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December 11, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-12-11

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VOL XXXI. No..58.



-- - - - - - - - I

Representative Mann Believes British
Will Adopt Drastic Methods
in Ireland
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Dec. 10.-Amendments
to the Johnson bill to reduce the two
year prohibition against immigration
to .the United States to 14 months and
charges that foreign governments are
"financing the movement of radicals
to the United States," marked today's
debate in the house on immigration
Adopt Ajneudmut
Adoption, by vote of 87 to 25 of the
amendment offered by Representative
Mann, Republican of Illinois, to re-
dupe the embargo period was a sur-
prise to advocates of the legislation
and constituted the first victory for
the opposition. Proponents of the
bill said they were positive it would
finally pass.
Representative Diann in an address
opposing the measure said he was
apprehensive that the "British gov-
ernment is likely to adopt more dras-
tic methods than it has up to the
present time' in dealing with the de-
plorable conditions in Ireland"; and
that under the terms of the bill "if
an Irishman seeks to escape from
the measures adopted by the British
government and succeeds in getting a
vessel which will carry htim from his
own shore to America he will be re-
turned by us to the British govern-
ment to be tried and convicted of
tre.son and perhaps to be hung."
"Europe Sends Radicals"
Representative Inutson, of Minne-
sota, provided one of the sensations
of the day's debate with a statement
that he was willing to state on his
reputation as a member of the house
that four governments are financing
the movement of. radicals from sever-
al countries in Furope to America.
He added that while .previous to the
war "ihmmigration from Spain w'as
practically unknown," on a recent
visit to Ellis island he had found 2,000
immigrants from Spain who had ar-
Dived In one clay,
"~pain is a seething mass of an-
archy," he declared, "and that govern-
ment is gathering these anarchists
up and dumping them onto us."
Jimmie Demands
A Wooly Sheep
somebgy sent a box of toys to the
H 'noopathic ,hospital the other day
for distribution n Christmas among
the poor children who are patients
there. JimInie, the four-year-old or-
phan who sleeps in the tiny cot in the
corner, happened to be in the office
of the social service worker when the
box arrived. Now no one knew just
what was in the box, so they opened
it while he was there,
It didn't take him long to find out

what the box contained. Children
like Jimmie are not so well acquaint-
ed with woolly sheep, and "choo-
choo" trains that they can affect an
attitude of indifference when they see
real toys. So he had a big time for a
But the toys had to be put away
for Christmas. There are many child-
ren in the hospital, and there must
be something for each of them on
Christmas day.
First there was a bit of a scene,
for Jimmie liked that woolly sheep
an4 he didn't want to relinquist it.
Fiially, aimid tears, he surrendered,
Put not until he had obtained a pron-
"Wppt some of them be mine? I
like the sheep," he managed to say,
for with his sobs and his deformity
he had a hard time talking. You see,
Jimmie has a cleft palate and hip up-
per lip refuses to act just as an up-
per lip should. But he could talk
enough to get the promise--an le
will have the woolly sheep.



Under the auspices of the Students'
Christian association, a banquet will
be tendered at 6 o'clock tonight in the
Union to Chase S. Osborn, ex-govern-
or and a former regent of this Uni-
versity, who is scheduled as the
speaker for the University service
Sunday night in Hill auditorium.
Tickets for the affair have been
placed on sale, and may be secured
at Lane hall.
Attempt to Hold Price of Coffee and
Milk Up Frustrated by
Cafeteria Managers
An attempt to hold the price of cof-
fee and milk at 10 cents was frus-
trated early this fall because several1
cafeteria proprietors refused to con-
sent to such a price, was learned
yesterday from J. A. Vandervest, pro-
prietor of a South University street
restaurant. "When I returned in the
fall I found that certain cafeterias
were going to attempt to charge 10
cents for coffee and milk, bt with
the help of two others, we pharged
only 7 cents and kept the price there.
Others were forced to cqme down. We .
thought thgt 10 cents was far too
Another cafeteria proprietor report-f
ed that he had been approached by
someone whom he supposed to be an
.gent, suggesting that the price be
made 10 cepts for both milk and cof-
High Profit Made on Pork r
Vandervest divulged te profits
which he is making on certain arti-
-les of food. For pork Phops hp is
getting 50 cents, on which he clains
he makes 15 cents. Asked why he
did not reduce this price since thet
decline in pork, he said that he had
been making no money on the dish
when the price of pork was up. "Any-l
'me who is getting more than 50
cents for pork chops and side dishes
without dessert is getting unwar-}
ranted profits," he said.
For a plate of pork and beans,
mashed potatoes and gravy, bread and1
butter, and a choice of tea, coffee andr
milk, he considered 30 cents the righta
price. Veal loaf should be 40 cents,
he thinks, and beef and lamb stews1
35 cents.
Pastry Charges Are Right f
Cuts of pie should be 10 cents, and
one pie should be divided into four
parts, and not five as is done at somel
places, he declared. Rolls and but-
ter, which have been reduced in pricer
only a very little by the bakers, he
sells for 10 cents and figures #is netl
profit at 3 cen:
"It is a case of pu peyr-chagging
for a dinner of which a three-fourthst
pound of steak is the main item, to bea
$1.25 when one can give one-halft
pound with the same side dishes for
50 cents and make money," he said.
Labor I Important Item
Labor is an important item in the
cost of serving and preparing food,
and as soon as this lowers, pafeteriaf
prices will fall considerably, he pre-r
dicts. "Cooks which are getting $40
a week this year will be working for
$20 next year, and students will see
a resultant drop in cafeteria prices,"
he said.

Freshman women will be the guestsI
of honor at the fortieth annual fresh-t
man spread to be given by the sopho-
mores at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Bar-
bour gymnasium. Leading of with a
gran4 march, the progr .in 7ill Qn-4
sist of dancing varied with t taor,
special and will 14st through the
everging uptll 11:Q o'clock.
Tp avoid confusion letters have been
placed around the gymnasium. Upper-E
classwomen will meet the first year
women under the initial of the fresh-
man's last name.
The freshman spread originated a
a dinner including only the fresh-
man 411cl sopioinore classes. Later
this developed intq a formal dance for
1il Cniversity women,



! r


Miller' and Whitlock Combination
Feature; Williams Defensive
Star of Game
Coming from behind early in the
first half and overcoming a four point
lead, Michigan's basketball team in-
augurated its season with a victory
over Kalamazoo college by the score
of 44 to 32. The contest was a fight
from start to finish and during the
early part of the first half the lead
was maintained by the visitors. By
superior passing and accurate shots
the Wolverines forged ahead of the
Kalamazoo five and emerged at the
end of the half with the long end of
a 29 to t7 secre
Fouls were frequent in the first
half and the visitors counted nine of
their points during that period by
milking free throws. Weiss throwing
free shots for the Varsity was able
to garner five out of eight attempts
during this period. Miller was the
high scorer for Michigan with five
baskets in the initial period. McKay'
for Kalamazoo counted all but two of
their 17 points in this period.
Wolverine Defense Strong
Defensively Michigan was far the
superior of the Kalamazoo team and
by its five man defense, was able to
keep the visitors' baskets at a mini-
mum, although the deadly accuracy
of McKay in making free throws kept
Mather's men busy tp maintain their
lead. Jack Williams played higusr
ual strong game at guard and broke
up repeated attempts of Kalamazoo
to score when under the basket. The
passing of Williams was also a bi
factor in Michigan's victory as the
big guard was always on hand andt
never faltered or failed to take ad-S
vantage of openings. Twice during
+he first half Jack broke loose and1
dropped the ball through the basketf
Rea as running mate for Williams
broke up the Kalamazoo offense and1
made some pretty tries for long shotse
although only one went through the
ring. In the second halt Peare re-f
placed Rea and played a strong de-,
fensive game although his passingt
was not alwaystaccurate.s s
Forwards Strong, Too s
All doubt as to the strength ofI
Michigan's forward positions was re-
moved when the Whitlock to Millert
combination began to work. Theset
big forwards lived up to expectationt
and made 2 counters dur.ing the
game. I passing and following upl
the hall Miller and Whitlock playedt
almost faultlessly while their at-t
tempts for baskets met with a fairt
degree of success. Weiss at center
outplayed the opposing pivot man in<
addition to handling the free throws
in a creditable manner,
Substitutions were made by Coachl
Mather in the second half when Pear-
man, Reason and Wilson were sentI
in for Weiss, Miller and Williams.I
(Continued on Page Eight) t
"If all reservations for points east,
Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Wash-
ington, Baltimore, and New York City
are made as soon as possible, I am
confident that we can take care ofE
them," stated J. E. Travis, local ticket
agent of the Pennsylana tailroadl
system, gesterdag.
Mr. Travis had an all day confer-
ene with James .M. Harris, traveling
passenger agent of the Pennsylvania
system, in which means of accommo-

dating the vacation rush gf stu-9
dents were discussed. It was decid-
ed that if the students did their share
in co-operating with the railroad by
sending in reservations early that
there was little possibility of Pull-
man space being sold out,
Students may make reservations by
phoning Mr. Travis at 1384-M or by
making a personal call at his resi-
dnce at 407 East Huron street.

Kubelik, Noted
Violinist, Will
Appear.Mion day
Jan Kubelik, violinist, who will ap-
pear in the Choral Union series Mon-
day evening, is reputed to be one of
the greatest artists of the time.This
phenomenal musician is conducting
his sixth tour of the United States and
The World war unavoidably post-
poned this tour through America and
compelled him to spend his time in
his native country, Czecho-Slovakia.
Showed Promise in Youth
Kubelik was born in 1880 in a
suburll of Prague, the son of a gar-
dener. Even as a child he showed
such great talent that he was placed
under the tutelage of an eminent
teacher, and later was sent to the
famous academy at Prague. After six
years at this school he made such
phenomenal successes that Vienna
bowed down before him. From then
on he began to travel, making hosts
of friends and admirers wherever he
went. Everywhere he was received
with enthusiasm which amounted al-
most to hysteria. His carriage was
drawn by his admirers, and Hofrat
Worz, in Vienna, wrote: "Give the
young man a violin in his hand, and
he will conquer the world."
Favorite of Critics
Not only as a box-office attraction
is Kubelik almost unique. Critics
have declared that as a technician and
artist he is among the foremost. His
dazzling technique, his amazing facil-
ity in passages of the greatest diffi-
culty, and his magnificent bowing
have electrified his audiences wher-
(Continued on Page Eight)
All preliminary business was trans-
acted at a meeting held last night,
of those desiring to become mem-
hers of the University of Michigan
post of the American Legion. A nom-
inating committee was appointed, and
questions such as eligibility of mem-
bers and purpose of the Legion were
Mr. Harry N. Cole, of the chemistry.
faculty, who served on the committee.
which was successful in obtaining
the charter, stated that all overseas
men, veterans of foreign wars, and
anyone inducted into the service of
his country are eligible to member-
ship. "Those belonging to posts of
the American Legion in their home
town may transfer their membership
to the local post," he declared.
"The American Legion is a non-
political and non-military organiza-
tion, and was formed to keep alive
that spirit of service existing during
the war," said Mr. Cole.
The committee appointed consisted
of Paul W. Eaton, '21; Harold A. Fur-
long, '21M; Arthur E. Coates, '21E;
Homer .A. Tuley, '24D, and James L.
Hess, '21L. These men will investi-
gate the desirability of certain men
proposed for officers, and make a re-
port at a meeting of the organiza-
tion to be held next Wednesday eve-
ning at the Union.

Men, women and faculty members
of the University from below the Ma-
son and Dixon line will be entertain-
ed from 9 to 5 o'clock this. fternoon
in Lane hall at a reception tendered
by the Dixie club. Music and other
features are on the program.
Delayed Technie Appears
Technic, the official magazine of
the Colleges of Enginering and Arch-
itecture, made its appearance yester-
day afternoon -after a press delay of
22 days. Practically all of the mate-
rial was in the pressroom by the first
of October, according to A. J. Stock,
'22E, editor of the college notes de-
However, as nearly all of the copies
are taken, care of by subscription, cir-
culation will not be materially af-




Tickets for the Glee and Mandolin1
club production, "Minstrelsy," will be
on advance sale for the last time
from 9 to 12 o'clock this morning in;
the Union lobby. The sale thus far1
has disposed of most of the tickets
for all three nights, though there stillI
remain some desirable seats.
Costumes for the show have been1
received from the Van Horn com-
pany, of Philadelphia, the costumers
of last year's opera. All the acts of
the second part have been specially1
costumed, and great care has been,
taken to avoid all anachronisms in3
outfitting the cast for the negro trav-
esty on Macbeth.
James McClintock, '21L, the inter-I
locutor, will annear in the court dress
of the period of Louis XIV. The Man-
dolin club members will wear eve -
ing clothes, while the Glee club will,
appear in tuxedos, both organizationsI
being in black-face.
As the result of an intensive cam-,
paign conducted during the past six
weeks by ex-service men on the cam-
pus, plans have been made provid-
ing for the enactment of a bill by the
Michigan state legislature whereby
free tuition in any educational insti-
tution in the state of Michigan will
be allowed to all residents of the
state who served for a period of six
months or more during the war.
In view of the fact that 15 states
have already passed similar measures
for the assistance of ex-service men
who realized actual financial loss due
to the war, many former service men
in the University have felt the need
of such legislation in Michigan.
Representatives Favorable
In reply to letters sent out by a
committee of ex-service men to mem-
bers of the state legislature, many
representatives stated that they would
give their hearty support to such a
The tentative bill now being drawn
up which provides for a refusal of
tuition for four years and a book al-
lowance of $50 yearly to any resid-
ent of the state of Michigan who serv-
ed in the army, navy or marine corps
at home or abroad for a period of six
months or more. It is probable that
the bill will be introduced into the
Michigan state legislature about the
middle of January.
Statistics Wanted
In order that all ex-service men
on the campus who will benefit by
this measure may become fully ac-
quainted with the facts, a meeting has
been called by the commander and
junior-commander of the University
post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
under whose auspices the campaign.
was launched. This meeting will take
place at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday eve-
ning in room 302 of the UnTion.
(Continued on page Eight)

Another extension of time was ren-
dered necessary in the Union swim-
ming pool drive yesterday when but
$7,962 was subscribed to the fund,
making a total of $27,618 to date. It
has been decided to continue the cam-
paign until a better showing is made,
even if this necessitates holding it
over until next week.
The fraternities and house clubs
have fallen down badly, but a small
percentage of the 1,477 subscription
cards having come from them. OfdI,
cials of the drive request that all men
handling the solicitation in the va-
rious houses render a report today.
1,477 Pledges Signed
R. E. Hunt, '23, was leading the
committeemen last night in the
amount of the pledges turned in, his
total being $1,830. S. D. Moeller, '21,
with the same number of cards as in
the report for Thursday night, was
first in total of cards signed, leading
the list with 26 to his credit.
With but 1,477 pledges to date, an
average of $34 per man will have to
be collected during the holidays if
the pool fund is to be raised. This is
considered too high an average to he:
realized by the solicitors, for while InC
a number of instances that amount.
will be greatly exceeded, it will not
be possible for the general run of
workers to approach it. Many of the
solicitors will have to work the same
territory, and this unavoidable dupli-
cation of effort will tend to cut down
the total of each one.
Five Signers Minimum
Officials of the campaign requested
last night that all .committeemen
make a final effort today to complete
their lists. In many cases men have
not reported a single pledge receiv-
ed, and it is considered that such a
record cannot be caused by anything
except carelessness on the part of
the solicitors. With a list of 20 pros
pects, each man should obtain a min-.
imum of five signers, it is thought.
The results of today's solicitatiotm
will determine whether or not the
drive is to be carried over into next.
To co-operate with the depatment
of, journalism at the Universty is the
motive of the various editors of the.
state who assembled here recently at
the convention of the University Press
club of Michigan.
E. J. Ottaway, '94, publisher of the
Port Huron Times-Herald and pres-
ident of the Press club, outlined a
method by which the editors and the
students in journalism could effect i
heartier co-operation. He introduces
his plan by pointing out that the Bar
association is in touch with the Law
school of the University, and that
medical circles throughout the state
work with the department here.
"It is no less probable that editors
in the state could co-operate with the
department of journalism in the Uni-
versity, with as many mutual advan-
tages as' are derived from the two,
other instances of working together.'*
Mr. Ottoway and a committee are to
call on President Burton during the
year and discuss with him matters
(Continued on Page Eight)
Friday afternoon, Dec. 17, is the
correct date for the All-University
student convocation, which was er-
roneously reported for yesterday aft-
ernoon. As originally announced in
The Daily official Bulletin, the con-

vocation will be held in Hill. auditor-
lum at 4:30 o'clock next Friday aft-
ernoon, Dec. 17.

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