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October 07, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-10-07

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CiT. No. 11




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Athletic Coupons
Needed or Games
Athletic coupon book distribution
will stop next Wednesday and any
student who has not exchanged his
receipt from the treasurer for his book
will have to pay to witness any of the
season's athletic contests.
Because of the immense number of
students presenting receipts the first
week, and the confusion .during that
time in which a number of people
failed to secure their books, students
were admitted to the Mt. Union game
upon display of their treasurer's re-
Attention has been called to the fact
that this courtesy will not be ex-
tended at the Case game Saturday,
and that ailmission will be granted
only on presentation of coupon books
or ticket bought at the gate.'

Three Resolutions Passed by 85 Or-
ganizations at Ann Arbor
C.of C .

Audience Responds To Twilight
Recital Given By marl V. Moore

Difference Made Up By Increase In
Income From Estate and Cor-
Porate Sources
(By Associated Pressi
Washington, Oct. 6.-Republican sen-
ate leaders, in a series of conferences
today agreed upon a tentative tax re-
vision program which they believe
will close the principal gap within
their party ranks in the senate and
at the same time prove agreeable to
the Republicans in the house of rep-
Main points in the program are a1
increase in the maximum tax rate from
32 per cent to 50 per cent and repeal
of the tax on freight, passenger, and
pullman transportation. In addition,
it is proposed to repeal the $2,000 ex-
emption allowed corporations which
would mean an additional $60,000,000
of revenue from corporate sources;
retain the corporation stock tax esti-
mated to yield $75,000,000, and repeal
the various nuisance taxes, such as
those on soda water, cosmetics, propri-
etary medicines and the like.
There also was -said to have been a
tentative agreement to increase the es-
tate taxes so as to have a maximum of
40 or 50 per cent on estates of $100,-
000,000. The present maximum is 25
per cent on estates of $10,000,000. Both
leaders favored the committee pro-
posal for a fiat tax of 15 per cent on
corporation income.

Room Srvey Notr
Due To Scarcity
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant- to
President Marion L. -Burton, stated
that a survey of class rooms was un-
der Nyay for statistical purposes and
not primarily because of a scarcity of
class rooms. Several rooms are avail-
able but due to the size of the class
in Political Science I, Hill auditorium
is being used.
Prof. Louis C. karpinski, of the
mathematics department, is in charge
of the allotment of rooms in the liter-
ary college and all statistics con-
cerning University class rooms are
sent to Doctor Robbins, assistant to
the President. No such ac teness of
class roomy space has arisei to cause
a change in the present metnod, Doc-
tor Robbins declared.


With more than 125 candidates for
the Varsity Glee club, the final try-
outs will be held 'this afternoon from
3 to 4 o'clock in room 308 of the
Union, according to Frank L. Thomas
of the School of Music, director of the
Glee and Mandolin club.
Consistent with the plan to regain
the old prestige of thefclub held in
the years it madd the trips to the Pa-
cific coast, the management is making-
an attempt to get all available men
on the campus to try out so the club
can have the best possible material.
More Men Expected
Letters to all fraternitier were sent
out Wednesday and in addition to the
already large rk sponse, the tryouts
Friday are expected to bring out an
additional number of good men, Mr.
Thomas said.
"Among the 125 tryouts enough ma-
terial has appeared to make up a thor-
oughly fine club of 60 already," said
Mr. Thomas. "Of course the number
of voices is not evenly balanced. and
the usual shortage of high tenor
voices is in evidence. We have more
than enough for all the other voices
but would like 10 or 15 more tenors
to make the choice from."
Pick Club Next Week'
Ngames of all tryouts were sent to
the eligibility committee yesterday by
the club management and after the
receipt of reports on the standings,
the club members will be picked as
soon as possible. Announcement. is
expected about the middle of next
week, as soon as the eligibility of to-
day's tryouts is settled. Rehearsals
will begin immediately after the club
has been picked and plans for the
activities for the year have been defi-
nitely organized.

Representatives from 35 University
and city organizations considered a
tentative program for an Armistice day
celebration to be held on Nov. 11, at
a meeting at the Chamber of Com-
merce. The following resolutions
were drawn up, one of which has been
sent to President Harding for his con-
Resolved, That this representative
body of Ann Arbor organizations heart-
ily endorse any ,patrioticmovement
promoting general limitation of arm-
ament of all nations, consistent to the
safety of the United States, and, be it
Resolved, That a copy of this resolu-
tion be forwarded to the President of
the United States of America.
Resolved, That business houses be
requested to close at noon on Nov.
11, 1921.
Resolved, That all organizations,
small or large, be invited to particip-
ate In the plans for Armistice day
To Have Floats
It is understood that business places
will be closed during the afternoon,
and that the .University, willbe asked
to adjourn classes for the same period.
It is planned to have all the organ-
izatiopf, clubs, and societies in the
city, which desire, to prepare floats for
the parade which will march on the
streets, yet to be determined, to Hill
auditorium where a program will be
The parade will consist not only of
floats but also of the veterans of the
Civil war, the Spanish-American war,
and the World war, as well as school
children. I
Speeches for Foreighers
At some time during the day, Am-
ericanization speeches will be given
for the especial benefit of foreigner
and those who have taken out their
first naturalization papers.
During the evening confetti, music,
and a street dance will furnish the:
entertainment down town. The dance
is to be a general affair on somE
smooth piece of pavement.

With Hill auditorium in, a yellow"
haze of late afternoon and with more
than 400 people assembled to quietly
enjoy 40 mihutes of good music, Earl
V. Moore, University organist, yester-
day afternoon opened the series of1
weekly twilight organ. recitals. His'
audience was appreciative and with
Opening with Ravanello's "Christus
Resurrexit," a number effective for
its trumpet like passages followed by
pianissimos, Mr. Moore at once brought
his audience into the mood which skill-
ful interpretation of the organ brings.
"Our Obligations to Students in
School and Oollege" was the central
theme of the third day of the twenty-

Then came a melody by the German
composer, Gluck. It was one of those
simple airs written three centurie
ago, but which now as then takes the
listener's thought away from music to
thoughts of many things. So also was
the "Andantino" from Lemare, which
came later in the program.
Th next number, the "Intermezzo"
of Callaerts, brought out the sure tech-
nique of the organist, in its airy pass-
ages and for a brief minute carried the
audience out of the dreamy mood of
Gluck's air. Noble's "Solemn Pre-.
lude" which followed was a number
calling for skill in manipulation of the
instrument. Like many preludes it
left one wondering where the author
would lead next.
Mr. Moore closed with Boellman's
well known "Toccata" with its re-
sounding melodies played on the pedal
!organ. His audience responded en-
thusiastically to the inspiration of the
music and showed its appreciation
when the organist had finished.

ninth session of the general Unitar- HOLDS
Ian conference held in Ann Arbor
Opening with devotional services

Huge Crowd Taxes Capaci
Grounds; Shows Pleu


(By Associated Press)
New York, Oct. 6. - The N
Americans made World Ser
tory here today shutting
Giants 3 to 0 in th4 second
the struggle with the New 1
tionals. They' did it by lively
the bases and the best possib
their few hits, supported tb
by the brilliant twirling c
their young right handed si
allowed the Giants but two r
Unlike the opening encou
day's game was played before
that taxed the capacity of
grounds and let itself loose
quent intervals in zipping <
of enthusiasm. It- had plen1
thuse over, for the contest,
ers' battle between Hoyt an
who twirled stellar ball
Giants, was full of intense :
Only Four at Plate
So air tight was Hoyt's pitc
the Giants had never more I
men at the plate in any on
The nearest they came to t
base was in the ninth whe

conducted by Rev. R. E.

Bailey ofI

Charleston, S. C., at 10 o'clock, =the
first address, "Doctrinal Instruction,"
was given by Rev. S. B. Snow of Mon-
treal. -Following this at 10:40 o'clock
two addresses on the principal theme
were given, one by Prof. John F.
Shepard, of the psychology depart-
ment, the other by Rev. S. M. Croth-
ers of Cambridge, Mass.
Lunch at Union
Luncheon was served at 12:30
o'clock in the Union, with more than
300 present. After luncheon another
address on the leading theme was giv-
en by Prof. Henry F. Cope, of Chi-
cago, Ill., general secretary of the
Religious Education society. Presi-
dent Marion L. Burton talked on the
proper religious influences for stu-
dents at the University.
A tour was made of the University
buildings at 2 o'clock. The session1
then adjourned to be followed ty serv-
ices in the evening at the Temple
Beth-El in Detroit, where the other
sessions of- the conference are being
held this week.
Taft Unable to Attend
Although it was hoped that Ex-
President William Howard Taft would
be in Ann Arbor yesterday as presi-
dent of the Unitarian conference which
met then, word was given out that,
owing to his appointment as chief
justice of the Supreme court he was
unable to attend any sessions of the
conference is installation ceremonies
come the first week in October. It is
stated that Mr. Taft made the en-
gagement to attend before he was not-
ified of his appointment.

Harold Bauer, master pianist, will
open the Choial Union series on the
evening 'of Thursday, Oct. 20, at Hill.
auditorium, taking the place of Erno
Dohnanyi, who has just notified his
managers that he will not come to
America this fall.
Mr, Bauer holds a position among
the foremost pianists of the day and
the term "master pianist" which is
regularly applied to him suggests the
overwhelming victory which he has
gained over the technical difficulties
of his art as well as the prot-_ of
interpretation. He was born in Eng-
land where his musical ability early
brought him recognition, particularly
his violin playing, and a violinist's
career was uppermost in his mind un-
til Paderewski persuaded him that his
talent was greater on the piano.
After a most successful debut in
Paris where he studied some years andI
where he now lives, he toured everyI
section of Europe. In America -Bauer
made his first appearance with the
Boston Symphony orchestra in 1900.
Since then he has played with every,
symphony orchestra in the country,
and his recitals have been made in all
the larger cities.
Mr. Bauer has been heard in Ann
Arbor several times in the past, not
only in full recital, but in joint recital
with Pabl ° Casals, cellist, and as solo-.,
ist at the eiay Festival under the di-
rection of erick Stock. On every
occasion he has won ovation.


Preliminaries Will Be Held Through
Year; Finals to Determine
More than 80,high schools through-.
out the state have already signified
their intentions of joining the Michi-
gan High School Iebat:ng league,
which will conduct debates between
the different schools under the direc-
tion of the University Oratory Exten-
sion department. Prof. &. K. Immel
is in charge of the work.
The question to be debated .is, "Re-
solved-That the policy of the closed
shop should receive the support of
public opinion." Preliminary contests
will be held throughout the year, and
in May the two final winners will
come together to decide the champion
debaters of the state.

Efforts are being made to book
either Maximilian Harden, the famous
German editor who opposed . Ger-
many's war with the allies, J. J. Jhs-
serand, the French ambassador to the
United States, Herbert Hoover, secre-
tary of commerce, or Gen. John J.
Pershing to speak here under the au-
spices of the Oratorical association
during the lecture course.

Letters have been sent to all sen-
iors by the Michiganensian staff, urg-
ing them to have their photographs
taken immediately for the 1922 year-
book. Nov. 18 will be the last date
upon which the pictures will be re-
ceived for publication, according to
Robert F. Wieneke, '22, business man-
Seniors who failed to receive let-
ters due to possible defects in' the
mailing lists are urged to arrange for
sittings immediately with one of the
follow'Ing photographers: Dey, Ran-
dall, Rentschler, or Spedding. These
men are the official photographers to
the 1922 Michiganensian.
Contracts have been sent to all fra-
ternities and sororities for space in
the book. These contracts must be
signid and returned with the money
by Oct. 15.

with one down, singled to r
went to second when Young
en a base on balls. He wa
way home from second as a f
ble play on Young and Kel
the Inning. The- only other
get second' was Nehf, who wi
a base ion balls and went d
an out.
Aside from Hoyt's marvelo
ing the game revealed "Bab
in a new role, that of the den
stealer - a role that seen
about as popular with the <
his familiar one of home r
Ruth stole second and third
fifth inning, but at the bat R9
forts were colorless. He
once connect safely. Nehf
to pitch to him every time ht
ing to cut the corners succ
Issuing three passes, much tc
appointment of the greater p(
the crowd. Ruth scored- a r
ever, getting on the bases on
er's choice. "Bob" Meus
home in the eighth - duplica
Nally's feat of Wednesday.
The Yanks scored their Sr
the fourth inning after Pipp
a high fly to Young, Ward
on a slow grounder to right.
McNally hit to Nehf who,
to throw out Ward at second
ball wide and both runners v
Wally Schang drew a pass :
the corners. Ward tallied
went out on a grounder.
Get Two in Eighth

New Field Courses In Sociology
extend Department 's Curriculum

Dates for upperclass engineer as-
semblies have been tentatively set, at
a meeting of the mentgr committee,
as follows:
enior class-1 o'clock Nov. 15,j
9 o'clock Dec. 14, and 8 o'clock Jan.;
Junior class-9 o'clock Nov. 16, 81
o'clock Dec. 15, and 11 o'clock Jan. 13..
Sophomore class-8 o'clock Nov. 171f
11 o'clock Dec. 12, and 10 o'clock Jan.
Changes in these dates occasioned
by obtaining speakers will be -,an-
nounced by .the class mentors. Spe-
cial meetings will be held next week
for the election of class officers.,
An address by President Marion Is.
Burton will inaugurate the first
monthly meeting of the Universtiy
club, composed of members of the fac-
ulty and Ann Arbor residents, to be

One hundred and twenty-nine stu-
dents from other colleges and univer-
sities are at present enrolled in the
Law.school, according to latest figures.,
This number includes three students
from the University of th e Philippines
and one from Oxford un versity.
* The Law building has now reached
the limit of its capacity, according to
Dean Henry M. Bates. "Our lecture
rooms are still adequate," he stated,
"but the library outgrew its present
quarters long ago and of far more im-
portance is the disquieting fact that
the library quarters are not fireproof
and that, therefoi, one of the most
valuable collections of law books in
the country may be destroyed by fire.
Moreover, it has been necessary to
place some thousands of useful books
in rooms not designed for library pur-

More than 1,000 rooms area
needed by the. Union rooming
bureau for the housing of alumni
Sfixing their viiit to $he Ohio
State game. Landdies are urg-
ed to list all available rows
with Philip J. Shneider, ohair-
man of the rooming committee
for the Ohio State game. He can
'be reached either by mail or

Recognizing the growing need for
better trained social workers, the so-
ciology department of the .University
has extended its work under the su-
pervision of Prof. A. E. Wood so as to
include the practical side of social
problems. Beginning this fall the
curriculum for the training of social
workers is designed to meet the in-
creising demands for trained persona
i V4 yiiol9140 of pibOHe and private
The curriculum has reference to
both undergraduates and graduate
students. Students who are candi-
dates for the degree of master of arts
in this department-. are required to
pursue field work either in Ann Ar-
bor or Detroit, chiefly in the second
semester. - Practical training is given

in the form of actual cases requiring
investigation, interpretation, and
treatment of family problems.
Other courses of f. practical nature
offered in this department under the
new plan'include medical social woi k,
psychiatric social work, child wel-
afre, psychology, and education of ex-
ceptional children, probation work,
social administration, community sur-
veys, and statistics.
The Aeld work for graduate stu-
dents is under the general supervi-
sion of Mr. Fred R. Johnson, asso-
ciate secretary of the Detroit Commu-
nity union. Questions relating to the
general curriculum and to the possi-
bilities of work therein should be ad-
dressed to Prof. A. E, Wood, 605
Forest avenue, Ann Arbor, or 205 Ec-
onomics building.

Dean Bates also announced the ac-
quisition of about 10,000 books and
pamphlets on jurisprudence, Roman
law, international law, and criminology
from Buropean libraries.


Nothing further happened
scoring line until the eighth'i
Yankees landed two, Erich
Peckinpaugh's easy fly back
ond base. Ruth smashed a
to Kelly, who threw out Neh
ond, Bancroft taking the thr
sprinted to third on -Bob Meu
gle to center and came home
was going out on a ground
lings to Kelly. Meusel took
the play. Then .the unexpetc
happened - Meusel stole he
cheers that shook the grands
In addition to establishin
World Series record of two
tive shut-outs by the same te
first two games the gate rec
ord established yesterday als
the board. The 34,939 specti
witnessed the Yankees' serox
paid $115,320. This was m
six times the gate recepits ii
ond game in the 1905 seres, v
the first played at the Polc

held at 8 o'clock tonight in Alumni
Memorial b9 . Kemp Keena, of the Wagner Added to Faculty
School of Music, will sing. Mr. L. R. Wagner, instructor in food
The officers of the club this year are: and drug analysis and other phar-
Prof. H. A. Kenyon, of the romance macy subjects, has been added to the
language department, presidents Prof. faculty of the pharmacy college. Mr.'
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the Wagner eared the degree of Ph.C. in
President, secretary;. and Harry M. 1920 and tli degree of B.S. in 1921 at
Flawley, treasurer. Michigan.

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