11 a.
ea POR. S.a
Butler, Wesbrook, Walker, and Mile-
Relay Team Counted On for
Michigan's ftrst real test in the
1921 track season comes this Satur-
day when the Varsity track team goes
to Northwestern for the annual Con-
ference indoor meet.
Without several of the members of
last year's well balanced squad, Michi-
gan will have a hard fight for vic-
tory. The brilliant Illini team seems
to be the favorite for the indoor title,
on account of the remarkable achieve-
ments of the Orange and Blue squad
this year in the Relay Carnival, when
Michigan was beaten ,.out by one
Sprinters Relied On
Michigan, however, did well enoughj
in the Chicago meet Feb. 27 to war-
rant serious consideration for hon-
ors. The Michigan sprinters are
among the best in ethe Conference, and
should take more than one place in
the Big Ten meet. Captain Butler
should win his specialty, and Wetzel
may be able to break in with the
point winners. The same is true of
Burkholder in the half mile. With the
exception of Furnas of Purdue in theY
two mile and Wall of Wisconsin in
the mile, Illinois seems to have a call
on the positions in the two distance.
Walker in th high jump and Wes-
brook in the pole vault are men whot
have won their events consistently
this year, and they both seem to bet
among the best in the Big Ten. Coach
Farrell is counting on these two for
several points each. The Maize andt
Blue loses a chance to score because
of the omission of the running broad
jump. This event is not included int
any Western indoor meet except the
Relay Carnival at Illinois. Cruik-t
shank, therefore, will have but twot
events in which to compete, the high
and low hurdle races.
Illini, Badgers Strong
Michigan dropped the indoor title,t
after two years of sucessfu compe-t
tition, last year to the athletes from
the University of Illinois by four1
points. The Indians have lost somet
oftheir many point winners but seem
to present as formidable a squad as
last season.
Wisconsin is the other school that
looks strong this season. The Badg-I
ers recently defeated Notre Dame, 51
to 35, with Knollin, Wisconsin sprin-
ter and hurdler in the hero role. Mer-
tick, last year's winner in the pole
vault outdoors, and Wall, a speedy
miler, are other members of the team
who will be dangerous.
Mile Relay Team Fast t
Michigan seems to be alone in thea
mile relay, as none of the other West-1
ern teams are up to the standard of
the Wolverines. The University oft
Pennsylvania, with the fastest mile
relay team in years, was just able to
beat out the flying Michigan quartet.
The Conference meet will mark the
returnto the track of David Forbes,t
star quarter miler in 1918. Frbes has
been out of the game since pre-war
M. C. Baumann, '17E, will speak onI
"The Aeroplane Industry of Today"I
this evening at the Union before the,
Aero club. Mr. Baurmann was the
designer of the Dayton-Wright entry1
in the Gordon-Bennett race which
took place in France last fall. ;
His lecture will include descriptions
of the largest aerodynamic labora-
tories of France and Germany, which
he visited while attending the races.
All interested in aeronautics will be
Purdue Track Team Defeats Purple
Northwestern university's track team
went down to defeat before the Purdue
track team last Saturday night in the
Evanston gymnasium. The Boilermak-
ers took the Purple's count by a 54 1-2
to 31 1-2 score.
See the New Remington Portable,
Typewriter--Standard Keyboard. G.-
. Washington, 8-9 Savings Bank
Read The Daily for Campus news."
Notre Dame Students Plan Memorial
Students at Notre Dame will erect
a memorial monument to the late
George Gipp, the star halfback of last
year's football team. Gipp was one of
the greatest players the game has
known and was placed on Walter
Camp's Al-American last year. It
was he who rosetfrom a sick bed to
carry his team to victory and who
later went back into the game after
having sustained a severe injury which
disabled the entire left side of his
body and shoulder. He returned to his
bed following the game never to get
up again.
Preliminaries in one of the biggest
events of the year on the intramural
program, the interfraternity indoor
track meet, are set for 7:30 o'clock
Thursday evening, with finals sched-
uled to take place the following Tues-
day at the same hour. Entries have
been corling in slowly to the Intra-
mural office; thus far 'but eight hous-
es have signified their intention to
Intramural Cup at Stake '
Inasmuch as this meet is one of the
most important of the year to the'
many contestants for the intramural'
cup it is hoped that the list will be
greatly enlarged by Wednesday night,
at which time entries will close.
Houses desiring to enter call at thej
Intramural office or phone 2268 at
Many novelties will feature the pro-
gram, among them being a pentath-
lon, a tug of war, and a medley re-
fay. This last should prove a great
improvement over the relays of last,
year, as it includes four men, the'first
covering one lap, the second two, the
third three, and the fourth four, thus
giving the fraternities an opportunity<
to combine their shorter and longer
disance runners.t
Vel'ley Bail Next
Entries for fraternity volley ball
should also be made at once, as the;
tourney will start shortly after thef
finals in the track meet. The sport isI
a newcomer to the intramural pro-
gram this year, but bids fair to be-
come popular, as it combines 'the es-
sentials of interest and activity with-i
out the necessity of special training.
Grid Rules Show
Several Changes
New York, March 14. - Several
changes were made in the rules gov-
erning football at the annual meeting
of the football rules committee which
met in New .York last week. The
place for resumption of play following
a safety, and a suggestion bearing on
the status of officials who take part in
professional games were the out-
standing matters of the meeting.
]|ollowing a safety, the rule now
reads that the ball shall be put in play
on the 30 yard line instead of the 20
yard line. The change was made be-
cause of the difficulty of spectators to
differentiate between a safety and a
As to officials, the committee sug-
gested to the central board of officials
which has charge of selecting officials
for games that after the 1921 season,
no college football official who shall
officiate in a professional game shall
be eligible for any further college foot-
ball contest.
These were the essential changes
and recommendations made, although
there were a number of minor altera-
tions proposed for the purpose of
clarifying the rules or certain plays.
It was ruled that in the future the
referee shall toss a coin for the call
of the opening play of a game and
the winning captain, after he has nam-
ed his choice of such play cannot re-
voke his decision.
Christenson Leaves for Washington
John C. Christenson, assistant sec-
retary and purchasing agent of the
University, leaves today for Washing-
ton, D. C., to do work for the Carnegie
corporation of New York as financial
expert on an educational survey com-
mission. He will return the latter
part of the week. Mrs. Christenson
will accompany him.
IN NLLOnce more the Michigan baseball the early workouts with such men as
sOuad will make an effort toh begin Vick, Roby. and Coates.
First Time in Athletic History That
Michigan Representatives Play
In National Event
For the first time in the athletic
history of the University, Michigan
representatives will take part in the
national handball tourney. The event
this year is scheduled to take place
at the Detroit Athletic club this week,
entrants coming from all parts of the
United States to participate. Four
men will compete for the Maize and
Sanchez, Phiippine Champion
Despite the fact that James V.
Brucker, '22, cornered honors in the
campus singles tournament he will
not take part' in the national meet.
Instead, the man whom he defeated
for first place, Fedrico Sanchez, will
be the mainstay of the Wolverines.
Explanation of this is that the tour-'
ney will be held on box courts, a type
of playing floor to which Brucker is
unaccustomed, but on which Sanchez
plays in top form. Sanchez, playing
on box courts, won the championship
of the Philippine Islands for two suc-
cessive years and should stack up well
against all of his opponents because
of his familiarity with courts of this
type. Carl E. Gelhring, special engi-
neer, champion of the campus dur-
ing the 1920 season, will be a second
singles representative, and will be
paired with Sanchez in the attempt
to wrest the national doubles title.
Doubles Champions Entered
Another pair of entrants in the
doubles is made up of Merle W. Glas-
wog, '21, and William D. Ogdon, '23.
This combination won honors in the
campus doubles tournament, defeating
all opponents for first place. They
are relied upon to make a capable
showing against the stiffest competi-
Gehring, Sanchez, and Ogdon have
all had practice on the D. A. C. courts
and for this reason should put on an
exceptionally good style of game.
Glasgow was the recipient of a
wrenched shoulder in practice last
week and has been doing only light
work since in the hope of rounding
into proper form for the title contest.
Sanchez, because of his wealth of ex-
perience, is the real hope of the hand-
ball squad, and it is believed that he
stands a fair chance of landing in a
high position in the final standings.
f I
Tryouts are wanted for the
sport staff of The Michigan
Daily. Men desiring to write
sports are requested to report
to George Reindel, Jr., this aft-
S ernoon between 3 and 5 o'clock
at the sport desk in the Press
building. Candidates must be
( scholastically eligible. f
New Arrivals
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YOU are cordially invited to make your own selection from the variety of pure foods w
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