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October 12, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-10-12

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VOL XXXI. No. 7.



Detroit Government Offleial Express.
es Interest in Ann Arbor;
Investigation in the near future by
the Department of Justice of alleged
excessive prices charged by restaur-
ant and' boarding house keepers in
Ann Arbor will probably be made as
a result of an interview, Saturday with
United States District Attorney John
E.Kinnane in Detroit by Commande
W. Gilbert, '22E, and Quartermaster
H. cochran, '22, of erhe University
post ottlie Veterans of Foreign Wars
Supreme Court to Hear Cases
AfterMr. Kinnane was informed as
to the high prices charged for food
and 'lodging in Ann Arbor, he said:
"The provision of the Lever act which
makes it a federal offense to make an
unreasonable or excessive charge for
necessaries has been attacked in this
district as unconstitutional. The cases
hivolving the question will be heard
before the supreme court in Washing-
ton this week. If the provision is held
valid I will be in a position to ac
promptly on the situation in Ann Ar-
Departmnent of J; tice agents vwil
investigate conditions and food prices
here and present their evidence to the
district attorney just as soon as the
supreme court hand down its decis
ion, according to Mr. Walter I. Mc-
Kenzie, assltant United States at-
The portion of section four of the
Lever act which has been attacked
as unconstitutional is to the effect
that it is unlawful "to make any un-
reasonable or unjust rate or charge
in handling or dealing in or with
any necessaries."
Section Likely to be Valid
According to Mr. Kinnane i is very
declare this section to be valid, in
which case he will take immediate
steps to reduce prices in Ann Arbor
,When questioned as to whether a-
tion could be taken in regard to high
rents charged to students, the District
attorney said,u"I believe that rooms
and lodgings could be classed as ne-
cessities and as such would come
within section four of the Lever act.
That all sections of the Lever act
are not valid is shown'by the fact that
Harry Cohen of Bay City,hAs just
been convicted of profiteering in
sugar. He faces a $2,000 fine or two
years' imprisonment, or both.
Assistant District Attorney McKen-
zie stated that Michigan is the only
state to question the constitutionality
of the particular section of the Lever
act. He added, however, that 75 per
cent of the cases tried under section
four have resulted in a verdict of
Is Michigan Graduate
"As a graduate of the University
of Michigan Law school I am very
much interested in any. movement on
the part of the students to lower the
cost of living in Ann Arbor," said Mr.
McKenzie, "and I will see to it that
every possible measure will be taken

to alleviate the abnormal prices for
food and lodging."
Newark Club Holds First Meeting
Holding their first meeting of the
year on Saturday night, -members of
the Greater Newark club of New Jer-
sey formed plans for a smoker to be
held within the next two weeks at the
Union. The smoker will be an open
invitation affair, to which all New
Jersey men are invited.
University President to Visit Here
Pres. Frank McVey of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky, and Mrs. McVey will
be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred-
erick P. Jordan for 'the. inaugural
ceremonies Thusrday.
Buffalo Students Plan Smoker
All Buffalo, N. T., students are in-
vited to attend a get-together meet-
ing and smoker in the Union reading
room at 8 o'clock, Thursday night. A.
Carnochan, '22, is chairman.

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 11.-The state de-
partment has cabled to Paris for the
official text of Pres. Wilson's address
to the Roumanian and Servian govern-
ments at the eighth session of the
peace confrence.
Officials would not say at whose
request the cablegram had been sent,
or what use would be made of the
text, when it was received. It was
understood, however, that the depart-
ment acted by direction of the presi-
dent, who has been asked by Senator
Spencer, 'Republican of Missouri, to
make ' the official record public.
Senator Spencer has charged, that
in this address President Wilson
promised military aid to the Rouma-
1 nians and Servians in the event of an
- invasion of those countries.
Ie Is
Iflok "." To 21e
rIn Appearance A
yChicago Game
Michigan is to have a block "M"
again this year. It will be formed at
the Chicago game, Nov. 13, in the
south stands and not in the north
stands as formerly. It is hoped by
officials that the south stand will give
the "M" a better display. More than
1,800 students carrying yellow and
blue flags will be necessary to form
the "M."
Applications for a place in the
t cheering section will be received at'
: the athletic office at the present time.
Only seniors, juniors and sophomores
1 are premitted to form it, according to
advice from the Athletic office.
The correct coupon must accom-
pany applications for positions in the
4 -
"Bunty Pulls the Strings" has ber
chosen by the play committee of the
Comedy club for presentatio this
year. This piece is a delightful
Scotch comedy in three acts, and
scored a remarkable hit in London
several years ago, after which it was
brought to New York to repeat the
success. It will be presented on Dec.
t 15.
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, who direct-
ed "Alice Sit-by-the-Fire," the play
given by the club last year and whose
work with the productions of Comedy
t club and Masques has caused much,
t favorable comment, will direct."Bunty
t Pulls the Strings."
Try-outs will be held the week
starting Oct. 18, and although firs
tests will be made of Comedy club
members, should the cast be then
incomplete, general try-outs will be
held. Rehearsals will be announced
following the selection of the cast.
A copy of the play will be found on
the reserved shelf in the Library room
until 6 o'clock every day this week.
Junior Advisers Entertain Freshman
Girls in Gymnasium

t}More than 400 freshmen and juniors
1 attended the supper gt'ven by the
junior advisers last night at Barbour
gymnasium. Juniors met their ad-
visees in the Women's league rooms
immediately after Dean Myra B. Jor-
dan's tea for freshman girls, and es-
corted them to the buffet supper that
- was served in the gymnasium.
The program for the evening was
intended to acquaint the new students
with the various campus activities to
t which they are eligible. The purpose
of the advisory system, the function
of the league, and the part that cam-
pus activities play in the life of a
student were explained in detail.
Appoint Freshman Social Committee
The freshman social committee
elected yesterday afternoon are: Mary
Hendrickson, Marian Kolb, Kay Staf-
ford, Sadie Heath, Janet Smith, Con-.
stance Smith, Ruth Sturmer, Dorothy
Weimer, Freda Biekhoff, Hortense
Hoad, Isabelle Waterworth, Florence
Riley, Susan Fitch, Iva Bishop and
Elizabeth Carson.


Prof. A. E. White Appointed Director;
Has Had Military, Industrial
Aiming to place the University in
close and intimate contact with the
industries of the state so that it
may serve them in the most practica-
ble way possible, the Department of
Engineering Research has been es-
tablished and $10,000 appropriated by
the Regents for its development.
This department has been inaugu-
rated for-the use of the manufactur-
ing concerns of the state to promote
investigation and improvement in
them, and to aid in all advancement
of their welfare. It will be the scien-
tific investigation laboratory for all
the industries of the state.
Rises from 7th to 13th Place
Due to unprecedented industrial de-
velopment in Michigan this state has
risen during the past 10 years from
13th place industrially to 7th place
among the states, and its yearly pro-
duction is many times as great as at
that time. The Michigan Agricultur-
al College, devoted largely to the in-
terests of better farming, has been a
state institution for a part of the
producing organs of the state which
produced annually only' about $500,-
000,000 worth of commodities. Up to
this time the industries, the produc-
ers of wealth evaluated at more than
$2.000,000,000 annually, have been
left entirely to their own resources, a
condition of affairs which will now be
rectified by the Department of Engi-
neering Research.
The Regents have appointed Prof.
A. E. White of the department of chem-
ical engineering as director of the
new department. Professor White has
been actively engaged in the bringing
about of the laboratory idea and has
had wide experience in the line with
which the department is to deal. For
several years, director of the investi-
gation laboratory of one of the larg-
et manufacturing concerns in the
country, he came to the University in
1911 to assume a position as instruct-
or and in 1913- was made assistant.
professor. Leaving Michigan in 1917,
Professor White entered the army
with the rank of captain in the Ord-
nance department, where he had full
charge of' the metallurgical inspection
of all 'ordnance material.
Rising soon to a major, he left the
army in the spring of 1919 with the
rank of lieutenant-colonel, when he
returned to the University where he
was then given the title of full pro-
,fessor. Professor White has recently
been elected president of the Ameri-
can Cociety for Steel Treating, a new-
ly formed odrganization.
Chicago Alumni Start Move
The movement for the installation
of a department such as has been
effected was started by the Chicago
alumni in 1916, but owing to the un--
settled conditions of the time, no ef-
fective consideration was given the
matter until it was brought to the at-
tention of the Regents by the Manu-
facturers' Association last year. The
advisability of establishing the de-
partment has been in the hands of a
committee consisting of ithe Presi-
dent, Regents Hanchett, Clements, and
Leland. Dean Cooley, and Professors
A. E. White and J. C. Emshwiler.
This committee has worked with a
committee from the Michigan Manu-
facturers' Association, consisting of

M. W. Neal, H. C. Bulkley and F. S.
Developing the idea from its in-
ception, these committees have car-
ried it to its present state, and at the
last Regents' meeting $10,000 was ap-1
propriated to start the work. Offi-
cials regret that more could not be ob-
tained, but present demands upon the
University funds are so great that it
was found impossible.
Personnel Includes 100 Men
The personnel of the advisory com-
mittee appointed to supervise the ope-
rations of the department consists of
100 prominent business men about the

state, appointed with reference to lo-
cation and the variety of interests
they represent. An executive com-
mittee of 17 has been elected by the
larger committee and there is also an
administrative committee consisting.
of the dean and heads of professional
departments in the engineering col-
lege, and the director of the new de-
Speaking of the functions of the
new department, Professor White
said, "It must be appreciated that this
is a state university, and therefore
the results of the work done in it must
be considered common property. We
believe that much valuable work may
be done by means of the new depart-
ment for individual concerns and
groups of associations. We do not
expect that we will engage in routine
work, for that can be done to much
better advantage by the various indus-
Concerns to Pay for Work
"It is expected that concerns hav-
ing work done will pay for the actual
cost of the work. The University is
very glad to place at the disposal of
the manufacturers its library facili-
ties and as much laboratory facilities
as can be done without undue inter-
ference with teaching. It is believ-
ed that this will react most beneficial-
ly to the industries.
(Continued on page Seven)
League Park Contest Resolves Itself
into Pitching Duel Between
Malls and Sherrod
(By Associated Presh)
,Cleveland, Oct. 11.-The Cleveland

Four hundred and twenty-eight
years ago today Columbus first saw
America, and throughout the United
States today citizens will honour the
date as a landmark in the history of
our country.
Although no formal exercises have
been planned eitler by the city or
University, large cities throughout'
the nation are holding fitting celebra-
Columbus day first came to be ob-
served nationally in 1918, when Pres-
ident Wilson in a proclamation called
upon all Americans to respond to the
Liberty loan, then under way. Pro-
grams, prepared by the office of the
secretary of state, were given
throughout the country under the di-
rection of the public schools, and
many eastern cities held mammoth
Club Now Under
union xControl;
The Varsity Glee and Mandolin
club yesterday was admitted by the
board of directors of the Union, to
that organization as a part of its mus-
ical activites. The action was taken
at the request of the club.
After being an independent organ-
ization for more than 50 years, it was
admitted on the same basis as the
Union opera. The committees to have
charge of the club will be appointed
the first part of this week by Paul
Eaton, '21, president of the Union, in
the same manner as other Union com-
mittees. Robert A. Campbell, treas-
urer of the University. is to be the
general adviser. A director will be
appointed later.
The action of the club in request-,
ing to be admitted to the UnJion, war.
taken in order to profit by the Union
orgzmization according to club ofc-'
HIng ThEs E otROOM
Hearing both sides of the room


Dean Kraus Stveses
'ig Student Turn

Out Al

Indians came within reaching dis-lquestion from several students anda

tance of the baseball championship
of the world today, when they shut
out Brooklyn by a score of 1 to 0 in
the sixth game of the series. A most
remarkable reversal of form, on the
part of the Robins, can prolong the
series more than a game or two.
Game Well Played

rooming house keepers, the committee
appointed by the president to pass up-
on disputes oil the subject, met in
session in the Union yesterday after-
The committee, consisting of a stu-
dent, a faculty member, and an Ann
Arbor landlady, rendered several de-

Approximately 200 represents
of universities and colleges thr<
out the United tSates and Canad
attend the inauguration of Pre
Marion .L. Burton, according t
statement yesterday of Mr. O
Buhr, assistant to the president,
is in charge of the list of dele
and invited guests.
Many of the delegates are exp
to arrive in Ann Arbor Thu
morning from Columbus, Ohio, '
the semi-centennial celebratioi
Ohio State University will begin
Detals All Arranged
Further details regarding the
demic procession, in charge of
L. M. Gram, have been complete
procession is to be composed of.
gates and specially invited guest
companied by the guard of hono
the faculty section. The latter
include the deans, member, of.p
sional irank, and instructors. A
.n.ts a,,e not to participate In'th
cession, but they will be prc
v-ith tickets for the inaugural se
All t2ling part in t'o academic
cession will be adnitted to tt
tug'iral session without ticket
rn-emet of the lin of marc
the procession Will be made WE
dn' morning.
M embrs cf the guard of hono
at the oTice of Shirley W. Smit,
retary of the UnIiversity at
o'clocl yesterday afternoon.
were g>ven a drill under the s
'rision of Dr. George B. May.
Executive Committee Conft
The executive committee in c
of preparation for the inaugu
beld a conference during the afte
with the chairmen of the varion
committees. Dean E. 'H. I
chairman of the executive comn
again called attention to the fac
all students not.attending the i
ural session in Hill auditorium v
expected to form along the lit
march for the academic proce
Loyalty to Michigan, he said
mands that as many 'students a
possibly do so turn out to impre
delegates and invited guests wil
true size and spirit of the Unive
Applications for tickets to t
augural session were received c
the day by Registrar A. G. Hall f
literary department and by the
taries of the other departments.
Arranging Entertainment
Entertainment of the delegate
invited guests is being arrange
Prof. W. P. Lombard and the co
tee on entertainment. Ann(
ments regarding the reception ai
banquet for delegates, invited
and faculty members are made I:
Daily Official Bulletin this morn
(Continued on page Four)
Members of the Richard N.
post of the Veterans of Foreign
will hold their initial meeting
school'year at 7:15 o'clock Wedi
evening in room 318 of the
Plans will be made at this time
four week membership drive e
with a dinner to be held on Art
According to W. Gilbert, '22E
requested that all ex-service n
present at this meeting as sever
portant issues affecting all ex-
men on the campus will be disc

Ex-service men entering the t
sity for the first time are ur.
attend and get acquainted.

While the play today lacked much cisions and held several for consid-I

of the sensational features of Sun-
day's thrilling battle, it was a well
played contest from a technical
standpoint; resolving itself into a
pitching duel between Walter Mails
and Sherrod Smith, two of the lead-
ing southpaws of the major' leagues.
Mails had decidedly the better of
the contest, the batters from the East
being held to three scattered hits,
while the locals found Smith's range
for seven. safeties. The Indians also
give Mails a superior brand of team
defense. Seven Brooklyns were left
stranded with potential runs, while
but four Indians remained on the
sacks after the third out.
Score in Sixth
Although Cleveland had the bases
filed at one time during the second
inning, it was not until the sixth ses-
sion that the run which gave the
home team victory was pushed across.
In an effort to minimize a large and
unecessary expense, the Ann Arbor
Savings Bank has requested its pa-
trons not to draw checks for amounts
less than $10, and to avoid overdraw-
ing accounts.
' According to Mr. Carl F. Braun,
vice-president of the bank, and gen-
eral manager of the University Ave-
nue branch, 'nearly two-thirds of stu-
dent accounts are carried at a loss be-
cause of thoughtlessness in drawing
MacSwiney Begins 60th Day of Fast
London, Oct. 11. - Terence Mac-
Swiney, lord mayor of Cork, began
the 60th day of his fast after a good
night, according to a bulletin from the
Irish Self-Determination League.

The process works in the following
manner: the landlady, or student, or
both, come before the committee, one
gives his or her testimony completely
and then the other gives his. All
members of the committee .ask the
questions they think desirable and
then, if a decision is easily arrived at,
the chairman tells the complainant or
complainants what their duty in the
case may be, and the case is dismiss-
ed. No further action is taken unless
one fails to do what he or she is in-
Practically all the complaints yes-
terday were the result of ignorance of
the University ruling that students
when they contract for a room at the
beginning of the year, must keep it for
at least a semester, or get someone
else to take it. Failure to talk over,
frankly with the landlady the rea-
sons for dissatisfaction was partly or
in whole responsible for the.trouble
in many cases.
Rube Marquard Arraigned in Court
(By Associated Press)
Cleveland, Oct. 11 .- Rube Mar-
quard. Brooklyn pitcher, will not re-
ceive his share of the world series
gate receipts until the ticket scalping
charges made against him here have
been settled, John Heydler, president
of the National league, announced aft-
er today's game. Marquard was ar-
raigned in court this morning, his case
being postponed until Oct. 15.
Tekio Faces Shortage of Hello Girls
(By the Associated Press)
Tokio, Oct. 11.-The ever present
scarcity of "moshi^ moshi," or tele-.
phone girls, is causing the local tele-
phone office to suffer.

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