What Is
An Educati
Professors Ans
(By Gage Clark)
Education is the commodity the
University sells to the student. To
most people it is an intangible some-
thing which a man acquires during his
college course. Everyone can recog-
nize the results of education, but it is
difficult to point out the process by
which this result is reached. Students
come to the University, some to spe-
cialize in certain departments, others
to obtain a general knowledge, to re-
-ceive instruction in many different
fields of learning.
Their purpose is to devote the re-
quired number of years to study, in
order that at graduation they may
have completed their work and ac-
quired a so-called education. But even
then, some are not sure that their asim
is accomplished. They are not sure,
because they have no standards by
which to judge their work. The ques-
tions remain. Have they received a
thorough education? Of what does an
education consist? How may others
obtain it?
The ideas of men on the University
faculty should be of value in answer-
ing these questions. Dean Alfred H.
Lloyd summed up his opinion in this
matter by saying:
"At graduation, the college student
should have a real, special interest
with enough skill to insure, as it is
worked out, a useful occupation. He
should possess a fund of general in-
formation, involving some cultural
outlook, and also a human sympathy
and understanding that, with the cul-
ture, will act as a control against effi-
ciency and other forms of mental and
moral isolation. He should have ac-
quired the ability to enjoy leisure
while using it well but not too idly.
'That far too many do not get Such a
four-square education is true and re-
grettable. Unfortunately not all col-
lege teachers have it. A few lack
even any appreciation of it. Curricula
sometimes fails to insure it and may
actually obstruct it. The ideal of it, is
worth stating and pressing at this
The ideas expressed by Professor
William H. Hobbs corroborates Dean
Lloyd's statements, but go even fur-
ther. He recommends a specialization
in some particular department.
"The University courses for under-
graduate study," he said, "should be
planned, not primarily for the acquisi-
tion of facts as such, but as a training
for life, in which should be developed
the reasoning powers of the individual
in combination with a sanity of judg-
"The scope and purpose of widely
different fields of study-in language,
science, history, civics and philosophy
-should be learned, and a more com-
prehensive knowledge gained of one
subject chosen with reference to the
student's probable future career. In
addition, he should acquire some ap-
preciation of the beautiful in art,
literature and music, and develop a
habit of reading good books. He may
forget most of his facts, but he will;
know where to find them; and, if he i-
to succeed, he must know how to at-
tack new problems with a reasonable
measure of success. His attitude and
temper toward authorities in learning,
while respectful, should not be blind.
and his judgment suspended, always
subject to review when his own hori-
zon has been enlarged. A real danger
of the University atnibsphere is that
one will become a rainbow chaser.
abandoning the measurably attain-
able for the unsound and impractical
ideal. While gazing at tle clouds.
one should not fail to observe his foot-
ing on terra firma."
In expressing his ideas, Dean John
R. Effinger said, "A general education
embodies an acquaintance with many
different fields of learning. The stu-
dent wishing to acquire such an edu-
cation, should include the study of
philosophy, psychology, science, eco-
nomics, languages and literature in
his curriculum. These courses train
him to think more clearly and logical-
ly and to appreciate life." Dean
Effinger touched upon a new phase of
the subject. "While campus activities
form a part of an education," he con-
tinued, "they should be secondary to
studies. The student who takes easy
courses so that he may find the time
to become a 'big man on the campus'
has missed the real purpose of the
Prof. Louis Strauss of the English
department, discussed the cultural
aspects. of the subject. "The test of'
education is not the number of facts
a man has stored in his memory, but
rather in his ability to locate what he
needs swiftly and accurately. A stu-
dent is on the way to being educated
who 'finds himself' in his junior or
senior year, i. e., cuts loose from ser-
vile dependence upon authority, experi-
ences a widening and deepening of his
range of interests, discovers that he
has exchanged a boy's intellect for a
man's, and that he is able to grapple
with the problems of life. Education,"
he emphasized, "is not to be confused
with bread-winning ability."
Walter B. Pillsbury, professor of
psychology, appeals to the student di-
rectly and recommends a wide range
of subjects. "To the student, I wish
to say, go after fundamentals. Learn
everything at college that you can't
learn elsewhere. In pursuing a gen-
eral education, you should study the
sciences, including physics, chemistry,
and mathematics. A knowledge of the
languages is desirable. Take enough
history and literature to determine
what is a good standard by which to
judge life." Like Dean Effinger, Pro-
fessor Pillsbury expressed his opinion
on campus activities. "Outside work
should only be subordinate. A student
will do this sort of thing all his life
anyway, and it is unnecessary to learn
wer QueryTKU O
to do it at college. The one great: (Continued from Page One)
fault with a student is that he takes Hyde again shows well in this event
what he wants and not what he should and several others who are out for
have. Outside activities should be re- practice show promise.
garded as recreation only." Empha- Two men in the ptunge stand out
sizing that education should be prac- about all other candictates. The most
tical, he said, "First and foremost, ac- promising is Robert G. Yerkes, '21,
quire the facts you'll use." who, with practice, will develop into a
John L. Brumm, professor of rhet- winner of many points. Thomas
oric, sums up the purpose and advant- Adams, '22, a member of last year's
ages of education. team, is back on the job with a good
"An education," he stated, "if it is to outlook for the future.
deserve our respect, should fulfill a It may be noted that when school re-
two-fold purpose: it should mould a opens the second semester the team
man into an efficient tool for the ac- will be greatly strengthened by the
complishment of his share in the coming of Ernest Briggs of the Detroit
world's work; and it should develop in Athletic club, who has one more year
him the capacity to appreciate what is of work before he graduates.
superior in human thought and con- Briggs will be eligible on his enter-
duct, and cultivate in him a disposi- ing and should win many points in the
tion to make it prevail in the affairs fancy dives. It is reported that with
of life." him will come Fred Schwett, who will
enter the University for the first time.
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