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January 23, 1921 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-01-23

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ratorical Board Fails To $60,000,000
Meet Opportunities, Charge AND
(By Prof. William Herbert Hobbs)

The request of The Daily for "criti-
cism on any matter pertaining to
ldichigan" leads me to ask the priv-
ilege of.putting before your readers
the subject of popular University lec-
The nearly ten thousand young men
and young women upon the campus
constitute a picked body, and with the
opportunities which they here enjoy
they should, with similar- bodies else-
where, become the moulders of thought
of the coming half century. Michi-
gan's great asset in the Hill audi-
torium affords it the opportunity to
bring the student body into face to
face contact with the great men and
women of the day-those who have
won the esteem of their compatriots
and who can inspire others to follow
them to high achievement.
Charges Failure
This opportunity of the University,
of Michigan is not being met by the
Oratorical association, which now pre-1
Tempts the field of popular University
Lecturers brought here from
outside the University to address
the student body are by presump.-"
tion chosen from among those
whose record can be emulated- '
they are in effect set up upon '
pedestals before the student body."
Far from measuring up to the re.
qurements set by the conditions,
the record of the Oratorical asso-
clation's speakers during the war,
and post-war period is not one "

which can be regarded with satis-
I can testify as chairman of the Na-
tional Security league in this com-
munity that one of the influences
which weighed most heavily against,
our efforts to bring about an enlight-
ened sentiment for meeting the menace
to civilization was found in the choice
of lecturers for the Oratorical asso-
ciation's courses.
Among these lecturers I do not
recall one who treated national
and international issues from any
other standpoint than that of the
pacifist or pro-German.
Bryan, the prize American pacifist
who even today indicates no contrition
for the thousands of innocent lives
which Were sacrificed to his folly;
Dorman Angell, the world's champion
pacifist whose responsibility is even
greater; and Francis Neilson, the
renegade British M. P., who wrote
books and toured this country in lec-
tures in order to show that England
and not Germany was the culprit of
the war,-these were the stars who
exhorted and denounced from the
campus rostrum. No Theodore Roose-
velt, Leonard Wood, James M. Beck,
George Haven Putnam, Lindlay M.1
Garrison, or other red-blooded Ameri-
can citizen was included in the asso-
ciation's list of speakers.
Cricizes Program
I should hardly bring up this matter
now if it related to past conditions
only, but I refer your readers to the

present season's program for indica- s
tion that no change of policy is yet a yoA IH I
Of the eight lecturers who discuss THE PLEASING METRO S'
national or international issues, one
only, Governor Allen, has a war rec- ARE
ord that students could be asked to
emulate.- The majority of the others
were either pacifists, pro-Germans, or
both, during our great crisis. Bryan
is not alone the prize American paci-
fist, but he shares with Henry Ford a
notoriety by reason of his unenlight- AT THE
efked viewpoint in the field of learn-
ing* His Sunday lecture, represent-
ing as it did a viewpoint abandoned a
half century ago, was essentially a
repetition of one he 'had already de-
livered upon the campus of the Uni-
versity a decade or more since. Ex- FOR
Senator Beveridge, by reason of his
pro-German attitude during the war,
has been largely ostracized by loyal T O D A Y 0 1
Americans. His book written to prove
the innocence of Germany of provok-
ing the war was put upon the index TIE STORY
by the government and refused admis-
sion to army camps. "Jim Ham" It is of Mary Manchester, driven by circumstance and a
sionto rmycamp. "im am"sonate a wealthy woman who is really dead, but whose cont
Lewis, becausehe went wrong on the of her millions by two unscrupulous bankers.
war, was retired from the United That is the start; doubtless the men who read George Ki
States Senate by the suffrage of a Book know it fairly completely and will wish to witness the
people which had at last found itself.
Rabbi Wise was both pacifist and pro-
German and has made use of his pul-
pit for German propaganda. The ad-
vertised subject of his lecture here is SUNDAY
"Americanism, True and False." Continuous Shows
Fail to Reach Standards WEEK DAYS
Of Emeline Pankhurst and Thomas 12:00 - 3:30 - 7:00 - 9:00
R. Marshall it is perhaps sufficient to
say that neither their record, their
manners, nor their methods, measure
up to the standards which are called
for by the situation.
The object of this communication is
to urge with some emphasis that so
important a matter as popular Univer-
sity lectures should be placed in'the
hands of a committee representing a
vigorous and enlightened American
viewpoint and one that will commend
itself to the student body, which is
certainly neither pacifist nor pro-Ger-


Is the University of Michigan asleep?
In the opinion of the University fac-
ulty and officials it is decidedly not
asleep. And many faculty members
believe that in many phases of college
life the University is wider awake than
ever before.
In scholarship, in faculty alertness,
in student activities, and in musical
and'educational activities of every na-
ture Michigan is showing up as well
as it ever has and in many cases to
better advantage.
It is true that here at the present
time, As in every university in the
United States, the results of the recent
war are evident. The dance craze
which has reached its height is mani-
fested here' to a certain extent but
that is to be expected.
Grades on Percentage
It has been declared als that a cer-
tain small percentage of students in
the University of Michigan are secur-
ing the highest grades and are taking
part ,in student activities. The state-
ment is true, but this has always been
the case. The marking system in the
Literary college shows that only a
certain percentage of students secure
A's, a larger percentage B's, etc.
"Never before have I felt the facul-
ties more keenly alive to ,education
problems and a desire for reorganiza-
tion in various ways than at the pres-
ent time," said Dean John R. Effinger
of the Literary college. "The faculties
have been very desirous to improve
the quality of work and to keep up the
high standard of this University."
In the opinion of Registrar Arthur
G. Hall, of the Literary college, the
University is decidedly as much awake
as it has ever been to what are con-
sidered the most desirable aspects of
college life. The University, he be-
lieves, is not low in scholarship or in
any other respect.
Interest In Arts
Neyer before in the history of the
University of Michigan has there been
so great an interest in music, oratory,
and lectures. In a statement made re-
cently Prof. C. A. Trueblood, of the
public speaking department, declared
that the oratorical association lectures
in Hill auditorium were more largely
attended than hitherto.
"In 1888," said Charles A. Sink, of
the Schol of Music, "there was ittle
musical appreciation in this Univer-
sity. Since that time Prof. A. A. Stan- I
ley has endeavored to build up a musi-
cal atmosphere and the results of his
untiring effort are clearly seen at
the present time.
"Our choral union concerts are bet-
ter attended this year than they have
ever been, and the audience is com-
posed largely of students. Attendance
at our extra concerts series has been
doubled. This year we have been
forced to use the balconies in I-Bill
auditorium for the faculty concerts.
Orchestra Popular
"Last Sunday the entire main floor
and first balcony were filled to hear
the University orchestra and the stu-

dents manifested a deep apprecition
in the orchestra's work.
"In fact," said Mr. Sink, "both the
University orchestra and chorus have
much larger memberships and a better
quality of musicians in them. The stu-
dents are taking a keener interest in
the better form of music."

--- I


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