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January 14, 1921 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-01-14

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Necessity of Improvement Seen in
Material for Many
IN SPRINTS, 440, AND 880
Members of Coach Farrell's track
squad have settled down to the slow
task necessary for varsity develop-
ment. Although the first meet on the
Varsity's schedule is several months
off, Waterman gymnasium is the daily
scene of whole hearted workouts on
the part of all the candidates. Earn-
estness characterizes the work of
every man and the job of making a
team that will compare favorably with
previous track outfits is fully appre-
ciated by the coaches and every try-
Varsity Loses Stars
Having lost the services of Carl
Johnson, Baker, Beardsley, and Cross,
four of last year's outstanding stars,
Steve is confronted with the extreme-
ly difficult task of replacing these
men. For the hurdles in place of last
year's versatile captain and running
mate, namely Johnson and Beardsley,
the coach is grooming Cruikshank and
Spurrier. Other men are working on
the event also. Stipe and other mem-
bers of the football squad are giving
promise of being able to fill in fairly
good measure the shoes of Baker in
the weight events. Cross leaves Wes-
brook and Slaughter to fully take care
of the pole vault and Michigan's
strength in this event is guaranteed.
Naylor is another good candidate for
the vaulting squad. For the high
jump, Walker is showing good form
and bids well to handle the event fav-
Premier strength is to be found in
the dash squad and in the quarter
mile. Losch, Simmons, and Harvey
form the backbone of a powerful list
of sprinters. The quarter mile with
such men as Captain Butler, Wetzel,
Joyner, Wheeler, should be able to
take care of itself in the best of com-
pany. Burkholder, to lead the half
milers, is Michigan's best bet for this
event. Other men are being worked
with to develop into suitable candi-
dates for the half mile and mile:
runs. The two mile squad also will'
bear developing.
Others Should Develop
Being still very early in the sea-
son, there are other promising candi-
dates on the squad who are bound to
come to the front before the schedule
begins. Improvements are discerni-
ble, and by the time March rolls
around with the first meet, Coach
Farrell will have a fairly well bal-
anced team. Of the indoor contests,
the meet with Cornell will be the
track classic of the year. This year
the Big Red team will come to Ann
Arbor for a return meet. It will be
remembered that the relay race was
the deciding event in last year's
meet between the two schools.
Sunday Night Lunches at Teet's
Dining.Rooms, 805 E. Huron.-Adv.
Patronize Daily adertsers.-Ad

I IGH nGrand Rapids, Mt. Union, Detroit, on hand when the team arrived in
INTRAMURAL NOTICE 61IITIt9 SCORJ 1WEMt. Clemens, and Western clubs. Palo Alto. It is not on record that
j I ' Entries in the departmental league 7,500 gallons of special drinking water
Tryouts for assistant intra- [Ttotal 13 and will also close on Tues- were taken on that trip, but then --
mural managers of basketball IIIIILII CUUII NCE'Lday. There are three lit teams, three Good Year at Stanford
and of minor sports report to business ads, and one each architects, Stanford had passed through one
Coach Mitchell at the Intramur- Featuring the extremes in basket- mechanical, electrical and civil engi- of her most successful years, swamp-
al office, room 3, Press building. ball games, one sided victories and neers, pre-medics, and pre-laws. ing all of her Western opponents byl
Sophomores are preferred. hotly contested battles, the first round large scores. Forecasts from the
of the fraternity court tourney con- !Vichigan W ins scene of battle were sent broadcast
tinued Wednesday evening. The wid- through the country predicting a
est margin of victory went to Kappa from Sta f rd gloomy New Year for Yost, Heston
RAs crack squad. The score was TI ' and company. The banner crowd of
overwhelming, Sigma Phi Epsilon Pacific coast football history gathered
ION falling before them 36 to 2. The play- for that game fully expecting to see
RUMOR OUr- ESI Aing of Kappa Nu was well-nigh in- the big game of the decade played on
vincible and places them among the (By Frank McPike ) that day. Let us pass over the de-
TO ISSUE CALL FOR BASEBALL foremost of the favorites for the Memories of Yost's point-a-minute tails of that massacre, it has gone
championship. Lambda Chi Alpha had gridiron terrors have been growing down in history as one of the worst
CANDIDATES A'T BEGINNING 'little difficulty in winning a rough brighter since the defeat of 0. S. U. by beatings ever administered by one
OF SECOND SEMESTER game from Xi Psi Phi by a 29 to 12 California on New Year's day reminds football team to another in a chain-
score, while Trigon also experienced Michigan men that exactly 19 years pionship game of such prominence.
Complete denial of the rumors that an easy win over Phi Rho Sigma, 16 before the day on which the coast 1 Forty-nine to 0 was the final tally.
Baseball Coach Derrill Pratt was go- to 4. team mauled our respected oppon- Heston and Herrnstein ran the length
ing to resign from his position at' Another well-earned victory went ents, the Wolverine wonders took a of the field for touchdowns almost at
Michigan and return to professional to Kappa Beta Psi when Theta Xi trip to the Far West and completed will and nothing but their innate
baseball was agamn maae yesterday was downed 16 to 9. The winners had their season with a 49 to 0 defeat of sense of refinement prevented them
by the Varsity mentor. Coach Pratt difficulty in locating the basket dur- Leland Stanford Jr. from running up a larger total on
stated that under no conditions would ing the first half, but settled down in Negotiations for the game were ir hosts.
he re-enter professional baseball and tihe final period. Good guarding kept completed after Michigan had finish- Gregory, Tug Wilson, Dan McGui-
go on the training trip with the Bos- the Engineers from tossing more than ed her 10 game schedule on Thanks- gan, White, Shorts, Curtis Redden,
two field goals. giving day with a record of 501 points Sweeley, Weeks, and Neil Snow were
ton Red Sox. The only conditions ~fedgas oeo h te hnn ihso
under which the Michigan head would Close Scores in Games scored as compared to a round zerosome of totherhts on
consider an offer from the H-ub team Close scores were noticeable in the for the opposition. This unbroken that expedition, the trip that brought
would be after the season is over at remainder of the eight games. Psi string of victories included a 22 to 0 Coa's first year at Michigan
Michigan, which is late in June. Omega defeated Phi Sigma Kappa 6 win from Chicago, 21 to 0 from Ohio a remarkable finish.
As yet no call has been made for' to 2 in a game that featured the few- State, and 50 to 0 from Iowa. Buffalo Patronize Doly advertiser5.-Adv
baseball candidates as the coach has est baskets of any of the evening's received the worst trouncing with 128
been kept busy instructing the fresh- encounters. Sigma Nu barely con- points run over her mangled frame.
man basketball squad and as exam- trived to win over Hermitage, 15 to All in all the season was considered
inations are near, Coach Pratt has de- 14. The score zig-zagged throughout a 6omplete success and when the first
cided to wait until the opening of the the game, it being Sigma Nu's fortune overtures for a game were received IN D O O R G 0
.second semester before issuing an of- to lead as the final whistle blew. Al- from the Far West, team and students
ficial call. At this time he will be pha Beta Phi won a hot fight from were overjoyed. GolfScentificly a
able to know what men are eligible Delta Chi, 14 to 12 in one of the most Snow Delayed Practic'e
and can proceed intelligently in exciting games, while Sigma Chi won Ann Arbor is hardly the place for Professionals-
training and constructing his nine. over Monks, 16 to 6. December football practice and so
Letters have been sent out to all Games tonight are scheduled for Yost and his charges found it in the A. F. ROBERTSON a
prospective diamond men with sugges- 8:45 o'clock with Delta Theta Phi early winter of 1901. It was useless
tions as to keeping in condition and opposing Phi Delta Chi, Theta Chi to attempt practice on Ferry field, so
plans for the coming season. Candi- meeting Delta Sigma Delta, Phi Sig- the team worked out in the near vi- Lessons by Appoi
dates will be called out for prelim- ma Delta trying conclusions with Phi cinity of Waterman gymnasium.
mnary indoor practice about Feb. 15. Cmma Delta, and Sigma Alpha Epsi- Snow drifts were knee deep at the Pra

Tickets for the Hoppe-Peter-
son exhibition match Jan. 18, are
selling fast, according to those
in charge of the arrangements.
It is expected that the remain-
ing tickets will be sold short-
ly, so that persons intending to
see the match should not delay
in procuring theirs. An admis-
sion of 75 cents will be charged.
Have you tried those wonderful
Sunday Chicken Dinners at Teet's Din-
ing Rooms?-Adv.
Creole pralines (original) from New
Orlean's at Tice's Drug Store, 117 So.
Main St.-Adv.

-. Athletic
For Every
Catalogue on request
211 S. State St., Chicago, Ill.


MUMh by well known


Two Nets

Notices for this call will appear in lon having Phi Delta Theta as its op-!
The Daily. 1 ponents. !
When questioned as to his pros- Nine Society Teams In1
pects the coach would not venture an Nine teams have thus far entered ,
opinion at this early date and will not in the Society Basketball league gamesI
be able to know the strength of his which will begin on Wednesday. En-
men until he has seen them in action. tries are being held open until Tues-j
Competition this year will be strong day afternoon and it is hoped that the
is the opinion of Coach Pratt, and entry list will be increased by a
from reports, he expects Illinois to goodly number of society and section-'
be in the race with a powerful nine. al teams. Entries thus far have been
O. S. U. and Chicago also have enough announced as follows: Upstaters,
veterans back in the fold to threaten. Scalp and Blade, Nineteen, Bayonne,

time and scrimmage practice was out
of the question, signal practice was
held religiously every afternoon, but
by the time the big trip started the
team had lost some of its mid-season
vigor. Confidence ran high in the
Michigan camp and the pent up en-
thusiasm was let loose in one of the
biggest sendoffs that the Varsity has
ever received.
An unusually large number of Mich-
igan alumni began their vacation in
California early that winter and were

George J. Moe


711 N. Univ. Ave.

Next to Arcade Theatre

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Business Must Go On!
and if prices will do it we will not carry a suit or
overcoat over for next season

Men s

$25 Suits - now..
$30 Suits - now..
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Play is as necessary as work.
Any game which is interesting
enough to afford real Re-crea-
tion is a beneficial game, pro-
vided it is played amid clean,
decent, surroundings.
Most: young men prefer games
like billiards for their leisure
hours. If you are interested in
the welfare of young men, you
are invited to visit our billiard
parlors as often as you wish.
You will find that this is a
place of clean sport, where
gambling, profanity and other
undesirable elements are abso-
lutely TABOO.
Pocket and Carom Billiards.
Cigars and Candies.
Soft Drinks and Light Lunches.
Cigarettes and Pipes.
"We Try to Treat You Right"
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Men's Overcoats at same prices.
All Boy's . Children's Clothing

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Dress Shirts reduced .. .. ..... .....25 per cent
Night Shirts and Pajamas .......25 per cent
Hats and Caps .......... ........25 per cent
Sweaters and Bath Robes .........25 per cent
Fleece Lined Underwear at ........ ..0..'.. ...59c




do ' uer h C.



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