strindberg, Bjornson, Nations News Bureau. He is the Wholesale Clerks Association of S«
by Alfred A. Knopf is "The Soul of a Bergstrom, Sbhnitzler, Heiberg and author of the following works: "Is den. As an actor he belonged to I
Child" by Edwin Bjorkman. Mr. Gustaf of Geijorstam. He has been There Anything New Under the Sun?" famous August Lindberg Compa
Bjorkman was born at Stockholm, editor of the Minnesota Posten at St. a collection of philosophical and liter- which first gave Ibsen's "Ghost
Sweden, October 19, 1866, came to Paul; reporter and music critic on ary essays, published in 1911; 1 Later he was a member of the Ro:
America in 1891 and spent .the great- the Minneapolis Times; reporter with "Gleams," a fragmentary interpreta- Dramatic Theatre at Stockholm.
est part of that year in Chicago, there- the New York Sun and New York tion of Man and his World, 1912; and -
after settling for five years in St. Paul Times; member of the editorial staff "Voices of Tomorrow," literary stud- Boni and Liveright announce t
and Minneapolis, and moving in 1897 of the New York Evening Post; de- ies, 1913. In 1919 Mr. Bjorkman was early publication of two novels of
to New York where he has lived since. partment editor of World's Work; edi- decorated by the Danish Government terest, "Upstream" by Ludwig Les-
8e i known as the most distinguished tar of the Modern Drama Series; Di-' with the order of the Danneborg. ohn, and "Rahab" by Waldo Fran
I~ ~ ~ ~~~ WhtsNw.M OOYA OPN

Match Your Suit
With Knickers
T hey cost only $10.75
What if your suit hasn't got knickers; you
can buy thesm to matel. For they're here
now in the smartest tweeds and homespuns,
in rose, blue, tan and canna. $1O.753.
Second Floor
Bulgarian Colors-
in Sweaters, $3.95
Swagger slipover modes
(olors svere never so ravishig as in the
sweaters for sisring. Though, as' always,
some of the more somber shades are pros-
et, the favors fall en those of brilliant Bul-
garian buss..
tilts slipover is the most prominent style,
with round or Vneck and braIded cord
sash. In addition to the Bulgarian stripes
mentioned there are tite plain shades of
bins, tan, black and lark. $1.93.
Second Floor

Thirty-fourth Year MAICII 19, 1922 Apparel News!
T hey're here ! Direct from Ne'w York
Miss Manhattan Coats
Suits, Dresses
In dashing, youthful modes .
STRAIGHT from the city of skyscrapers and pretty clothes come these
smaft Miss Manhattan creations for spring and summer. Their youth-
ful charms express themseves equally well i hecoming frocks i itle trot

teur suits or luxurious wrap
The dress pictured at the
left is of black Canton
crepe with jade georgette
crepe facing in the bell
sleeves. Beautifully head-
ed in black. Size 16.
$49.30. Others as low as

rime wrap illustrated is of
Slarvella in a rich rust
siade. Fancy stitching
trims time collar and cuffs.
Sleeves are silk tasseled.
Smart. Size is 16. $ 5.
Others as low as $23.

Gray wool sponge is the
fabric of the suit in the
above group. The pockets
are of paneled eponge in
navy blue. A narrow sil-
ver filigree belt is used.
Size 14. $5. Others .as
low as $13.

Second Floor

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