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January 28, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-01-28

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VOL. XXXI. No. 86.






Decline in Freight Movement, Large'
Payroll, and High Operating
Expenses Blamed
(By Associated Press)
Chicago, Jan, 27. - General wage
reductions on the larger railroads all
over the country will be considered
tomorrow by the labor committee of
the American Association of Railway
Executives in an effort to solve what
railroad officials say is a precarious
transportation situation. The meet-.
ing 'will make definite recommenda-
tions with a view to bringing the
matter before the United States rail-
road labor boards It was predicted
by railroad officers that the commit-

Tau Sigma Delta
Initiates Named
Tau Sigma Delta, honorary society
of architecture and allied arts, will
hold its fifth annual initiation banquet
Saturday night at the Union. Since
1913, when the Alpha chapter was
founded at the University, eight
chapters have been installed in this
country anid abroad.
G. D. Mason, of G. D. Mason and
company, architects, is expected to
be present to address the members
and neophytes. This company has the
contract for the new million dollar
Masonic building now under con-
struction in Detroit. Among the alum-
ni expected to attend are E. H. Try-
sell, of the .firm of Attwood and Try-
sell, Detroit, and D. H. Williams Jr.,
Vice-president of G. D. Mason and
The initiates will be: J. H. Page,
'21A, R V. Gay, '21A. H. A. Beam,
'22A, R. 'H. Ainsworth, '22A, and Ju-
liet A. Peddle, '22A.
0ARM OF1509000
Believes Maximum Should Be . Less
Than Proposed 175,000 for Ade-
quate Peace Protection

tee's recommendations would be


sort of reduction in wages.'
Failure of increased rates to earn
required revenue, decrease in busi-
ness, the present large payroll, and
high operating expenses were given
as the reason for probable action be-
fore the railroad labor board, to cut
"Many railroads are in , bad finan-
cial condition," declared Samuel 0.
Dunn, advisory counsel to the Asso-
ciation of Railway Jecutives, today.
"This is due to a decline in business
and failure of the rates to -earn the
revenue expected.
"The roads have made reductions in
their forces and are operating as eco-
nomically as possible. The 1917 pay-I
roll of $1,700,000,000 is today increas-
ed to $3,200,000,000. Beginning' with
November there has been a decline in
business until the freight movement
now is less than two-thirds of what
it was three months ago. Apparently
there is no way out except to reduce
Railriad officials appearing before
the labor board today formally re-
quested abrogation of existing wage
agreements. The officials denounced
the agreements as restrictive, produc-
tive of inefficiency and having been
obtained by propaganda and undue
influence on the railroads.

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Jan. 27.-Provision has
been made in the annual army appro-
priation bill of an army of only 150,-
000 at the suggestion of President-
elect Harding, Representative An-
thony, of Kansas, chairman of the
house appropriations sub-committee
which drafted the measure,= said to-
day in announcing that the bill was
ready to be reported to the house.
The proposed army of 150,000 as
compared 7ith the present army of
about 213,000 and with the army of
175,000 fixed in a, resolution recent-
ly adopted by the house and senate,
was suggested by Mr. Harding as a
proper maximum, Chairman Anthony
said at the recent conference which
he held with -the President-elect at
Mr. Harding, according to Mr. An-
thony, expressed the belief that an
army of 150,000 men, together with
the reserves, national guard, and other
available, forces, should provide suf-
ficient military establishment for the
nation in times of peace.
The army appropriation bill which
probably will be submitted to the
house tomorrow carries appropria-
tions totalling $328,000,000, which sum
represents a reduction of $52,000,000
from the appropriation for the pres-
ent year and a cut of more than half
in the estimate amounting to $690,-
000,000, submitted by the war depart-

Must Sign Pledge Refusing to Give
or Receive Help During Any
The senior lit class voted unani-
mously in favor of the plans present-
ed to it by the honor system commit-
tee, to act for the remainder of the
year, was to handle the executive work
which comes up in connection with the
new system. The members of the com-
mittee are: Lois B. DeVries, Alice B.
Hinkson, Bernice J. Nickels, C. S. Bax-
ter, D. J. Porter, R. C. Angell, L. C.
Butler, George Duffield, R. Kneebone,
W. H. Johnstone.
The plans placed before the- class
provided, first, for the selection of the
above mentioned senior honor com-
mittee. They further provided for the
method of introducing the system. A
petition is to be started by a senior in
all classes whe're fourth year men and
women are in the predominance. It
will request that all students in those
classes lend their support to the plan.
The petition must be presented to the
instructor at least a week before the
examination, and he can accept or re-
ject it as he sees fit. Those who pre-
fer a proctored examination will be
given theirs in a separate room. The
adoption of the system binds those
who agree to it to sign a pledge saying
that they have neither given nor re-
ceived help during an examination
and to promise to report all infrac-
tions of the rules.
The scheme will, be given a trial
first in classes of less than 50 mem-
bers because of the greater unity
fbund there.' If it proves a success, it
will be extended to the larger classes
and the junior, sophomore, and fresh-
man classes successively.
Announcements were made to the
effect that class dues may be paid by
check to J. E. McManis, treasurer, or
mailed to him at 1315 Washtenaw ave-
nue. Senior lists have been posted
in the registrar's office and should be
certified at once. Suggestions for a
class memorial may be mailed to E.
E. Wieman, 823 E. Kinsley. The usual
dedication space for the senior class
in the Michiganensian has been can-
celled this year.
Fred Jacobs was elected class bas-
ketball manager.
Prof. A. E. Wood, of the sociology
department, will address the Junior
engineers at their monthly assembly
at 8 o'clock today in room 348 of the
engineering building.
At 10 o'clock the sophomore class
will be addressed by C. W.. Hubbel,
'93E, city engineer of Detoit and
former city engineer of Manila, P. I.,
in room 348, engineering building.

(By Brewster P. Campbell)
Lovers of that type of playlet which
has come into vogue through the little
theater movement have a real treat
before them, if they did not witness
last night's performance, when the
Players' club repeats its program con-
sisting of four one act plays, tonight
in Sarah Caswell Angel hall.
While each play is, as presented, a
work of art, first honors should go to
George Middleton's drama "Mothers',"
as acted by Mary J. Shaffer, '21, J. P.
Holden, '22,'and Kathryn C. Prakken,
'21. The piece is acted with a real
dramatic feeling, which makes one
Bill Introduced in State Legislature
Would Provide Free Tuition
and Books
A bill providing for state aid to ex-
service men, for the completion and
furtherance of their education, was
introduced in the house of representa-
tives in Lansing yesterday afternoon
by Representative Edward B. Manwar-
ing of Ann Arbor.
The presentation of the bill was the
result of a three-months campaign by
ex-service men both from the Univer-
sity and throughout the state for com-
pensation for those men of the state
who served during the war.
The proposed act provides that any
person honorably dicharged from the
service who is now, a resildent of
Michigan may receive free tuition and
a book allowance of $50 per year in
any educational institution in the
sfate approved by the superintendent
of public instruction. No discrimina-
tion is made as to length of service
and no distinction is made between
those who served at home or abroad.
After the introduction of'the bill, it
was referred to the house committee
on military affairs for consideration.
Although several measures providing
for a cash bonus have been offered,
the educational bill has received more
favorable comment from members of
both the senate and house than any
yet presented. The committee has
several measures already under dis-
cussion and it is probable that a de-
cision will be made in the near fu-
ture. The act which provides for
state aid to disabled veterans will
take precedence over all othe ex-
service men's bills, but it is the feel-
ing of the committee that after these
men are taken care of, it is their duty
to provide for the' ex-service men
wanting an education.
The action taken by the legislature
yesterday was the result of a trip to
Lansing by James E. Spier, '22L,
president of the Junior Laws, and a
member of the educational allotment
committee of the University post of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The
veterans' organization initiated the
campaign for education for ex-service
men throughout the state.

forget what may be lacking in stage
Alfred Sutro's "The Open. Door,"
with Lionel C. Crocker, '18, and Amy
G. Loomis, '22, playing the roles, stood
next in point of interest, though Olga
M. Johnson, '21, and Hilliard E. Ros-
enthal, '21, in Sutr's "A Marriage Has
Been Arranged," carried their parts in
a truly professional manner.
Middleton's "Tradition" tells a
story not sufficientl'y out of the ordin-
ary to be striking, but it is excellent-
ly presented. Lulu M. North, grad.,
carries a part which asks little of her
voice but much of her acting, and she
carries the part entirely satisfactorily.
R. S. Tubbs, '21, plays the typical hard
headed, stubborn farmer convincingly,
while Lucille L. Cobb, '21, completes a
cast which makes much of "Tradi-
Those who enjoy this type of enter-,
tainment will find an evening with- the
Players' club entirely satisfactory, and
an evening so spent will convince them
that the club has a real function on
th'e campus, and that it is going to
fulfill its mission well.
Editor The Michigan Daily:
As a member of the University com-
munity interested in the proper solu-
tion off, our common problems, I
should like to say a few words with
reference to the present discussion of
the lecture course offered by the Ora-
torical association. First, I regret,
and I believe that most fair minded
members of the University regret that
the replies of the .pokesmen for the!
association to the criticisms of Pro-
fessor Hobbs have consisted chiefly of
personal abuse couched in language
and betraying a spirit which ought to
be regarded by all as beneath the lev-
el of campus discussion. Further, pub-
lie opinon should resent, and I be-
lieve that it does resent, the villific?-
tion of one who is a courageous and
outspoken champion of wham he be-
lieves to be right, whether his cause
is popular or the reverse. I do not be-
lieve that a community can afford to
allow one of its members to be pen-
alized because of legitimate and per-
sistent advocacy of certain public
policies, even though -this advocacy
may at times be unpopular.
(Continued on Page 4)




Chinese Club

Contributes I
of Yesterday's

Besides being the final day of the
Michigan relief fund campaign, today
is "free for all day" on the campus.
Solicitors are expected to seek' con-
tributions from all students whom they
see who are not wearing the 'Maize
and Blue ribbons.
Due to the fact that the reports
from many fraternities and house
clubs have not come in yet, it is ex-
pected that the total of $4,100.60
which was reached last night will be
doubled by this 'evening. All those
who have not already been solicited
are urged to wait no longer but to
bring their contributions to the Union
or Barbour, gymnasium, sometime to
Two large subscriptions were turn-
ed in yesterday by K. H. Wu, '21. The
Chinese club contributed $150 through
him, and he solicited a gift of $125
from the Chinese merchants of Tol-
The gifts have averaged nearly $3.00
to date. The total is small more be-
cause of the fact that comparatively
few reports have been turned in rath-
er than because of any unwillingness
on the part o; the students to do their
There will be a special performance
at the Majestic theater at 10:30 o'clbck
tomorrow morning. The admission
will be 25 cents for adults and 10
cents for children, all the proceeds go-
ing to the fund., Tickets have been
distributed to the fraternities, soror-
ities and dormitories, and are on sale
at the Union and Graham's and Wahr's
bookstores. All those wishing to se-
cure tickets to the show should do so
today as the tickets are going to be
taken up tonight.
Plans have been completed for the
dance in the Union tomorrow after-
noon. Tickets are on sale at the Union
desk, the admission being 25 cents
each. Rogers' Spotlight orchestra will
contribute its services for the occa-

Players' Club Initial Production
Gives Student Characters Chance
To Naintain Difficult Roles




Crowds of students watched the
fire which badly damaged the resi-
dence owned by Mrs. M. E. Waples
ad occupied by R. F. Weske, '19E, a
former Varsity football player, and
family, at 614 Oakland street last
night. The blaze broke out about 8:15
o'clock and was first discovered by
students in the Acacia house, which
faces the rear of the house on Oak-
land from State street.
'the roof was at this time a mass
of flames and the students notified
Mrs.- Weske, who was in the house
with a seven months old baby, en-
tirely unaware of the 'fact that the'
house was on fire. It is believed that
the roof was ignited fron the chim-
ney, which has given trquble before.
The fire increased rapidly, gaining
even after the arrival of the fire de-'
partment, due to the delay in playing
the fire hose on the house. WatinF
swiftly downwards the flames engulf-
ed the attic and parts of the secpd
story. For a time the residence negt
door was threatened butE the large
quantity of water which was poured
upon- it kept the house out of 4an-
The upper part of the house we
1,adly damaged, the roof being almost
entirely razed. The principal injury
-to the first two floors was done by
water, which was poured into the
house in an effort to check the flames.
Much of the furniture which belonged
to Mrs. Waples was rescued by stu-
dents, that which remained in the
house being destroyed by water.
It was impossible to estimate the
exact amount of the damage done as
the amount of furniture left in the
house and the work of the flames

that the state

Jan. 27.-- Assurances
department would not



Disussion Of Common Problems
Purpose Of Student Representatives

Action was taken at the meeting of
the Ann Arbor At asspeiation in
Alunni 14emorial hall Wednesday
night, to request the Board of ]Regents
of the University of Michigan to set
aside annually the sum of $1,000 for
the use of the association. If this re-
quest is granted, the money will be
used to finance art lectures and ex-
hibits giyen under the auspices of the
association, which will be open to the
public free of charge.
Prgf. Emil Loreh, of the College of
Architecture, acting as chairman of
a committee which had been ap-
pointed to forriiulate plans for secur-
ing University aid, presented the rec-
The society has held numerous ex-
hibitions and lectures but owing to
lack of funds has never been able to
function as such an organization
should. It has been the intention of
the society to purchase pictures to
present to' the University and to hold
series of exhibitions each year.

The Intercollegiate Conference on
Undergraduate Government to which
LeGrand E. Gaines, '21E, president of
the Student council, has been elected
to represent Michigan, is sponsored
by a committee composed of represen-
tatives of Princeton, Cornell, Penn-
sylvania, Dartmouth, and Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology. The
meetings will be held April 15 and
16 at Cambridge, Mass.
'The aim of the conference is to
bring together representatives of va-
rious universities and colleges at a
meeting to discuss the problems of
undergraduate government and stu-
dent activities. The committee has
invited 40 other universities and col-
leges besides Michigan to send four
delegates to the conference. The in-
stitutions selected were those th
have problems in common and are
representative of the different see-
tions of the country.

' The problems to be discussed at the
conference will be listed under four
departments and each university is
asked to have a delegate at each of
the departments. It is planned to
have four separate but sinultaneous
meetings, one discussing the problems
of student governing bodies, another
athletics, another publications, and
'another musical clubs and dramatics.
With this plan in mind the executive
committee headed by W. R. Barker
at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology has thought it advisable
for the colleges attending to send at
least four delegates, picked for their
ability to discuss the above ques-
The only delegate of the four that
Michigan is requested to have at the
conference that has so far been
elected is Gaines, who will attend the
meetings of the department concerned.
with student government.

give its approval to the proposed new,
treaty between the United States and
Japan until opportunity had been 'af-
forded members of the senate and oth-
ers interested to place before the de-
partment their arguments, were giv-
en Senator Phelan, of California, today
by Secretary Colby.
Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 27.-Robert
F. Herrick, of Boston, who was head
of the Harvard crew which broke the
record of the Thames course in 1913,
will serve as chairman of rowing com-
mittee and advisory this year. No
change in the regular coaching staff
is planned.
Paris, Jan. 27-The supreme council
of the Allies this evening referred the
question of German reparation to a
committee of experts, after a meeting
at which early final action was urged.
Santa Fe, New Mex., Jan. 27.--The
state senate today unanimously pass-
ed a resolution for a constitutional
provision against the practice of leas-
ing New Mexico land by aliens ineligi-
ble to citizenship or by corporations
controlled such aliens.
R. 0. T. C. Offices to be Noved
Major Robert Arthur, of the Uni-
versity R. 0. T. C., will move his'
office from the Engineering building
to the R. 0. T. C. offices,, in the tem-
porary structure behind the Econom-
ics building, on March 1.

(Special to The Daily)
Houghton, Jan. 27. - Superior
teamplay and conditions spelled a 3 to
0 defeat for the Micligan infotmal
hockey sextet' at the hands of the
speedy Michigan College of Mines
team in the game played here last
One of the largest and most enthu-
siastic crowds which has ever crowd-
ed into the huge ice palace greeted'
the initial appearance of a Wolverine
athletic team in the Upper Peninsula
and gave the visitors a great ovation
when they skated onto the -ice a little
before 8 o'clock. Dick Ba4kell, star
center man for the Maize and Blue
team and a Copper Country, boy, was
the center of attention during the pre-
g'ame workout.
Both teams went to work in dead
earnest a few seconds after the open-
ing gong with the result that the Min-
er right wing shot a goal from a dif-
ficult angle after the puck had been
worked down the entire length of the
ring by"'wonderful c nbination play.
Michigan responded with an addition-
al effort and for the rest of the
period the puck was worked from one
end of the ice to the other without a
M. C. M. answered the halftime bell
in much better shape than Michigan
and scored its second goal within
five minutes. Barkell was knocked
out in a fierce mixup near his own
goal and was replaced at center by
Follis. The third and last goal for
the College of Mines was registered
a few minutes before the end of the
(Continued on Page Fight)

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