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February 06, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-02-06

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D 4jrf£ai rlj1i.g4n PD 11
Published every morning except Monday during the Univer-
ty year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
edited in this paper and the local news published therein.
Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
Less matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street.
Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414.
Communications not to exceed 3oo words, if signed, the sig-
ature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of
ith. and notices of events will be published in The Daily at the
scretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office.
ensign;d communications will receive no consideration. No man-
cript will be returned unless the writer incloses postage.
The Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex-
essed in the communications.
"What's Going On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock
the evening preceding insertion.
Telephone 2414
ews Editor....... ..................Chesser M. Campbell
ight Editors-
T. H. Adams H. W. Hitchcock
B. P. Campbell J. E. McManis
I. Dakin T. W. Sargent, Jr.
Renaud Sherwood;J.ABenti
nday Editor............-..-. .........J. A. Bernstein
itorals............Lee Woodruff, L. A. Kern, T. J. Whinery
sistant News.............................E. P. Lovejoy Jr.
ports .:............................... ......Robert Angell
romen's Editor...........................-.Mary D. Lane
ilegraph-... .............. ..... . ...--.West- Gallogly
lescope............---..- ....Jack W. Kelly

Rome, are a magnificent monument to hundreds of
men and women who died as heroic deaths as he -
but Lincoln, the Man, should be revered because he
had a vision - a vision which embodied the real
spirit of equality ; and because the opposition of the
most brilliant men in the world at that time did
not deter him from the course which he had chosen
because he believed it to be right.
Lincoln was primarily a real man, the sort of
man whom any one of us would be glad to know.
That he was born in a log cabin of humble antece-
dents, and that he was shot to death by a half-
crazed fanatic would seem to be two of the most
unimportant components of the picture which the
great American public should hold in its hearts of a
man who believed in administration of right as he
saw it, who had the courage of his convictions and
whose death was nothing more than the reassur-
ance that he could give, like those men whom he
revered and for whom he silently wept, "the last
full measure of devotion."

Matinee MS
Third N
Sascha Jacobmi
Single Admission $1.00
iIEl IillilliiiE iE lE E liEEEiilElEElil il ll Eil 11EI EElI EIII ',ll

kcale Concert
roff, Violinist.
JM, TUES. FEB. 8, 8 P. M.

The Concert Committee is indebted
to Mr. Graham for this space.

phine Walde
abeth Vickery
E, Clark
rgec Reindel
othy Monfort
ry B. Grundy
ces Oberholtzer
ert E. Adams
re L. Stone

Thomas I. Dewey
Wallace F. Elliott
Leo J. Hershdorfer
Hughston McBain
Frank H. McPike
]]' A. Bacon.
w. W. Ottaway
Paul Watzel
J. W. Hume, Jr.
Byron Darnton

M. A. Klaver
E.R. Meiss
Walter Donnelly
Beata Hasley
Kathrine Montgomery
Gerald P. Overton
Edward Lambrecht
William H. Riley Jr.
Sara Waler
H. E. Howlett

Telephone 960
Advertising ....................- - ..----D. P. Joyce
Classifieds.................................. Robt.O.HKerr
Publication .................... .......... M. Reath
Accounts................... .. ............-.-' . R. Priehr
Circulation..................................-V.- .Hillery
R. W. Lanbrecht P. RHHutchinson N. W. Robertson
,B. G. Gower F. A. Crss R. C. Stearnes
Sigmund Kunstader Robt. L. Davis Thos. L. Rice
Lester W. Millard M M. Mole D. G. Sawson
J. J. Hamel Jr. D. S. Watterworth R. G. Burchell
Rersons wishing to secure information concerning news for any
issue of The Daily should see the night editor, who has full charge
of all news to be printed that night.
The outcome of the honor system, on trial to-
morrow in the literarycollege, is now purely a mat-
ter of the state of mind in which the students in ex-
amination sections place themselves. The great de-
sirability of the system if it can possibly be applied
is no longer a matter of discussion - the class
meetings which adopted the plan did so without a
dissenting vote. But enforcement is a matter of
will, involving not only a disposition not to cheat,
but a determination to enter into the spirit of the
plan. Here are some of the most important means
to make the system a success:
I. The attitude of the entire class must be ab-
solutely serious from the opening of the examina-
tion; the honor system must not be made a joke.
:. Wherever possible, the warning method
should be used. The student who will stand on his
feet and say "there is cheating going on in this
room" is not only giving a possible offender another
chance, but is making it improbable that many
names will have to be turned in.
3. Care should be taken to call the attention of
one or more other students in the vicinity to any
violation, so that there may be sufficient evidence
when the name is reported.
4. Every student should be careful to avoid any
appearance of cheating. Alternate seating arrange-
ments should be provided for.
5. At the completion of the examination each
student should be sure to sign the pledge stating
that he has neither given nor received aid.
There is a tendency in our all-too-ready idealiza-
tion of the man's lowly birth and martyrdom, to
forget those principles for which Lincoln stood -
or at least to mask them behind a romantic veil of
"from rail-splitter to president." Too much of this
spirit is prevalent among the teachers of our pri-
mary and grammar schools. The log cabin origin
of the man who has been if not the greatest, at
least one of the greatest presidents of the United
States, is stressed; the tragic death of Lincoln is
made much of; the fact that Lincoln freed the
slaves is considered, at least in the Northern states,
to be of prime importance; but ft is Lincoln the
man - Lincoln the warrior, whose real personality
is often dimmed by a veil of romantic and popular
In thinking of Abraham Lincoln, popular orators
commit to a great extent the same error that pas-
tors often make in dealing with the life of Christ,
the greatest man - they stress too much his mar-
tyr's death, and leave out entirely the side of him
which exemplified the warrior - fighting contin-
ually for Right - believing implicitly that the prin-
ciples for which he fought were true, and strug-
gling for their realization.
When we think of Lincoln, instead of placing him
upon a pedestal, a somewhat remote personage to
be honored, but in no wise to be understood, why
would it not be far more commendable to treat him
as a man, as we may be sure Lincoln would much
rather be treated? Reverence for him should
come not from the fact that he died a martyr's
death - the crumbling ruins of the Colosseum, at

Six stars may be measured with a fair degree of
accuracy. Out of all the millions of stars in the
heavens science as represented by Dr. A. A. Mick-
elson has evolved a formula which will give the di-
ameter, or half the diameter or double the diameter
of these six stars.
Just what the advantage is of knowing that the
diameter of any one of these six stars is so many
hundreds or thousands of miles or twice that many
miles or only half that distance is beyond our ken.
Perhaps we are too prone to poke fun at the new
step in astronomy and ridicule it merely because it
looks so useless. We cannot see how life on this
planet will be affected for either good or ill simply
because some few men can calculate the size of
these stars. Probably, we say, this knowledge will
of itself never be of any practical aid to human life.
Be this as it may, we should never forget that sci-
ence struggles forward slowly and often blindly.
Billions of apples had fallen before Newton was
"beaned" and the theory of gravitation evolved.
Countless generations lived and died knowing that
the earth was not a ball. When isolated thinkers
here and there maintained that the earth was round
they were hooted and jeered, because an ignorant
commonality failed to see the implications of either
flatness or rotundity. Before the days of Galileo
astronomy was held prisoner by astrology and few
were the dreamers who visioned the effects that
would be produced as the direct result of the pos-
sibilities opened by use of the telescope without
which astronomy, accurate navigation, and trans-
oceanic exploration would have been impossible.
Condemnation of Dr. Michelson as the inventor
of a formula which represents nothing but a waste
of time and an exercise in astral mathematics should
be withheld.
The Telescope
cent news head.
We suppose now people will begin doing their tel-
egraphing in the daytime.
Dear Noah:
I have just killed the hero in the Union opera which
I have been writing. What shall I do now?
K. L. S.
If your Union opera hero was like some we have
seen, all you have to do now is to sit tight and wait
for the student body to give you a vote of thanks.
Girls, Ain't We Cutting?
Her-Come on now, 'fess up. You fellows would
just as soon go out with a dunb co-ed as the others?
Hiiii-What others?
He Said to Her
I met you on the campus,
With other dames so fast.
I saw you rouge your cheeks one time
As I was going past.
I saw your hair in rags,
Tomake tomorrow's curl,
And so I'll say "Good bye" to you
And hunt myself a Girly!
And Her Comeback
I met you at the Union,
With other flirting "he-vamps."
I saw you enter Huston's
With a lot of other scamps.
I heard you cuss a time or two,
As only rough-necks can,
And so I'll say, "GOOD NIGHT" to you
And hunt myself a Man !
Heard at the Basketball Game
Co-ed-Why did they call a foul on our man?
Escort-For holding.
Co-ed-Tee hee, he's just like the rest of the

MNichigan men.

In Effect Nov. 2, 19th4
Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
limited and Express cars leave for
Detroit at 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. m.,j
8:10 a. mn., and hourly to 9:10 p. mn.
1,1miteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex-
presses at 9:48 a. m. and every two
hours to 9:48 p. m.
Locals to 1Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. m.,'
also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only,
11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.n., and 1:15 a.m.
Locals to Jackson-7:50 a. m., and
12: 10 pm.

302 S. Main

Phone 474-W




Home of Sweet and Purity
Always Fresh


1 2 3
7 8 9 10
14 Vi 16 17
21 22 23 24





Last season's hats turn-


Examination Questions, Outlines
Circulars, etc.
State St. Over College Inn.

ed inside out, refinished and re-
blocked with all new trimmings
look just like new, wear just as
long and saves you five to ten
dollars. We do only high class
work. Factory Hat Store, 617
Packard St. Phone 1792.
A Nice Cozy Place Where
You Enjoy Your Neal
One half bloc!; South
of "MAJ"

"SEK" for Waterproofing
If soffens, preserves, Waterproofs and
strengthens Everything. 35 cents and
$2.00 a can.
Makes quick time of grease and grime,
30 cents a can.
Auto Accessories
Now is the time to get your Automobile
ready for the spring rides.
See Our Window Display
Everything In Hardware

P'rices Wight

Service Prompt

THE D.E ared

, .. ...

Try Daily advertising and
your business grow.-Adv.


PHONE 1610

310 S. State St.

Paronize Laity Adverters.-Ad.


_ Made
- Blouses
=. HERE'S no need to elab-
I orate on the'exquisite
daintiness which hand-made
Blouses evidence. T h a t' s
something discriminating
women know. All we'll say
is that t h e s e are made of
French voile or batiste; all
white, of course; collars of
most in tuxedo style; en-
hanced by hem - stitching,
embroidery and filet lace -
done entirely by hand. They
._ are priced, by the way, as
low as $5.75; others to $15.00.
T.'HE most original,-exclusive, and
attractive Neckwear that we've
ever had is now on display. Prices
are very moderate.
a 124 South Main

The armless villain trod the boards,
Crying, "The night is dark, alack!
I cannot even see my hand
Behind my back."

Famous Closing Lines
"Enjoying a grind," he muttered as he saw the
cannibal devouring the all A student.

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