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March 14, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-14

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Plan For Homecoming Week To Include
I Major Spring Eventslleets With Favor

I 4.

- "




bbs Inflicting
is. on

Michigan may have a home-coming
week during which all of the major
spring' activities of the campus may
be incorporated, if the suggestion con-
tained in a recent Daily editorial
should be acted upon officially.'
Cap Night Early in Week
The- new plan would make one week
of the year a period of special attrac-
tion for the visiting alumni. They
would be able to a'ttend several cam-
pus activities including Swing-out
Cap Night, a Varsity baseball game,
the underclass spring games and one
or all of the May Festival concerts.
Swing-out and Cap Night would talpe
place early in the week, the May Fes-
tival concerts would continue from
Wednesday until Saturday and the aft-
erAoons during the time whichinter-
venes would be devoted to the annual
freshman-sophomore clash.
.In the opinion of George Brophy,
'22L, the plan would be an excellent
one to attract alumni to the Univer-
sity at a time when opportunities are
offered them to see the campus at the
heigh of activity, and would seem the
logical time for g home-coming week
now that the old plan of using the day

of an important football game as the
official "welcome" day for alumni has
been abandoned. Brophy state' furth-
er that if the Student council should,
decide to act officially on the question
that the full co-operation of the Un-
ion in making the week a success
would be assured.
Shaw Backs Plan
Wilfred B. Shaw, general secretary
of. the Alumni association, stated yes-
terday that he heartily favored the
plan for a spring home-coming week
for the reason that were it held at
almost any other time during the year,
such as during Commencement week,
there would be comparatively few stu-
dents on the campus, and that the
week end of a football game also
found the campus in an abnormal con-
dition, and also offered the visitor
only a. glimpse of Michigan's major
Tne conflict of dates between the
Cap Night cermonies and May Festival
concert would also be eliminated by
the new plan which would provide that
the big Sleepy Hollow fire take place
on some night before Wednesday, May
17, which is the date of the opening of
the Festival.

sociated Press)
ch 13.-An agency dis-
Johannesburg tonight
e capture of spies and
was learned- that the
'red revolution' came

peace will soon'

inesburg, Union of South Af-
arch 13.-A shot was fired at
omobile containg Gen. Jan
n Smuts, the premier, Sunday
was being driven toward the
ear Potchefstroom. The pre-
as not hurt, although a bullet
the car.
es tend to show that the sit-
which last week was extreme-
e, when many hundreds of
ties on all sides in the fight-
now well controlled by for-
forces of - the governments
were devoted to the task of
sing after the proclamation. of'
law. The prompt quelling of
order was largely due to the
ployment of bombing aero-
to disperse thebrebels and
food to the besieged loyal-
inesburg, which on Saturday
ested on three sides, is at the
time quite safe. Kiugersdorp,
tern limit of the fighting, has
ptured by the troops. The
1-Germiston railway line was
ng contested on Saturday but
ture of Benoni and Bunswart
ced tonight it is believed most
resistance has been' overcome.
al 1Smuts, the South African
has taken personal charge of
ation at Johannesburg. He
es the opihion that peaceful
ns will soon be re-estab-
ria, Union of South Africa,
13. - Airplanes have twice
bombs on revolutionary com-
inflicting severe casualties
arge number of strikers have
lied or wounded in an attack
cavalry at Ellis Park, says a
iication issued Sunday giving
d of Saturday's disturbances
out of the strike situation.


Psychology 3'Men,
Say Memory Plan
Is Impracticable
"Largely impracticable," is the opin-
ion of two prominent members of the
psychology department in commenting
on the memory system proposed and
advocated by W. T. Orr Friday night at
the Union. '
Prof. W. B. Pillsbury went on to
say that though many memory sys-
tems had been brought forward from
time to time, each claiming to train
the memory to a high degree, as a
matter of fact they all fell short in
that their potential application has
always been very limited.
"Such systems," he said, "are to a
certain extent useful in memorizing
lists of names or other detached data,
but in memory work in its more gen-
eral aspect they are impractical." Pro-
fessor Pillsbury went on to point out
that memory systems so far introduc-
ed may look fascinating and highly
feasible on the surface, but that in
actual practice their application is so
limited that they are not worthy of
much consideration.
Prof. C. H. Griffitts confirmed Pro-
fessor Pillsbury's opinon, and added
that the basic idea of the -memory
training system which involved asso-
ciative processes as set forth by Orr
dated back to Cicero, who evolved the
first of such systems.
"Easy access may be had to these
works in the Library," he said, "and
they are fully as efficient in principle
as anything that has been proposed
since. It is hardly necessary to pay
for memory training of this sort when
it can easily be secured by independent
reading in the Library."

'Haberman A nd
Dux Appear On
Stage ',Tonight
The last concert in the Choral
Union series will be given by Claire
Dux and Bronislaw Huberman at 8
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. Mr.
Huberman, violinist, will open the
program with Lalo's "Symphonic Es-
pagnole," which will be followed by
an aria from Bizet's "The Pearl Fish-
ers," sung by Miss Dux, soprano.
The singer's appearance tonight will
be her first in Ann Arbor as her trip
this season, is her first in the United
States. She made her European de-
but' at the Cologne Opera House as
Pamina in the "Magic Flute." After
five years at Cologne she joined the
forces of the 'former Royal Opera in
Berlin, where she sang Sophie in the
premier of Strauss' "Rosenkavalier"
at her first appearance. Later she did
sensational work at Convent Garden,
London. She has appeared success-
fully in all the great opera houses of
The famous Polish violinist was
born at Czentstoschow near Warsaw
in 1882 and at an early age gave prom-
ise of great talent as a violinist. In
1892 his father resigned his position
in order to guide young Huberman on
his future career. The nextyear he
appeared in Amsterdam, Brussels and
Paris, being everywhere acclaimed a
At the age of 14 he played Brahms'
violin concerto to 'an audience in
which was Brahms himself. The com-
poser, before the concert, was deter-
mined to rebuke the presumptive boy;
but instead the young artist's work
moved him to smiles, and then to tears
of emotion. After the concert, in the
artist's room, he warmly embraced
young Huberman. Since that day Hu-
berman has maintained his position as
a master violinist.
Speaking before more than 300 men
who crowded the banquet room of the
Chicago City club, Dean Mortimer E.
Cooley of the engineering college, told
the Michigan Engineers club that the
engineer was just beginning to real, '
ize that he has been negligent in tak-
ing his place in the council halls of
his country and local communities of
his neighborhood. He madea plea for
the engineering men to become more
interested in the civil and national
President Marion L. Burton follow-
ed Dean Cooley and told the engineers
of the work of the University since
1920. He indicated that after the bud-
gets outlined by the heads of the nine
departments at the beginning of the
administration, the total demandsi
were reduced to about $8,600,000. The
President continued in making a plea
for sounder thoroughness in all things,
showing that we are in a more pre-g
carious position than ever before and
that the people who are going to make
a proper balance of the situation are
our educated men.
Dr. Sundwall Now in Washington
Dr. John Sundwall, director of stu-
dents' physical welfare department,
left Sunday for Washington, where he
is attending the Conference on the
Education of Health Officers. He is
expected to retur the latter part of

Building to Cost $75,000 Will Provide
Facilties For All Indoor
Action approving the building of a
field house at Ferry field was passed
at a meeting of the Senate council
yesterday afternoon. The plan as ap-
proved calls for a biulding 330 feet by
160 feet which will contain facilities
for indoor track and baseball, bisket-
ball, football practice, and other in-
door sports. The proposed structure
will have a seating capacity of .8,000.
It is planned to appropriate $75,0Q0
from te earnings next year and the
same amount for the three following
years to finance the project.
Discuss Costumes
Reports from the committee on
academic costume conpisted of de-
finite costumes to be worn by holders
of degrees from the University. The
committee is composed. of Dean A. S.
Whitney of -the School of Education,
Prof. G. W. Patterson of the mechan-
ical engineering department, and Prof.
R. W. Aigler of the Law school. The
action as voted on by the Senate ocun-
cil stated that the gowns for a bach-
elor's degree should be ofblack worst-
ed stuff with pointed sleeves.
For all master's degrees, black silk
may be used but the sleeves are long
and closed, and 'for the doctor's de-
gree, black silk or worsted stuff with
round open sleeves, faced down the
front withvelvet and with three ve-
vet bars across each sleeve. The vel-
vet used is to be either of black or of
the color distintive of the faculty to
which the degree pertains.
Describe Gowns
In the hood; only the length is dis-
tinctive. They are all made of black
silk or of the material of the gown,
lined with yellow and blue,'the edg-
ing of the hood-to be of silk, satin or
velvet of the color distinctive of'the
faculty to which the degree pertains.
The lengths of the hoods for bachelors
is three feet, for masters three and
one-half feet and for doctors four feet.
The usual academic cap is worn for all
degrees with a tassel of black or a
color designating the faculty to which
the degree pertains. The doctor's de-
gree entitles the holder to wear a vel-
vet cap, however.
Action designating the gowns and
caps to be worn by seniors in their
last semester before commencement
was postponed.
"Specialists in some particular line
of the real estate business with initia-
tive and vision is the great need oi
today" was the substance of Judson
Bradway's, '04, talk on "Real Estate
Oppottunities," Sunday afternoon at,
the Union.
"The buying, selling, renting, and,
managing of real estate holds a pecu-
liar place in the minds of men to-
day-it is a cross between menial
labor and a profession," continued Mr.
Bradway. "Menial when buying or
selling a lot for a commission is con-
cepned, but involving all sorts of tech-
nical and professional questions when
a manufactur.er comes in for advice
on the location of his new ,plant.
New Profession

"Real estate as a profession is new
to this country," stated Mr. Bradway,
"but through the efforts of the Na-
tional Real Estate association the true
meaning of the word 'realtor' is being{
explained. He is a real estate man1
who is a member of the United States
Real Estate Board association and not,
any or every dealer in real estate who7
establishes an office. His duties con-
sist in advising widows, orphans, and
laboring men what to do with their
fgvings, as well as telling the rich
man where to build his new home and
In answer to the question "Who
goes into the real estate business?"
Mr. Bradway said that very few delib-
erately choose it and most men fall
into it 'by accident.
Unlimited Advantages
With unlimited advantages and op-
portunities, the real estate businesss
offers much to the college man who is
willing to start at the bottom, but we
find the college man with all his gen-
eral knowledge knows nothing of real
estate and yet does not want to take
the rough road into the business, stat-

Portraits Stolen
In 'Ensian Office,
Two hundred dollars worth of por-
traits have been taken from the Mich-
iganensian office by unknown parties
during the past few days. The por-
traits were of Dunne, Goebel, Vick and
Steketee and were the work and prop-
erty of the artist who had loaned them
to the Michiganensian for this year's
Michiganensian authorities are doing
everything within their power to re-
cover the portraits because of their
individual value to the artist and also
to the year book.
wA photograph of Fielding H. Yost
was taken from the office last week
and efforts are also being made to
find this picture. It is the opinion of
the officers that the pictures have been
taken to be used in' an "M" book or
for some similar purpose, by some-
one not realizing their value.

Moore Finds Administration
Practices Differ Widely in
Various Schools



Vast differences in the administra-
tion and ractices of university and
college Unions over the country was
the outstanding fact brought to light
at the four day national convention of
representatives at Boston last week,
according to E. F. Moore, '22, president
of the Michigan Union, who returned
from Boston yesterday. Moore acted
as secretary for the convention.
Discuss Funds
Representatives from Ohio State, Il-
linois, Indiana, Maine, Michigan,
Harvard, Chicago, Minnesota, Toron-
to, Purdue, Western Reserve, McGill,
Case School of Applied' Science, and
Michigan Agricultural college, werel
present for the discussion of mutual
Questions re'ating to campaigns for
funds, and 'discussions of buildings
and equipment, and, student activities
occupied most of the time of the con,
vention, which was the second of the
Association of University and College
Unions which was organized here May
6, 1920. Recognizing Michigan's su-
premacy in the Union field, the repre-
sentatives derected many questions to
Moore as to how the Union at Ann
Arbor was organized and run. It was
conceded on all sides that the Michi-
gan Union was the most active or,
ganization in the association.
Meet Next in Toronto
Ding room and cafeteria servicel
was a subject in which the delegates
showed much interest. It developed
that the Hart House at Toronto uni-
versity feeds 1,500 people three meals'
a day, which is a larger eating serv-
ic than at any other Union.
The next convention will be heldf
next November at the Hart House in
Toronto. J. B. Bickersteth of Toronto
university was elected president of,
the association for the coming year,,
and A. B. Drake of Ohio State was ;
chosen secretary. These two officers,
are ex-officio members of the executive
committee, together with Francis B.
Foster, manager of the Harvard

Robinson Proposal Would Res
Signatory as Well as Si
tory Nations
(By Associated Press:
Washington, March 13.--O
of the Four Power Pacific tre
ed another series of broadside
the pact today in the sen
slasokened their onslaught
fore adjournment for a vote
row on the first of the :
Lasts All Day
Senator Johnson, Call., am
Idaho, both Republicans, t
lead in the all day attack, th
declaring that ratification w
national surrender under the
danger of the Angl6-Japan4
ance and the latter asserting
proposed four power arra
would transfer to the Pac
whole balance of power sysi
has dominated Europe for cen
A question as to the authe
the treaty again was raised dg
debate, Mr. Borah asserting1
spite Secretary Hughes' letter
ing responsibility tor the fi
there seemed to be "the most
sive proof that somebody el
the treaty,"
T Vote on Amendment
The amendmnent on whihn
agreed to vote at 4 o'clock t
was proposed by Senator '9
Democrat,Arkansas, and prov
the right of nations both in
of the four power group are i
spected and that non-signatory
as signatory nations shall be
to any conference held to
controversiestaffecting their
interests 'i the Pacific or
eastern question.
Adelphi House of Repres
will hold a debate tonight r
the advisability of letting Co:
athletes take part in professic
4etics in the summer. The
is "Resolved, that Conferen
dents, otherwise eligible, wi
professional baseball in.the
should be allowed to partic:
intercollegiate athletics."
Everyone who is interested
question is invited to be prese
debate, which will be held
o'clock in the Adeiphi room,
floor of University hall.
Orders will be taken for th
engineer commencement in
and announcements all day T
above the Engineering arch. TI
er covered invitations which wi
played at the last class meet
cost 55 cents each. Engrav
nouncements may be also ha
cents each. It is necessary t
be paid for at the time of o'rd
Since the final order must e
with the engravers at once it
impossible to accept any orde

cott, wife of Pr
he rhetoric.d
rday afternoon
ng approximat
me on Church.
to have resulte

depart- Prof. David Friday, president-elect
ely a of Michigan Agricultural college, will
street. outline plans for the new adminstra-
,d from tion at the March meeting of the State
Board of Agriculture at Lansing to-
of the morrow. Professor Friday is return-
d. Mrs. ing from Washington, where he has
aginaw been \economic advisor to the con-
er was gressional committee on agriculture.
1 1880. These duties obtained for him a three

r of a
in 188
later t

rts de-
4, and
o Pro-

Richard, both
ed 'in Detroit,
:arion Good-
survive Mrs.

or years had been an ac-
civic and welfare work,
r in the work of the
rch, of which she was a
. Scott was president of
w County Federation of
s, and also was head of
y federation of this city.
it at college, she was a
e Gamma Phi Beta so-
is since been interestedf
of that chapter. I
rices for Mrs. Scott will
r home, 538 Church
o'clock Wednesday aft-
Rev. Dr. Henry Tatlock+

months' delay before assuming the
presidency of the state school on
April 1.
The state board had made several
plans for reorganizing the faculty and
management of the school but have.
deferred them until Professor Fri-
day's arrival. It is stated there will
be some revision in the faculty with
the likelihood of several experts com-
ing to the school next fall. Professor
Friday will remain on after the meet-
ing until April 1, at which time he will
assume his administrative duties. A,
new secretary for the board and col-
lege will be elected at this time.
Professor Friday was formerjy head
of the economics department here and
has a national reputation for his work
in the field of economics. He grad-
uated from here in 1908.
Sickness among the compositors has
caused a delay in the printing of both
the Chimes and the Gargoyle so that
these publications will not make th. ir
appearance at their usual time this
month. Every effort is now being made

Hill street from Washtenaw avenue
to Packard street, North State street
from the Michigan Central station to
Huron street, and Packard street from
Granger street to the city limits will
be paved as soon as possible by the w
engineering department'of Ann Arbor,
according to an announcement yester- 'a
day afternoon by George H. Sanden- af
burgh, city engineer.
"Oxford Road will be paved to the
city limits, if State Trunk Line No. 17 t
is not changed to come into the city t
on Packard street," said Mr. Sanden- _
burgh "In all probability, however,
South State street between Irch and I
Dewey streets will not bl gaved untilF
next year."
Five miles of curb and gutter to be !
laid on 20 different streets of this city, I
laying o' sa-itary seicrs, -ud the I
construction of ,a large storm sewer
near For'st "nd Weils streets to pre- I
venr the us-1 foo 0- at the corner -J
of CIi6rchi and Roosevelt streets and at I
the corner of Forest and Cambridge!
streets are some of the things which)
the city will do along with the pav-.
ing of the streets. The total cost of, I
this work will amount to approxi-
mately $220,000, according to Mr. San-
Bids for the work will be asked forI

rs Illay.
Students wishing to try out
riters oil The Daily busine:
hould see A. J. Parker betR
rd 12 o'clock in The Daily b
There will be a meeting of
Are editorial staff and tryout
clock this afternoon.

Canes should be or
mediately at Wagner
since it takes from thi
weeks to obtain them
Chairman Cane C
Programs and anno
may be ordered bet
hours of 2 and 5 o'cloc
and Thursday afterno
booth in University ha

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