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ews Editor ................ ............Chesser M. Campbell
ight Editors-
T. H. Adams H. W. Hitchcock
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Renaud Sherwood T. W. Sargent, Jr
unday Editor..............................J. A. Bernstein
tyEditor ....... B.., P. Campbell
ditorals.............. Lee Woodruff, L.' A. Kern, T. J. Whinery
ots ............. ........................ Robert Angell
omnen's Editor.......... ........-.......Mary D."Lane
legraph ...................... -. --....Thomas Dewey
elescope ........ .......... -.. Jack W. Kelly
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ul G. Weber
izabeth Vickery
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orge Reindel
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ances Oberholtzer
>bert E. Adams
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, Byron Darnton
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- -
Persons wishing to secure information concerning news for any
_:slsue of The Daily should see the night editor, who has full charge
of all news to be printed that night.
As the expressions of men who viewed objec-
tively the workings of the honor system on trial in
the literary college the answers given by the faculty
;to the questionnaires sent out by the ,senior honor
committee are especially noteworthy. Of the faculty
men who replied, only two gave opinions opposed
to the honor plan; and as these two had not taken
part in the experiment, the faculty report of the
actal test must be taken to be unanimously fav-.
This endorsement, coupled with the conclusions
of those who have actually taken part in the exam-
inations and of those who have become connected
with them in other ways, firmly establishes the fact
that the trial among the upperclassmen in the lit-
erary college has been a practical success and that
the extension of the honor system will be a posi-
tive advance for Michigan.
As has been suggested, this extension must be a
gradual one. That is, the plan cannot most favor-
ably be adopted by a whole college all at once but
should be taken up class by class as it repeats suc-
cesses until it has been introduced throughout.
However, it should be remembered that the real
factor that will determine the speed with which this
establishment will take place is .not the calendar but
the rapidity with which it proves satisfactory, and
this matter is entirely in the hands of the students.
If we can keep up the good record so far estab-
lished when cribbing is so seldom practiced that no
instances have been heard of by the student honor
committee or the faculty, the honor system will be
the only system in the lit school in a relatively short
We, the students of Michigan, feel the necessity
for the passage of the proposed University appro-
priation more urgently in all probability than any
other class. We realize as the "party of the first
part" the handicap that we are operating under due
to the shortage both of rooms and instructors. We
know that in the past our University bas borne an
honored name as one of the best institutions of
higher learning in America, and we want it to carry
that name into the future.
Our fear at present, perhaps based on our natural
youthful enthusiasm, is that the high prestige which
Michigan has gained will be seriously endangered
if our present deficient equipment is not bettered
and increased at the earliest possible moment.
That the results of an earlier era of Michigan in-
struction were well worth while is evidenced by
our long roll of distinguished alumni wlio have ex-
celled in business, in law, in medicine, in politics
and statesmanship, and in she learned sciences. It
would be foolish indeed to presume that the men
who come to the University of Michigan are in any
sense more competent naturally than those who may
be found at any other like place. The only possi-
ble conclusion is that they excel because of the
training they have jreceived here. If our equip-h
ment and training should now remain insufficient
for our needs the men who'graduate from Michi-
gan will unquestionably be less able than were their
predecessors to face a world which has lately been
taking great educational strides. Their accom-
plishments will not come up to those which a Mich-
igan graduate should be expected to attain for, the
benefit of society and himself.
The average student is willing to leave the sta-
tistics to others. We believe implicitly that the
budget demand, so conclusively explained to us, is
necessary and right. We know of the needs by be-
ing placed every day in personal touch with them,
and by realizing what a better building here, more
materials to work with there, more room in this and
that lab or classroom, would mean to us. We could
hardly be blamed for demanding the budget oil per-
sonal motives; but our real reasons, the reasons
we think and talk amohg each other, are those of
loyalty - the desire to read of a greater, and not
a retrograding Michigan, when we have graduated.
Pride, to be sure - but not false pride - motivates
us. Would the state be worse off it is possessed this
same pride i its educational institutions, and turned
it into a practical force in the coming budget?
During the past few years we have heard much
about the profiteer. He is generally thought of as
the man -who charges more for his goods than they
are worth. A new meaning was given to this
word, though, by a prominent faculty man in an
ddress before a group of University men.
He divided the profiteers into two classes - the
commercial profiteer and the social profiteer. The
latter, he said, is the man who capitalizes his so-
cial position in such a way as to extract more from
the community in which he lives than he contrib-
utes. By way of illustration, this was applied to
the college student.
It takes money to go to college, and very often
this money does not come easily to those who sup-
ply it. This is not all. The people of the state con-
tribute to the maintenance of the University, and
they may justly demand a return upon the invest-
ment. Now the quesion is - are those who are
attending the institution worth *hat is being spent
on them? Are they preparing themselves to render
greater service to their community and to the na-
tion? If not, they are profiteers.
This man, being a lawyer, laid down a simple
test by which you can determine 'whether you be-
long to this class or not. Ask yourself each morn-
ing whether you are worth the money that is being
expended in your behalf. If you are not you are a
profiteer, and it is up to you to get busy or get out.
~~ The Telescope
Bud Bevo, of Contest fame, now comes forward
to show his latest brain child to the gaze of an ad-
miring public. Whether apologies are due Tenny-
son and his "Crossing of the Bar" we leave to our
Sunrise, and not a star,
And my Ford waits for me.
Please may there be no cranking of the car
When I put out to see.
For such a car as mine will never sleep,
'Tis full of sound and foam.
Not 'till I put the old thing on the heap
Will I return home.
Evening and curfew bell;
After that the park;
And may the evening have its biggest swell
When I embark.
If, when I join the matrimonial race,
Marriage bears me far,
I'll probably have a crank in place
Of the starter on my car.
Today we nominate for the R. O. O. C. the goof
who persists in sticking around even after the rest
of the class have taken their bolt at the end of the
allotted eight minutes.
Dear Noah :
Is it true that the French novelists have done much
for the morals of the American youth? If so, in
what way? George Ette.
Yes, this is true and mostly so because they have
written their novels exclusively in French.
Help! Help! Help the Telescope!
And sometimes when we, run kinda
Short of material in view of the
Fact that we seldom if ever get
Any contribs from our readers
It strikes us as a happy, inspiration
That it would serve the readers right
If we just filled the column with
This short of stuff.
We thank you.
Who Said Soft Pedal?
"Did you hear the Detroit Symphony orchestra
the other night?"
"Not quite. I only live about a half mile from
Hill auditorium, too, but the wind was blowing in
the wrong direction."
Famous Closing Lines
"Taking stock," he muttered as he saw the shop-
lifter plying her trade.
In Effect Nov. 2, 1920
Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Limited and Express cars leave for
Detroit at 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. m.,
9:10 a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p. m.
Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex-
presses at 9:48 a. m. and eery two
hours to 9:48 p. m.
Locals to Detroit- 5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. mn.,
also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only,
11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m.
Locals to Jackson-7:50 a. m., and
12:10 p.m.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Men: Last season's hats turn-
ed inside out, refinished and re--
blocked with all new trimmings
look just like new, wear just as
long and saves you five to ten
dollars. We do only high class
work. Factory Hat Store, 617
Packard St. Phone 1792.
Colleges at Both Stores
Home-made Candies
and Box Candies
Discount on Box Candies
Phone 166
\, I
Phone Orders
Promptly Filled
Mail Orders
Promptly Filled
EST. 185
Modes for, Easter
Easter comes early this year and it isn't a bit too soon to begin thinking
about what you are going to wear on that important occasion. Of course
you'll want everything new and everything correct. And you will find here
just what you may want. From your shoes, which must be right up to the
minute, preferably with a strap or two, to your hat,, which must be smart and
springlike, we are ready to furnish your costume complete. Dresses, both
wool and silk, suits in the newest modes and colors, coats, either wrappy dressy
styles or sport models as you wish, and dainty, flower-like frocks of white or
flesh colored georgette or net for evening wear are shown in the latest style
modes and tendencies.
Accessories, without which no costume is complete, gloves, hose, veils,
handkerchiefs and handbags, all correct and up to the minute, are here for
your choosing. If you'll be wanting new petticoats or new pettibockers, we
can show them to you in every color of the rainbow, in jersey, satin or taffeta.
And if it's new silk or muslin lingerie, you will be simply delighted with our
selections in this line.
Whatever you want in the way of new clothes for Easter, we would be
more than pleased to help you with your selection.