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March 05, 1921 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-03-05

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Twelve Men on Squad Led by Coach1
Mather to Columbus and
Twelve men, including Coach Math-
er, Manager Logan, and. Trainer
Hahn, composed the Michigan squad
that left late last night for Columbus,,
via Chicago, to play Ohio State uni-
versity and Illinois in the final two
games of the 1921 schedule. The
players that were taken are: Captain
Karpus, Miller, Whitlock, Dunne,
Weiss, Rea, Williams, LeGalley, and
The two games, especially the sec-
ond, will be among the hardest of the
year. Ohio holds one verdict over the
Wolverine, having won early in the
year here in Ann Arbor, 22 to 10.
Since that time Michigan has improv-
ed'so greatly that there is no compar-
ison between the team that took the
floor that night, and the one that the
State court followers will see in ac-
tion tonight.
Ohio Improved
The result of the game, however, is
no certainty. Ohio seems to have im-
proved of late, if the 32 to 35 score
the Illinois game may be taken as
any criterion. The only other ex-
planation of that game possible, is
that Illinois was off form, which is
not likely.
Michigan has shown the most mar-
velous comeback of any team in the
Conference. After the disastrous ear-
ly season games, the Wolverines seem-
ed to get under way, and in the last
five straight games have had little
difficulty in winning at will. While
the Illinois contest was a scrap from
start to finish, the Maize and Blue was
ahead at all times, and showed suf-
ficient superiority to merit the vic-
tory. Purdue was harder to defeat,
and only the Michigan drive that net-
ted five field baskets in the second
half overcome the Boilermaker lead.
Ohio is at present a team that Mich-
igan should defeat. The Red and Gray
has had a bad season, and the Mich-
igan victory is one of the two that
they have been able to score this year.
On dope Michigan is the favorite, and
barring overconfidence, Mather's quin-
tet should even the season game score
Title in Doubt
At Urbana Monday night, Michigan
faces what is the most difficult test
of the year. As events are now shap-
ing, the Conference title will hang in
the balance in that game. Wisconsin
should win from both Ohio and Min-
nesota, and if Michigan wins from
Ohio and then from Illinois, Wiscon-
sin, Illinois and -Michigan will be in-
volved in a triple tie for first place,
with no conclusive way of determin-
ing even a newspaper champion, since
Illinois will have lost twice to Michi-
gan, Michigan twice to Wisconsin and
Wisconsin twice to Illinois. The only
hope for a title on the part of the Il-
inos team is to win from Michigan.
For this reason, if for no other, the
game should be the hardest fought
contest of the year. But this is far
from being the only reason. When
Michigan and Illinois meet there are
too many old scores to avenge for
either team to let the other win with-
out a counter argument. Michigan has
the two court games lost last season
to make up for, and Illinois will be

out for blood after the Michigan vic-
tory two weeks ago. The fact that
the game is in the Illini bailiwick will
aid the Orange and Blue to a great
extent, as will the return of Carney,
if he is able to stand the gaff for the
full time.

Swimmers Seek Immediate Sanction;
To Circulate Huge Petition Honday

39 2 E N T ER ED IN

Varsity swimmers will petition the
Board in Control for immediate recog-
nition so that the team may be sent
to the Conference meet according to
plans decided upon at a meeting heldi
Wednesday night at the Union. An
attempt will be made to secure everyt
available signature on Monday, whent
tables will be placed about the cam-c
pus and opportunities given the stu-
dent body to affix their names.
Coach Drulard is enthusiastic overA
the project. "There is no just rea-
son," he says, "why Michigan should
not be represented. We have waited
long enough for the completion of the1
pool, and have organized a team that
compares favorably with the best in
the Big Ten. It is only fair that the t
Intramural Items t
Freshmen basketeers played the
best game of the evening Thursday
night in the interlass basketball
tournamett which is being run off at
Waterman gymnasium when Merner's
Fresh lits defeated Sterling's Fresh
lits by a 21 to 16 count. Deng played
a brilliant game for the losing five
scoring all of the points credited to
his team. The Homeops defeated the
Foresters 10 to 4 in a game in which.
both teams had difficulty in scoring.
The Junior Engineers beat the litsI
of the same class 20 to 2. The '21 lit
team forfeited to the senior engineers.
Only one game is scheduled for the
week end in the interclass tourney,
the lower medics meeting the upper
medics at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon
in Waterman gymnasium.
Plans for the annual interclass
track meet have been completed by
the intramural department which an-
nounces that event for Saturday,
March 12, in Waterman gymnasium.
This is the date of the Northwestern
dual meet at Evanston and the re-
sultant absence of the Varsity track
team will leave the floor free for the
interclass meet. All men who wish
to enter may sign up at the intramur-
al office in the Press building until the.
day before the meet.
It has been decided to award four
places in each event and the points
will be given as follows: First place
five points, second threetthird two,
fourth one. A man must make at
least two points to win numerals, and
any first year man who is entitled to
numerals will be given those of the
All-fresh track team. In the past the
yearling track men have been picked
and awarded numerals without having
to actually compete for them. This
year they will be forced to win their
numerals in open competition.

swimmers who have worked so hard
during the past successful season be
given the opportunity to meet other
Conference schools on an equal foot-
From 8 o'clock in the morning un-
til 2 o'clock in the afternoon solici-
tation for signatures will take place
on the campus. During the evening
various fraternities and clubs will be
visited in the endeavor to obtain any
signatures still unattached to the pe-

Ahletes From Forty-Two
Seek Records in Meet
Urbana Tonight


The four mile entries are Minnesota
Kansas Aggies, Kansas university,
Wisconsin and Illinois. Ames, with
the same team that won the race at
last year's carnival, rules a slight
favorite in the long grind, although
Illinois has some milers who average
below 4:35. Yates, McGinnis and
Wharton of the Indian squad, are
Coach Gill's hopes of victory.
Competition in High Jump
Next to the mile relay, 'the high
jump should attract the most spirited
competition. Alberts, the -Illinois
wonder who recently defeated Mur-
phy, of Notre Dame, national cham-
pion, has cleared the bar at six feet,
three and one half inches. Murphy
who is credited with an even higher
mark of six feet, five inches, is out
to retain his laurels. Evan, of Earl-
ham, and Osborne, another Indian

jumper, have marks well over six
feet. Bradley, of Kansas,-is likewise
a jumper of merit.
All of the schools are entered in
the 75 yard dash, one of the special
events. Losch, Simmons and Kelly,
of Michigan; Hayes, of Notre Dame;
and Kelly, of Minnesota, are the best
known entries. Hayes, the Notre
Dame sprinter, is perhaps the fast-
est 100 yard man in the middle west,
while Losch, of Michigan, came within
1-5 of a second of the world's record
in the 75-yard dash at Cornell last
Come to Teet's Dining Rooms, 805
E. Huron St. for your Sunday Night
Have you tried those wonderful Sun-
day Chicken Dinners at Teet's Din-
ing Rooms.-Adv.

Three hundred and ninety-two ath-
letes representing 42 institutions from
all parts of the country await the shot
from Martin Delonty to start the

It is expected that nearly every stu- h y
dent will avail himself of the oppor- night. The annual event at Illinois
tunity to aid tank aggregation. It will bethis earnevof the largestn
costs nothing to sign, and will be do- carnivals ever put on by a western
ing a great service, not only to thecisvutban.
team but to the University. institution. Relay Teams
_______________________Fast MileReaTam
Sixty-five relay teams are entered
Archie Hahn will have charge of in the seven Illini races. In the mile
the meet and has announced that the relay alone 140 of the country's speed-
10 standard events will be included. iest quarter milers will compose the
1 tam. th tn. n a t ovia fnr hrnn'c in

Detroit Cue Star
Downs Al Taylor
George Copulos, Detroit, defeated
"Al" Taylor, Union billiard manager,
50 to 26 in a 50 point three cushion
match yesterday afternoon in the
Union billiard room. Copulos made
the high run of the game with 11
points. A large crowd of billiard en-
thusiasts witnessed the play. Interest

teams at are iv ve for nonor sin
the races tonight. The mile relay is
attracting the widest attention of any
of the events on the schedule at Ur-
bana. The following teams are prob-
ably the fastest of the-university sec-
tion: Pennsylvania, Illinois, Notre
Dame, Missouri, Indiana and Michi-
gan. Composing the teams that will
represent these institutions are: Earl
Denby, of Pennsylvania; Captain But-
ler, Michigan; Phil Donohoe, Illinois;
Harris, Chicago; and Conrad, Indiana.
Notre Dame with Hayes, Casper and

Commercial Banking in all its Branches:
Savings Department and Safety Deposit Vaults.
Exchange on All Parts of the World.
A. B. A. Travelers' Checks.

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Member of the Federal Reserve System.

in the match was shown by the fact Montague will put in a strong bid for
that only one or two of the Union first honors. Illinois took first place
billiard tables were in use during the in the Conference mile relay last year
game. when Emery of the Indian quartette,
Copulos early took the lead and held led Butler, of Michigan, by a few scant
it throughout the match. The De- feet. This year without the services
troiter made his shots as though con- of Emery, Illinois will be forced to
fident of the result of the contest. keep up a fast clip to lead the Wolver-
Taylor, who got up from an illness to Ines. Pennsylvania with Maxam and
play the match, was clearly not put- Eby will be watched with interest.
ting up the sort of game which he us- Maxam has been credited with a mark
nally does. Many of his shots missed of 48 4-5 in the 440 event. Bob Simp-
by a hair's breadth. After the con- son, coach at Missouri, is reported to
clusion of the affair the Detroit wiz- have a squad of flying quarter milers,
ard gave an exhibition of fancy shots. and the Missouri Valley champions
One, the "dog" shot, was particularly may push the other entries for places.
applauded. In the two mile relay Notre Dame,
In the past few -years Copulos has Illinois, Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin,
established himself as one of the Ames, Chicago and Missouri will be
foremost three cpshion artists in entered. Little is known of the rela-
the country. When he came to play tive strength of these teams, but judg-
here three years ago he was one of ing from early performances Ames,
the best of his profession and since Illinois, Wisconsin and Kansas will
that time he has shown steady im- furnish the strongest competition, be-



Student Headquarters
We carry complete stocks of "Brighten-Up" finishes in small size
cans for all "touch-up jobs around the house.








Painting and Decorating



provement. He is also no mean hand:
at the art of making fancy shots.
Men desiring to enter the All-
campus bowling tourney should
sign up at the Union alleys' desk
before next Tuesday.

cause of their array of half milers.
Chicago and Missouri also are well
represented in this event.
Medley Event Novel
Entries in the distance -medley are
Notre Dame, Kansas Aggies, Iowa,
Purdue, Illinois, Wisconsin and Mich-
igan. The novelty of this event con-
sists in the varying distances the men
run. The first two men each run 440
yards, the third man runs one half
mile, and the fourth man runs a mile.






130 Retired Numbers as
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You want good tables-sound
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You want good service-at-
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You'll find the best of service
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Matches in the handball
tournament can be played off
either in the afternoon or night
at the gymnasium. GEHRING.


Your Last Chance for



co >rSEV


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