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March 11, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-03-11

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Published every morning except Monday during the Univer
sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news published therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
ceoss matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street.
Phones: Business. 96o; Editorial, 2414.
Communications not, to exceed Soo words, if signed, the sig-
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Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. No man-'
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The Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments' ex-
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"What's Going On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock
ony the evening preceding insertion.
Telephone 2414
News Editor................ .....Chesser M.iCampbell
Night Editors-
T. H. Adams H. W. Htitchcock
-. Dakin J. E. cManis
Renaud 'Sherwood T. W. Sargent, Jr.
Sunday EditorB...............-------- . .A . ernstein
City Editor. . ...' .....".P.Campbell
editorals.........Lee Woodruff, L."A. Kern. 'T'. L. Whinery
Sports..................... -- - ...Robert Angell
Women's Editor............ ...............Mary D.Lane
Telegraph..................................Thomas Dewey
Telescope...................................Jack W. Key
Phine Waldo Wallace F. Elliott E. R. Meiss
'Paul G. Weber Leo J. Hershdorfer Walter Donnelly
Elizabeth Vickery Hughston McBain Beata Hasley
G. E. Clark Frank H. McPike Kathrine Montgomery
George Reindel J. A. Bacon Gerald P. Overton
DorothyMonfort W. W. Ottaway ' Edward Lambrecht
Harry . Grundy Paul Watzel Sara Waller
prances Oberholtzer Byron Darnton H. E. Howlett
Robhert E. 'Adams M.' A. Klaver

&%vu-6 Aw.

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Advertising..................................D. P. Joyce
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J. J. Hamel Jr. D. S. Watterwortb R. G. Burcheil

Persons wishing to secure information concernin ngews for any
issue of The Daily should sim the night editor, who has full charge
of all news to be printed that night.
FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1921.
Night Edtor-T. W. SARGENT, JR.
The Daily Illini's editorial urgingthat a quietus
be put on the backbiting of the mistaken few who
have been causing- trouble and ill-feeling between
Illinois and Michigan during the recently closed
basketball season is reprinted on this page. It shows
that the Urbana campus is as disgusted with the
situation as is Michigan, and as ready to prove
that the rowdy element is not representative.
Granting the possibility of misunderstanding con-
cerning Michigan's attitude toward the Illinois teai
when it last played in Ann Arbor, the Illini says,
"Forget It!" The discussion now current on Mich-
igan's campus regarding the very unfortunate in-
cident which marred the close of the final game at
Urbana is equally fruitless.
Nothing but a high school mentality would per-
mit a man to retrograde to the type of conduct
which has had a brief and unfortunate lease on
life this winter. The few who were responsible are
due for a rearrangement of their ideas; they are
drawbacks to their universities. The clean, hard
battling of Indians and Wolverines ought by all
means to be kept up; but competition must never
again ,descend to the gangster level between Illinois
and Michigan - universities destined to friendship
and not to hate.
For some time past, supporters of the gentle art
of wrestling and of the kindred sport of pounding
one another with sixteen ounce gloves have been
enthusiastically endeavoring to get recognition
either as a Varsity or minor sport, but have so far
been unsuccessful.
To some of us of the-less-battling type, the idea
of giving recognition of this sort to any sports ex-
cept the more widely heralded types of competi-
tion such as baseball and football may seem foolish,
but this idea is behind the times. Football and base-
ball may be more popular with the student body as a
whole, but other sports are rapidly coming into
their own and the field of major athletics is slowly
but surely becoming more and more inclusive. And
certain it is that these two kinds of sport, in which
not only brawn but .skill and cool-headedness are
required, are rising high in the athletic limelight
of today.
As evidence of this fact, one may find reports in
almost every daily paper of some college wrestling
or boxing tournament'in progress. Minnesota has
announced that an all-university boxing tourney will
be held there late in March, the survivors to meet
in a four-round match the following month. And
1 hat is only one case among many; at the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati even the women are being in-
structed in the sport. As for wrestling, coaches
everywhere are strong advocates of the game as a
developer for football as well as for its own sake.
Surely we who pride ourselves on our accom-
plishments and up-to-dateness cannot afford to re-
main behind the times in this field any more than
in any other. The including of wrestling and box-
ing bouts between halves at this season's basketball
games and the scheduling of a bout for last night

at the Junior Lit smoker in the Union are true signs
of the times with regard to the popularity of both
pastimes - a popularity which deserves recogni-
When Coach Mather rushed out on the floor
after the final whistle at Urbana and grasped the
sweaty hand of Miller - the nearest Wolverine -
in the f rst congratulation of Michigan's hard-bat-
tled victory over Illinois he signalized the conclu-
sion of one of the greatest uphill fights ever made
by any squad which has worn the Maize and Blue.
Michigan's seven victories which placed her for
the first time at the top of the Conference basket-
ball standing were torn from opponents who re-
garded the team, at first, as an also-ran due to the
misfortune of the first few games; and then with
mounting respect as the wonderful fighting spirit of
the squad prevailed and tore encounter after en-
counter from the Big Ten's best.
There is something more in this achievement than
would appear in a mere victory of skill alone; there
is the elemental satisfaction which comes with the
knowledge that grit and endurance and that never-
give-in spirit which we glory to call Michigan's
were required to bring it about, and were never
lacking. "Skipper" Mather's leadership and the
never-flagging loyalty of his "fighting sons-of-guns"
on the squad will stand always as a highlight among
the many fine memories of Michigan athletics.
It was not more than a generation ago that an
admission of only a superficial knowledge of the
world's best literature would have rankled the soul
of an Amer can student. The knowledge that he
was lacking in one of the prime requisites to cul-
ture would have been a constant source of reproach.
Today the number of students who are ale to boast
of having made a slight inroad into the bulk of good1
literature is negligible; and the well-read student is
a living anomoly. How would the mind of the
average student of today react to the casual men-
"tion of such names as Rebecca Sharp, Sidney Car-
ton, 'and Jean Valjean? Famous as they are and
should be, to a vast majority they would be nothing
but names signifying no more than the mention of
John Smith We shall not delve into the causes for
this surprising indifference; intellectual laziness,
lack of ambition, or call it what you will. Perhaps
there is an excess of inane diversion. Perhaps. it is
the complexity of present day life which has di-
verted the youth of Americ from the very foun-
tain and source of learning. However the essen-
tial thing is that this headless attitude and flagrant
ignorance, are both remediable.
Bacon says that "reading maketh a full man."
The. man who lacks the background of literary
knowledge toooften proves himself a sham by the
artificial tone of his conversation. Education in its
broad sense is a knowledge of the truths of life.
However, many of these truths cannot be assimi-
lated from textbooks, but rather are recorded for
public use from the thoughts of genius. A knowl-
edge of these ideas upon life results in a sound
moral and spiritual background so invaluable and
indispensible to success in life. The University of
Michigan offers an opportunity to all its students
to become educated by placing at their disposal a
splendid library. At present there could hardly be
a more widespread abstinence from good reading
if the books were interdicted to student use. "Read,
work, learn, and inwardly digest."
~ The Telescope
Son to Father
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Send me fifty
Father to Son

Roses are red
Yet some are pink.
Lend you fifty?
I don't think!
Today's nominee for the Royal Order of Oil
Cans is the dame thatthinks she is almost carrying
democracy too far when she condescends to speak
to the fellow who waits table at her sorority.
Dear Noah.
Another dent and I were arguing as to what are
the last teeth that come to a man. Will you kindly
settle the argument. M. 0. Lars.
A person does not have to be taking dentistry to
know that the false ones are the last teeth that
come to a man.
It makes an underwriter frown
To drain this bitter cup;
That when a ship has settled down
He has to settle up.
Here lies the body of William Jay,
Who died maintaing his right of way;
He was right - dead right, as he sped along
But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong.
Famous Closing Lines
"Here is where I hang out,' 'said the washer-
woman as she stepped into her back yard.

(From the Daily Illini)
It is high time a few at Illinois and
a few at Michigan cut short off with
their petty quarreling and devote their
attentions to things more profitable
and certainly more desirable. The
kind.of verbal shots being, exchanged
between these two factions is, to say
the least, unworthy of institutions of
Illinois and Michigan calibre. The
squabble, in which a portion of the
two campus followings are engaged,
would hardly be expected to find a
place in two upstart high schools. It
is ridiculous for it to exist in the Con-
We fail to understand why univer-
sity men, of the maturity and sense
accredited to them, should take keen
delight in poking the embers of a
feud that burst out temporarily but
that will die a natural death, if a
few persons at both universities will
put a check on their tongues and spur
to their brain faculties. For the
tongues are wagging without any sen-
sible forethought to direct what they
are saying. Their owners are using
them like a lot of small boys just aft-
er a scrap between two gangs on a
small town lot.
Granted that the Illini team was
mistreated at Ann Arbor. We do not
doubt that for responsible Illinois
men who were there have told it. But
was it Michigan as a body of basket-
ball spectators that did it? Was it in
the treatment accorded by Michigan
officials? Or was it merely irrespon-
sible jabber descending from a few
rowdies that -were ,misplaced at a
Conference basketball game and didn't
have sense enougb to know it? Prob-
ably for the most part it was the last.
Of course there is a possibility that it
was all of these. But if it was, Illi-
nois -has no business-for no other
reason than because it is Illinois-be-
ing a partner to it.
And Illinois; let It be emphasized
in defense of the University and its
reputation, is not as the institution
proper doing the act. But she is be-
ing commonly conceived as doing so
because a few here on the campus are
braying instead of even talking, let
alone thinking, just as Michigan in
general is suffering fronl what the
same minority class on its campus
has been doing. If a few mouths at
both ends of the road will, shut up
the quarrel will let up.
I will guarantee you good incomeif
you will talk stocks and bonds during
your spare time. See Read Smith, Al-
lenel Hotel, Thursday or Friday.-

In Effect Nov. 2, 1920:
Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Limited and Express cars leave for
Detroit at. 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. m.,
8:10 a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p. m.
Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. m. and-
every two hours to 8:48 p. mn. Ex-
presses at 9:48 a. m. and e'iery two
hours to 9:48 p. m.
Locals to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. m.,
also 11:00 p. 'm.' To Ypsilanti only,
11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m.
Locals to Jackson--7: 0 a. M., and
12:10 p.m.
9 99

Just Received-
for Econ 1



This No.

S M T W T F 8
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 28 24 25 26
27 28 29 80 31
Men: Last season's hats turn-
ed inside out, refinished and re-
blocked with all new trimmings
look just like new, wear just as
long and saves you five to ten
dollars. We do only high class
work. Factory Hat Store, 617
Packard St. Phone 1792.








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