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March 19, 1922 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-19

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et Monday during the University
IStudent Publications.
elus entitle .o the use for
iescteite toitor not otherwise
9cai news published therein.
Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secnd

ynard Street,

words, if signed, the signa-
but as an evidence of faith,
in The Daily at the discre-
o The Daily office. Unsigned
leration.No manuscript will
orse the sentiments expressed

Telephone 2414
............................Joseph A. Bernstein
.........................Paul Watzel
ltr ........................... . B. Young
lams G. P. Overton
Dawson M. B. Stahl
Chairman...................L. Armstrong Kern~
shdorfer E. R. Meiss
1~ditor..............Thornton W. Sargent, Jr.
. . .............George .. Sloan
.......... ....................Sidney B. Coates
. George Reindel
...... ........ ... zabeth Vickery
...................................E. R. Meiss

on H. A. Donahue
Dorothy G.Geltz
H. B. Grundy
Sadyebeth Heath
Winona A. Hibbard
Harry D. Hoey
Agnes Holmquist
H. E. Howlett-
Mari*n Kerr
lvM. A. Klaver

Marion Koch
Robert M. Loeb
J. 4. Mack
Kathrine Montgomery
R. C. Moriarty
. F.aPontius
Lillian Scher
R. B. Tarr
Virginia Tryon
Dorothy Whipple

&ANAGER...............VERNON F. H'ILLERY
.. ........Albert 3. Parker
.... ... John' J. Hamel, jr.
....................... .Nathan W. Robertson
.................................Walter K. Scherer
................. .... .... erold C. Hunt

David Park
JA. Drer
Stanley Monroe
William Graulich

D. C. Maltby
Harvey Reed
George Rockwood
E. D. Armantrout
Edward Conlin
Lawrence Favrot

SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1922
Night Editor-L. J. HERSHDORFER
Assistant-S. B. Coates
Proofreader-M. H. Pryor
w that the discussion regarding the inability of
n members of the sophomore class to secure
s for their Prom has died down, the freshmen,
rted by Dean Bureley, have expressed a desire,
ndon the traditional name, "Frosh Frolic", as
d to their annual class dance, and to substitute
or the more dignified title of "Prom". 'The
-y yearlings wish their lofty, seventeen-year-
sition to be accorded its proper amount of re-
idea that the term "Frolic" suggests bur-
is ridiculous. On the contrary, it is most ap-
ate to the occasion. Webster's unabridged
:s the word as referring to "a scene of gayety
firth, as in a lively play, or in dancing ; a mer-
sing". If the Frosh Frolic is not a merry-
g, then it has no excuse for existence. Far
implying burlesque, the term merely suggests
layfulness of University yearlings, like unto
Lmboling of little lambs upon the green.
more than that, the term "Prom" has always
ised to denote the annual sophomore ball. The
e of the name of the freshman dance to Prom,
. be like trying to create a "Soph Hop" - and.
vould be so foolish as to advocate that?
request for a change in the name of tlhe fresh-
arty suggests naivete and an unwarranted pre-
usness on the part of the petitioners. Let the
Frolic remain the Frosh Frolic, and then let s
a end to this eternal haggling over Michigan's
spectre of future Michigan wends, its way
over the campus and through the surrounding
>orhood. The balmy air and warm sunshine
gthening days turn thoughts not alone toward
and love, but especially toward the new Uni-
y that soon will supersede the already chang-
zrm of the old.
o walks through the corridors of U Hall, past
itique zoological museum; who sees from a
distance the lingering corpse of West hall, or
alongside the squat R. 0. T. C. hut, of S. A.
fame - or infamy - without a feeling of ju-:
relief to know that these relics will soon give
to - there! there's that recurring spectre,
ng anon at one's side and rearing its majestic
rtions all about, charming the eye and firing'

These do not come clamorously forth. The themes
which are nearest the heart are not those which are
most readily aired. Someone now and then ex-
presses the hope that the new buildings will be
beatiful, as wellas large and modem ,Someone
else decares, with a show of confidence, that cer-
tainly they will exhibit unity of plan, and harhony
of color and design. But no man ventures to voice
the thing which all vaguely wonder: whether the
new University buildings will embody in their de-
sign a fineness and nobleness of spirit, so that they
may be pointed out as reflecting in some tangible
me sure the true spirit of Michigan herself.
The days of hot campus rivlary have passed. No
longer do alluring fights rouse students to the
heights of class loyalty, which may crystallize in
time into intense loyalty for Michigan as a whole.
Too many colleges already exist on the campus for
ny one of them to take itself so seriously as in
the younger days. In the years to come, the Uni-
versity must be the thing, from first to last. Can
the immense and populous Michigan of the future
be so designed, and so administered, as to command
the supreme loyalty and pride of every student and
alumnus - that rich possession of the younger
Michigan, now departed beyond recall?
The Daily Illini, in a recent editorial reprinted on
this page, has taken Michigan's Cap Night as being
an example of a really worth while, "college", and,
if you like, dramatic institution, which others might
do well to duplicate. Such recognition as that ac-
corded the Cap Night tradition by the Illini, helps
us to appreciate how much the custom really should
mean to us.
Cap Night actually is one of our biggest yearly
events, but it can be made immensely greater. Apro-
pos of the call of Illinois for an annual pot-burning
similar to ours, we may do well to consider the real
merit embodied in the recent suggestions that Cap
Night be made the center of a week's festivities
late in the spring, instead of being set off to itself
on one lone Friday night, as in the past.
We have other spring institutions and customs,
of very great merit and almost national recognition.
The May Festival, for example, is an affair of which
few, if any, universities can boast an equal. It is
M4ichigan. So is Swing-out; and the underclass
spring games, though not unique with us, constitute
a really significant part of our yearly undergradu-
ate program.°
Michigan has an opportunity, through a combina-
tion of all these annual events, to inaugurate here a
week so full of activity that it soon should become
nationally known, and should mean a great deal to
the University, by attracting alumni and outsiders
to Ann Arbor, and showing' the latterwhat Michi-
gan undergraduate life really is like. At any rate,
the plan recently suggested surely is worthy of a
- I~ie Telescope
Our Own Department
'In a little town of about 20,ooo
Situated very near the University
A house was burning recently
And the roomers called up to have
The engines come right down
To the address given.
A startled fire-fighter who answered
The phone at the department said,
"What's the matter? - Is there a fire?"
All of which reminds us that he must have
From that little town way upstate
Where the people turn in false alarms
Whenever their lawns
Need sprinkling.
New Books
(The Sunday Special)
VANITY FAIR, by William Makepeace Thack-
eray (Jack Holt and Company). Two volumes of
interesting articles carefully selected from the issues

of the magazine by that name. Suggests deeply
thought proposition that the best way to dodge the
inheritance tax is not to be left any money. A por-
tion which should be of value to instructors in the
University is the significant treatise entitle, "How
to Live Well On Nothing a Year". .
Famous Sayings of Famous Men
' "We have'met the enemy, and they are ours."
"Let's try the boulevard."
"Veni, vidi, vici."
'O Min I"
"Don't change horses while crossing the stream."
"One withoutI!"
"I'll wallop you so hard, that if you don't fall
down, you're gonna do some, mighty funny things
standing up.' -
Teacher! Teacher!
"Johnnie, please give me a sentence using the
word 'cynical' correctly."
"All right, ma'am. If you have ten pennies, how
much is that ?"
"Why, that's a dime, of course."
"Sure. And if you have twenty-five pennies, how
much is that?"
"That's a quarter."
"Right again. Well, then if you have five pen
nies, that cynical."
Famous Closing Lines
"Don't give up the ship," said an onlooker as the
sea-sick passenger leaned over the railing.

Ann Arborand Jakson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars - 6.0
a. i., 7 :so a. in., :00 a. m., :ou a. m. and
hourly topVes P. iM.
Jackson Ezpres. Cars (local stops of Ann
Arbor), :47s a. M. and every two hours to
ocal Cears East Bound-sw: a.m., 7:06 a.
m,. and ever' two hours to s:oo p. m., u1.oo
p. m. Topilati only- P:. p. a.,12:95
a. as., 1:1S a. m. 1
To Salee, :change at Ypsilati.
Local Cars West Bon-ats0sa. a., s:40
V. -1
8MTo Jacksonand Kalamazoo-Limited cars:
10, o:47, a. in, 1:47, 2.47, 4:47.
To Jackson and Lansing - Liited: 8:47
P. .a.
A Reliable jeweler
18 South Main
(Daily Illini)
One of the most dramatic celebra-
tions at Illinois has not been developed
as it might easily be. The Freshman
cap burning, which is significant of the
passing of the year, and of the promo-
tion of the members of each class has
not been "milked" of its dramatic pos-
Here Freshman cap burning is
passed by with very little ceremony.
The yearlings meet for a twilight con-
cert, perhaps, paradeto Illinois Field,
toss their green-spots in a bon-fire,
and then march down-town to endeav-
or to raid a theater. Most of the em-
phasis in late years seems to have been
placed on the latter part of the cele-
bration, together with the counter at-
tact of the sophomoresvthat inevitably
develops later in the evening.
Freshman cap burning could really
be made an evening filled with signi-
ficance. At Michigan, the annual Cap
night is hailed as one of the largest
celebrations of the year. Alumni re-
turn form all parts of the country.
Trains from Chicago are loaded to the
gunn'ls. A crowd of fifteen or twenty
thousand gather in the "Hollow" be-
fore the tribal camp-fire. Each class
sings its hymn signifying its promo-
tion in the University ranks. The
Michigan "M" blankets are awarded.
There are cheers by classes. Promin-
ent alumni'and student leaders speak.
They sing "The t Victors" and "The
Yellow and Blue" accompanied by the
The freshman cap burning should be
made just as important at Illinois.
This can be accomplished by making
it a part of the annual interscholastic
The Varsity debaters here might ar-
range for a competitive oration. All
the I-letters of the year might be
awarded with more ceremony than has
usually been our custom. The band
might prepare a twilight concert. Sa-
chem, junior honorary society, might
hold its traditional Indian pledging
from the tepee on the Auditoriuin
steps. These are but a few of the
ma-ny features that might be arraned
to make the Freshman cap burning n
All-University observance. 1viany Uni-
versity ceremonies, now lost in the
weekly calendar of events, might be
brought before the entire University
community and its guests, by uniting
them into a celebration that could be
made very much worth-while.....
(Marquette Tribune)
This is the time of year when colds
are common, when the vagaries of the
weather bear watching. During a warm
spell in the winter one is tempted to
discard heavy overcats and under-
wear and throw caution to the winds.
It is not uncommon just now to see

some reckless spirits walk down the
avenue overcoatless as though it were
mid-summer. This is unwise because
the temperature of the body when
not sufficiently protected is lowered
below the point of health and com-
fort. The body is chilled and rendered
less immune to the invasion of cold-
producing germs.
Insufilient sleep, also plays a part
in diminishing the power of resist-
ance to colds. One should get his
quota of sleep (every night. Eight
hours for sleep is a good slogan to
adopt. The brain of the student can-
not be clear or his nerves steady if
he has denied himself sufficient sleep{
which Shakespeare calls nature's chief
Buy your class toques from Dail-

Tickets on sale at Whitney theatre.t



18th Annual Junior Girls' Play

(This spaoo donated by Graham's book store.)


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You'll find many bargains when
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you Buy your class toques

Do You Know
that We Make
New Furniture
out of old - that we special-
ize' in upholstery and refin-
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We also will Pack and Crate
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What Women
MEN dress more for
others admiratkm
than for personal vanity. If
you covet the appreciation
of critical eyes, come here
for your spring suit! And
let, us whisper that last
year's cost will pay for two
suits this year!l
We are featuring one of the
finest Sport Oxfords made at

1 of the future Michigan inevitably per-
Alace these days. Size - bigness -- pro-
pillions - all very impressive. Twenty
now - what then? Fifteen thousand,--
tsand students - where put them all?
ily? Street cars? Build the town over?
small? Need a coliseum for the J-Hop ?.


' b r JEs T E TcAT 184T


vever, are r
iro-athe +e

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